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Everything posted by Gurkel

  1. The Louisville couple was a study in contrast. They seemed like nice people and didn't have any annoying personality traits, but some of the things they said drove me crazy. The woman didn't like the granite in one kitchen, which was certainly her prerogative, and she didn't like the look of the cabinets, which were beautiful, and she goes, "This kitchen needs some TLC" as if it were a dump. WTF? And they said they wanted to downsize but kept asking, "Where are we gonna put all of our stuff? Oh, well. I guess we have to get rid of some of our things [said sadly]." You're friggin' downsizing! That means getting rid of stuff. I did like all of the houses they looked at, but the one they chose was my favorite.
  2. I liked Trevor's analogy that if Trump were president and "joked" about nuking other countries, as he has done, foreign leaders might be like, "Is he joking? Is he serious? Well, to be on the safe side..." And that's one way a military conflict could begin. Yes, the Olympic commentary is annoying. But I did like the segment where various politicians defended Trump's words. And Guliani laughed and said that if Trump had told his supporters to shoot Clinton, the crowd would've gone wild. Why is that funny? Why is that a "what if" scenario for a Presidential candidate? SMDH. I haven't seen the interview yet. Will watch it tonight.
  3. Too bad the business aspect of their relationship got in the way of their great coaching-student relationship
  4. A friend of mine is married to Jair Lynch, who won the silver medal in parallel bars at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. I actually saw him during this year's Opening Ceremonies, and I asked him if he missed competing. He told me missed training but not competing. We were in a loud restaurant/bar, and I didn't have a chance to talk to him more about it, but I always thought that athletes loved competition more than anything else. Maybe the anxiety level really is that high.
  5. I was also surprised by the lack of outcome. The before and after pictures of her scars and boobs looked almost identical. Her abdominoplasty did look much better, however. And I loved how she slipped in the botched tummy tuck to her 'Botched By Nature' story--"I got struck by lightening, I gained weight, and I had this bad tummy tuck." I ff'd through the toe lady's story. It just didn't engage me, for some reason. Did her feet look good after the surgery? ETA: because "weight" and "wait" are two different words!
  6. Yes, the Onodi was good. I had to watch it like 3 times to really grasp the difficulty of how she changed directions. She was like a magician doing a slight of hand trick. And I remember Tatiana Gutsu.! She was always fun to watch. When my sons were young, I took them to gymnastics classes at the local gyms, and there were an equal number of boys--if not more--in the younger classes. It wasn't until the kids turn about 8 that there were almost no boys in the classes. Boys in the United States, including mine, tend to be steered towards team sports once they reach a certain age--baseball, basketball, soccer, flag football. Team sports are what we see most on TV and what the world seems to value. Trust me, I wanted my younger son to stay in gymnastics--I actually kept signing him up for classes until he was almost 10, but his heart wasn't in it. And I didn't want to force him to do something he didn't particularly enjoy.
  7. But why aren't they the favorites to medal? Why don't they medal (or haven't in a while)?
  8. Why are U.S. men as mediocre (globally-speaking) in gymnastics as the women are dominant? Is it the coaching? The lack of boys participating in gymnastics?
  9. Why is it called the pommel horse for the men? And is it supposed to shake the way it does?
  10. Maybe Quinn doesn't have any more viable eggs. Maybe she has a "hostile womb" and can't carry a baby. Whatever news the doctor gave her, she didn't want to talk about her options. She shut down the possibility and kicked Booth out of her life. ETA: Yes, that really confused me. I wasn't sure what the correct pronunciation was. I had to look it up
  11. Maybe they were both drunk by that point, but earlier in the evening, when Jake Ryan offered his semi-comatose girlfriend to Geek, both guys were awake and lucid. Drunk but lucid.
  12. Loved this post. The bolded lines had me laughing out loud. You make the finale sound really good. Let's hope it lives up to your play-by-play commentary.
  13. Well, damn. I wonder what Quinn and Rachel can possibly do to stop them?
  14. And the dirt is always soft, even in the middle of winter.
  15. Why don't you like Judge Judy? Yeah, she's annoying, but she's old. Doesn't that give her a pass? And on The Talk, I like Aisha Tyler and Sara Gilbert. Sheryl Underwood is growing on me. Otherwise, I like your list!
