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Guncle Adam

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510 Excellent
  1. Paul aside, I think Andrew is the only grandchild of Shawn & Caroline who hasn't been on contract as an adult. Kim & Shane's son is a hot gay spy and nobody wants to write for him? Le sigh.
  2. Sometimes Johnny shoots it from different angles to make it look bigger.
  3. I think the Doug that appears to her might be Twink Young Doug, and that's who the young guy guest star in the promo is. I don't think she's playing a scene with Bill's ghost.
  4. Peacock isn't going anywhere. Comcast has money to burn, and ambition. What's more likely is that they'll buy Warner Bros from Discovery. Then Peacock will have HBO. And DAYS! 🤓
  5. That's the story I wanted to see. Grieving Chad relying on Sonny and things taking an unexpectedly intimate turn that has them questioning their relationship. That's a lot more interesting than Stephanie.
  6. The lines I can't believe they got past the censors are the ones about the bull-duck who opened the tattoo parlor. Brilliant.
  7. Days plots aren't typically too complicated for me to follow, but all the Gina business was so, so convoluted. First, Gina was the name Hope used when she didn't remember who she was. (Where did the name come from, originally?) Then Gina referred to a real princess who used to work with Stefano and who out of pure coincidence was an aged double of the daughter of a Salem cocktail singer. Ok, sure. Then, after Shawn Douglas threw the princess off a balcony, Gina referred to an alternate personality of Hope who just thought she was the princess. Albeit, in a nice budget saving move, now the same age as Hope. And don't get me started on Sleepy Time Hope, who was yet another non-Gina alternate personality that wasn't actually an alternate personality. Do I have all this right?
  8. It's gobsmacking that on a show where Tony DiMera has no children, they gave that dead dud Daniel THREE.
  9. I'm struck by how much OC has moved away from its original concept of 6-8 episode arcs. I don't mind the standalone episodes; some of them have been good. But the long arcs are what set OC apart. Without them, I'm less interested.
  10. THANK YOU! I have been waiting 20 years for an answer that satisfying. I am at peace. 🤓
  11. Seeing Eve with Andrew would also be fun...
  12. I'll stipulate that it makes (a little bit of?) sense to credit the two casts in the order that they appear in the story. To avoid mass confusion, I guess? (Personally I think I could handle the cognitive dissonance of seeing Hugh Dancy's name first, but maybe they ran a focus group.) BUT Crediting the cops first would actually be FINE, had they not deliberately inserted the words LAW and ORDER as literal topic headers for the actors. That's where they lose me. 🤯
  13. That jumped out to me also. I skipped back and replayed it convinced I'd heard it wrong. But nope. She said boobs. An aside — The opening credits flash LAW, and credit the cops, then ORDER and credit the prosecutors. Isn't that ass-backward? Don't the cops maintain order, and the lawyers practice, well, the law. Has anyone else spent two decades wondering about that? No? Just me? 🤓
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