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Everything posted by colorbars

  1. The UK version has produced three married couples, two babies and another relationship that's lasted two years so far, so it's certainly possible. But their version is also twice as long, so the couples have twice as long to get to know each other and there's a lot less frequent eliminations and new people shuffling in. All that being said, I do agree that I doubt any of these couples are going to last very long.
  2. Rue says in her voice over that she's in the hospital for a kidney infection and then the nurse mentions it, too. And as for Jules, you see her taking hormones injections or whatever meds it was in the pilot, then Rue mentions when she started transitioning in the intro to her episode, and I'm pretty sure they spoke about it pretty openly and extensively in the penultimate episode, particularly in the scene where Anna was doing her make up and they were discussing her relationship to femininity. I don't think they're truly in the same friend group. We've barely seen Rue hang out with them, save for her catching a ride in the first episode and then sitting with them at the dance in this episode. Cassie and Lexi seem to be really close in age, probably just a year apart, and Cassie's friends are probably just mostly friends/friendly with Rue because she grew up best friends with Lexi. The thing with Jules sleeping with older people is that it's usually closet/married older men who are paying to fetishizing her body, so I think her being a bit under age is the least of their concerns, sadly. Not sure how much older Anna is supposed to be though, probably not much older, I don't think. Lexi has definitely given more than a couple pining/jealous looks at Rue while she was with Jules. I think she's more envious than jealous, though. Most discussion I've seen about her feelings have her liking Rue, but just being happy as long as Rue is happy, and she thinks she's happy with Jules, so that's good enough her. But now that she won't be with Jules, well, who knows.
  3. All season long I've felt like people (not necessarily here, but just all over the internet) have been too hard on Jules - either blaming her for something that's not her fault (at least not entirely), not understanding the other pressures she's been under or making a lot of assumptions about her feelings based on very little, but this episode... She really lost me this episode and she really confused me. She seemed happy in the city to start and clearly more in her element with like minded people, but by the end, it seemed like she realized she preferred what she'd left behind. Yet this episode, she was gushing about the whole experience, unabashedly waxing poetic about Anna and how much she likes her (apparently loves her) to Rue, sneaking off to text her and wanting to go back. But the worst was her behavior at the train station. She wasn't the least bit concerned about Rue's doubts or concerns, brushing them all off until Rue finally put her foot down and outright said she didn't want to go, and then once she did, she tried to use Rue's dependency on her to get her to do something she clearly didn't want to do. Seeing her begging Rue to come with her and telling her that she loves her, while Rue stood there close to sobbing and fighting her need to please Jules like she'd failed to do all episode long, was really hard to watch. It's fine that she left if that's what she needed to do for her, but the way she went about it, or tried to go about it, was really shitty and selfish of her. Elsewhere, I continue to enjoy Lexi and find her endearing, but I'm dying to know more about her. Is she really just that sweet and innocent and nice? I waited all season for the other shoe to drop with her, because I figured she had to have something going on, but it seems like so far, she's just the straight man, nice girl that helps and supports others. Which is fine, I think this show needs a character like that - I don't need her to be fucked up like everyone else - but I would like some more focus on her. I really thought we'd get a reveal of her being gay/into girls as the episode played out, especially when Nate's abandoned date sat down after Lexi had expressed wanting to hook up with someone, but alas, it never happened. Hope we see more of her in season 2.
  4. I know the episode was focused on Cassie, so it might just be a result of that, but I got the impression that both of her parents favored her, especially her mother. The special attention from her messy mother might have done Cassie more harm than good. Abortion is a lot more common on TV these days, I'd be surprised if they didn't have Cassie have one. If they don't, I doubt it'll be for anything other than storyline purposes. I don't see them shying away from it.
  5. They're definitely trying to make me think Emily/Kyra couple up next episode, since I can't imagine what else could happen in the ceremony that would be that surprising or shocking. Not that that would be really surprising now that it's been telegraphed, but still. I'd like to see it, even though I feel like this is contrived and not natural, but still. The only other time I've seen a F/F coupling is on Love Island UK season 2 and even though that didn't turn out so well, I'd like to see it happen again. Kyra is definitely indecisive and possibly playing a game, but so is Weston. So many people have been coming at Kyra for seemingly changing her mind or being into so many dudes/people but Weston has been shuffling partners just as much.
