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Everything posted by colorbars

  1. I don't think we're supposed to think Toby is cheating and I don't think Kate thinks that either. I think it was just supposed to show that Toby was complaining about her to his friends, which both showed he wasn't actually over it like he claimed, but also because earlier, Beth had told her that if the only people they're talking about their problems to are people outside the marriage, then that's not good. The Rebecca scenes were hard to watch, oof. Not sure how I'm gonna be able to handle all of this stuff going forward, it's really gonna hurt. I definitely prefer the smaller time jumps, and I'm curious to see what the deal with Kevin's fiancee is. The mystery would suggest it might be someone we know, but it could just be so they can give us another misdirect throughout the back half of the season, like they did with Cassidy. If Cassidy doesn't turn out to be said fiancee, I'm not convinced she's actually gone. But at the same time, I really don't picture her as the type that would agree to get married that quickly, pregnant or not. Annie is always adorable, and I loved Tess' little subplot this episode. She has great taste in women too! Glad her classmates were supportive.
  2. I assumed Nash just has his or, judging by his reserved sadness, possibly had, his own daughter and that it's a different version of Jesse, but Allegra is just around that age and reminds him a lot of her, so they might develop that kind of bond together. Echoing the comments that this was not a good episode. It felt like a chore to get through, which granted, is sadly not that unusual for this show at this point, but I wasn't interested in a single storyline tonight and my two favorite characters were either not around at all (Cisco) or barely there (Iris).
  3. Well, at least I came out of this episode finally having someone I want to root for. Even though I know Janet has no shot of winning, I can't handle anyone else. As everyone has already said, Missy and Elizabeth are absolutely awful and Lauren sucks too. Dan is a creep and the fact that he acted like these accusations came out of nowhere and he had no idea people were uncomfortable, as if Kellee hadn't already spoken to him, as if the producers didn't do the same thing. The fact that he or anyone could pretend that they didn't complain when the producers were called in for a reason... I know jury members can't talk but I really wish they had made an exception this one time and let Kellee speak. I hated that she just had to sit there and listen to all of that.
  4. I know she said that, but watching it happen, it really didn't seem like she did. I'm not sure if that's a fault of how it was shot or if it's supposed to be a case of Hen thinking she did, but from what I remember, she didn't look like she slowed down much, if at all.
  5. Yeah, the lights did appear to turn when Hen pressed the button, but she did it pretty close to the intersection, so I can why someone who was ending a call and a bit distracted but still looking at the road, would have missed the sudden change and caused the crash. Like someone said, Hen should have slowed to check the intersection before going through it regardless. That said, regardless of it she did everything right and it was completely the girl's fault, the guilt of that is going to be crushing for Hen or most people with a heart. Aisha was amazing in that scene.
  6. A child doesn't bind a relationship together forever though. Just because they were having a baby doesn't mean they have to be together forever, nor does it mean Eve and Annalise ending up together has to make Annalise is a homewrecker. Again, not saying it'll happen, but I don't count them out just yet. And yes, we already knew that Annalise had major gay panic back then, but considering she's bi or pan, that didn't have to mean that her feelings for Sam had been forced or fake, like it's been told now.
  7. If I recall correctly, Eve and her girlfriend were trying/she was maybe just pregnant, they didn't have a kid yet. I too assumed they were done, but the fact that they brought her back, and showed Annalise is kind of still longing for her last season, and to bring up the Sam/Eve stuff, have Annalise discuss how she just chose Sam due to the safety and normalcy he offered her, and put so much focus on her sexuality, has me questioning it. I don't expect any kind of reunion arc with them, but I haven't completely given up on the idea of her ending up on a beach somewhere with Eve years down the line in the series finale. But then again, I'm pretty sure I assumed there was no way all the hints about Michaela being into women/Tegan last season couldn't be for nothing and well, it absolutely was, so whatever.
  8. I want her to be happy too. My first choice would be with Eve, then Tegan, and Robert is third, but as long as it's not Nate, I'm good. Though at this point, I guess I should just be hoping she's alive and not in jail in the end.
  9. It was more than just a theory, the show telegraphed and dragged out the misdirect of Gabriel being Bonnie's son from the S4 cliffhanger throughout most of 5a. But yes, I don't see how Connor can be Bonnie's son unless it's a complete coincidence, which seems very unlikely.
