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Everything posted by grumpypanda

  1. I'm curious as to why everyone assumes Charlie was shooting up heroin? I just figured he was shooting coke since that's what he was selling and he was super hyper throughout the entire episode. Now granted, my knowledge of heroin comes from episodes of Intervention but I've always thought heroin made you mellow not manic. I guess it doesn't really matter what he's shooting but I don't get why they had to make Charlie an iv drug user to begin with. Wouldn't snorting coke, dealing it and living in a shit hole be bad enough?
  2. Thanks. It never occurred to me that Jason was his last name. I still think ogre fits him better.
  3. Can someone please explain to me why Jason is called Kyle here. Sorry if it's already been explained but I haven't seen it mentioned yet. We just call him the Ogre in my house.
  4. I really liked Kini in his season but I officially hate him and his stupid denim designs now. I'm not a Sam fan either but I feel like Kini needs to get over that bullshit outfit he helped Sam make and focus on his own work. I could see Alice in his outfit but I still didn't like it. It looked like a basic denim dress with a bunch of ruffles tacked on to the back of it. Anyway, the designs tonight we're kind of disappointing. I thought the challenge was a really cool idea but these designers seriously lack imagination. The only look I really liked was Dom's. I didn't think Layana's was that bad either. I didn't like Asha's at all and I hated Emily's and Ken 's outfits. I don't understand how a red pantsuit says Snow White. The red apple maybe? Sam's was a hot mess but I'm glad he stayed just to piss Kini off. Alexander deserves to go just for making a boring dress for Cinderella (hasn't she suffered enough?) And because it can't be said enough, what the hell was Zanna wearing in the work room? That outfit was atrocious!
  5. Do you have room in that closet for one more? Yes, I do on occasion make my family corn dogs for dinner but in my defense more often than not I cook pretty healthy and none of us are obese.
  6. I guess she could have been referring to after the pregnancy but at one point she was down to the one fifties and I don't remember her ever looking anywhere near that thin again once she had Alana. Maybe she did for a short time before she got pregnant with her son though. I hope she sticks with it this time, I really like Melissa and I'm rooting for her. Anyway, as far as meals goes, I stay at home with a toddler and she eats whatever we eat for dinner but I don't usually eat breakfast or lunch so I fix something just for her for those meals.
  7. Someone refresh my memory, I recall Melissa's first pregnancy being featured on her original episode and her gaining a huge amount of weight but now she's claiming to have only gained twenty pounds. Am I crazy? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else but I remember a scene from her baby shower where she looked really big.
  8. This update episode left me kind of sad. Although both women are actively working on losing weight again both of their lives are so depressing. Melissa is stuck in a loveless marriage to a douche bag with five kids to take care of. She obviously loves her kids but she admitted that she misses working and now with another baby it's unlikely that she'll be able to work anytime soon. She just seemed so lonely and isolated with no support from anyone. I hope that she can continue to go to meetings and the gym just to get some time to focus on herself. I wonder who watches the kids while she's away. I can't imagine her lazy ass husband doing it. Ashley's life didn't seem much better but at least she has friends and gets out. Yes she's still big but not big enough where she can't get a job or go to school though. It just seems like she's always going to have an excuse as to why she can't do things. Her legs are bad I understand that but that's even more reason to lose the weight to get the damn surgery. Losing 2 pounds in three months is not trying.
  9. I went back and watched it and I think you're right, it does look like a dog walking out the door. I was so angry the first time I watched it I guess I wasn't seeing clearly. I wouldn't put it past Leah to pass out alone with Addy though. I don't even understand how you can be so tired in the middle of the afternoon that you can sleep with a house full of Mtv people pointing cameras directly at you. It must be the narcolepsy. Regarding Jenelle, I think it's her standard practice to put Kaiser in his crib when he's crying because she doesn't have the patience to deal with him. Plus, I just don't think she loves him very much.
  10. I don't see how anyone can still believe that Leah is clean and not high out of her mind after watching that final scene. I hope she wasn't alone in the house (besides the obvious camera crew) because you can clearly see a small child, probably Addy walk outside while Leah lapses into her drug induced coma on the couch. Watching this show used to be fun for the snark factor but now it's just making me sick seeing these kids be neglected, verbally abused, used as pawns and just all around treated like shit by their asshole parents. I could feel the rage building up in me tonight watching Jenelle throw her crying baby in his crib and close the door because she was over it. Her response to his crying is to either shove some food at him or to lock him away in his room. Try holding him you heartless bitch! My little one isn't much older than Kaiser and it breaks my heart the way that evil witch treats her son. I just don't understand how a mother (she doesn't deserve the title really) can treat her baby so cruelly.
