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Everything posted by Jenkins

  1. Gee, wonder why Josh was/is in debt. Anyone watch the Cornelia Marie special Saturday? Josh was driving around in a Corvette Z06 Supercar....they start at about $80k. At one point I was rooting for the guy, but I have zero doubts he will just piss away any money he makes and continue to live off his fathers name/fame. And I agree, at some point we will get that black screen with a message Jake has died....
  2. Interesting, it is painful to me too. Both knuckles on each side of my 4th finger hurt when I do it. Hard for me to fully extend that finger like you would the middle one as well.
  3. Gotta agree with all the above. You are being filmed 24/7, why do you need to "leak" anything? The producers drool at the thought of someone being racist or homophobic on this show, they certainly weren't going to try and hide it. VERY cowardly of Chris to not only do what he did but to let the other girl (still can't remember all their names) take the blame. And Jenna (you know they read this stuff at some point) if you don't want to be labeled a racist or homophobe, here's an idea....don't SAY racist and homophobic things! Difficult concept to grasp, I know, but there you go. Oh and don't wear a confederate flag tank top. You see, a lot of people are offended by that despite what YOU think it represents. You know it, we know. For those that didn't watch the after show, she strongly denied flying any confederate flag herself, but then admitted to wearing a tank top with it on it. As if that is better. She seriously looked REALLY bad on that after show. I would be amazed if that poor girl has an IQ above 90. And one last thing, quit fucking using "being from the south" as an excuse for your ignorance. My family is from the south and not one damn person in it is racist or homophobic. Having said all that, I do think ANYONE can change. But they have to recognize the problem before they can fix it. And as of the after show (whenever that was taped), she is still in strong denial.
  4. Wow, that tat did lighten up a lot. You can tell INSTANTLY who that is. Not much you can do with that horrible Reagan tattoo, but hey, Clean is this years golden boy they are going to make excuses for and give him a pass on his mistakes. I don't follow social media but I wonder if the judges will admit they fucked up? And that second tattoo is what I expected from Sarah. But it seriously looks like if you aren't Cleen, you better put out a near perfect tattoo.
  5. It seems like casting went in a different direction this season. We are getting couples that get along and actually stick it out (obviously the one who got burned had a legit excuse for leaving). I hope it stays this way...I just don't enjoy seeing people like Honora on the show. So on a pet peeve note... Why do the women always start and end with a lower PSR than the men? This last episode was a great example. He started and ended with a PSR 1+ higher. Why? She seemed to do most of the work chopping the tree down, she started the fire, it was her net that allowed them to catch fish, she didn't at any point (that we saw) want to leave. Not saying he did anything wrong, but, if they had to stay there another two weeks, I bet she would make it and he wouldn't. So how does he have a higher PSR rating? Think they need to just get rid of the PSR crap if it doesn't actually mean anything.
  6. Have to say thank you to green! I watch so many shows, the whole Wessex thing was a bit confusing to me as well and you cleared it right up.
  7. Just watched it...being an animal lover, it pissed me off how the mother is making excuses for her future serial killer son (and yes, I mean it. There is a direct connection between animal abuse and serial killers. A sociopath at the very least). I just couldn't believe that up until the cat incident came up, Judge Judy was going to let the mother off?! I will admit I don't understand the law 100%, but you are watching someone elses kid and they hurt or kill an animal, how is that YOUR fault? The mother KNEW the kid did it. Dogs don't get knocked out and go in to convulsions (this is what I gathered) from "falling off the couch". I had a 3lb teacup Yorkie at one point that could jump off the damn couch without issues. The mother is doing her son ZERO favors by covering for him...
  8. I shit you not, that was my EXACT thought when he was eliminated. Those exact words. I can finally enjoy the rest of the season. Anyone who wins out of who is left I can live with. And what the hell is with the hate boner Nunez has for Megan? I personally don't think she even deserved to be in the bottom three, let alone actually be told she has the worst tattoo of the day.
  9. So we lose Elliot and gain a 23 year old (yes, was mentioned way too much) kid who seems to be really nice and have his head on straight...did DC get new producers or something? So damn glad we are hopefully done with the Elliot redemption story. Addicts can recover, but you have to lose your ego first and I just don't ever see that happening with him. The comment about Jake not being a real captain shows that not much has changed with him. Whether Jake is or isn't, why say it? And poor Keith. I can't even imagine starting over after TWENTY FIVE YEARS! I have been with my wife for 15 and I swear, you hear about birds that when they lose their mate, they just slowly die...that would be me. And what a dick move on Sig. Completely agree with the above post that Sig will help out a guy he doesn't know, but continues to shit all over Jake. Yes, Jake can be a little whiny, but I don't get sabotaging him. I am guessing there is some serious resentment going on for Jake leaving him and/or Jake getting a boat handed to him without putting in a ton of work (which would be bullshit since Sig was handed the NW at 23). Great start to the season. And also glad I didn't see any previews of pus oozing wounds....can do without seeing that ever again.