  6. They did. The official boyfriend/girlfriend proposal is a big deal on the UK version, but it usually happens much further into the season than Zac's question popping did. Yeah, I liked Eric last night and for part of tonight, but he was a little too intense, though I get that his situation kind of requires that. He likely knew that the six newcomers weren't staying and needed to find a connection or make an impression quickly if he wanted to stay, so I can't fault him entirely.
  7. Not the OP, but McKay both got my sympathy this episode, but also lost points, too. He certainly looks good in comparison to Nate - every guy does - but the way his attitude and feelings about Cassie were explained in the intro were pretty misogynistic.
  8. Yes. All but one season has won, so we almost always find out the correct match ups when they guess it right and win. But the one time they didn't win, I think we found out at the reunion? Or online, maybe? Though then again, I think by then, the audience can figure it out through math usually, whereas I think that will be impossible this season, with all the possible matches. Though like Caseysgirl said, we usually end up with at least a couple matches that seem totally random based on the different dynamics shown and explored throughout the season.
  9. She's even younger than Cassie, he needs to find a girl his own age. But yes, I'm pulling for Lexi being into Rue.
  10. I'm expecting the cliche and contrived storyline of Nova being seriously injured in some way, so everyone feels sorry for her or realizes that life is short and family is family and whatever other BS, because I'm really not sure how they could ever come back from this organically without taking years.
  11. I clocked her reaction to that too, and her immediately volunteering space and money to his cause out of guilt (I'm assuming). That's not gonna end well, and considering he has ties to the workers working on the Bordelon farm now, I don't know how Charley thinks that's gonna stay quiet for very long... Everything Nova had done in first two episodes was bad enough, but finding out she went to see Jimmy Dale to get his "side of the story" is just unforgivable to me. Hearing her talking about doing it to see if there's a possibility for redemption for a man like him, as if she herself would have any say on his possible redemption, made me sick. So if she had found a different man than she did, what? She would have written his side of the story? Talked about his supposed redemption in her book, all without talking to Vi about it before hand? Just awful.
  12. Which will be pretty hilarious and hypocritical coming from him, since I seem to recall him being a fairly big brat to Charley for being "hard" on Davis back then and breaking up their family. But for real, from what I remember, while Charley didn't handle that situation in the most ideal way, as she was in denial and believed Davis at first, once she had proof of what he did, she called her whole plan off and let Davis deal with his mess himself, didn't she? And apologized for what she said/did? If my memory is correct, that's a pretty human and understandable response for a woman who has, up until this point, had full trust in her husband.
  13. Count me in as wondering if Nova copped to her affair with the married white cop. For a split second I was thinking, "Well, maybe she doesn't want to ruin his marriage and his family by naming him and digging up something that's over" but then I remembered she had no problem doing that to her family members, so! I doubt that stopped her. That scene with Nova and Charley was really good, though. I'm a sucker for those kinds of long, big, emotional blow out scenes. I'm hoping for more of them this season.
  14. No, I'm sure you're right, I just wasn't paying attention to that part, clearly. I don't think Bonnie has much self satisfaction at all, just slightly less guilt. Bonnie absolutely knows how brutal she can be and was, and has been struggling with it all since it happened, even before Miller's guilt was called into question. Nate, on the other hand, hasn't shown an ounce of remorse for what he did, beyond feeling bad that he dragged Bonnie into his mess.
  15. The only possible way to make the Laurel disappearance even semi interesting is if she arranged to disappear with Christopher and wasn't actually taken. Though I'm not sure who would've helped her do that, since she needs the protection from her family, so not them, and the only FBI agent she had any kind of connection to doesn't really have any power anymore. They'll have to check to see if the blanket is missing come next season, I guess. The others should've questioned why she kept the blanket, though. But otherwise, I very much agree with the sentiment that I'm so sick of Laurel being the center and her family even moreso. There is literally nothing interesting or worth being invested in there. It's only connected to Laurel and the motive is still... What? I don't even know anymore. Is her father just trying to ruin her life, or? God, I couldn't care less. I get Frank and Annalise wanting to hide the truth about Miller from them, but I can't see that not blowing up in their faces, and Bonnie will just feel even worse. I couldn't care less about how Nate would handle it, but Bonnie is gonna be so betrayed on top of being distraught. She's had her doubts about Miller's guilt for a few episodes and seemed to be accepting it the more likely it became, I think she could have handled it in the long run. But when she eventually finds out the truth and that they lied to her about it... Though, did I miss the explanation on Miller's investigation into Annalise that he had Gabriel helping with? Did they explain more of that? Was it just part of what Xavier was making him do? What was the point of all the lesbian/bi jokes and teases about Michaela all season? At least they seem to really be going in the Tegan/Annalise direction after the teases about them. I'm curious if Annalise realizes she knows Michaela's birth father. I would assume she does, since that would be a huge coincidence otherwise, but there's never really been a particularly special bond between the two like there was with Annalise and Wes, for me to think that if she does know, that it was a particularly meaningful connection between her and him.
