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Everything posted by missbonnie

  1. I absolutely loved the little shit-eating grin he gave Nicholas right before he walked away. That was indeed very much like his father.
  2. Holy cow show! That was all kinds of awesome in my book and we got the bonus of Eva biting the dust. I have to admit that I teared up a little bit at the end when the girls were swinging on the ropes in the garden. I echo the statement about Wendy, her bedroom and the almost sneak peek of her inner kitty. LOL And, I am happy with everything else in the episode. They mentioned more than once how powerful Joanna is, so much so that she said she doesn't practice that kind of magic anymore. I sincerely hope that they bring the full force of her powers to the forefront in the last three episodes. This witch is hurting and majorly pissed off. Go get em girl, and I hope that she brings Wendy and Frederick along for extra ammo.
  3. I don't get where they get their age demo's. To me, this show should be geared towards the 25-55 age group.
  4. From the reception I have seen on other boards, Facebook etc, I wouldn't be surprised if season 4 is a slam dunk. It's very popular in most of my website drive-bys.
  5. Never seen this in any form, so I'm excited.
  6. I am totally pumped for this show, of course the fact that I've never watched a Shonda Rhimes show may have something to do with that.
  7. Now that is the one thing that I definitely felt like the mom's handled this wrong. First of all, it's fine to do it in the studio but turn the damned board around so the kids can't see it! And then, to drag that thing to the competition and set it up in the dressing room, again in full view of the girls, was just asking for a scene in my opinion.
  8. I think one of my favorite lines of his when they brought the show back, was when he asked that really big dude who Cliff had taken in, and he was stuck following orders from Pamela, they had a scene and as JR was leaving he quipped to the guy, "How's it feel to be a French poodle?" LMAO
  9. What I wish is that we had had to the opportunity to see JR go at it with Mama Ryland. How awesome would that have been, God I miss Larry Hagman.
  10. So, watching that on my phone as a former high school dance team coach and not taking into consideration what I know about the people on this show, that performance was ok. Not great, definitely not exceptional, just watching it in a little screen, I saw all kinds of errors, and if that's Chloe on the far left, she's behind by a half count several times. There are other visual errors that I picked up on. I'm not a dance teacher, but I am very good at putting a dance together that has both great visual appeal and synchronization and that dance number above isn't even close in my opinion. As always though, YMMV.
  11. I checked TV Line tonight and they have changed the Witches of East End renewal to "a safe bet" yet our funny show still says "could go either way". Depressing for me.
  12. Oh honey, I just hear the word Aramis and my mind goes off to the land of naughtiness.
  13. Wheeee! I will have the season one DVD's in my hands in 48 hours. It's going to be a swashbuckling weekend for me.
  14. This post is just full of win in my opinion.
  15. Holy shit that was all kinds of ugly, even for this show. I too wonder how much is scripted, mainly because both Holly and Jill have been instagram-ing pictures of Kenzi, Mia, Maddie, and Kendall big time the last few days from wherever they are right now. I agree with the post above that if it IS scripted, that person needs to be fired, and if it's NOT scripted, these women are nuts to continue with this mess, contract or not.
  16. Turns out all the characters on the show who thought they were all big and bad, just got a nip from THE junkyard dog in charge, and it's not Mama Ryland.
  17. Uh, holy shit show! You have managed to shock me again. Fine job, things just got really ugly for all the players in this IPO roll-out. I love this show, warts and all.
  18. I am 1/4th native American and it didn't bother me in the least. Was Abbey wrong to put Maddie in at the last moment? You betcha, did it surprise me that she did it? Nope, she made it crystal clear from the beginning that she wanted the win and we all know that the gloriously, fantastical, magic that is Maddie is her ace in the hole every single time. I think that was the 3rd or 4th time that I have seen that damn Happiness dance and I don't ever want to see dance as long as I live. Holy cow was that girl from the elite group severely underweight! Her appearance was actually disturbing I thought. I also thought that Abbey was exactly right about her arms being a mess when she danced. When Chloe dances it just looks beautiful and elegant and this girl looked like a stork trying to dance. I was rather shocked by the scene for next week where Holly lit into Abbey. She's usually a pretty cool cucumber and doesn't lose her temper. So I am assuming that we have 3-4 episodes left now? I can not wait for the last time Cristie appears on my TV, that pot stirring, continuous whining woman gets on my ever loving last nerve.
  19. Coincidentally enough I recently got a letter that I am in the damn jury pool until the end of December. Oh YAY!..... Not. I have already had a week of my life stolen by being on another jury in a different county of my state 15 years ago, shoot me now. I also clicked on Turow's novel so apparently some of us are close in age. Oh how I wish that it had been Angela who jumped off the bridge, but no such luck. I was rather surprised that we got an actual cliffhanger but it's not really a cliffhanger when know that Jane's going to survive. I figured that it was a frame job from the beginning and thought it was the wife, but it doesn't appear so. Now I have no idea who it was and I had it in my head that they were coming back in November. February is a long way down the road.
  20. I was going to ask if they would rerun it over the winter, apparently not. Such a shame because that would definitely lead to an even bigger fan base.
  21. Just checked TV Line this morning and still no update with regard to another season.
  22. I totally agree with all of this. I couldn't place that guy at the end either. Josh Henderson just knocks that character out of the park every single episode. I rather suspect that Larry Hagman is getting a kick out of all of this knowing his sense of humor. Loved the entire episode especially the part with Bobby alone and Johnny Cash music in the background. I also loved Sue Ellen's visit with Bum. Once again, Emma steps in it. BTW, I think that's the first time I've heard bullshit on this show yes?
  23. Cristi and Chloe spent most of the summer traveling all over the world doing meet and greets and they are usually selling out. I don't think we need to worry how she's going to turn out, and while I miss watching her dance, I will not miss her mother in the slightest.
  24. I noticed that Auto Trader ridiculousness immediately and it was followed by a Rosetta Stone comment that was just as awkward. The first thing that popped into my head was all the sloppy product placements on Smallville, that shit drove me crazy. It was probably even more aggravating and obvious because I had just watched a shitty product placement for AccuVue contacts in a Smallville episode not two hours earlier. At least the beer one seemed more natural to the scene. Angela needs to meet a guy, get married and move to California, I am beginning to develop a hate for that character like no other. By the time the last scene rolled around I was sitting there thinking, "Oh great, another gratuitous shot of Angela's rack, whoop-de-do." I agree with the comment about Frankie getting good at tackling the bad guys. That's one character that has grown into his job in a natural progression from being a beat cop who works his way up to the homicide division and Jordan plays his character so well. Someone up thread mentioned that this season has way too many solved the crime in the last 10 minutes of the episode. That's annoying as hell, they didn't do that last week and I think that made last week's episode better than this week's because they actually spent most of the hour working on the case. I'm hoping that when this comes back for the second half of the season, that they have those specific kinks worked out. On a side note, thank you phone for making me have to edit this post a hundred times thanks to auto-correct.
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