  10. Considering it was very possibly that Gabriel was her son and they teased it for half a season, I don't see why Connor couldn't be her son. But if he is, that had nothing to do with why Bonnie could pick him, since she didn't even know her son was alive until last season, let alone know Connor was her son. It would only work if Bonnie was covering for Annalise and she didn't really choose him, but iirc, Annalise didn't know about her son, either?
  11. I don't think Asher killed anyone either, he could have easily gotten there after the person was dead and found them (since it's outside his apartment, right?) and if it's someone they all know and care about, he'd be understandably shaken the way he is. And if that's the case, I would guess Oliver over Gabriel. Could also see it being Frank (he hasn't been revealed in the flash forwards yet, has he?) or maybe Nate, but that'd be a stretch that he'd be that shaken. And I'm pretty sure the secret they were talking about was lying to Bonnie and Nate about Miller being involved in Nate Sr.'s death so they didn't feel guilty when they realized he actually had nothing to do with it. They did quick flashes to those scene in that moment, so I'm assuming that's what they meant.
  12. Micro-aggressions exists. Just because he wasn't shouting slurs at him, doesn't mean that what he said wasn't rooted in racism. Jamal didn't even make a big deal out of it, it was Jack that apologized himself. Jack himself admitted that he immediately realized what he said had racist implication and was embarrassed. He approached Jamal and apologized for it. Jamal was gracious and accepted and later had a nice conversation with Jack about it. He was also presumably asked about it in his interviews, so he spoke on it. Like I already said, micro-aggressions exists, and that was an example of one. As is rewriting what happened and painting Jamal as some angry guy that apparently "racked him over the coals for hours" when he was nothing but polite and gracious about the whole thing.
  13. I'm one of the few that doesn't mind Cassidy or her and Kevin together, but I've always been lukewarm on Kevin in general. I think maybe it's because I'm currently of the assumption that she's the mother of his kid (though that remains to be confirmed), so it feels like something important, at least. Considering the flash forwards last season hinted at Kate and Toby not being together anymore, I'm taking their current tension a bit more seriously, but I doubt they'd break up anytime soon, so it's probably not related. I agree that Jack kind of drags the show down at this point. I know they'd never cut him, so I wish they'd at least keep the flashbacks contained to the kid years. The war storyline last season, the dating years this season, what a snooze.
  14. I would definitely be here for this. It seems like the show has always protected Oliver as being above the others and the moral compass, as much as anyone on this show can be, so to have him betray them all selfishly would be pretty interesting. It definitely feels like they've been building to something with him with comments and concerns from Connor over the seasons, and that'd be a great place for it end up.
  15. There's been quite a lot of mention of Eve and Annalise's feelings for her these past couple episodes. I get that it's connected to Sam and might just be to bring resolution/closure to Annalise's struggle with her sexuality to get her with Tegan in the end, but I thought that was interesting. I'd be cool with either an Annalise/Tegan or Annalise/Eve endgame, as long as she doesn't end up with that bore Nate. As someone who has liked Bonnie/Frank's weird relationship in the past, I don't buy that confession at the end. I'd love if the show didn't end with Laurel/Frank together, but I just don't believe him. I hope Bonnie sees through that like she did when he tried it a couple episodes ago. With all the set up to Annalise running away, I'm guessing her faking her death is too obvious now, but we'll see. Glad to see Tegan is still alive in the future and not the informant.
  16. I hope Laurel's the informant, I want one of the core characters to really turn, and I think she makes the most sense. And considering Michaela was screaming about Laurel being "dead to [her]" while beating that pillow with the fire poker in the premiere... Well, I do think the Michaela part is probably a misdirect, but it'd be fitting.
