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Everything posted by JayD83

  1. Yeah Mehgan, the media is the reason why 4645 people died in Puerto Rico. ::Rolls eyes::
  2. I came here to say this. SOS (Summer of Sleeze) was all about the defective condoms ELQ manufactured.
  3. I am so goddamn tired of MM saying that the media and liberals in particular want an out and out repeal of the 2nd Amendment. SHE IS THE ONLY ONE SAYING THAT!
  4. Renewals are coming up soon and I think MM realizes she really needs this job. When her father passes, I don't see other networks lining up to hire her to do anything.
  5. Did MM just give credence to the Daily Mail's stories on The View?
  6. MM has a very myopic way of thinking. When they were talking about Donald Glover's new video, she goes to Whoopi "oh well, I don't know anything about art" with this attitude. Alternatively, she believes she and SHE alone is the only one on the panel "qualified" to talk politics. What happened to being a well rounded individual? Just because you are an expert (or in her case NOT) doesn't mean you can't be knowledgeable about other things. She's really starting to drive me up a wall.
  7. MM needs everything broken down and fed to her like baby food.
  8. We get Meredith again next week??? Yay!
  9. Someone also needs to tell MM to ditch the stupid 'gotcha' questions. 90% of the time, she has no clue what she's talking about and it's embarrassing at this point.
  10. I'm so glad that Sunny brought up the FACT that Comey is a private citizen now, he can say anything he wants. Mean Meghan seems to forget that.
  11. Joy is provoking MM on purpose and I am here for it!
  12. Me thinks MM is not long for this (View) world. Absent again.
  13. I would love if someone smacked MM across the face.
  14. She can't even be happy about being nominated for an Emmy without spouting out "As a Republican..." Oy vey.
  15. Goodbye RU boo. After buying every last one of his albums and supporting the show since DAY DAMN ONE, I'm now a "thirsty ass queen who likes to complain", huh? Yeah I WOULD rather watch Matlock reruns. What a bitch. https://www.queerty.com/rupaul-trixie-mattel-react-backlash-stars-voting-20180321
  16. I have not been this mad at a TV show since ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIVE were canceled!
  17. As much as I have been into this show since it debuted in 2009, I'm done. I can't even say I wish it well because Ru has his picks and it's always obvious. I hope VH1 takes it behind the barn and shoots it. #Shangelawasrobbed.
  18. I have cussed every body out associated with Drag Race out. With this...I'm done. Shangela was robbed and they can kiss my ass. Season 10?! Gurl please!
  19. She's throwing so much shade at Sunny I think I saw a tree fly across the screen.
  20. Please spill the beans because that segment was kinda uncomfortable to watch.
  21. OMG what is wrong with MM! She's extra ornery today!
  22. More Meg friends! DRINK! The CPAC guy made my skin crawl.
  23. Meg-splaining 101 Tribal is bad when liberals do it and have the nerve to invite a GRAMMY WINNER (Hilary Clinton) to read from a book. Tribal is good when republicans get together to stop the evil left from taking their guns. Got it.
  24. MM is turning red. She gets really upset thinking the evil libs are trying to take away their guns. They won't stand for abortion but Lord forbid we take away their AR 15s. I wish someone on the panel would ask her to explain this thinking.
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