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Everything posted by Jodithgrace

  1. I recommend the British version over the American. The US version has a different name, though, which I have forgotten (or repressed)
  2. Somehow, Justin and Diane are growing on me. They really are having so much fun. I loved Diane giving out tattoos to the kids (and adults) while waiting for Justin to finish the roadblock. Of course, things are going well for them..I think we've seen that they completely collapse when things are not going so well, so I may well change my mind about them once again. I give Chris a pass, since he was obviously unwell, but Logan is just the worst! Do they communicate any other way than by screaming at each other? I really felt for Tiffany (?) who had her balloon net ripped by obnoxious passersby. Thankfully it didn't cost her the clue. If i recall, lone women tend to be harassed in India, and this was just an example of that, I think. Yes they are whiny, but I would feel the same way. The reporters are genuinely nice people, I think, and I hope that they come into their own soon. I can't imagine how hot it was..Phil was sweating like anything..something we don't usually see, so I can imagine how hot it must have been for the racers. I bet they all left a few pounds in India. (especially Chris)
  3. I know. He basically made Jessica want to have sex with him, and then used as his excuse, "but you wanted to.." He doesn't get the concept that forcing somebody to want something isn't the same as them wanting to do it on their own. They're are smiling and "happy" as they they do his bidding, so what's the problem? It is fascinating.
  4. Only, not apparently on this show. That's the one thing that is bugging me about this very stylish and interesting show. That nobody seems to be able to say Hulk or Captain America. Why is that? It's all owned by Marvel..are the names some intellectual property deal that I don't understand?
  5. I meant Mexican market. i think my brain may have enjoyed too much cauliflower rice.
  6. I am really enjoying this show. I love the concept and everybody is quirky without being cloyingly so. Favorite part of this episode, "Your gays or my gays?" "Yours. Mine are still pretending to be 'room mates'" Then they find out that the chosen gay couple is already God-parenting six children! Just seems really true. Also loved the Spanish market.
  7. How annoying! TBBT and Life in Pieces was preempted by Football in my area! I now have to find alternate means to see this episode.
  8. Tim seems to have forgotten to mention how much he hated this season, which he has stated in a few interviews. This must have been taped shortly after Fashion Week, since nobody seems to have read those interviews either. I wonder if they would have called him out about them, if they had. When he conceded with his usual, "I love you all," schtick, I just rolled my eyes.
  9. That was one of the most satisfying episodes of Survivor, ever! Wentworth found that idol ages ago, and nobody even had a hint! I love it when something like that plays out so far down the road. Imagine if she hadn't played it? I was afraid that Ceira's eyes were going to roll right out of her head! I kinda like her, though. She's little but feisty. She could have so easily been a goner tonight..I wonder what made them choose Wentworth, and why they didn't split the vote? Foolish people..just because you don't know there's an idol, does' mean that there isn't one. Who has the other one..Jeremy? I think i remember that, but am not sure. He is really playing a stealth game..notice how quick he was to deny that he was in the Power Four? "What, who, little ol' me?" That was so fun. Bye, bye Savage! Enjoy the jury.
  10. I think it's more that we all have High Def TVs now. Thinking about Supergirl having a team, I am reminded of early seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yes, the show was named after her, but the Scooby gang played an important part in keeping her alive, even if the Watcher's council were all, "that's not the way we do things." I love that Supergirl is keeping that tradition alive. As to her having a lot of secret hideouts..her mini "fortress of solitude" is for her Kryptonian side, while her "command center" is for day to day operations. I don't see a problem.
  11. I don't know. I think this show is really cute and I'm enjoying it. I like all the little jokes and the references to things like Homeland. I guess I'm an easy audience. I really like that this is all not coming easily for her. And I also don't mind that she has a team..it's unique for a superhero to not be fighting the lone fight. Thank goodness they know who she is..I get so tired of watching the lame excuses for why nobody recognizes these superheroes when they are in the most transparent disguises. I do like the explanation that Cat will never recognize her because she never actually looks at her assistant..just talks at her. Hmmm..maybe her "pierced" earrings are actually magnetic, and part of her disguise. Though I don't think magnetic earrings really work.
  12. Well, I am shocked that Francis pulled it off! I had my money on Kimberly or Ruby, if Ruby's nerves didn't do her in. When Kimberly's signature bake was leaky, I figured that Ruby had it in the bag. Alas, the wedding cake did her in. But I am happy for Francis. At last her flavors caught up to her artistry. None of the wedding cakes were especially gorgeous, but with only six hours, I thought they were as good as could be expected. The flavors were fine, but that level of decoration takes time. I can't believe that Ruby forgot to note the baking times for her layers and they were in fact, over baked! That cost her the win. Funny, her mum says that she is never pleased with herself. I guess it's her thing. I hope this doesn't kick her self confidence in the pants, because she did, in fact, do extremely well! BTW..I posted this earlier today, but my post mysteriously disappeared! BUT, I notice that there are no other posts, which surprises me. Did nobody watch the finale, or are everybody's posts also disappearing? I found my post, intact, in the auto save, so check there if your post is missing. :)
  13. Duplicate post..guess my missing post showed up after all!
  14. I don't think that Paul/Mary leave out key instructions on the Technical bakes. Every week, the bakers manage to produce at least a good approximation of these desserts, some of which the bakers have never even heard. And usually at least one baker totally nails it, like Kimberly did this week. They are intended to be a challenge, however, so they aren't told every little thing. For example, they weren't told to line the bowls, yet they were proved with cling film, so that was a logical leap that they all took..except Ruby at first.
