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Everything posted by Jodithgrace

  1. I too predicted thalidomide. Gah! The wisdom of hindsight and history, heh? I don't know what's worse..the dead lesbian cliche or amnesia, for heaven's sake! I guess it's good that Delia wasn't Tara-fied and still could recover in some future season..maybe 20 years later when she can actually be in a relationship without being hit by a truck! Poor Patty..poor Trixie, poor me..with no more Call The Midwife to look forward to, until next year! Confession: My mother died in 2007, and I still have her ashes hanging around. I can't quite come up with an appropriate way to disperse them. The Thames isn't exactly convenient.
  2. I guess the King was doomed to die after he built that lame ass block castle. It was nicely convenient that Kenny just happened to fit the prostitute's description of Jack the Ripper. However any competent police work would reveal that Jack had a broad cockney accent, not Ken's posh one. But I guess a British accent is a British accent, huh, Portland police? Ok..if TPTB aren't going to reveal whether or not Juliette's really dead, then i guess she isn't. Sorry everybody. I would have liked to see Nick continue on as a single person, though NOT in a new romance every week scenario. I used to hate what I called "The Bonanza Syndrome." For all of you too young to remember, Bonanza featured four single guys. But every time one of them fell in love, the poor woman was doomed to die or be convicted of murder, or go off on a world tour, never to be seen or heard from again. This was in the days before "arcs" when every show was a stand alone, so no guest stars lasted more than one episode. But they still tend to do that sort of thing with romances on proceedurals. So keep Nick single until a new woman can join the cast..hopefully a wessen. I think we have seen that Nick cannot be with a civilian. But alas, I think that Juliette will be brought back.
  3. I get such a kick out of Rodney. He reminds me of one of those lizards they keep showing with his tiny head always swiveling around to see how yet another one of his plans has gone awry. Every single plan! The only thing he has going for him is that up until now, nobody has tried to vote him out. I kind of hope they don't. I want to see his final speech to the jury where he moans about his birthday yet ONE MORE TIME, and see how many votes it gets him! So glad to see Dan gone! Thank goodness Carolyn wised up in the 11th hour (well, as far as we were shown) A successful HII play is always satisfying to watch. And Dan's extra vote..did not count! LOL Love it! Well, I am still rooting for Mike, even though his stupid back tattoo looks like it was done by a drunken 2nd grader. I could also survive Carolyn being the winner..she certainly deserves it as much as Mike..but the rest..no thank you. I do want to see Rodney the goat, however.
  4. Poor Rodney. Not only did he miss the annual Rodney Day parade in Boston, and the citywide birthday celebration with fireworks and the mayor of Boston presenting him with his weight in gold (150 pounds yer onnah! ) but he also missed a Survivor reward! Of course, chances are, most of those orphans don't even know when their birthdays are, and are happy just to have enough to eat each day. My aunt ran an orphanage in Guatemala and it wasn't easy. But enough about the orphans..let's pity poor Rodney! I am sorry that Mike had to burn off his idol, because he's the only one left to root for, IMO. BTW, for those worried about the perceived spoilers in the potential casting of Mama C and Mike in the second chance season, Jeff says that in the case of either of them winning, their spot will go to the person with the next highest number of votes. So no spoilers here.
  5. I thing I keep forgetting to mention..who was that "woman" in the elevator? I am referring to the photo that is the screen capture for this episode. She looks like Peter Scolari in drag..and i kept expecting her to do something, reveal herself to be Loeb or..something. But nada. Every time I see that photo it bugs me. I guess she was just an extra who decided to go the extra mile to get noticed. (at least by me)
  6. You know what was missing from the fight scenes in this episode? Big cartoon balloons saying things like "Pow!" and "Zap!" I can't imagine why Lee though it was even marginally appropriate for her to council Barbara. What was that room in the hospital where Falcone ended up? The horror movie room? What kind of hospital has a room that looks like it's been abandoned for 50 years? When Penguin opened that drawer I was surprised that the instruments weren't old and rusty. I understand that Penguin walks "funny" because he was injured. However is it also necessary for him to wear giant clown shoes? Are they, perhaps, therapeutic? I don't think that Barbara was turned Psycho by her kidnapping experience. I think Jason recognized her as a fellow Psycho right from the get go, and she loved it. At any rate, the episode was a mess, but I was entertained. I'll miss Maroni and his weird way of speaking. I won't miss Fish.
  7. My aunt contracted juvenile diabetes at age 12, and wasn't expected to live to be 30. When she married my uncle, she was told that she would never get pregnant. When she did get pregnant, (at about the time that CTM takes place) she was told that she would never carry full term . However, after a difficult and scary pregnancy, she did give birth to my cousin, and subsequently managed to live into her sixties. She was considered rather a miracle at the time, however.
