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Everything posted by JayD83

  1. Today's show should be good.
  2. Today was my first day watching in a while. I see why I hadn't. Jedi makes me want to projectile vomit.
  3. Exactly. I posted on other boards that Sasha brought out the psycho chic on both songs, ESPECIALLY "So Emotional." I've been a Whitney stan for 25 years and never realized it could be interpreted as a stalker song, until last night.
  4. Whitney is my diva as well, and when that Thunderpuss remix of "It's Not Right But It's Okay" came on, I completely lost my composure. Sasha BODIED both songs!
  5. Don'tcha just love the way Whoopi purses her lips with an attitude when topics come up that she doesn't like?? It's so fun! ::insert sarcasm::
  6. I don't know why I watched today. I can't take Paula AND Jedi. THINK OF THE CHILDREN! WHAT OF THE CHILDREN!?!?! STFU, Paula.
  7. When Jed started parroting the whole OBAMA LIED TOO!!!!!!11111, I turned the View off. I really don't know when I'll come back.
  8. Sorry GHers, but I just flung myself down the stairs in complete joy! OLTL was my first soap and I still watch episodes on DVD. I loved the entire ABC soap line up (except whatever came on at 12:30. Hopefully this is the spring board to a revived mini series, TV movies, something other than sticking characters on GH.
  9. This bitch just said out of her mouth that "grab em by the P****" is worth lower taxes. I always knew she believed that but to hear her say it.....WOW!
  10. I don't know if I can stomach JediblahBLAB anymore.
  11. What a train wreck! Who invited that bitch on the show? (Y'all know who I'm talking about).
  12. Doesn't look like KAC showed up. I'm thankful for small miracles.
  13. That's my favorite part. People on this show don't do it enough! Hold their feet to the fire!
  14. I told y'all after that smackdown about 3 or 4 Mondays ago she wasn't coming back. She went on and on about how we needed to get over Trump winning. That the [racial] attacks were equally on each side and we needed to wait until he got in the chair before we complained about him. Whoopi and Joy didn't want to hear it and the fragile flower looked as if she would cry. She didn't come back until last Thursday to announce she was leaving.
  15. Yes, today is her last day. I just KNEW after that smackdown she got a few Mondays ago that she was a goner. I'm sure Paula is next.
  16. In my Sophia from "The Color Purple" voice - When CCB announced she was leavin da view, I knew there was a God! CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON!!!
  17. Did CCB quit? She hasn't been on since she got smacked down about two Mondays ago. I hope so.
  18. Paula can KISS MY ASS too with this "both sides" bullshit.
  19. Oh trust, she said if she had one, she wouldn't hide it. SMH.
  20. Jediblahblah can take a long walk off a short pier. To Joy - "You weren't worried about security clearance when it was about Hillary Clinton." I can't stand the fact that EVERY TIME there is an argument about Trump, she brings up Hillary again. HEELLLO Ms. Blah Blah, Hillary LOST like you wanted her too. No need to keep beating that dead horse. I won't cuss as much as I want to because, ya know. Class. Ugh!
  21. I see the wench didn't show up today. Probably couldn't take the heat after yesterday.
  22. Saying the hate and bile being spewed is from BOTH sides and we need to come together and sing kumbaya. Basically, being racist and sexist means nothing to her. We should just suck it up because he won.
  23. Exactly. I feel the same way, and CCB is making me want to vomit. She is so ridiculous!
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