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Everything posted by grumpypanda

  1. I had no idea that pudding was so popular. My neighborhood is a little behind on the trends though, we just got a Starbucks around two years ago and I heard rumors that we might be getting a cupcake place soon. I'm intrigued by this pudding renaissance!
  2. Jessa had the perfect opportunity to tell Hannah that she had feelings for Adam at the pudding place (is that really a thing?) Of course Hannah would have freaked out but at least things would have been out in the open. I don't even like Hannah half the time but I'm with her on this, Jessa is a bitch! And that sex scene was really really bad. Speaking of bitches, can Desi be anymore of a pathetic bitch? I can't stand when he starts in on his self-loathing act just to pull Marnie in. I did laugh when he couldn't get his shirt off though. I love that all the neighbors also hate Desi and Marnie. I'm worried about Elijah's new boyfriend situation. Something about him seems to good to be true. The sex scene was weird but other than that he seems like an amazing guy. No one can have a happy relationship on this show so I'm expecting the worst.
  3. Compared to the previous menswear challenges I thought the men's outfits turned out alright. I actually thought Asha and Alex's guys looked kind of hot. I'm not sure what to think of Ken's white sweater and skirt look though. It's pretty kooky but his guy looked strangely cool. I'm on heavy pain killers due to surgery so my perception my be way off. I didn't love any of the female looks tonight. Kini's was okay but it looked like something he already designed in his final collection on his season. I almost liked Emily's but the blue color looked somewhat dull and the design wasn't that interesting. This season is turning out exactly as I was expecting, not much fabulous fashion and a whole lot of petty drama.
  4. I just watched this mess and I'm wondering if I'm the only one that thought that Amber seemed drunk during the show. She was slurring some of her words and half of what she was saying didn't even make any sense (I guess that's normal for her though.) She's so dumb I actually hope they get married and he takes her for everything she has, spider lashes and all. She looks like a damn fool and the more she defends Matt the dumber she looks. I hope he takes her beloved couch too and leaves her to lay on the urine soaked carpet with her 20 pets.
  5. How did Dom not win the challenge and how the hell was Mitchell not in the bottom? I'm so confused! Mitchell's dress reminded me of the pink monstrosity that got Buffy kicked off in the party store challenge. I actually liked Emily's dress too and think she deserved a spot in the top over Valerie's boring dress. Even though Mitchell deserved the boot I'm still not mad that Stella went. She's a one way monkey and has nothing new to show anyway.
  6. I was born in the 70's and my friends and I wouldn't date each others ex boyfriends. If it's just a guy someone dated a few times I don't see a problem with it but I would be hurt if one of my best friends dated someone I was in a serious relationship with without at least talking to me about it first. Obviously if it's been five years and everyone has moved on those rules don't really apply but Jessa knows that Hannah is sensitive and will freak out about the situation so I think it's a pretty shitty thing of her to do. Then again Hannah is an asshole and maybe Jessa and Hannah are ready to part ways as friends anyway. Hell if I know.
  7. Hannah's parents are a mess. Her father is a pitiful and stupid man. I just don't understand how anyone can have unprotected sex with a complete stranger in 2016. I also think he's an asshole for what he's doing to his wife. If you're gay, go be gay but don't lie to your wife and have sex with other people behind her back. They need to divorce and get it over with. Jessa is the worst friend ever! If you're going to masturbate with your friend's ex you might as well sleep with him because it's still breaking the girl code. Also, I hated her stupid overalls and turtleneck. Anyway, I do like that Elijah might possibly have a new cute boyfriend who is also his number one news source.
  8. I really don't care one way or another if Rick and Michonne hook up so I thought this episode was pretty stupid. I'm still trying to figure out how Rick and Daryl left in a gray car but returned in a white SUV. It's already but touched upon but it can't be said enough how moronic it was for them to abandon their car and take their newly found trunk full of loot on a road trip. If you find a truck filled with amazing stuff you immediately return home before the owners return for it or someone tries to steal it from you (which is exactly what happened.) So maybe the new guy really is Jesus, apparently he can quietly jump on the roof of a very large truck while his hands and feet are tied. It's a miracle!! No, it's just stupid.