  8. Juliette deleted both her email to Kelly and Kelly's reply. What kept bothering me was that every time somebody walked into Nick's house, all the lights were on. It wasn't just one light that might be switched by the door, but at least three lamps. Does he just leave them on all the time? Not very green of him. I'm glad that some books and weapons were salvaged from the fire, but I was disappointed that Wu didn't reveal the secret Wesen archives on his computer. (that I was hoping he had) Of course you lose the whole Buffiness of the show if they are researching on a computer rather than leafing through ancient books. I had not considered Renard as the Jack the Ripper character, but it makes perfect sense. (as much as anything does on this show) When his mother brought him back from the dead she unleashed the Ripper spirit. of course! I only wish I had a dollar for every time this has happened to me or somebody I know. What made me laugh is that my closed captioning helpfully labeled the murderer as "Jack" as soon as he opened his mouth, so I got to be way ahead of the detectives on that one. I do enjoy Claire Coffee as Adalind, but I couldn't understand why she would test the potion on herself unless the suppression is temporary. And if it is temporary, than what is the point of using it on Juliette? (unless, as somebody upstream suggested, it is part of Adalind's plan to kill Juliette) I kept yelling at Rosalee to pour half of that potion into another container because I was sure that Juliette would destroy the first attempt and they only seemed to need a small amount. But as usual, tv characters never listen to me.
  9. Personally, I think that the theme of these books (and show) could well be "no-good deed goes unpunished." Every time that Jamie and Claire show mercy and compassion to somebody, it ends up biting them in the butt. (literally, in the case of Jack Randall) Jamie refusing to shoot an unarmed, unconscious Jack Randall, Claire refusing to condemn Geillis and even Jamie taking the punishment for Loaghaire end up costing them later on. Not to mention Yet, would we have it otherwise? Thanks to Claire's more modern sensibilities, Jamie and Claire show more compassion than I think would have been customary in those times. We. watching it from the future, would be disappointed if Jamie and Claire weren't a bit progressive in their attitudes. The Black Jack episode (hopefully it's only one) will be hard to watch, but it does inform the rest of Jamie's life, so it would be hard to cut. But I am thankful for an episode like this that was more character driven and gave Jamie and Claire a bit of a break from persecution, before what we know is to come.
  10. Renard had two LOL lines this episode. The other was, "could this get any more complicated?" or words to that effect. How many times have people here suggested that Nick archive all of his Grimm stuff on his computer? With all their reliance on cell phone and computers, the Scooby gang never give two thoughts to wading through those dusty old tomes, which are now literally dust. Now it's too late, unless Wu has done it on his own, which is possible. Was I the only one who, when Renard drank that glass of water, expected the water to come spouting out of those magically reappearing bullet holes, like in a cartoon? Just me then. Yeah..I'm afraid Bitsie Tulloch really isn't a good actress. This is a part that a different actress could just hit out of the park, but Bitsie..not so much. David G, on the other hand does very well playing all of the conflicting emotions that Nick must be going through. IMO. Despite its soapiness, and almost ludicrous plot developments, i'm still enjoying this show. Maybe I'm just easy to please.
  11. Blair tried to let Haley navigate in one leg, if you recall, and the results were even worse, if possible, since at the first decision she immediately deferred to Blair, with predictable results. I have grown to like Blair. He has a quiet sense of humor and the patience of a saint. Or maybe he wears earplugs. But FREE BLAIR! I was just in Amsterdam this past summer and there were no hot tugs! Maybe it's a winter thing. But it was fun watching the racers bike around town. It did look cold, though. Especially compared to Namibia. I was very glad this was a NEL. The hairdressers are so supportive of each other. Especially compared to another team I could mention. FREE BLAIR!
  12. The only issue I have with a third series is the name of the show. Unless the call it BROADCHURCH-like Show That Takes Place Someplace Entirely Different, they are pretty much stuck with that location. Not that I don't love the location..it's absolutely gorgeous. But how many more murders can a small community like that support? Danny's case seemed like a one-off. And even though Hardy managed to drag the Sandbrook case into Broadchurch this season, if season three deals with Sandbrook (and really it's done IMO) how can they justify sticking in Broadchurch? Too bad they didn't name the series after Hardy and/or Miller.
