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Everything posted by Jodithgrace

  1. So, the actually gave the serial killer, a guard named Suriel? Was that supposed to be a joke? If I could predict every single thing that happened, why couldn’t the damn police? Massive stupidity all around. I will never watch Rookie Feds (terrible name) if it’s the last thing on tv. They can do all the crossovers they want. Ugh…one more week of Rosalind! Kill her, already!
  2. One word of advice, Rhaenyra: peroxide. Could have saved a lot of trouble, I’m just sayin’. Though I suppose the fact that the kids aren’t of mixed race could also be counted as a tell. But if Rhaenyra could just have conjured up some white dreadlocks for her kids, the rest could be overlooked. I really liked Laena, even if I did keep expecting to to start singing about Alexander Hamilton. She went out like a true dragon rider, knowing she and the baby couldn’t survive. Both of Alicent’s boys seem a little off, I guess the legendary Targaryen insanity has to start somewhere. Rhaenyra’s sons, OTOH seem much more normal, though the prank with the pig was nasty. I suspect Aegon was the mastermind behind it, though.
  3. Westeros Weddings! Ugh! I was so stressed out through that whole nightmare. So what is up with Vicerys’ arm? Has he got greyscale on top of his other assorted ailments? Watching him wrestle with whatever he was trying to eat at that feast was also stressing me out. I’m sure that bleeding him some more will clear that right up. So after that bloodbath of a rehearsal dinner, they decide to hold the wedding right then? I mean indiscreet boyfriend’s blood is still there on the floor…not to mention that of the Father of the bride. So Daemon talks big, but kind of lacks on the follow through, apparently. It seems weird that there will be a time jump when so little has been resolved.
  4. That antique apartment was an obvious fake. Nobody would rent out an apartment with all those knickknacks and stuff everywhere. It reminds me of a hotel room my husband and I once stayed in in China. Every surface was covered with stuff, vases and tea pots etc, all for sale. We just shoved it all to one side and into the closet so we had room for our own stuff. Never saw anything like it. If the realtor had said, “Oh, the owner would remove all these personal items if you decide to rent,” I might have considered it as a possibility. The bathroom in the second apartment wasn’t ugly, just bland, needing bright shower curtains and towels. The twins were cute, though, and brave going out on their own like that right out of college.
  5. I’ve never heard of a UTV. I know that ATVs are All Terrain Vehicles, so what does the U stand for? So Cabo Chris went for the huge monster mansion. After all his griping about cost, he went right for the most expensive option with hardly a qualm. He must be very successful. i was very pleased to see HHI back on my schedule after only one missed Thursday night. I have no idea what caused that hiccup, but I’m happy that the season isn’t over quite yet.
  6. That crab feeder dude is majorly creepy. Did the king forget that he had his hand in a bowl of maggots? I know they were eating dead flesh, so it shouldn’t exactly hurt, but he seemed a bit too blasé about it, if you ask me. What was Alicent doing that caused her father to accuse her of mangling herself? I couldn’t see it. I think she owed her BFF at least a heads up about the impending marriage. What girl wouldn’t want her Dad to marry her best friend? Rhaenerys is a total badass, even at 15. She showed up both her uncle (Matt/Daemon, I love it!) and Lord Otto in one fell swoop. But Otto got her back pretty darn quick. it was good to hear the theme again, but I’m not sure I got the visuals. Lots of blood flowing and messing up the little clockwork pinwheels. I miss the little clockwork kingdoms.
  7. My cat showed no interest in the show at all. However, he is already plotting against me, so he was probably feigning indifference. For some reason, it never occurred to me that the Author was raping Calliope, though it’s obvious to me now after reading the comments. I’m not a comic reader. I thought a bezoar was something found in the stomach of a goat, and was much smaller than that huge thing. Of course I did all my research by reading Harry Potter. Edited to add: I looked up bezoar and it is just a ball of undigested stuff like hair which can be found in the stomachs of different animals, including humans.