  10. Yes! I thought the exact same thing...there is something weird going on with her lack of forehead. I figured maybe it is how she parts her hair, but it does look like she has an abnormally small forehead. I am guessing she is from a really small town where there aren't a ton of options. Because I just don't see how someone that average looking can have such an ego. And no kidding on Jenna getting chewed out for daring to be upset people are having sex next to her. I think it was more Kailah was embarrassed the next day and didn't like Jenna even bringing it up. Though maybe she does think it is normal... I consider myself a fairly liberal person, but having sex with someone in a bed next to a person you have only known a few days...I don't get it.
  11. At first I didn't think the issue was Tami being upset she wasn't Queen Bee. I attributed it to her just getting fed up with constant noise (I am like that myself, I go nuts with lots of noise around me). But thinking about it, I think you guys are right. I do think her not being top dog played a major role in how she reacted. I think she got a bit of an ego boost when the one girl took her shoes back for her. While I think Tami could probably handle herself against Boston (police are trained after all), I doubt it would be JUST Boston she would be facing. And this is a great example of why I would not handle jail very well. I just can not stand lots of noise and I certainly can't handle someone putting their hands on me like Boston did to Tami while they were in line (to me, that is a form of showing dominance). Yet, there is nothing you can do about it. Hell, the inmates will deliberately make noise just to annoy you if they find out it bothers you (saw that on an episode of Lockup I believe). Starting to wonder if Tami might be the first one out. She is used to being in control of everyone she meets as an officer and now she is surrounded by people with little to no impulse control...not a great combination.
  12. Yaz eating popcorn during the fight was just hilarious to me. I can't count how many times I have read someone say "let me get my popcorn" when two people are arguing/fighting online, and here we saw someone ACTUALLY doing it! One thing is REALLY bothering me though... Why the hell did the producers not go over their cover stories like their life depended on it...which it might. How the hell have we had so many of them screw their cover story up or have massive holes in it? Surely the producers had to know prisoners will peck at a new guy/girl looking for holes to see if they are a child molester or narc? Makes me wonder if the producers wanted this to happen for drama. They should have had their stories down to what they had for breakfast the morning they got arrested. The new guy that was bullied in high school didn't seem to have much story past "I stole from my office for years". Should the producers not have told him what he was going to be CHARGED with since they KNOW the inmates are going to ask? If I found out my child was being taught by Robert, I would switch teachers/schools. There IS something wrong with him. Sociopath has been brought up before and it is a harsh word, but again, there is just something wrong with that dude.
  13. Yeah, gotta go with you guys on this... All these people have seen the show, they know what Nev and Max do to find the people and it isn't exactly rocket science. Not to mention, someone says they love you so much and want you to move across the country to be with them, yet won't talk to you on the phone or video chat...well, that has to be one hell of a large red flag to any rational person. This show has just fallen in to the category of 99% of other reality shows...most likely fake/scripted and I just watch it for entertainment at face value.
  14. Completely agree. This is EXACTLY why there were four up for elimination. Because Nunez opened his mouth during critique and said Megan was going to be down there. Sorry, no way in HELL did she deserve to be up for elimination. Especially over St Douche. His tattoo was actually horrible in my opinion. NO detail and the roots looked like cracks to me. But they are apparently going to keep him around for scenes like last night where he and the guy with glasses act like they are going to fight. And as much as I hate to admit it, Cleens tattoo was pretty damn sick. He deserved the win. What I found hilarious was the vets acting like they needed to step up and do something! I forgot the wording they used, but it was along the lines of "we need to start getting rid of them!". Ummmm, nothing BUT newbies have went home so far... Not sure what the producers were looking to do this season, but surely this wasn't it...right? I don't use social media, but I hope they are getting ripped apart for this horrible format and their obvious bias in judging.
  15. I personally think it is extremely irresponsible to have a Naked and Afraid episode in that environment. If it can get down to 41 (think that was the lowest it got) with rain, it can get to or below freezing in those 21 days, which is a recipe for hypothermia, not to mention, that temperature plus rain is just TORTURE. I agree though, kind of a boring episode. Nice that they worked well together and they were extremely positive. Gotta respect they stuck it out. Hell, I have to heat our bathroom up to about 74-75 before I take a shower because I HATE stepping out of the shower to cold air. And I was rooting for Monster...glad he "won". :)
  16. Just wanted to say great post Snarklepuss :) 100% agree.
  17. Wow, according to the link: "Diaundre Newby, 18, Lexington, faces charges of criminal deviate conduct, a Class B felony; incest, a Class C felony; and sexual battery, a Class D felony. A male relative of Newby said Newby had performed a sexual act on the minor boy against the boy’s will. Newby denied the allegations when interviewed by the ISP officer."
