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Everything posted by Jodithgrace

  1. The only reason I knew that the song was supposed to be “Roxanne,” was because I watch with closed captions, and I recognized the lyrics. Well, Alyson Hannigan did make it clear, during her “Buffy” days, that singing and dancing are not her thing. She is correct. If I ever voted for this show, I would have voted for her any way, because she was so cute. Thank you, show, for getting rid of the Tyrant. Alfonso and Julianne are okay…a little too over excited, but they’ll calm down. I refused to watch this show on Disney+ so I was so happy to see it pop back up on my DVR.
  2. Well, they did entertain the idea of letting family sleep in the living room, I guess, because they were concerned about overnight guests having to trapse through their bedroom to get to the bathroom. I can understand that that is not a desirable situation and was part of the dealbreaker on that place.
  3. I never understand when a judge disparages an avant garde look as being “costumy.” Um…what else could it possibly be? You can’t wear it on a regular red carpet or to a club…by it’s very nature, it’s supposed to invoke stares, and make people think. Sounds like a costume to me. I was glad that Brittany made it. They keep saying that she is referential, but she designs sportswear! How original can she be, unless she has people wearing shorts on their heads, or whatever? I just felt bad that the cool iridescent fabric she used came off as dull gray on the runway. Rami does seem like an awesome person, but that look was a mess. I thought Laurence should have won, though Bishmi’s was fun. He will have the more interesting collection, that’s for sure. '
  4. They should be read in order because the the characters do grow and change over the years. The books are really good, and I feel like Anne Hillerman has done a respectable job of carrying on for her father, though her books are more Bernie centric than her father’s were. That doesn’t bother me though, since I love Bernie and Chee together. The Blessing Way is the very first book of the series, but you won’t recognize Jim Chee. Lol
  5. I thought the mother was going to get a job at NASA, she was so interested in space! I couldn’t believe how cheap the apartments were!
  6. So scary white guy has now become super annoying white guy. Ugh. A whole episode of him kvetching! So aggravating! And why did Leaphorn empty his gun of all but one bullet? Chee is a total idiot, once again opening his door without looking through the peephole. BTW, In the early books he dated Mary Landon, but here he doesn’t seem to have any connection with her at all. All I could think at the end was, Leaphorn…go to the hospital! We get it…you’re mad, but you dying of sepsis isn’t going to help anything.
  7. I think they should encourage a romance between his father and her mother. That way they can free up a bedroom for the baby as she gets older.
  8. I liked the detail of the kid turning his collar up like Chee’s. It would have taken one second for Chee to have hung up that phone instead of letting it dangle for the killer to find. Scary killer’s cheek scar kept coming and going. I think he covered it with makeup when he put on the brown wig. But I think he’s going to need more than a little pancake to cover the mess he’s got going on now. Being a gourmet chef and all, I couldn’t tell if he really did like the eyeball stew or if he was just BSing the old woman to keep her calm. I assume he killed her before taking her horse.
  9. Did nobody watch this? It was fun. New Zealand is so incredibly gorgeous, and Sam and Graham aren’t bad either. It’s got the same “plot” as last time. Graham is presented as a scholarly gentleman, and Sam an adrenaline junkie, and they do all sorts of scary things together all over NZ this time, instead of Scotland. Graham has been living there since he was in The Hobbit (which I didn’t even know) There was a show a few years ago now called The Bucket List. It only ran for two seasons, but it had 4 older gentlemen (Terry Bradshaw, George Foreman, William Shatner, and Henry Winkler) and some young comedian who I didn’t know, traveling around the world doing things that they’d never done before. The four were hilarious, mocking each other and really enjoying all of the weird food, and strange experiences. This show reminds me of that one, though with way more adrenaline!
  10. I guess they couldn’t really have Jamie spending the rest of the series with only 4 fingers on his right hand…what a pain that would be to film. I was wondering though, right until he held up his hand to show me. Considerate of him. I am in the middle of rereading the books at the moment…I’m about 1/3 of the way through Go Tell the Bees. I was sure this episode was going to end with Roger and Buck getting to Lallybrock, only to find Brian Fraser. I thought that would be a fun cliffhanger to end on, not that I approve of season ending cliffhangers. I know they have to leave out quite a lot from the books, given that the books are massive and dense with detail, but they things they choose to show, they do very faithfully (finger amputation excepted) I’m sad at yet another droughtlander. I noticed that they finally memorialized sinaid O’Conner in the closing credits
  11. A couple of questions: How do these lizard creatures build and fly ships? They act like mindless horror movie monsters, but obviously they have intelligence and come from a culture that is advanced enough for space travel It’s hard for me to reconcile the two things. Also, why is it when a villain is about to do something fatal, such as pulling off Spock’s face mask, they always pause dramatically, just long enough to be foiled? It’s a trope I find irritating. Not that I wanted Spock to be killed, you understand. I hate and despise season ending cliff hangers. Especially now with the writers’ strike seeming to be never ending. It was fun meeting Scotty. I wonder if we are going to end up meeting all of the TOS regulars by the end of the series. They are all alive and active…somewhere. .