  8. With that long white blonde hair, I half expected Matt Smith to grab a bow and go looking for hobbits. So far, I’m interested, but that was brutal, from Daemon bringing “law and order,” to that free for all joust, to that horrendous childbirth scene. I spent half the show watching between my fingers. On GOT, they always claimed that the iron throne was designed to be uncomfortable, so that the kings never got complacent, but that throne was positively lethal. I wonder if that non healing wound on the king’s back will do him in eventually. Especially since he keeps sitting there.
  9. This isn’t good. My DVR, which is set to record only new episodes, has nothing scheduled after this Tuesday. Does this mean that this “season” is over, and we can’t expect any new episodes until 2023, or do they just take some kind of break? What am I expected to do without my weekly dosage of quirky couples with fake conflicts, inspecting phony properties, so that they can live in cities that I envy? No more five foot ceilings, or toilets off the kitchen? No more searching for three bedroom, two bath properties on the beach but in town, walking distance to everything but secluded, all for $800 per month? Say it isn’t so!
  10. Not so long, alas. He’s once again a semi cabbage widower.
  11. As soon as I saw Ken’s dream, I immediately thought, that’s London. There’s no reason why he couldn’t be dreaming that he and Barbie were in London. They might have gone there on vacation or on their honeymoon. I had a real problem watching the abuse stuff, though being “rescued “ by Corinthian isn’t necessarily an improvement. Rose is always just too late. And Morpheus was a real creep in this episode, not letting her get the info in time.
  12. Saul and Kim each had their own ways of turning themselves in. Kim did it directly. Saul did it by self sabotage. The whole point of the cabbie break ins is that the victim never knows he’s been robbed. Nothing is taken except identity stuff, and the poor schlub has no clue as to how his identity is stolen. It was practically a perfect crime. But after the phone call with Kim, Saul is on a self destruct path. He breaks a window, makes unnecessary noise (piano) and when he should be done and out of there, and the cab is waiting outside, he goes upstairs and steals watches, not to mention was he even wearing gloves? Jeffy tries to help him by crashing his cab, to distract the police, so Saul can sneak out, but by then the “drunk guy” is awake and aware that he’s been robbed. So instead of a ticket for careless driving, Jeff gets accused of robbery. Cue Marion. I think that Saul was just sitting there in that chair in the dark waiting for it all to crash down on him. And then it did. Yes he ran, but that’s just the instincts of a rat. Anyway, that’s how I saw it
  13. I suspect that Saul/Gene never got to speak to Kim. He hit some kind of firewall, which is why he was so angry and frustrated. I can imagine Kim having all sorts of measures in place to make sure he can’t reach her, even though he knows where she is. He can’t leave and track her down in Florida so he turns his frustration into a new scam. Because He just can’t do it. Saul just cannot live a normal life. And we have seen time and again that he is incapable of leaving well enough alone. He and the guys had a well oiled racket with the stolen identities, but in the end, he had to sabotage it. If Kim had answered him, he might have kept going, but without her, he is heading straight down the tubes.
  14. At least now we know why Saul’s house is so tacky. Kim would never have approved of that monstrosity. This is Saul indulging his own taste, or lack thereof. I do hope we get another glimpse of Kim before the end. I want to know what becomes of her.
  15. It was obviously not a real option for them. Sometimes the choices are more fake than others. This was one of the obvious fakes.
  16. Total unspoiled speculation here…could big ball of fire be Harlen?
  17. That was a surprise! I mean, I predicted every single thing that happened right up until they failed to save the cute kid! Don’t they always save the cute kid? Yikes! That was dark. I see that Pike has already begun the tradition that Kirk will cheerfully carry on…that of having a girl on every planet. Was his hair especially tall this week? Amazing how so many planets have Oxygen based breathable air (and people who look just like humans except for a few decorative facial swirls.) It’s like they don’t even check any more, just beam down. Uhura’s security training was a fun sub plot. But right after La’an chided Uhura about not letting her phaser do the exploring, we see Spock rooting through debris bare handed without a care in the world.
  18. I don’t understand the bat situation. Bats sometimes live in people’s attics, but they roost in there in the daytime, and go out and hunt at night. The scene made it seem like the bats were somehow trapped in the attic, and Kathleen with the snowblower, breaks the window and lets them out. And that was the least confusing part of the episode. They go from one scene where Mike’s brother is discussing the possible hearing for the retrial with David, to David leaving what could be the same room to complain to Sofia about Michael not taking the plea. So confusing!
