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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Could he possibly be the “only guy in his area with long curly hair”? Then in just about every scene, it’s slicked back in a ponytail anyway. I wonder how Jen will like washing her hair in a bucket when she moves there. Will he share his regimen of products with her? My closed captioning said he referred to one as “onion oil” but I think he really said something like “argan oil.”
  2. Kris in her fairy Princess costume is the first nutcase of the new season. Jen is a dead ringer for the wife in the Holderness Family.
  3. I'm always surprised there aren't separate Live Chats for each iteration of 90 Days.
  4. Why didn't she just stay the hell HOME? No reason for her to go to the appointment, especially if she had no interest in hearing Dr. Now's advice and supporting his weight loss. Oh that's right, Aaron wanted to show off his new Itty Bitty Bride.
  5. Every season they seem to dig up another sibling who was never mentioned before and their actual relationship is vague.
  6. I’ll bet she DOES try again, at least once, for a girl. She said she was getting her tubes tied BEFORE she got the ultrasound results, when in her mind she was convinced she was having her perfect family of a boy and a girl. We’ve seen her ignore her doctors’ advice about getting pregnant so soon after WLS twice now and she never demonstrates good decision making skills. Even though she claims (as all parents do) that she wants her children to have all the advantages she didn't growing up, the actual affordability of raising a family probably doesn't enter her mind.
  7. You’re right again! This explains the complicated family tree. Darlene’s children were fathered by THREE different men, Misty by one man (who is deceased and his name isn’t mentioned) later Chris and Amanda by Combs and then Tammy and Amy by Slaton.
  8. You are remembering correctly. My question is, in the preview, whose funeral are they attending? I believe it's:
  9. thanks for the correction. It's confusing, but I read that Misty IS a full sister and they have a never mentioned brother Steven Slaton.
  10. Yes, this is the same Live Chat forum for all the 90 Day shows, but there will also be separate Episode Threads for The Other Way each week.
  11. Knowing the camera was rolling, she could have asked for a salad AGAIN if she really wanted to look compliant. My guess is that the food there is prepared with the residents' dietary needs in mind, like maybe the lasagna was a lower calorie "Lean Cuisine" version with a smallish portion or it was not a real, fat and sodium laden hot dog but some kind of healthier version.
  12. Maybe the doctor shouldn’t have asked Amy what she was hoping for BEFORE the ultrasound. The automatic response is usually “just a healthy baby” even if you’re really wanting a certain gender.
  13. The therapist, Dr. Connie Stapleton, was the same woman Amy and Tammy went to when they were both Dr. Proctor’s patients. Tammy was resistant to the process then and I remember thinking she couldn’t really relate to the thin, well put together therapist. She went with the attitude she didn’t need therapy and was sullen and barely spoke during the session. Dr. Stapleton appears to be Dr. Proctor’s go-to therapist as she’s recently been shown on “1,000 Lb. Best Friends” too.
  14. Watching now so I can answer. The name of the facility is Windsor Lane. This info from their website: “Windsor Lane Health Care is the nation’s only resource to specialize in skilled bariatric vent care and weight loss program for patients up to 1000lb. Our Bariatric Skilled Care includes a voluntary weight loss program and support system designed to help our patients meet their weight loss goals by learning how to manage their personal dietary balance needs, exercise, therapy and gaining knowledge to assist them in successfully returning home.” Tammy had said she was “in charge of her diet” so it appears that learning to choose healthy foods is part of the process. She did ask for just a hot dog without the roll. I recall last season when Tammy was on the brink of death and Darlene was crying, she mentioned that Tammy was her only child to have graduated high school with honors.
  15. Okay, I missed it. Who were those other big gals at the end with Lacey, especially the one who was Deep Throating the marshmallow?
  16. I’ve been watching, just not chatting. Mr. Magemaud was mesmerized by Lacey’s fall as she kept on rolling out of the car.
  17. I find them totally distracting and that's all I can focus on. I find myself questioning things like "Wow, did that hurt?" "How does it stay on?" "How do you clean it?" etc.
  18. Yara probably always pictured herself in a cosmopolitan US city, toting a little dog in a designer carrier a la Paris Hilton, instead of being tied down with a human child for the foreseeable future.
  19. It certainly appeared to make it difficult for Darcey and Stacey when they made a half-assed attempt to try it
  20. I found this info: "According to the Modest Muse, a website specialising in Muslim teachings, breast surgery is permissible if there is an incidental disfigurement of the breast that is causing severe embarrassment. Modifying the breasts is also permissible if the shape or size is off-putting to a woman's husband." So I guess if Bilal is turned off by their small size, she could get her boobs done? We'll never know since he's the only person who would ever have any idea how they look under those baggy clothes
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