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Everything posted by Jodithgrace

  1. I guess resort #2 didn’t need a pool because it was already sitting in a lake. Honestly all that mud would be a giant turn off for me, though hopefully I would plan to not be visiting in the rainy season. Sure…I don’t know anything about owning or running a hotel, so let’s buy two!
  2. Damn…Lupe really got in on the ground floor in Cabo. Her grandchildren must be millionaires!
  3. I had been this way and that about David, whether or not he was a good guy. I mean preachers in these type of shows are never good guys, but thus far the show has been good at twisting tropes, and he did seem compassionate. But then he sat down at the table where everybody was eating soup, and was served a big honking plate of meat, and I knew right away he wasn’t a good guy. Then 20 seconds later he slapped the girl and removed all doubt. The problem with fishing is that unless the lake was stocked with giant marlin, or some such, it would take a huge amount of normal sized fish to feed a group that size. And fishing in such cold weather isn’t easy. Hunting provides better buck for the bang. (Sorry) And here I was wondering if the people would turn their noses up at eating horse meat, and then I thought hungry people will eat just about anything. Little did I know…
  4. I don’t know which was more annoying, Nigel and his 5th Avenue whine or the fact that my closed captioning insisted on spelling “quiet,” as “quite.” I know that I’m old, but I do not understand “content” as he describes it. Am I supposed to be tuning in somewhere to see videos of him and his family in Mexico? I have absolutely no interest in that. Are there people who do? And if so, how does he make any money out of it? From what little I saw, (Here we are walking down the street!) he should have stayed with the CDC.
  5. Monica + wood chipper= a match made in heaven! I did enjoy the way nobody at the LAPD bought one single thing she said. But Elijah is still in the picture? Ugh! I refuse to watch the stupid crossover, but is it too much to ask that they could at least get Abril? Daddy and Me traffic school. Is that even a thing? Tim and Lucy are talking about having kids so casually like it’s the next thing on their to do list.
  6. I’m speculating based on, oh I don’t know, every tv show I’ve ever seen, that if we aren’t shown for sure and certain that a character is dead, they probably aren’t. And naturally HBO isn’t going to give away the farm by showing Joel in the previews. That said, his situation is certainly dire. A gut wound is a horrible way to die and infection (no not that kind) is a major risk even if she gets him to help, but this is fiction, after all. I did wish that Joel and Ellie could have stayed in Jackson for at least a couple of days to regroup, but I can see days turning into weeks. And it could turn bad for them if Ellie’s secret got out and anybody saw her bite scars. So getting out quickly was their best bet. Joel has never been inappropriate with Ellie. Ellie, on the other hand, speaks inappropriately to everybody, not just him. At first I found her language off putting, but now it just makes me chuckle, especially when people react to her. I don’t see even the hint of an inappropriate relationship between them.
  7. Speaking of illogical, next week seems to be a Valentines Day episode, while last night was literally Valentines Day! Did somebody mess up the episode order? I could have waited a week to see more Elijah, believe me. I know that Nolan’s mother was a criminal con artist type, but heroin? That seems a step up from pyramid schemes and rip off beauty products. I half expected Elijah to show up at her door, if he hadn’t been otherwise occupied of course. I seem to have missed how Nolan’s old girlfriend was involved. He ran into her in the street and the next thing, she was bringing them sandwiches, and was giving them the news of the foreclosure. Was she a realtor, a lawyer? Given Nolan’s taste in women, probably both.
  8. Also, I don’t know how things work in England, but wouldn’t the report that was mailed with no stamp be returned to sender? Though now that I think of it, when I was a kid, in the 1950s, letters would sometimes arrive “postage due,” and the recipient would have to pay to get their letter. Would the ministry pay the postage? I don’t understand that nasty ministry man. Obviously James and Helen had come to prevent an erroneous report from being filed, which is kind of the opposite of covering things up. I can’t stand people who refuse to listen to explanations. So it looks like Tristan is signing up as well. I guess Siegfried is going to have a busy war.
