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Everything posted by JayD83

  1. When is Meggie going to realize this job is not for her?
  2. Wow. RBM is salty as HELL today!
  3. You just know she wanted to.
  4. oh yeah. "Apologized" for the rhetoric she spews and is "sorry" for saying she hated Hillary and calling her "Crooked Hillary" on the show. The way Joy came out firing, I think Joy read her for filth in the morning meeting which made her walk back her comments.
  5. Surprise, Surprise! The republiCANTs at the table don't want to speculate about the bombs. Wanna guess why?
  6. Can we get Meghan some Ritalin? Jeez.
  7. When they are trying to take away my health care that I need to stay alive, I'm going to take that personally. When my rights as a gay man are on the line, I take that personally. When my mothers/sisters/aunts/cousins rights as women could go away, I take these things PERSONALLY. She can kiss my ass.
  8. Meghan said that an overpaid TV host shouldn't talk about winning the lottery. This is the most honest thing that has EVER come out of her mouth. Bravo to her for that.
  9. Definitely. I think a huge part of what makes her like MM is because MM has just as much disdain for the audience as she does. Never forget "DON'T TWEET ME, FACEBOOK ME, I DON'T CARE!"
  10. Whoopi to MM: "Your soapbox is gorgeous to me, you go ahead" Can we get rid of the both of them together?
  11. Turning this off. This bitch (MM) is really on her soapbox today and I can't stand it.
  12. MM just made another situation about her father's death. DRINK!
  13. I would love to swap out Whoopi for Yvette Nicole Brown.
  14. Note to Meghan - YOU. ARE. NOT. IN. POLITICS!!!!!!!
  15. Umm why is Whoopi screaming at us because she was dead ass wrong about Pill Bill? Oh and I just love how MM managed to bring up the Clintons. ::Huge eyeroll::
  16. I literally stood up and screamed YAAASSSSS! I heart YNB so much. It would be great if we could keep her.
  17. Yvette Nicole Brown and Sunny aint playing. I am getting my LIFE!
  18. What in the hell is MM babbling about?
  19. Count me in for that. I won't be watching for a while. Maybe after the midterms? ::shrugs::
  20. You are preaching to the choir, that's why I have such a visceral reaction to anything involving him because most of my people just don't give a damn. They will argue you down and then when all else fails it's "oh well you weren't there, and it wasn't him in the tapes so...." OR "Well, Aaliyah married him, he didn't make her! Age Aint Nothing But A Number" - it's disgusting.
  21. I'm not surprised by anything that Andrea is saying. I canceled R. Kelly's nasty, abusive ass years ago. I actually go batshit crazy if someone even attempts to play his music in my presence. He's human filth and hopefully he's the next to get taken down!
  22. "Hooker, please" will never NOT be funny to me. Every time I get to that episode, I rewind it at least 10 times. So hilarious! I love this show too. Easily my favorite of the new comedies.
  23. I see Abby is amping herself up for when MM gets back Monday. She's been more combative this week.
  24. "Bye Alexa" "My Name Is Suzanne!" That bit was HILARIOUS to me for whatever reason. I love the show already. Hopefully it can stick around.
  25. Only 6 hours of sleep in a 7 day period? Yeah right, Whoopi. Nobody believes that.
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