  9. I didn't love Alexander's design but it didn't deserve to be in the bottom over Ken's ugly green dress, Daniel's potato sack cape dress or Mitchell's arts and crafts disaster. I hated Fade's and Emily's too but I think Emily's was the worst out of everyone's tonight. I also didn't get the love over Sam's dress. It was fine but nothing special. Same for Valerie's dress really. I usually find Stella's designs kind of dull and dated but I actually liked her dress tonight. It pains me to say this but I like Asha's also. I can't help but think how the PR juniors would have rocked this challenge (and with awesome attitudes.) This group is just generally boring and uninspired.
  10. I think you might have misunderstood my post. I've watched every episode of this show but I took my ambien last night and wrote a long rambling post about Vanessa's dog that I decided was stupid so I changed my post to “nothing to see here." Please don't lump me in with the haters, I love this show even if these people annoy the hell out of me sometimes.
  11. I don't follow these people on social media so I only can go by what I see on the show. So far I've only seen Tres go out and party once so I don't think that qualifies him as a party animal just yet.Maybe I missed him saying he had 20 female friends, I find Tres and Vanessa boring most of the time so I fast forward their segments once in awhile. I still don't get what Tres is being dishonest about. I think he's being practical. They really don't know each other well and I think it makes sense to have a back up plan. Anyway, I might be wrong but from what I see I think he actually cares about her and wants to make it work. I think Tres and Vanessa might be able to make their relationship work if they could take a step back and have some fun together. These couples skipped the best part of a relationship and jumped right into the daily grind without ever experiencing the honeymoon period.
  12. Sometimes I feel like I'm watching a different show then some of you because Tres seems like a decent guy to me. I don't get a smarmy player vibe from him at all. He just seems like a regular guy that was out dating and having fun with his friends before he met Vanessa. Just five weeks ago he had a completely different life so I think it's normal if he misses his old life a bit. I've said it before but I think that Vanessa is probably a nice person but she seems like a lot of work. I think she's less ready for marriage than he is.
  13. I haven't seen this mentioned but I thought it was kind of strange that Tres didn't shower and change his clothes after having his allergy attack or whatever that was. If it were me I would want to wash the pollen and grass off my skin and put on some fresh clothing. Maybe it's just the clean freak in me but horseback riding in the hot Georgia sun warrants a shower anyway. I always wanted to add what lame ass gifts Ashley and David got one another. Ashley really went all out with a $10 apron and David got a gift for something the two can do together after they divorce. At least David was able to properly fake enthusiasm for his gift. See Vanessa, that's how you do it.
  14. What kind of mind game is Neil playing with Sam? Why ask her if she missed you if you were going to coldly tell her that you didn't miss her? The whole scene was weird as hell! Then he buys her a bunch of presents and she's weeping like a baby and hanging all over him. What the freak was that about? It's obvious that he's still not over the crappy way she treated him in the beginning but he likes to pretend that everything is okay while he's secretly seething on the inside. It's a little creepy. I think Vanessa was dipping into the Tres Benadryl because she looked half a sleep through this entire episode. She seems like a nice enough person but somewhat dull. She always looks like she's on the verge of taking a nap. For some reason her little dog annoys me too (sorry dog lovers.) Same old shit with David and Ashley, there's no hope there. She looked somewhat happier but only because the six weeks is almost up. The tree place looked cool though.
  15. I wanted to add that in no way do I believe Farrah actually gave Sophia that much money for her lost tooth. Everything Farrah does is for the cameras and is so fake. Sophia is too young to realize that she's just a character in the Farrah show and that her mom doesn't really give a shit about her.
  16. I swear each week I hate these assholes more and more. I usually reserve my hate for the adults on this show but Sophia grates my nerves. I wanted to snatch her up by her ratty hair and send her to her room when she was spying on grandma and Simon. I almost feel sorry for her because she is growing up in an insane asylum but I just can't take her creepy voice and her weird obsession with Simon. Why the hell is Farrah dressed like she's hiding from the paparazzi in her own house? She had on those huge sunglasses and that ball cap like she's Casey Anthony in hiding. Amber is a bitch for getting Leah's hopes up about going to Florida before talking to Gary first. It's like she knows that Gary is going to say no but she wants to make him look like the bad guy in front of Leah. So Maci doesn't even have time to clean her house but she has time to go out for drinks with her friend. Nice to see that Taylor is helping out. I guess someone's got to drink those Bud lights sitting in the fridge. These two are going to be in a world of shit when baby three arrives. I guess they'll just get that nanny so all those kids don't interfere with their drinking time.