  12. What interested me was that guy he seemed to be on a date with. I swear, the guy was his clone! They showed them together in the first segment, and I assumed it was going to be about two brothers, but it was just the one guy. Later, they showed the two climbing some tall building, and I just wondered if he just dates guys who look exactly like himself.
  13. M’benga sang two solo lines. Kind of like Alison Hannigan in OMWF. He sounded fine, but did announce, “I do not sing,” after the opening song.
  14. In my opinion, nothing will ever be as good as the Buffy musical. I still listen to it today. That said, I really enjoyed this. I thought that the songs were enjoyable, though all kind of in the same style, and the voices surprisingly good. I also appreciated the Buffy shout outs, as well as the Hitchhiker’s Guide reference (improbability drive) I laughed out loud at the Klingons sounding like a boy band on helium. I agree that if they had sung opera, they wouldn’t have found that demeaning, but k-pop? That’s war worthy.
  15. That younger guy was so annoying, “I want, I want, I want!” That second house was very weird with no privacy for either bathroom. The one bathroom was right in the bedroom (!) and the other one was sandwiched between the main bedroom and the third bedroom with no doors. And I have never seen such a ginormous hot tub in a private home. Definitely not a pool. I'm sorry, Justice, but happiness is not measured in square footage.
  16. I really have to divorce this series from the books. This is not my Jim Chee, the earnest and quite religious young cop. Who is this swinger in the polyester suit? Ugh! That said, the show is entertaining enough, and there aren’t that many shows out there worth watching. I just have to forget that I have read every book Tony and Anne Hillerman have written.
  17. Here’s something that I’m confused about. I’m rereading the books at the moment but haven’t gotten this far, yet. Do the stones “charge” one gem per customer or do they consume all of the gems you have? What I mean is, can you bring extra gems through with you, to ensure your ability to return? Does Roger even have any gems with him when he goes after Jem? I know that gem’s function seems to be steering the person to where they want to go. Is that why Roger gets lost? I’ve totally forgotten this part from the books.
  18. Has anybody seen the first episode? Hilarious. Jon Hamm is really funny as amnesiac Gabriel.
  19. Whether or not one likes the opening theme sung by Sinaid O’Conner (I do, personally) I’m surprised that there wasn’t an “In Memoriam” notice in the credits. Lots of big stakes in tonight’s episode, Jem missing in the stones, a traveler from the past…first time we’ve seen one of them, and Jamie looking downright dead at the very end, though I suspect he isn’t. Poor William. He wanted to go to war, and now he has. Not quite what he imagined, I don’t think.
  20. I, for one, was totally shocked that the Chekov’s parsley (a little is delicious, a lot will kill you) didn’t come into play. And by Checkov, I mean the playwright, of course, not the TOS officer. I was sure the ambassador was going to drop dead during dinner, and the episode would be a mystery about who killed him. I was also confused by the ending. And when M’benga was packing up at the end, it seemed kind of final, like he was leaving the ship, but I haven’t heard anything about the actor leaving. So, does that mean that next week he’ll be singing and dancing? Kind of a weird follow up. I hope that the musical episode will be like Buffy’s Once More With Feeling, which uncovered riffs and secrets, and wasn’t a happy, feel good episode, despite the humor and terrific music.
  21. It was the non twin who hated the green wall, so maybe one of the twins took that room. The reveal was only a month later, so she might not have gotten around to painting it yet.
  22. I got a kick out of the realtor throwing in a bit of Cockney rhyming slang, “apples and pears, stairs. I missed seeing exactly how much living space they had after using a large chunk of it as a third bedroom.
  23. TOS made its debut when I was in HS. Believe it or not, my family had ONE television, and my parents pretty much controlled it. They had no interest in Star Trek, so we didn’t watch it. I think I saw an episode or 2 at Friday night parties. I only discovered Star Trek during TNG. I didn’t enjoy old episodes of TOS when I came upon them, because I found the special effects and acting to be cheesy compared to TNG. I only got to know the TOS characters through the movies which I did enjoy. My favorite Trek series is DS9, which I have rewatched in recent memory. I enjoy SNW because I have no expectations nor comparisons with TOS. I also enjoyed DIS for the same reason. Spock had a sister no one had ever heard of? Fine with me. I did have an issue with those crazy looking Klingons, though. Lol I just love the concept behind Star Trek…a future world with equality between races and sexes (more or less) where people work together to make a better, uh, universe.
  24. While this episode did absolutely nothing to compel me to watch Lower Decks, I did enjoy it. I liked all the hints of the “future” careers of our present cast of characters. Grinning Spock was creepy. I do admire how Ethan Peck contrasted Spock’s present experimental emotions with his actual human emotions in the episode where he lost his Vulcan DNA. I wonder what does change him into the Spock we know in TOS. I remember when Data got his emotion chip in TNG. At first he was OTT until he learned to control himself. Maybe Spock will just gradually, over time, redevelop his Spockness, as we know it, and not all of a sudden because of one traumatic event.
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