  16. Laurel's family drama and mystery last season was what made it so boring to me, so this twist is not very welcome or promising to me. I couldn't care less. But, having said that, if next season is the last, which I've been assuming it will be, then I guess it makes sense to bring it back. A final season that deals with them trying to get away with the Sam and Sinclair stuff, as well as dealing with Laurel's family, is a pretty fitting way to wrap up the show, I guess. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up managing to pin it all on Laurel's father somehow in the end and they fully get away with it and clear Wes' name or something. Anyways, I'm glad Laurel finally forgave Bonnie, even if it was for the wrong reasons, because I was very over that storyline, especially considering Christopher didn't even see any of the actual violence, since he and Bonnie didn't get there until after and there's no way a baby registered what Bonnie was doing to Miller.
  17. I've always liked Beth and I was very happy to finally get an episode about her and find out more about her backstory. I wish the show didn't feel the need to save these things for Very Special Episodes, as said, and instead took the time to give these characters focus in regular episodes every now and then instead of just having them there to support the Pearson family, but I'll take it. My childhood love and admiration for Phylicia Rashad has been ruined due to Reasons, but I couldn't help but kind of forget about that while watching. And Carl Lansbury was as endearing here as he was on Supergirl last season. I was half expecting Beth's old teacher to come out at the dance studio, even though I don't even think it's the same one. The actress playing Teen Beth was perfect, both casting wise and talent wise. It's a shame we won't see her much, but hopefully she'll get to pop back up for college flashbacks.
  18. I get why others would find this season slow, but I'm enjoying it more than last season. I thought the Laurel family drama stuff was awful and, even as someone that really liked Wes, I didn't care about the outcome of it at all. Whereas here, I think the outcome will at least be a big deal, even if it's slow getting there. Yeah, Sam is long dead and I never cared about him, but I think it's a good way to bring the show full circle if next season is the last one. I just wish the K5 was more involved in what's going on, and Nate was... less. And Gabriel, too. I don't dislike Nate, but he's boring and Gabriel is not someone I, or most people, are invested in and they've done nothing to change that.
  19. I don't recall if they showed one. I'm guessing they showed it this time because they actually showed Bonnie attempting/everyone worried about her doing it all episode, Laurel was being so annoying this episode, that's hardly the main concern right now. Does she think Bonnie decided to take Christopher out to go commit a murder? She happened to have Christopher when she found Nate and Miller. She, of all people, should know that murder happens at inconvenient times. I was waiting for her to throw some kind of dig about Bonnie not being a mother at her like she did the others, to really kick Bonnie while she was down. It would've been unknowingly, of course, but still. It was really nice to see so many people worried about Bonnie this episode, it's what she needs. I continue to really enjoy the dynamic between Bonnie/Frank and scenes with Bonnie are about the only times I have any kind of feelings about Nate. I think Miller will end up being innocent of the Nate Sr stuff - and Bonnie will just have to learn to live with it, and maybe find some kind of peace in knowing she protected Annalise because of his investigation into her - but the Governor will be the one that ordered the hit on Nate Sr, so it'll all work out in the end, as far as guilt/taking down the one responsible goes.
  20. Truly, it all started before Rebecca was even in the picture. I've always considered Frank telling that lady the info on where Annalise would be so the car crash would happen was the beginning of it all. Had Frank not done that, he wouldn't have been under Sam's thumb, and Frank wouldn't have killed Lila - not to mention Annalise would've had her own son and wouldn't have been so involved with Wes, etc. Blaming it on Wes's "obsession" with Rebecca - who actually was innocent of Lila's murder - is kind of short sighted, in my opinion. Sam had already had Frank kill Lila by that point, who was pregnant with Sam's child... It's way more complicated than that one moment of Wes killing Sam to save Rebecca, as things had already been set into motion long before that. Besides, you could also blame Connor and co for not listening to Wes about what do to with the body, as they insisted on simply dumping it in the garbage when Wes (though Annalise's advice) had other plans, and it got discovered almost immediately. Had his body never been discovered so soon (or at all), who knows how things would've turned out.
