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Everything posted by missbonnie

  1. Well that was a big ole mess, and why doesn't Juliette wear any makeup half the time? It makes her eyes totally disappear in her face. I know that is shallow, but it's bugging the hell out of me. We all know that Scarlett isn't going anywhere, and it's just a matter of time before Layla catches her husband in a situation that she's not going to like. I swear Avery seems to have a hairline that receeds more every show. Stop styling it that way, it's starting to look like a comb-over is coming up soon. If Rayna accepts that proposal, I will barf. I like Gunnar more and more with every show. Teddy is becoming dead weight and where is Rayna's sister? And finally, what the hell is the holdup with ABC and renewing this show? They renewed a bunch of them yesterday and still no word on this show.
  2. I didn't see that coming either, I seem to recall an interview with TPTB that said there was going to be a major death and that it would be permanent. I hate the Travelers storyline, always have, always will. But it makes me wonder if the spell is moving outwards from MF, how long before it makes it to New Orleans and Klaus and Elijah & company? Surely they thought that out you would think.
  3. Me neither, in fact it really pissed me off that the writers even went there. It's like heaven forbid we write Juliette growing up just a little bit. I'm assuming that Deacon doesn't know that his witch of a sister used to beat the hell out of his niece, or he wouldn't have let her have any say in Scarlett's treatment.
  4. I have been laid up from surgery for the last couple of weeks and just got done re watching all nine seasons. That ought to hold me for awhile. I'd forgotten that Dan had managed to score some redemption in his family's eyes and the walk with Keith was an fitting one.
  5. What a mess that this show has become. I need a damn scorecard to keep up. Please fix this before the season finale.
  6. Have to say that I honestly felt bad for Pamela. That's a soul crushing thing to find out, especially if it's one of your friends doing your husband. Been there done that, and got the shirt and damn near everything else I wanted. But to this day, I have never forgotten nor have I forgiven. Rest of the show was pretty good except for Christopher who I could not care less about. See you in August.
  7. WORD to all of that, and I loved the old show in its times. What I don't like is the new show that I love seems hell bent on using the same story lines. That's so damn lazy it's not even funny.
  8. I was watching an old episode of One Tree Hill today, it was during season six where they did the USO show and I would swear that Johnathan Jackson was playing guitar in the band that backed up Hailey.
  9. I thought Macks song was cute myself, I can totally see pre-teens loving it.
  10. I totally agree with this. Spader just owns the screen when he's on it. Not to mention that he appears to be having a ball playing this character.
  11. WTF happened to Brandi's face?? She doesn't even look like the same person. Anyway, I like Joyce and her husband, Lisa and Ken, pretty much over the Richards sisters and Carlton and I absolutely loathe Yolanda. So, next year can we keep Lisa and Joyce and dump everyone else ala the RHNY a few years ago?
  12. I totally agree with all of this. Deacon I love you but man up mister. Yes Rayna lied and as she pointed out, when you did find out that Maddie was your daughter you reacted exactly how she thought you would. I'm not saying she was right, but I can see the motivation behind it. Please writers send Zoey to LA for good she's annoying as hell. Still don't like Luke and thank you for no Layla and her husband.
  13. I loved every minute of it myself. Of course that may be due to the fact that I am not a comic book reader and the only thing I know about the Marvel super hero's I got from seeing the movies. I was torn about May being the mole or whatever. On one hand I love her as part of this team because she's so badass but, on the other hand it would have been cool that she was the one who has been working with someone else, again because she's so badass. I don't believe for a moment that the guy they found was the clairvoyant and Deathlock was cool.
  14. So, what do we have left, one or two episodes?
  15. They can't get the oil off Southfork because Miss Ellie and her father before her set things up to preserve the land and that there was never to be any drilling on Southfork and Bobby wilI see to it that their wishes are upheld. I thought that Josh Henderson and Linda Grey were so good even though I am not thrilled with basically the same storyline from the original Dallas. Yes, I am waiting to see Rebecca kick some major ass. It is only two more shows, but then the new episodes start back up on August 18th, which doesn't seem as long as the last hiatus.
  16. I'm formally TWoP, I had to dvr the episode and didn't get to see it until this morning. I have to agree with whoever said that they are picking out good bad guys. When this week's sat down in the chair in his dirty tighty whiteys and took off his nose I was thoroughly creeped out. I am trying to figure out if Tom knows that Liz is onto him. And whoever he's working for must be a serious badass for the fake brother to take a swan dive out the window.
  17. And she still needs to eat a sandwich. I love this show, but I am pretty disappointed in the plot involving Sue Ellen's drinking again and from the looks of the scenes from next week John Ross pulls a JR on his mother. I mean really show? After all these years we have to go down that road again? That's just laziness on the part of the writers I think. I will say one thing about Judith Light, she sure does crazy justice.
  18. Dumb question here, but assuming that Mary manages to wed Lola off to that guy, how is she going to conceal the fact that she's not a virgin and explain the baby bump?
  19. Henry truly is missing a few crayons from his box isn't he? When he tried to get Mary involved in his warped little sex game she looked like she was going to hurl.
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