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Everything posted by JayD83

  1. 3 segments of MM getting OWNED. I love this.
  2. I know right. Womp wooommmmp! lol.
  3. OMG OMG OMG OMG New Chapter in View history??!?! Could it be??!?!
  4. Chile Whoopi has had IT with MM.
  5. Tracy Morgan is either high or drunk.
  6. You catch that she said she's not voting for Trump for personal reasons .... that's the truest thing she's ever said because if he hadn't come for her father, she would ride with him to the pits of Hell. She is so transparent, everybody can see right through her like she's bathing in Windex. (TM Mariah Carey).
  7. Glad I watched today. WOWZA! Meghan is showing her ASS!!!
  8. Yeah and not only that, she STILL played "devil's advocate" (her words) and tried to defend 45 and DeVos. Sickening.
  9. Rosie buried herself with those comments. Ugh. I wish she'd kept her mouth shut.
  10. OMG Joy just said that the difference between EH and MM is that she never fought backstage with Elisabeth. The audience "ooooooooo'ed" LOL.
  11. OMG Elisabeth is coming back Tuesday???? What will be of the pets and their hearing?!?! I won't be watching.
  12. Whoever said that Meghan dresses like their Grandma's sofa is spot on. She's dressed like that again today.
  13. I am so childish. I cackled so hard at that. 😀
  14. I'm in tears. I had pneumonia 3 years ago and came that close to death too. It is no joke.
  15. Amber Tamblyn needs to replace Meghan.
  16. MM really hates the environment, doesn't she? She just torpedoed that segment with her blue card "facts" that got her ass smacked down a few months ago ... AOC riding in Uber and Leo DiCaprio's private jet. JUST SHUT UP!
  17. Get used to it, I'm thinking. They are (probably) going to test out of a bunch of people to see who takes Abby's place when she goes on maternity leave.
  18. I will be soooo glad when someone smacks Meghan upside the head and tells her: WHEN JOY IS TALKING ABOUT REPUBLICANS SHE IS TALKING ABOUT LAWMAKERS AND PEOPLE OF POWER! LAST I CHECKED, ELSA HAD NEITHER! Ugh!
  19. Yay producers for allowing Sunny to actually finish her point.
  20. I rewound that callback to "OH MY GOD ROSIE.....ROOOOSSSSAAAAAAYYYY!" like 10 times. LOL.
  21. I'm sure Meghan is sitting there wondering why Anna is texting a dirty Democrat.
  22. "If you're not first, you're last". She even attributed it to "Ricky Bobby", too.
  23. Did MM just quote Ricky Bobby? Lol.
  24. There's only one episode left until the Finale. If she isn't in the bottom next week, it won't matter how angry they are. Honestly, I didn't like the whole "report card" concept from the start. Like - it's cool to hide behind report cards/track records until your friend is in the bottom, so you cry a little bit and save your friend - Nah, I'm glad the precedent has been set - let's get MESSY!
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