  15. I thought the Charlotte Royal was kind of fun. But I agree that the Opera cakes were disappointing. Ruby's was especially sad looking, though lucky for her it was the best tasting. I wouldn't like the original version of the opera cake since it features coffee, which I hate. I dislike tiramisu for the same reason. Poor Becca..that banana essence bit her in the bum. Those extracts aren't very good tasting and can give a very artificial flavor. (vanilla and almond being the exceptions, since I believe those are made with actual ingredients rather than chemistry) The canapés looked lovely and so fun. Francis, especially had beautiful ones. (and she got the Hollywood handshake!) I was surprised that Ruby's were considered good looking since I thought them a bit sloppy, myself. I am afraid that Ruby's self doubts will kill her in the finale..I think that Kimberly will win the whole thing. That is my totally unspoiled prediction.
  16. I love that Jimmy's costume was from some obscure British sitcom that nobody ever heard of. (I pretty sure it was made up, but I'm not 100% sure) I wonder if Nina, the bar owner is addicted to BBC America. Not happy with Jimmy being so easily tempted. Okay..two nitpicks: Was this supposed to be Sunday or Halloween? Halloween is on Saturday this year, and there is nothing less Halloweeny than November 1st, somehow. It just kept bugging me, is all. Also, I'm not sure how a call to customer service would have restored Lindsay's power..didn't she have an unpaid bill? She could have paid over the phone, but that would have involved more information than she would have had, like her checking account number, etc. That was quite a haunted house. A bit too interactive for my taste. I, too, wonder why Gretchen isn't being medicated. She may have had an issue with meds in the past or something, but I think it should be mentioned at some point.
  17. Yeah..I do think it would be way cooler for them to find a way to get back, only to find four astronaut graves, rather than three.
  18. I think, and I hope, that the reason the show seemed to go out of its way to not mention the "S" word was to maximize the effect of the first appearance of "Supergirl!" Now that her title is out there, hopefully the taboo will be lifted and they can say "Superman" again. It will be very annoying if they keep avoiding it. Kind of like during Super Bowl season, when all of the non-official sponsors have to call it "the big game," which irks me no end. I did enjoy this pilot, though i confess I didn't recognize SG's adoptive parents as Clark and The original Supergirl..that was very clever. I like the fact that she's not doing the secret identity thing so much...I was shocked, and practically cheered, when she confided her identity to IT guy. And I loved her pure joy in using her powers after keeping them hidden all these years.
  19. I'm kinda glad I opted out of American Horror Story this season. Between Fargo and Gotham, my gore and violence needs are being well met, thank you. Could this show get any darker? That said, I really love Selena Kyle. The actress that plays her is really good, and so pretty! Yes, she is morally ambiguous, as befits a supervillian in training, but she is loyal to those she cares about, and vulnerable because of them Hopefully she will rescue Bruce from the clutches of Silver and her horrible uncle. Speaking of Galavan, would it really work to almost strangle a congressman in order to get him to support your election to Mayor? It's one thing to have congressmen "in your pocket," with bribes and such, since they can't give you away without exposing themselves. But to do violence to a congressman seems a poor tactic to me. But what do i know..I'm not a villian. Poor Jim..he is always in a lose lose situation. How on earth does he ever manage to become police commissioner? Butch is obviously setting up Penguin. "Nothing undoes conditioning like a good whipping, " B.F. Skinner
  20. Once again Ruby preempts the judges by declaring her loaf underproofed and underbaked. That fact that she was right, in no way excuses her. Leave it to the judges, Ruby! I do like her, though and am happy she made star baker, even if her "allotment" looked a bit sad, compared to professional cakes. But considering it was her first effort at decorating, I say well done! Kimberly was right behind her, and her 3D cake was adorable. So it could go either way as we reach the finals. Hopefully neither will self-destruct. Sad that Christine had to go. At this point is it sad to see anybody go. But her meringues were bad, and her guitar cake flavorless. I was intrigued by the little essay on "The National Loaf." The funny thing is that whole wheat and multigrain bread is very popular now, but I can imagine it was a shock after being used to only white bread.