  13. Chloe? How come Peter's sister's name wasn't Flopsey or Mopsey? Mama Rabbit hasn't been doing her reading. An appropriate episode for the Easter season..Not. Nothing like happy little bunnies getting their feet chopped off and bleeding to death to put one in the mood for some nice chocolate eggs! I think I've grown to appreciate Adalind. She is relentless. And now she's pregnant with a little hexengrimm! How cute. Nothing ever goes quite right for her, does it? I really feel sorry for Juliette. Of all the wesen to turn into, she gets stuck with the least attractive. I'm sure Nick is thinking, why couldn't she have turned into a cute little fox like Rosalee? That's a face that only a fellow hexenbieste could love. But I am glad that the Grimm blood thing was brought up, since we were all wondering. And of course, Nick, Adalind and Juliette have swapped so many body fluids at this point, it actually makes sense that Nick's blood wouldn't work. Of course, he's not the only Grimm around. I wonder if Truble's blood would work. Though Henrietta did say a Grimm's blood wouldn't work , not Nick's blood, specifically. Still, I think it might be worth a try. It's possible that the infertile couples don't know that people are being killed for their feet. A foot can be amputated without killing the victim. Of course the Lepus lazuli (or whatever he was called) wanted to kill his victims so that they can't help catch him. But the couples probably tell themselves a nice story involving a neat surgery under sanitary conditions. Mutilation for the sake of pregnancy and good luck is evil enough, without adding murder. But we really weren't shown what the couples are told, or how much they know. The whole thing is downright disgusting.
  14. That office was ridiculous, though. Couldn't he find something between the closet he has now and an airplane hangar? Maybe something in a strip mall... I always think of the fish tank in the nail salon as Chekov's fish tank, because I am sure that sometime before the end of the series that tank is going to get shot..doesn't that always happen to fish tanks?
  15. Uh-oh! You dissed Rodney's mama! He's gonna spank you like a bad baby! Personally, I don't see the difference between Max putting his dirty, bloody feet in the drinking water pot, and him putting his dirty, bloody, warty feet in the pot. The pot will be boiled and sterilized afterwards, and will be perfectly fine. That wart was gross, though.
  16. I sincerely hope that the women of Rodney's acquaintance hold themselves to a high enough standard that they reject him totally. If not, than I'm afraid he's correct..they HAVE no self respect! Did Shirin happen to mention that the bunny she boiled was the family pet of that guy she'd been stalking? I think it was very nice of the red team to give Max that blindside he's been dreaming of. His Survivor classes should be extra fun, now. I wonder if he teaches them naked. My only comfort in watching those dangerous blindfold challenges, is the fact that they were actually taped months ago, and if anybody had been seriously injured, or God-forbid killed, we would have heard about it on the news, spoilers be damned. So stupid to eat a chicken rather than the rooster. I wonder if the tribe doesn't actually know that roosters are edible. I mean, nobody ever says, "We're having rooster parm for dinner." With or without tuna salad. Too bad they didn't have any Survivor savants on their team to explain it to them in excruciating detail.
  17. Well, I've definitely come down onto Team Blair. How he managed to get through that leg with that smile pasted on his face is beyond me. I would have fed Haley to those cats. Or "accidentally" knocked her off the boat. What an annoying person. He declares that she can lead and make the decisions. She agrees. Then she rips open the clue and immediately asked him what he wants to do. Then when he makes a choice, at her request, she tells him it's wrong. Arggghh! Jenny and Jelani also had a difficult leg, but she is aggressive, and he is going to have to deal with it. It's not a bad thing to be on the Race. What cracked me up with the blind dating gay couple is that the both of them did those flips after the Greeter. I mean are they twins who were separated at birth? No wonder they don't see romance in their future. It would be positively incestuous! I've never eaten 1,000 year old eggs. I do know that they are not literally 1,000 years old, but rather eggs that have been left to ferment for a period of time. The fact that they have somehow turned into black fermented egg Jello is the part that turned my stomach. Sorry to see The Not so New Kid leave. He and his partner were delightful, but they had way too big a deficit to make up.
  18. Ok..I can almost understand Joe's strategy in sending Nina ahead over the obstacles, the first time they tried it, but after it didn't work and the no collars managed to spill half of their water on the ground, why did they keep doing it? Nina is neither old, nor frail, and she is certainly in better shape than Will. What was Joe thinking..that her deafness made her lame too? As much as Nina's sad sack attitude has annoyed me, I can sympathize with her on that one. But I can't blame them for voting her off. Halli was totally correct in saying that you have to blend with the tribe to stay in the tribe. When she wouldn't try the lizard..when everybody was bending over backward to include her, I knew she was doomed. BTW..I've eaten lizard, though the ones I ate were dried and crunchy (It was Japan, what can i say) and there is nothing to be squeamish about. They're not bugs! (though I've eaten those too) Blue Collar really bugs, at least the guys. They alternate between macho pissing contests, and getting hurt feelings when somebody says something about their mothers or their religion. What, are they twelve? Their camp must reek of testosterone. I guess Shireen is too "wacky" to be a white collar. I was actually surprised that White collar didn't end up in tribal council the way the previous-lies kind of indicated. but i guess TPTB were trying to build in a bit of suspense.
