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Everything posted by BellyLaughter

  1. I'd be willing to put good money on this being the last we hear about Marcus and Lanie....in fact I would bet my house on it....if the bank didn't already own most of it!!
  2. Vineyard Valentine was a crime against good TV and remains so to this day.....I could barely bring myself to get through it the first time and haven't ever gone there again. For me that episode and its cringeworthy pod characters was the beginning of the end --- it was just embarrassing.
  3. Maybe he'll misspell Beckett a few times....it will be a riot!
  4. The episodes are ordered - Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall .... like the lyrics in the Carol King song You've Got A Friend Of course shooting order may well be completely different but from what I've heard the episodes will air in that order!
  5. If it's S6 Jess then awesome -- do I trust ASP to follow through??? No.
  6. I often wonder when watching that scene where Sookie has drowned her trauma in booze whether Lauren Graham is out of character just laughing at how hilarious Melissa is in that scene?? I wouldn't blame her if she is!
  7. And that's what made the whole SL just incomprehensible from the word go...I get zaney GG world and all but having a 12 year old girl "DNA" test her multitude of father choices while no one bats an eyelid was just bad taste.
  8. There is no way SF would have been as loved as LG had she become Lorelai - thank god that never happened! LGs likability and charm allowed most fans to overlook Lorelais failings.... ASP got lucky with that piece of apparent casting bad luck!!
  9. lol too true. I'm sure she will step into the 12th with her super sleuth powers and save the day -- once again making the actual cops look rather incompetent....RDRR.
  10. When put like that -- that's a bit depressing, not fun lol. As has been suggested!!
  11. There's a lot of 'fun' to be had -- Castle as a French Canadian in an ESL class......good god!
  12. Castle , Hayley and Alexis go to LA - with little to no Beckett in the episode. I can see why people would see it as a potential spinoff and I'm sure ABC isn't that bummed that that's how it's been received. As things stand at the moment surely ABC is gonna have to renew Castle in whatever Dr Frankenstein reincarnation they can get it. I read a few days ago that even Quantico may be lucky to see another season?!?! Desperate times at ABC....
  13. I'm leaning to LL already being married and if they aren't then they shouldn't be together anymore.....it's been 8 - 9 years?? Enough already.
  14. Seamus almost had me believing what he was saying in that interview but he used the word fun one too many times.
  15. It is a weird choice for a cover story....I am really hoping there will be more to it (preferably something funny and clever) but as CastleSeason8 said -- this is season 8: the year all logic got thrown in the garbage for the sake of contract clauses.....
  16. The discussions amongst some groups of people in this fandom regarding Stana is just beyond the pale and makes me deeply uncomfortable. The attacks on her husband are particularly disturbing. Luckily I seem to be able to avoid most of it but reactions to that picture yesterday.....I was not so lucky. It's beyond creepy.
  17. Yep and that's where my frustration lies I guess....as long as the price is right they will keep flogging this dead horse and it breaks my fangirl heart that I don't really want to even watch this anymore but as long as they keep offering up the big bucks this show is likely to continue on (life support) Isn't 8 seasons enough for these people??? That's a great run and it's been a great show but all good things do come to an end eventually??!! YMMV.
  18. I wonder if the show has to go the Beckett-less route will Jon and Seamus potentially find themselves out of a job as they desperately try to erase all traces of Beckett in an attempt to get the audience to transition to Castle PI?? It's depressing just hypothesising about it....I'm sure the reality would be even more so!
  19. That article feels like a rehash of the TCA drama??!! Or am I missing something?
  20. It is a shame about Forever.... I watched it and got the sense it was starting to gain momentum. Perhaps if they had renewed it for S2 (even just 9 episodes to start with) it may have continued to build its audience. Word of mouth was definitely growing at the time it was cancelled. It's all conjecture but I wonder if ABC are kicking themselves....in hindsight.
  21. It's OT but am I the only one who thinks Molly Quinn would be mad to not throw her name in the mix for the Nancy Drew pilot on CBS? Ok promo .... You got me! I'm interested.
  22. Yeah, continuing to use the word "fun" when this season has been about as fun as ebola is just grating. Given they would also be aware of the discontent (via social media) I can understand why fans are annoyed but I still think they were handed a crap deal this season....no wonder Barry Schindle and Rob Hanning turned the job down....
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