  19. The watergate break in happened literally the night before my wedding. We spent most of our first year of marriage watching and listening to the hearings. I think this series is doing a terrific job of bringing those days to life. The incredible bumbling and stupidity of all the President’s men is at once hilarious and horrifying. The meeting in the Oval Office with John Mitchell and the 4 stooges, where they try to get him to take all the responsibility on tape, was just perfect. G Gordon Liddy’s inspiring anecdote about his nanny invoking Hitler while his wife looks on adoringly is another. Some really great moments all along. The curiously adult daughter, Jeb Magruder’s stress peeing, and Maureen Dean managing her husband’s Michael Cohening are all great fun. I wish more people were watching this.
  20. I was really shocked that Nacho died because I had misremembered him as being in Breaking Bad, so I knew he was safe. I even thought his death was somehow faked, until Hector used him for target practice. Jimmy/Saul and Kim work so well together as partners in crime. Makes me really want to know what happens, since she, I do know, isn’t in Breaking Bad. Kim is so smart, feeding the Suzanne incriminating evidence against her own client, making Suzanne feel obligated to return the favor. It paid off when Suzanne gave her the heads up about the Salamanca business. It’s always good policy to do unsolicited favors for people, making them much more likely to help you out in the future. At least if you’re in the sleazy law business.
  21. I’ve never seen a front runner so thoroughly shoot himself in the foot as Jackson did tonight. I’ve been rooting for him, especially since he seemed to be compensating for his loss of taste/smell so brilliantly. But tonight? That was just awful. Chefs have botched FOH for lots of reasons, usually because their team is in the weeds, or because they don’t have the expertise. But Jackson just kind of…blew it off? So weird. And then his belated midnight confession. I heard him telling one of the diners about his condition, and then saying that he didn’t tell the judges because he didn’t want to be sent home. I mean, he does know this is all televised, right? Restaurant wars always stresses me out for some reason. I just hate it when things go wrong, it feeds into my entertaining anxieties. But at least both restaurants were at least pretty good, despite the unfortunate quirks of Jackson’s team’s. Deserving winners, all around.
  22. That was quite a metaphor going on there at TC. Let’s see, you have to chose to get in a car, but maybe it’s the wrong car, or maybe it’s the right car but it only has four seats so you have to ride in the trunk. Do you drive or just go along for the ride? And what if they stop at a gas station and you get out to go to the bathroom and they leave without you? whew! At least wear your seatbelt!
  23. But on recent years that whole thing has been debunked. Apparently you can go swimming as soon as you want after eating. It bothers me when people complain that having 4 bedrooms/bathrooms means more maintenance. Close the doors of the rooms you aren’t using. Only open the ones you need to give them a quick dust before the guests arrive. Afterwards set them up with clean sheets etc and close the doors again. Though of course if she meant that vast living room, I can see her point in that it is a large floor to wash. But it’s always preferable to have both husband and wife participate in keeping a house clean.
  24. But that might be coming. We know that there will be an episode featuring Rebecca and Miguel’s story, and that may well show the uglier side of dementia, interspersed with past scenes showing the progression of their relationship.
  25. Randall gave the perfect speech, short, sweet, and to the point. I thought to myself, "Great! Now sit down, Randall." Alas, turns out he was only taking a breath, before launching into his depressing diatribe. Oh well, tv characters never listen to me, even when I talk out loud. I think the only problem with the girls being missing, was the family photo. I can understand the casting issue, if the girls were going to have lines, but for the photo, they could have aged up Deja, and basically used extras for the other two. It was at a distance, and we don't know what Annie and Tess look like at this age, so they didn't have to go to the trouble of casting look alike actors, like they usually do. Miguel is a prince. He didn't punch Randall, who was being at his very Randallist. I think Phillip's response to Rebecca's singing was perfect. After all, he teaches music to special needs kids and understands the power of music. He seems to compliment Kate. She doesn't need another intense person, like Toby was. They were always crashing into each other. Phillip seems to be the calm, nothing ruffles him, English person she needs. What he sees in her, however, I don't know.
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