  11. I just don't understand this either unless all their merchandise was stolen or destroyed but why wouldn't the insurance pay? None of it makes any sense. I wonder if they didn't have insurance to begin with or the insurance company suspected foul play.This is partly why I think they were using drugs prior to the construction accident. Their story is just not adding up.
  12. I feel like a lot of back story was left out or completely fabricated about these two. I have a hard time believing that they were living a squeaky clean, all-american life prior to Digger's construction accident. I'm guessing they always partied but were able to keep things somewhat together until they started shooting up. Anyway, I've seen some shitty parents on this show and I'd put these two somewhere in the top ten for sure. The names of those poor children might be enough to earn them a spot in the top twenty (low blow, I know.) The scene where they discussed mommy nodding off with Blaze really pissed me off. What the hell were they thinking talking about that shit with their little girl? Yeah, Anne you're a great mom, keep telling yourself that. Anyway, I hope that Digger stays clean and keeps that toxic witch away from the kids until she gets her shit together. I think it's better for the kids to have no mother than to see their mom high as a kite.
  13. Weird episode, Charlie looks pretty healthy for an iv drug user living in a shit hole apartment. Usually coke makes you lose your appetite and lose weight but Charlie gains weight because shortly after shooting up he has a hankering for spaghetti. Anyway, Desi does get some great lines. He's right, Marnie may end up getting murdered. She does do some really stupid things.
  14. I just got around to watching this episode and like the rest of you I don't understand how St. Marq wasn't in the bottom for that horrible tattoo. I'm not an artist but I could have drawn a better tree and mask than that pile of dog poo. I still don't get the format of this season. The veterans the enter the competition at the very end only have to do a few challenges and can still win the entire thing. What happened to Best Ink? It wasn't a great show but at least it didn't have all this stupid drama and these dumb twists. Anyway, I loved Cleen's tattoo. I thought it was one of the best tattoos I've ever seen on this show. Absolutely beautiful!
  15. I came here to mention Zac screwing up any chance that he ever had at undercover work but I see a few of you beat me to it. I don't understand how it never occurred to him that being on a t.v. show would actually hurt his potential career in the DEA not help it. I also worry about his safety and the safety of his family once this show is over and some of these guys get out of jail. Snitching isn't usually taken lightly by criminals. Like the rest of you I loved Myryum munching down on her popcorn watching the shenanigans unfold. Anyway, I think Tami came off as an ass in this episode. I get that those girls were extremely annoying but I think Tami was more upset that she wasn't the top dog from Boston. I noticed that Barbra's face looks a little fuller so I'm guessing she gained a few pounds with all that heavy jail food and laying around. I actually think she looks better with a little weight on her. She definitely looks happier since finding Tami.
  16. Enough with the freaking jumpsuits! Can someone enlighten me, do people actually wear jumpsuits? I live in central Florida and I've never seen anyone wear a jumpsuit in my life. Maybe I'm just not hanging out with fashionable enough people. I forgot that I didn't like Layana in her season until this episode. I was really rooting for her to leave. She comes across so smug and superior without the talent to back it up. I remember a few episodes back Zanna told her that her jumpsuit looked flimsy and this one had the same problem. I think I hate all jumpsuits now. I didn't love anything on the runway tonight but I give Dom props for being the most creative. I always appreciate when the designers make their own textiles even when I don't love the end product. Anyway, I thought Alyssa looked better than usual on the runway tonight. Her hair and makeup were sort or nice and the white dress was almost flattering.
  17. I've seen it mentioned here a few times already but I think it's unlikely that Lupe has a life insurance policy. Neither one of them have a job so it's not like they have insurance through work and I doubt they went out and bought a policy on their own. Who would insure a 600 lb person anyway? The only thing Gilbert gets if Lupe dies is his freedom. Anyway, I don't condone Gilbert cheating but I do understand why he does it. It must get exhausting doing everything for another person. Not only does he have to do all the cooking, cleaning and shopping, he has to bathe his wife and wipe her ass and listen to her constant moaning and groaning. I think he just might want to feel like a normal man once and a while. It's not right but I get it. I thought really he was going to disappear in the night during one of her hospital stays and it's awful but I really wouldn't blame him if he did. I still don't get why he married her in the first place. Reserve a seat on that bus for me because I didn't think Lupe looked all that different after losing 300 pounds either. I wish her well but I don't have much hope for her. The picnic in the park didn't look that happy.