  19. Sure, Vince was the glue on his tribe..the Crazy Glue! I was surprised that Vince was voted off..I thought we would see days and days of his Joe envy and paranoia. Nina is not winning my sympathy. Does one really need an invitation to go swimming in a public ocean? I guess that Nina can hear if you speak to her directly, but she misses the peripheral talking around her. It must be frustrating, but it doesn't help to whine about being left out of conversations. She might have to make more of an effort to get into the loop, but she can't expect people to make an effort FOR her. In real life , maybe, but not on a dog eat dog game like Survivor.
  20. The thing that amused me about the broth brouhaha, was the notion that any Lady's maid would actually invade the kitchen, which is the sacrosanct territory of the cook and kitchen help, to make broth. No doubt, she would just waltz down and order some from the cook, who most likely had a stock pot perpetually on the back burner, and brought it up for her Lady. Perhaps the Lady, having no idea what goes into making broth, thought that her maid just whipped it up from the contents of her mending bag, And perhaps said maid didn't enlighten her. But the idea that all, or any, lady's maids could prepare a restorative broth is just absurd. Even if there was a kitchenette to which the maid had access, she was hardly going to be boiling bones and chopping vegetables. But I must say, the broth entries in the recap had me laughing our loud!
  21. I find that I can enjoy this season if I kind of "forget" that this is The Amazing Race and think of it as as movable Dating Show in exotic locations. And since I don't watch any other Dating type shows, the novelty is enough to keep me interested. I was in Japan in 1983 and always love seeing it on the Race. I would have loved those noodles. I was so glad that Blair and Hayley weren't eliminated, since I am enjoying their Blind date from Hell. Every time she says something positive about their partnership, he sort of smiles politely. And despite what he seems to think, she is not the weak link on their team. He was the one who insisted they go in the wrong direction last week, and she was as quick on that puzzle box as everybody else. She did have trouble pushing him on the ice, but that's to be expected, if you don't have any experience with that kind of task. It was a learning curve but they got it done in not too many tries. So, get over yourself, Blair. Most of the other teams are still a blur for me. I wonder though..where is the outcry about the task seemingly designed for the Olympic speed skater and bobsledder? Last season there was a surfing Fast Forward that caused all sorts of outrage, since Bethany was a surfer. I thought the Olympians were adorable, myself, in their jaunty caps. But I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm not sure I'm ready for Phil, the Love Guru. (sigh) That's right..forget it's TAR, think Dating show. Think Dating show. Whew..I'm all right now.
  22. I totally laughed out loud when Barbara walked in on Jim and Leslie kissing, and left in shock. There was an immediate cut to a sad violin playing, which echoed my feelings exactly..Oh poor, poor Barbara! Betrayed by the man you..uh, walked out on. And left for another woman. And he owes you what, again, exactly? I like Leslie. She has spunk! She's a good partner for Jim..helps him think outside the box. Barbara only drags him down..why, oh comic book writers, can't Leslie be his end game? Baby Joker? Once again the casting is amazing..so far they have nailed every potential villain. But Bruce wayne had better start growing up double quick..the villains have already got the jump on him! I am assuming that the hitherto unseen boss man of Mooney's prison is somebody we know, or why bother with this stupid plot line? If it's not the too obvious suspects, Falcone or Moroni, then it must be somebody from that Wayne enterprises board room. Bruce said something about medical experimentation. Did they focus in on anybody in particular..that Asian woman looked particularly condescending. Can't remember if the hostage..schmit(?) indicated that the boss was a man, or if it was left ambiguous. I deleted the ep already or I would go check.
  23. Oh..was Isaac there? I didn't see him! Congrats to my favorite Dmitry. I was afraid after the last judges' comments about Dmitry being remote or some such that they were going to give it to Sonji, of the blue lips. But that was a fakeout. I didn't love Dmitry's collection, but he had some really nice pieces, and he is my favorite..those photos of him as a child and a young man...so cute. I do wish he would cut his hair, but given the way that most of these designers present themselves, he looks amazingly normal. I think it's interesting that we know so little about his private life, considering how much over sharing we usually get. Well, we know he likes "doggies" and doesn't care for noisy (fake) babies (from his original season) Beyond that..not much.
  24. The plastic surgery "clones" in this episode reminded me of the old show Mission Impossible. On that show, the IMForce would disguise themselves as other characters using rubber masks. Of course, it was totally convincing to the audience, because they switched actors, until the final reveal when they ripped off the mask! But it always drove me crazy because there is no way that those rubber masks would fool anybody in real life. I guess surgery is the new go to for that kind of thing, nowadays. But no surgery is going to turn one person into another. So many factors, besides a face go into making one person different from another. Of course Tyson's plastic surgery in supposed to be fake, which is why Castle and Beckett were so determined that he was the real thing, and not the plastic surgery clone he was pretending to be. But I still kept half expecting somebody to rip off a rubber mask!
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