  9. My anachronism was from last week, but it was repeated in the recap, “It is what it is.” I’m pretty sure that’s modern usage. Poor Mrs Hall, haunted for years by her decision to let her son go to prison. At least he finally unbent enough to ask for the shortbread, even if he didn’t end up with it. The deaf lady reading his lips was a nice touch at the end. And poor Tristan, watching Siegfried treat that young student like he always dreamed of being treated himself. But, on the other hand, how many potatoes did he think he and Siegfried were going to eat? Helen and James weren’t even there. I could have used those lip readers tonight. My sound kept going off, and I had to turn my tv off and on repeatedly. It’s not my set. The same thing happened last week while watching this show. Edited to add: “It is what it is” is older than I thought, but still not quite old enough. It dates back to 1949, but I don’t believe it became the ubiquitous creature it is until recently.
  10. Thinking of crypto currency and wondering if they can still afford their rent. I wonder why none of the “realtors” in France episodes are ever French.
  11. I just got a kick out of how tall he was. (6’9”) I used to date a guy who was 6’7” and I recall that he just filled up a doorway when he arrived. He made me at 5’8” feel petite. But they were a lovely couple. I hope their business is successful, but I can only judge by how many episodes there are of HHI how many people are moving to foreign countries. House #3 was amazing, but they made the wise choice despite claustrophobic ceilings for him. It all about location, and price.
  12. I was hospitalized with fungal pneumonia several years ago. And while I did turn into a zombie for a couple of days, (or so it seemed) I’m mostly normal now. There was definitely medication to treat it, but maybe not so in 2003. Im neither a gamer nor a big zombie fan, but so far I’m finding this entertaining. I think Ellie is a hoot.
  13. I liked this couple also, but I was sorry that she had given up nursing. I understand that a lot of nurses and medical professionals got totally burned out during Covid. I can’t blame her at all. I just hope that after a couple of years of leisure she will get back into it. I’m sure they need nurses in Mexico. It’s just such a necessary profession.
  14. I think he meant he would be listening to lectures, not giving them, so he needed a semi private place to do that.
  15. I laughed when the wife complained about the yellowness of the kitchen and thought it must be my tv, because it didn’t look yellow, at which point the husband and realtor both said, “Yellow?” Obviously the wife had been cast as the “dissenter” who didn’t like apartment #2, which was perfect for them. Otherwise, they were a very cute couple, and #2 was really a good choice.
  16. I’m wondering where Dubai girl is planning to wear all those clothes. From what I know, Sidney is very casual, and Cairns even more so. If I were her, I would sell them all on consignment and start fresh with Australia appropriate clothes. But that’s me. I’ve flown Emirates Airlines and recognized her uniform immediately. Dubai is an extremely expensive city to live in, but maybe she started out as a stewardess and worked her way into a better job. She did find a job in finance once in Australia, which is not something that a regular stewardess could do. She is really going to have to loosen up a bit about the wildlife. It’s encouraging to see that she’s made peace, if not friends, with the resident spider. I would have picked up that blue tongued lizard in a heartbeat.