  18. I just thought of something, so Jenelle is mad at Nathan for putting the Roll in daycare when Nathan has visitation but why is the Roll enrolled in daycare in the first place since Jenelle is finished with school and isn't working? Jenelle even made a comment about it being better for the Roll to be at home with her than at daycare so which made it seem like the baby is with her all day (I seriously doubt this because she obviously hates parenting.) Anyway, my point is, Jenelle is just making up bullshit reasons why Nathan can't see his son and is willing to hurt her own child because she's so immature and jealous. Don't get me wrong I think Nathan is a piece of shit but she chose to have a child with him so she needs to learn to deal with him. These people are seriously horrible parents and I sometimes feel like a terrible person for watching this crap.
  19. If it makes you feel any better I live in Florida and I hate it here. I've never been to England (Europe for that matter) but I would love to trade places with you. We always want what we don't have. Anyway, welcome to the Teen Mom2 board!
  20. I wonder if Leah is exaggerating about it being a 45 minute drive to the school just like she exaggerates/lies about getting up so early. If it really is that far of a drive that don't make no sense. Why move so far from the school dummy? I also don't get why she's always so unprepared for everything. It's like she doesn't realize that kids need to be fed or need clean clothes or need their hair brushed. Maybe I should spread some hate around, Jenelle once again was a cold hearted bitch. She likes to brag about all of her medical training but she can't even be bothered to take care of her sick baby. What kills me is she spends half of her time at a doctor's office getting plastic surgery but she can't take her obviously sick child to the pediatrician when he's in pain. Leah may be stupid but Jenelle is plain evil. Something nice, Aubree looked adorable on her first day of school and Kailyn looked very pretty at the photo shoot.
  21. What can I say about Leah that hasn't already been said but I still can't believe that a mother would let her toddler down packets of sugar and sweet and low all the while covered in some sort of blue coloring probably from a lollipop. It's a wonder that Addy has any teeth left in her mouth. Does anyone really believe that Leah can get up at 5? If she is up that early than what the hell is she doing for and hour and a half? And the kids can't eat breakfast at school unless they show up early. They can't mosey on in 15 minutes late and expect to get fed, it doesn't work that way. I was never the type of mom to make a big breakfast of bacon and eggs before school but I made sure my kid had a bowl of cereal or at least a banana and a granola bar. Life with kids is a lot easier with a little planning. How about you trying packing your kid's lunches the night before and avoid all the morning drama. And who the hell is she texting at 7am anyway? She looked barely awake, it was scary. Make a pot of coffee and wake up before you drive your girles to school (or lay of the benzos in the morning.) That bitch is going to cause a major accident someday.
  22. I think Brett was open to having a fling with the woman in Detroit but when he told her that he was married she flipped out. At least that was my impression. I think that the new woman might not end up a random hookup either. It seemed like they really clicked and I can see a potential relationship forming. So how did Tina get the baby home if she threw away the car seat? Those things are expensive, I'd be pissed if my babysitter threw mine away. And every parent/nanny knows that you never ever leave the house without diapers and wipes. Babies poop at the worse times. I don't blame Larry for not wanting kids at this point in his life, what is he like 60? Tina has got to be in her forties so the time might have passed for her too. I found the conversation between the two of them really sad.
  23. I don't think sleeping without underwear is weird but sleeping without underwear with your mom in the next bed is definitely strange. And brush your teeth! Sometimes I think Hannah is the grossest character on tv. I was also struck by how frumpy Hannah looked compared to her mom when they walked into the retreat together. Lorraine put some effort into her outfit and looked stylish and cute and Hannah looked so dumpy. And why was she wearing that same horrible outfit everyday? She must reek from wearing the same clothes for days on end. Anyway, I love Shosh in Japan and I don't want her to come home. The cat cafe looks awesome, I want to go!
  24. I guess I don't have a heart because I actually laughed out loud when Denise got shot with the arrow. I was just happy that she quit talking. I can't take these long winded speeches anymore. I don't even understand what kind of random bullshit she was talking about. Something about Rosita being alone and brave and Daryl making her feel safe and how she really wanted an orange soda.
  25. It's apparent that this group of designers is officially out of ideas. You would think that the designers would go into the show with a bunch of interesting ideas that would fit an array of challenges but nope, these guys got nothing. I was disappointed to see that Kini recycled that stupid umbrella dress again. I didn't mind it the first time but this time it looked terrible. He should have been in the bottom over Alexander. I also hated Valerie's sad blue dress. I don't know what the judges saw in it to put in in the top but I guess pickings were slim this week. I actually thought Sam's dress was pretty even though it didn't necessarily fit the challenge. I thought Dom's outfit was kind of cool too. I didn't like Ken 's look but I'm not mad he won. Better him than Valerie I guess.
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