  21. Wow! Reading the links in that article was very disturbing. I'm sure that the producers of The Amazing Race had no idea, aside from the party line given by the Lion Encounters organization. And here I was just coming on to write about how jealous I was of that activity. I've been on Safari in Kenya and encountered my lions from the safety of a jeep. But to actually walk with them would have been incredible. But alas, if something seems to good to be true, it probably isn't and like some of the posters above, I also questioned the usefulness of getting lions too accustomed to humans. They probably are perfect targets! Like shooting cows in a field! Well, at least action is being taken. That said, the activities in the episode were incredible. That gorge jumping..I had to laugh as the instructors basically pushed the racers off that cliff. "Three, two, one..off you go!" At almost 65, I probably wouldn't have been up for that one, but TAR is great about giving people once in a lifetime adventures. I would have loved that canoeing task also. I assume that the racers were nowhere near those shots of the crocs and hippos. They do that on Survivor, also..show lots of snakes and deadly creatures, intercut with shots of camp life, so it looks like the Survivors are surrounded by deadly critters, but I'm sure that neither Survivor nor TAR are interested in losing contestants to deadly animal attacks, so all precautions are taken.
  22. I actually made a Spotted Dick once, while on an International foods kick. I think it's one of those dishes that you have to be born and bred in England to appreciate. I was impressed that the "puds" all came out so well, though. I have not had success with choux pastry, but have only tried it once or twice. And I have never tried making my own puff pastry, though i have used frozen. I have seen it made on so many cooking shows, that I'm sure i could tackle it, but seeing all of that butter in person might scare me to death. Yes, it's all there in the frozen product..you just don't see it! All of the flavor combinations these contestants come up with, would never occur to me in a million years. Chocolate and raspberry is about as exotic as i get, dessert wise. I am constantly impressed week after week, with how inventive these people, who are not professional pastry chefs, can be. Sorry to see Glenn go, but he dodged a bullet last week and it was his time. This is not the time to experiment with a new way to make puff pastry! The final challenge was exceptionally challenging...everybody was totally wrung out by the end. Still rooting for Ruby and Kimberly!
  23. As much as I dislike calling out "unfair," on a show like Survivor, I really don't think it's fair that the Angkor tribe has no food. Yes, they won the feast, but after 4 days of starvation, a bunch of meat is just a drop in the bucket..they are starved for carbs, and that's why they have no energy. I don't remember ever seeing a tribe in such poor shape during a challenge. They just looked at that pile of blocks and completely shut down. Oh God..if Abi said "twice,"one more time, I was going to reach through the television screen and throttle her! I am sorry to see Varner go. if we are stuck watching this tribe every episode, he, at least, was entertaining. Fishbach and Spencer, the robot boy, are on the same team..that's how they got the puzzle done so fast. Brains. Chaos Kass has turned over a new leaf..that's fun to watch. I wish we got more time with the other tribes, besides lowly, starving, Angkor.
  24. I loved the way each team was issued a dog. (Though it could have been the meat aroma) The Texans don't bother me that much, so far. At least they are polite to the locals and speak Spanish respectfully (No "Andele!, Adele!" or "mucho quicko" that we have seen from racers in the past.) I was actually amazed at how many racers spoke Spanish this leg. Okay it's not Hindustani and a lot of Americans have studied it in school, but still it seems like more teams than usual. I'm not a fan of the God bothering, though, and they can quit that any time. I don't mind the rivalry between the Texans and Justin and his partner, if he has one. Justin irritates me, so I am Team Texans for this one. I had liked the track stars but they kind of blended into the masses this leg. Sorry to see the dancers go. Funny, but this would have been the leg where it would be appropriate to mention their homelessness and working the 5 jobs thing, and they didn't say a word about it. Two tasks that involved matching things to a model. I find those tasks kind of inherently boring. I prefer more action than watching teams try to figure out what detail they screwed up. If I were the non performing member of a roadblock, it would be hard for me to remember to keep my mouth shut, and not shout out the answers. No wonder the watchers are always yelling out the same stuff over and over again "C'mon, Teammate! You've got this!" I'm surprised that more people aren't penalized for this, since it must be maddening to sit and watch a teammate screw up, when the answer might be perfectly obvious to YOU. Personally, in this case, I think that a 30 minute penalty was fair. It's not like she got up and turned the meat for him. There may be a longer penalty for physically helping during a road block or for repeatedly yelling out instructions.
  25. As a practitioner of Improv (my group is called Nutty by Nature) improv scenes in tv shows always crack me up. Our group doesn't do long form, which this seemed to be, but no matter..I still love it. Jimmy is perhaps the world's worst heckler. His heckles are hilarious, but only to us, the TV audience, for their total joke incompetence. And he seems to have a list for every occasion. My DVR cut off last week before Gretchen snuck out and I thought that I had missed something major when i read about it, but then this week, it was as though nothing had happened. But then I caught it this week, so i guess it's a recurring thing, and we know not what she is up to. She is, as we know, the worst, so it could be anything. I loved Lindsay and her news mashup between extremes of Fox news and PBS..I feel the same way sometimes. I seem to be bombarded by both sides of every issue these days until I don't know what the hell I believe any more! But at least she could forget about it all at the first mention of sign language Amy! I'm not so lucky.
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