  18. Yeah, I kind of cringed at that attack...and not because it was violent (I am a huge MMA fan, so it doesn't bother me). Because either it was setup (which would mean the prisoners are in on it being a show) or the guy who attacked him most definitely should NOT be attacking people with his lack of "fighting skills". That was one hell of a weak attack. You have a clear, semi blindside attack on someone, they should be on the floor afterwards. I am really not sure on it. It reminded me of a fight you would see on a scripted reality show like that tow truck crap on TruTV, where it looks like they are fighting, but they aren't really doing any damage. But on the other hand, everything else seems VERY real. I hope we aren't all being played as suckers here...
  19. Ceejai is from East St Louis (I used to live by there and it's a really bad area). And yes, Ceejai is gorgeous...
  20. Yeah, I suppose The Real World is basically just a farm system for The Challenge at this point.
  21. Wow, only a handful of posts....kind of surprised. Not sure why they decided to go with a potential revolving door of cast members (go look at Bad Girls Club ratings if you think it is a good idea). But at least they seem interesting. Already really liking Dean and Ceejai and I agree, they are just too damn normal for this show. And probably two of the most likable cast members in a LONG damn time. They handled Jenna perfectly. You don't fight ignorance and racism with violence or screaming, you show people how ignorant they are by showing them they have been brainwashed their entire lives. That the stereotypes they have been raised to believe are just that, stereotypes. Now having said that, everyone has their limit. If she can't get her ignorant/racist views under control, well, can't say I would blame anyone for going off on her. I am all for teaching even the most ignorant person, but some people don't WANT to be taught. I am scratching my head over how readily she spews opinions that she HAS to know are controversial at the very least? And yes, spandex man (can't remember his name) actually is more likable than I thought he would be. Golden vagina woman should realize when you say stupid things like that, people are probably going to be laughing behind your back. Do most of these people not have any self awareness?
  22. Robert is trying WAY too hard to fit in...yet, not trying at all. It is a well known fact child molesters are not well liked in prison (ask Jared...he got off easily with a busted up face). So Robert thought he would fit in by denouncing child molesters in front of everyone...which of course, if I put myself in their shoes, my first thought would be thou doth protest too much... And then he refuses to hold hands in a prayer circle. How does a rational human being not understand this would be seen as an insult when they asked you to do it multiple times? Someone above mentioned sociopath...which if you look at the profile of a sociopath, he does fit some of the characteristics, especially the shallow emotions (but then you can say that about a lot of people I suppose). But, not going to say he is 100% a sociopath. He is just an odd person. I still wonder how much is an act. It is weird to me that a teacher would be as socially awkward as he is. They knew exactly what they were doing when they cast this guy. And I would love to know what Barbras ideal prison system would be. Maybe her comments have been taken out of context (we all know what editing can do to a person). This is the type of show I wish I hadn't discovered for a year or so so I could bingewatch it on Netflix! A week is too long to wait for another episode of Will Robert Get Shanked This Week?!
  23. The preview show definitely was hinting at that. But I refuse to believe it...who would go on a show and come out to the world as being in an incestuous relationship? I am really hoping this isn't the case or BGC has sunk to a new low....because I am betting they knew about it, if true. And if not true, shame on BGC for even hinting at it. A rep like that would be pretty damn hard to shake.
  24. I definitely get that. I really wish I had an answer for it... I guess it hits close to home because I lost a dog 5 years ago because we couldn't afford care (I still feel extremely guilty over it). We had just lost our house to foreclosure and had filed bankruptcy, so we had ZERO chance at credit and no one in my family really has money. I wouldn't even know where to start to address the problem. I just know vet prices are steep. My dog has a chronic back issue (he is a long bodied dog) and a few weeks ago we had to take him in. Two Xrays, some blood work (to make sure he could handle the Tramadol) some Tramadol and another anti inflammatory was almost $500 (that includes the $100 for an after hours visit). We are fortunate that our lives have turned around and we can afford it, but how does the average person?
  25. Well, this is what I was afraid of....vets are just going to be given a pass every time because the judges already know what they are capable of. Sorry Cleen, that tattoo did NOT meet the requirements. If anything it looked like a caricature, not a comic. And overall, it just SUCKED (it looked like something an airbrush artist would draw up on a tshirt at a county fair). He most definitely should have went home on that. If one of the newbies put that tattoo out, had Peck say he HATED IT and the HCJ agreed it was the worst...hell, doubt there would have been any discussion. Judges would have sent them home real quick. But because it is Cleen they told him to not even worry, he had no chance of going home. Completely agree with the post a few posts above me, why not just have a returning vet season? They are obviously going to continue to give passes to vets based on past work/seasons. It is completely unfair the newbies are being judged on separate criteria (ONLY the work they put out at that moment and not their entire Ink Master body of work). I am just glad there are artists like Christian (starting to come around on him), Megan and Anthony to offer up some competition. But sadly, if they are up against a vet or two, they are going home. The judges are outright biased this season. Don't get me wrong, Ashleys tattoo was pretty damn bad, but she at least met the challenge of a COMIC tattoo.
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