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Everything posted by guilfoyleatpp

  1. Is there anyone (besides Bubby) who doesn't think that Amber is EXACTLY the kind of person to have a very liberal view of what is "her" money? She can barely keep track of it as it is, much less be aware of what's coming in and going out. Good lord she's awful. I might stop watching again. I stopped while Bristol Palin was on. Didn't miss it much.
  2. I would view the sportyball quitting a lot less favorably if it was ANYTHING other than tackle fucking football. Kaiser is 5? And they have them out there with PADS? He didn't need to be on that team. No five year old needs to be on that team. More evidence that Jenelle and David are fucking morons.
  3. how's that gonna look in 5 years though. three blobs and a bunch of lines. That tattoo is so detailed and the faces are so small, and it's on his arm. It seems unethical for an artist to do that.
  4. Betting that someone at IG is a TM2 fan or has friends who are keeping an eye out. That's my favorite theory right now.
  5. I keep getting the call from the "IRS Department" saying that my SSN has had suspected fraudulent activity. I actually took one of the calls to mess with them and told them my name was Gennifer (with a G) and THEY HAD MY REAL NAME. My maiden name but WTF. I denied it was the correct name, but shit.
  6. I'm totally digging that they're digging it and not totally making fun of it.
  7. they are monsters. we all saw Jenelle revising the road rage/driving incident. she convinces herself of bullshit all the time and she will fight to the death anyone who says otherwise.
  8. sooo...let's unpack this post of Jenelle's... 1) The dog had already nipped at her child's face. I saw it. Jenelle saw it. David saw it because he was taking a fucking VIDEO of the dog showing clear warning signs. THAT would have been the time to protect the child. Then you rehome the dog. You don't wait for it to do what is clearly predictable and then beat the shit out of a 10 lb lap dog. Pieces of shit. Bullshit. 2) He's on a list of serial killers and kidnappers and it's all untrue. SO FAR. 3) Smaller thing...Jenelle, it's "Wringer." It has to do with an old fashioned machine for washing clothes. I suspect you would know that if you'd ever done your own clothes. 4) The children adore him. Yes. Children adore their parents even when they're abusive pieces of shit. For reference, Jenelle could look at her own life and her own piece of shit father who abused her mother. Jenelle still thinks he's the good guy. 5) The media never looks out for the best interest of you or your children. True. But neither do you, Jenelle.
  9. same. and love after lockup. lord help me. Monday is our last day. It's cutting into little's camp time. Annoying.
  10. Dawn's eyebrows are an inspiration. To go to the brow lady.
  11. Kailyn is so fucking petty. It was hilarious on the reunion when they showed her being an ass to Vee and then she said she would NEVER get along with Lauren. Because why now? I guarantee you that Vee has called her a "cunt" several thousand times.
  12. I saw that "wah wah you ruined FD" post on Reddit and I thought that David had another bullshit explosion about bullshit. Are they on the 6th time she's left him now? Tick tock
  13. what. the. fuck. It's hard for me to remind myself that this woman is younger than me by half a decade. Jebus.
  14. So. Fucking. True. Props. Kudos. Adoration. All to you, Lemur.
  15. Thank you for reminding me of that. WHY is she reading his phone...even if they WERE together at the time, which they WEREN’T, reading someone else’s text messages is so fucked up. And she just talks about it like there was nothing wrong with it. Bitch, don’t read shit that isn’t yours and you won’t see people calling you c*nt. And stop acting like one.
  16. Dr. Drew proves how out of touch he is again by telling Dr. Randy that he used to be "worried" about Jenelle's "survival." Dude, where have you been? I know he's not watching the show at all, but come on, that's a level of cluelessness that is heretofore unparalleled, even by Dr. Drew's low standards. I was glad that they refused to take Nessa off stage in order for Jenelle to return. And I was glad that Nessa didn't even begin to attempt to make that bitch feel good with comforting looks. And every comment, she proved that she was ready to go. She will take David (or any man who husbands her) over her mom, her kids, her very lucrative job. It's all him. They will go down together. Rather, she will. David is not nearly as devoted to her. He just likes that she seems to need him so much. Also, Chelsea calling Drew out on "dads don't babysit" was perfect and raised her in my estimation about 5 points. Good one, Chels.
  17. Yes to both of these! I read somewhere recently that an abuser who chokes his partner is a certain alarmingly high percentage more likely to kill them in the next year. Choking = killing. Killing family pets is also part of the Standard Abuser Playbook. David is one scary piece of dog shit on the bottom of society's shoe. And DeluJenelle being a sociopath who no longer has a "normal" anchor to observe makes perfect sense as well. We've seen how she changes with every partner, and with Poo-on-Shoe she's spiraled into the truest version of herself, which is approximately equal to free floating chaotic evil looking for a place to land for a while before oozing off to damage something else. She's never been able to have any successful, long-term relationship, platonic or romantic, at any time. She loves drama and destruction more than any other thing and certainly more than any other person. If David wasn't abusing her, she would still be abusing and neglecting her kids, and probably whatever partner she had...has she ever broken up with anyone aside from Barbara? They always leave her ass, right? No one can take the black hole that she is.
  18. That safari room was completely cringe worthy. Who thought that was a good idea?!
  19. @TheRealT, what you're saying is so spot on in spirit. David doesn't have an end game. He's just an impotent gorilla swinging his elbows and hoping to connect with something that he can impose his will on. Knowing that it takes an average of 7 times before a woman leaves an abusive man for good, I'm trying to keep count of what attempt number Jenelle is on. Is it 5 now? But then, she's also abusive. If David wasn't emotionally manipulating and abusing her, she would be doing the same to whoever she was with. Does that double the attempts? Do they cancel each other out? I honestly don't know who to root for at times, just want the kids to be removed from the horror show they absurdly call "home."
  20. I just pictured Michael Scott from the office yelling "I. DECLARE. BANKRUPTCY!" Like, maybe she thinks there's a legal thing where if she says it enough it becomes true?
  21. how do you pronounce that? KAY-sen? KIII-sen? kis-SEN?
  22. she is so fucking dumb. It's one thing to vaguebook when you don't have thousands of people who search local records and leak shit to the tabloids for money. It's another entirely when you're dumb-as-a-rock-and-mean-as-a-snake Jenelle who not only vaguebooks, but then posts the video on soshul meedya. I am growing worried this is going to end very badly for her. Like Dateline NBC badly.
  23. Kailyn is TOTALLY that friend you had when you were in HS/College who would obsess over her own f'ed up relationship and barely listen to you when you needed a chance to vent. All conversations are about her or the friendship is over.
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