  17. I think the scone was a fake out, since Jen gave him a plausible excuse for the DNA. And if the FBI guy had died of poison, that would open up an entirely new can of worms. Of course, Jen wouldn’t have been too upset if he had choked to death, but she didn’t deliberately poison him. I didn’t dislike season 2, but I laughed out loud more times in season 3 than in both previous seasons together. The banter between the two was hilarious, even when they were talking about horrendous things. I mean, Bitch Cassidy? The ending had a definite Beaches vibe. Linda Cardinelli even looked like Barbara Hershey by the end there. I did laugh at the concept of them escaping to a beach vacation, considering that they literally live in Laguna Beach, with the ocean practically at the doorstep. All of Steve’s assets were seized by the FBI, and his accounts frozen, which is why Jen couldn’t cash the huge check. But apparently the FBI either didn’t know about the Mexican beach house, or they couldn’t touch it because it’s in Mexico. Ben might very well inherit it, which would be very nice for Jen and him. Ben’s a lovely guy, when sober, so hopefully the rehab sticks. Did Jen tell him about killing Steve at the end? Possibly. They might have reached the point where he could accept it. I guess Jen’s financial woes are over, since Ben is due to inherit that huge house, and if the case against Steve is ever closed, that check can be cashed, since that money seems to have been more or less legit, though Judy did have that larcenous side and knew that the sale of her paintings was bogus. My daughter told me about this show over turkey on Thanksgiving and I just finished bingeing it over leftovers. I loved it.
  18. When I saw that people had to ride bikes after the Roadblock, I was really worried about Emily. But it didn’t seem to bother her. Those glass sheets looked so heavy. Thank goodness they had people to assist them. What annoyed me was that we couldn’t see if the person got the painting correct because either the angle was wrong or there was sun glare on the glass. Either way, I only knew when the judge gave them a thumbs up that they had done it correctly. I would have like to have seen what the judges saw. Lots of sardine angst. That seemed much the easier option, but the one pair who chose the paddle board option had way more fun, and got it done quickly, whereas the sardiners kept dropping fish and generally making a hash of things. I like sardines, but these ones still had guts, which I found unappealing. El cubo was cool…what is that?
  19. So, did they show this segment in Britain, or did you just get Winston Churchill on replay? Sigh…tomorrow I’m doing a presentation on the US Plains Indians and what happened to them…it’s the same old story. We white people have a lot to answer for, I’m afraid.
  20. That was a truly sad competition this week. I’ve watched countless cooking shows and while I have never made puff pastry cups like that, I’m sure I could have told them all what they were doing wrong. If they’d only had me to backseat drive! And for heavens sake, turn on your &@#$ oven! Was it Sandro who forgot? Arggh! Yeah, I didn’t get the story told in pies thing, either. Sybira was lucky her pies turned out well, because she is the worst artist. She shouldn’t be penalized for that, but that’s why I don’t like those kinds of challenges. Janusz turns out works of art every week, but the baking isn’t always up to snuff. How many people told him to add cream to his pastry cream, when it was stodgy? If he had folded whipped cream into his pastry cream, it would have lightened up and he could have used it. Maxy started off really well, but every week she got worse and worse, it seemed. I remember another week a few years ago when everybody did so poorly that they almost didn’t have a star baker. I remember Paul reading them all the riot act. I didn’t see anything like that this week. Maybe he yelled at them off camera. (Unless, of course, I am just imagining the whole thing)
  21. According to Jeff Probst, Dwight could not have handed the idol back to Jeanine at any time during voting. Once Jeff asks if there are any idols, advantages, etc and starts to read the votes, that’s it. Dwight had it, he didn’t use it and it was null and void as soon as Jeff read the first vote. That’s the downside of playing musical idols.
  22. What does this show have against redheads?
  23. Ugh! I hate the stupid competition between Nolan and Bailey. This is working its way up to being the most annoying wedding ever!
  24. One thing I have learned about the race is that while racers don’t know specifically where they are going, they do have a general idea of what countries, because of the visas they have to get. I think they even used to get the racers unnecessary visas to throw them off the track, but I don’t know if they still do that now that traveling has gotten so complicated.
  25. 45 minutes is really nothing. In the pre-Covid era of the show, flights would sometimes leave an hour or two apart, and teams really had to fight to make up that time. 45 minutes is one slow roadblock by the team ahead of you. My daughter knows a little Arabic (her husband is Jordanian) so I have to ask her how they manage a language with only consonants. I was impressed at how well the teams learned those letters. I got a kick out of the dancing instructor. “Stop bouncing. Do not bounce at all!”
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