  21. I'm so sad to see Eve go already, and that they kind of gave even more closure to Eve/Annalise, but I feel like that kiss at the end (and Frank's words earlier) give me hope that she might pop up as Annalise's endgame come the series finale. They obviously needed a reason for why Eve couldn't stick around, and seemed to want to open Annalise up to dating again (Tegan, please! Though I go back and forth between if they're trying to set her up with Annalise or Michaela), plus, it almost served as a reminder to the general audience of who Eve is and what she means to Annalise. I'm not giving up hope yet. Miller being innocent is no surprise to pretty much anyone, but I wouldn't be surprised if the call from Gabriel was about taking Annalise and co down, so that him dying didn't end up being totally bad. But I can't imagine how either her or Nate is going to handle this information in the meantime, since I feel like they'll let them struggle with it for a bit before they find out about the Gabriel connection. Curious what the K5 will do with this information - they don't really have a reason to be involved in it, but it feels really weird for them not to be.
  22. There might be more to it that we still don't know, but assuming this is the full story, I'm guessing it's the fact that it's proof that Annalise had a previous connection to Wes, the person that has officially been "credited" with the murder of her husband - who many people still seem to think Annalise killed, but she just got away with it. So if it was found out that Wes and Annalise had some kind of relationship prior to/outside of teacher/student, it would certainly raise questions and might even open up the investigation again, which is the last thing any of them are gonna want.
  23. EVE! I'm so happy to see her both because I love her and have been rooting for an Eve/Annalise endgame always, but also because I'm glad I was right about one thing this season - that she was the one Frank was talking to. I thought it had to be her, because she's the only one that we knew from that timeline that would care to protect Annalise, but I had lost hope of seeing her again. Glad to be both right and wrong. Loved the flasback stuff, especially the post suicide attempt scene with Bonnie and Annalise. Their scenes are always great to me, Liza and Viola work so well together. I really enjoy the Bonnie/Frank dynamic too, and think the actors have a great chemistry (which isn't always true of real life couples, if they're still together). I kind of wish the show would drop Frank/Laurel and go with Frank/Bonnie, because I think they work together well, but I doubt they ever will. Glad Nate tried to give Bonnie some peace of mind. I pretty much do think he's right, with how bad Miller looked, but I think Bonnie knows she would have done it anyways, so it doesn't really bring her much comfort.
  24. Kate sucks for telling Rebecca about Tess. I'm glad Rebecca at least didn't try to talk to her about it, even though she knew, and it wasn't until Tess called her out on it that the truth came out. I really enjoyed their scenes tonight. I like seeing Rebecca interacting with characters other than Jack, Miguel or the Big 3. I also loved how they handled Tess coming out to her parents. The actress that plays her did such a good job portraying the nervousness and fear and awkwardness of sharing something like that with your parents. And I liked the realism of her not wanting it to be a Thing and her not wanting to talk about it after sharing. I don't think Randell and Beth are divorced in the future, I think Randall just went to pick Tess up from her work to go to the home/hospital, while Beth was going to come from her work. I'm more interested in where Annie is, and Deja. They've already set up for Toby/Kate to not be together in the future through whatever circumstances (that flash forward of Randall and Toby on the phone in the premiere, where Toby was alone in bed, looking sad and without his wedding ring, and Randell telling him 'she' would want him there), so I doubt they'd do that with Beth/Randell, too. I'm guessing they're leaving Kevin and Kate's whereabouts for last - Kevin, probably to reveal whether he's still with Zoe or not, and Kate, because something big might have happened to her, if not just between her and Toby.
  25. Yeah, Bonnie finishing the job on Miller was definitely mostly due to Annalise, to me. Both because of what you said, but also because Bonnie knew that Annalise would help Nate and would want her to help him too, so she stepped up as best she could under the circumstances. Would she have done it without their earlier confrontation and her thinking he had Nate Sr killed, and thus led to Annalise falling off the wagon? Probably not, but I think it was ultimately for/about Annalise for Bonnie, as it always is. I think the possible sexual tension in the Gabriel/Annalise scene was because they were purposely trying to mirror her Pilot scene with Wes, right down to her touching his chest/face or whatever. It gave me very similar vibes to the weird creepy tension that was in a lot of Wes/Annalise scenes.
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