  17. I think David's explanation is questionable but it doesn't really matter since Ashley was planning on leaving after six weeks anyway. I agree with the rest of you, she absolutely loves that this happened. Now she can claim that she really did try to make the marriage work and that David ruined everything. I just wish that he would stop kissing her ass and grow some balls. I literally yelled at my tv at the end of the show when he said he was going to fight for his marriage. What the hell is wrong with him? She hates him, how can he not see that? He just comes across as so desperate and pathetic that I want to slap him. Anyway, I don't understand what's going on with Neil and Sam. Most people after dating for five weeks have had some type of physical contact so I think it's strange that they appear to like each other now but haven't even kissed. They act like two awkward middle school virgins that have never dated before.
  18. I just rewatched (I currently have no life) and he definitely said that. I wonder if April's husband is a little tired of babysitting duty.
  19. That scene was very telling to me. It's obvious that whenever Nova is home Cate is expected to take the baby with her every time she leaves the house and she wanted to put Tyler on the spot in front of the cameras. I have no doubt that Tyler does absolutely nothing to help take care of his daughter.
  20. First I'll say something nice, Jayde and Nova were adorable in their little Halloween costumes! Leah was also super cute with her magic set. Now for the real shit, what the hell was Debra wearing at dinner and what is going on with Farrah's face? She looked even more plastic than usual tonight especially in those Face time chats. And her ass looked insane (not in a good way.) That has got to be the strangest family ever. Who thinks it's okay for a six year old to wear makeup to school and why won't anyone brush the troll's hair? Anyway, so now Cate has anxiety about going on her honeymoon? Sounds like bullshit to me. The two of them couldn't wait to get away from Nova so they could lounge around and talk about Carly. I've struggled with weight gain myself so I've been hesitant to say anything about Cate's size but she's really getting huge and I'm surprised at how much weight she's gained since Nova was born. I feel mean for saying this but she looked terrible in Hawaii. I can't believe a big tv wedding and a beach honeymoon wasn't enough motivation to hit the gym and put down the pizza. She's got absolutely no excuse either. She's got the money for healthy food and the time to work out but she's just too damn lazy to do something about it. What's up with Maci and Taylor drinking champagne, I assume in the morning with baby Jayde? That just seemed kind of weird to me. So many questions, what the hell is wrong with Ryan, does he not understand how trick or treating works? What the hell was he all dressed up for anyway? I'm convinced that he's on some kind of drugs because his actions doesn't make any sense.
  21. I was flipping through the channels last night and I happened to catch the therapy scene again and that's what I heard also. I didn't really catch it the first time I watched. He said something like Nova will be gone for a few days and come home for a night or two. I think Nova is gone a lot more than than Tyler and Cate want people to believe.
  22. I laughed when Cate complained about getting up at 7. I guess she doesn't realize that most adults with or without kids are up by 7 because they have actual responsibilities like work or school. I'm not a morning person but 7 isn't even that early. I'm a SAHM right now and if my toddler sleeps until 7 I consider that a victory. Grow up and drink tons of coffee in the morning like the rest of us! Tyler needs to wake his lazy ass up too. With two parents at home these two should be getting plenty of sleep. Anyway, if Tyler and Cate can't handle their baby now while she's still immobile I don't know how they're going to take care of her when she starts walking and all the trouble really begins. Compared to having a toddler that gets into everything I think having an eight month old is pretty easy.
  23. I usually don't even comment on Cate and Tyler but these two really made my blood boil this episode. I'm a SAHM of an 18 month old so I completely understand needing a break now and again but in this situation you have two parents at home 24/7 so there is absolutely no reason why they should be dumping their infant off at crazy grandma's house 2 or 3 nights a week. It's absolutely ridiculous! Tyler is a piece of shit. He's putting all the blame on Cate as if he has no say where his daughter goes. What do these lazy assholes do all day? Poor little precious Tyler is too good to work a regular job like everyone else. I can't wait for the Teen Mom gravy train to end and for reality to slap both of them hard in the face. Cate doesn't want to be a SAHM, she just wants to stay at home doing nothing. And why doesn't Nova ever have clothes on, are they too lazy to dress her?
  24. I think you're right. Why would she care? For Amber it's merely good enough to talk about what a great parent you are and you don't actually have to do anything to prove it. I don't think she gives a shit what kind of person Matt actually is as long as he's there with her 24/7.
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