  17. So, we didn't start the episode with a flash forward like usual, so no "X-amount of months earlier" info, and still no time frame on the ending fast forward either. They spliced in shots of the funeral, but it seems like the flash forwards will likely be set around the fire poker killing night, as I expecting - which is likely closer to the current timeline than the funeral is. I'm curious if the flash forwards will be the typical style of revealing a new character with each episode - in this case, narrowing down the identity of the informant/murdered character (as well as piecing together to killed them). If that's the case, my guess would be whoever Michaela's lawyer is will be the next character revealed - which I'd think would either be Annalise, Tegan or Bonnie. But they'll probably want to continue the fake out of Annalise being dead, so not likely her, and Tegan is most likely one of top candidates for the informant/informant red herring, so probably not her either, which leaves Bonnie as my guess for the flash forward character popping up next week, especially given her getting fired from the DA's office this week. I've kind of accepted that I expect Bonnie to die or take the fall in the end, but that line from Annalise has me leaning towards dying. I'm hoping I'm wrong, though; I'd love for her to get some semblance of a peaceful ending, if not a happy one. With all the focus on Annalise wanting to leave and putting herself first, I want to think they're setting up for her to fake her death and leave or something, but that could just be a red herring as well. I'm crossing my fingers it's not, though.
  18. Wasn't the guy in the picture with Tegan Laurel's father?
  19. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Like, yes, we saw her funeral, so even if it's legit and not her faking her death, there was really nothing to suggest that it's a funeral that takes place in the near future, or one that resulted from a murder. The way they cut the fire poker killing someone (I'd assume) before jumping to the funeral wants us to think that's what happened, but that's just too loose for me, like you said. They could easily justify showing Annalise's future funeral, regardless of when it is or how/why she dies, because of the beginning of the episode and how she imagined her funeral being. I guess we'll have to see next week, what the flash fowards look like. My guess is that we'll follow the other characters on the night of the fire poker killing, without seeing a body, and we'll spend the first half of the season being led to believe it's everyone dealing with the aftermath of her murder, and then in the midseason finale, we'll see that she's alive and well, and someone else got killed.
  20. Not only did they not show the faces of any of the mourners, but I don't think they put a time frame on it either, did they? Though I can't remember if the show ever does in the first fast forward, or if they wait until the beginning of the next episode to do the X-amount of time earlier. Now that I think about it, I guess they do tend to do that, huh? So I'll wait until next episode to see if they show that. But hat being said, I don't buy that they'd do her funeral and do something more shocking, like the actual night she gets murdered/things go down like every other flash forward. I get that it bookended the imaginary funeral at the beginning, but it's just a really weird choice that I don't buy.
  21. This is exactly how it will end, she just needed to fake her death to get there, is all.
  22. Not buying Annalise dying with a closed coffin. Everything about it was just so anti-climatic, I can't help but think it's fake. Of course, they could have chosen to keep the coffin closed because showing her body would limit the 'how she died' options, but I think it was keep their options open for whether to kill her or not, since PN is notorious for not having things planned out when he writes them (though supposedly he knows this season). I'm definitely leaning towards faking her death. It was kinda refreshing that they're not stressing over Laurel's whereabouts at this point, and are accepting she ran away and if she didn't, oh well. I know Frank will still be looking, but overall, I'm glad it doesn't look like we're in for a big arc about worrying for Laurel right now. No way Annalise telling her roommate about Sam doesn't come back to bite her. Viola was amazing in the scene where she let everything out.
  23. I'm curious how much we're going to be following all of these new people. Are we really gonna be seeing a lot of Jack Jr in the future? What purpose does that serve? I guess it has a purpose if they expand that and show us where the other kids are by then, and the audience, which I'm sure they will throughout the season, but I hope we don't have to see him every episode. I like the actor playing Deja's new love interest (he was amazing in When They See Us) but I can't say I'm interested in that story. Ditto Jennifer Morrison's story. I hope this is the only time we'll be seeing things from their perspective and anything going forward will feature a Pearson at least.
  24. I'm glad to see the show finally delve into the truth of that night and acknowledge that what happened to Darla wasn't consensual. I know we didn't know all the details from the start, since Darla herself didn't know, but we knew enough about Darla's past and where she was by that time for me to suspect that she was likely way too high to give consent for anything that happened. It was really nice to see Vi being so kind to her even before realizing what made her relapse, and I'm glad RA was understanding and supportive too. That said, I'm not sure how I feel about this storyline being what seems to be setting the RA/Darla reunion up; it comes off kind of iffy to use it that way. I know it's always been inevitable that they'd end up back together, but I hope they hold off long enough so that it doesn't feel too connected to this revelation. I've always found the Nova and Charley relationship and all its issues fascinating, so I'm really enjoying how much focus it's been getting this season, especially these last two episodes. I hope now that they've realized their issues and the root of them, that they can show them starting to overcome it and get to a better place.
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