  16. Did the cast and crew have to sign non-disclosure agreements? In other words, wouldn't Coleman and Yael be breaking the law by revealing behind-the-scene secrets?
  17. I liked the South Dakota couple. I found them so funny and charming that I actually watched the intro stuff, which I usually never do. But why, or why, did they name their daughter Elliott? Just a few years ago, this was a major joke on Scrubs--that parents would name their daughter Elliott. This seems to be a new trend--parents giving traditionally boys' names to a girl. I have friends who have named their young daughters Ryan and Evan. And Kristen bell named her daughter Lincoln. I'm not saying that girls all have to be Jennifer or Ashley (which used to be a 'boys' name), but I just don't like the Ryan, Evan, Lincoln, or Elliot sound on a girl. I can't imagine what confusion these girls will have to face in school and life, having to explain to teachers and kids on the playground why they have a "boys" name.
  18. I actually enjoyed last night's clip show more than the RNC one. Maybe it's because his coverage of the Republican primary--especially Trump--was already so extensive that the clip show seemed redundant. For the Democrats, I'd actually forgotten some things--such as the other two people who initially ran against Hillary, Bernie, and O'Malley. His night 1 coverage was good. I liked that he addressed the Bernie voters, many of whom refuse to vote for Hillary. But who also say that they don't want Trump to be President. I liked that Ronny tried to explain the fallacy in their logic. But it fell onto deaf ears, unfortunately. I liked that Jordan and Hasan showed how easy it is to get people's cell phones and lap tops, but why were they destroying them? It was destructive and mean, and I didn't get the point of the "joke."
  19. But ratings are good for the actual reality show, Everlasting. Yes, the ratings for UnReal suck--and deservedly so. Yay, Ruby! I has happy to see her and glad she had the last word. But was Darius being sincere, or was he just desperate? It's hard to tell based on the writing--and the actor's portrayal. Yes, I loved Quinn's digs about Madison giving Chet a blow job. I forgot Quinn's line about something being "short and fast," but it made me laugh. I'll have to watch it again.
  20. From Hamilton! I recently listened to an interview with him. Seems like a nice guy. And looking at his picture, he certainly fits as Bow's brother
  21. And to further your analogy, it's not like people are wondering what happened to Romeo after Darius fired him or wondering what happens to Darius after he goes to bed at night. One of these characters was shot and might not live, and the other was injured so badly he had to be hospitalized. The fact that we learned nothing more about their fates in the remainder of the episode shows that the police incident itself was important to the show. Not the outcome of that police incident. --Tell us that Romeo is in surgery. Tell us that Darius is in the ER. Tell us something. Does Rachel even care what happened to them? It seems not. And I like that Rachel is a complicated character. I just think the writing for her character arc was stronger in Season 1.
  22. I don't mind the back-and-forth stuff per se. I know that the producers encourage the couples to do it and might even script it. But I do notice and care about how they treat each other. When one person minimizes the other's concerns or completely disregards their opinions, then I think the couple might be in trouble. Yes, this couple worried me. In contrast, last night I watched an episode with a married couple from Fort Worth, TX. They were in the kitchen arguing about a gas vs. electric stove. The wife went on a tirade, and the husband didn't say a word, but he gently put his hand on her lower back. But it wasn't a "Calm down, Woman!" move. I read it as, "I got you. We're in this house-hunting thing together, and it's going to be okay." Now that's a couple I liked and hope will stay together.
  23. I agree that the show is about Rachel, but the suitor being arrested and hospitalized, and his unarmed cousin being shot and possibly killed are not ancillary plots. Last season when Mary died, the show obviously couldn't focus on her as a character anymore, and it addressed how her suicide affected Rachel, Quinn, Chet, and the other ladies. But after this incident, Darius -- the suitor-- and his cousin are still alive, but we don't hear about them at all. What if Rachel tried to go to the hospital and was turned away by police? someone? Shapiro said she knew they were going to do this episode back when she thought about having a black suitor for Season 2. So why was Ruby sent home? How could the writers not have wanted Ruby to be part of an important discussion about race? Or is there even going to be a discussion about race? Unfortunately, I'm not holding my breath.
  24. "You and I" - The Monkees You and I -- Rick James, (B****!)
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