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Everything posted by JayD83

  1. She just doesn't want to face everyone if her side loses. She's not fooling me.
  2. After the second episode - there is too much COVID. I watch TV to escape so I'm out.
  3. I'm comfortable saying that MM is racist as hell. Defending Joe Rogan? Now he speaks for the every man? Wow. ETA Now Sara wants the fucking disgusting racist Joe Rogan to do a presidential debate? Gag me with a spoon! ETA 2 Chalegmane The God is a rapist and MM thinks HE asks the best questions. Lord this show!
  4. She doesn't care about anything other than "her side" staying in power.
  5. Exactly. I let out an audible "what the ____" when she said Stormy needed an apology and had done nothing wrong.
  6. Cohen - "So your question is what Meghan" I hate him but I howled at this!! More guests need to push back against her word salad.
  7. You know what? F__ MM for trying to spin this. I'm done with the View.
  8. I'm already tired of Sara's always framing everything Trump does as a both sides issue. She's really a nicer version of Meghan - she's not fooling me. I may try to watch after the election, but I just can't stand these pundits trying to spin the indefensible in Trumps favor. I've finally had enough.
  9. Okay, I’m going to say it. This segment has proved to me .... Meghan may not be a racist but she damn sure is a racist apologist.
  10. Now she's yelling about how HER show opened teasing that HER party isn't doing enough. Who yells at the announcer lady? Megs is NUTS.
  11. Chris Wallace said Democrats need the Fox News vote? These people are crazy.
  12. So NOW Megs is all FOR peaceful protests. Oh. Okay.
  13. I'm glad Whoopi said it. It was Obama's blackness that ushered in Trump....NOT he/himself. (I'm looking at YOU Meghan)!
  14. The informant said he was told to get fiber evidence from the Sanders guy - he said he did, from a green rug and an Alaskan Husky dog - which is important in and of itself because before Wayne Williams became the "only" suspect, law enforcement was putting in the reports that they were looking for an Alaskan Husky or similar dog. After WW was charged, the description turned into a German Shepard - WW's dog. And yes, the coroner concluded that the body in the river had been dead (and in the water) for far longer than the 2 days since the "splash".
  15. Everywhere that I've been reading about this, almost all people believe that either Wayne did most if not all murders, or they believe the Klan did it, or they believe the pedo ring did it. I agree with the theory presented in episode 5 - I think the Klan did some, the pedo ring (Wilcox and Terrell and associates) did some, and Brooks killed Clifford Jones. I also believe the city of Atlanta/GBI/FBI covered it up and not just because of the Klan involvement. What I am kinda unsure about is whether I believe Wayne Williams killed anyone. I do believe 100% that he was involved in luring kids (that whole record label, Jackson 5 thing, the 7 year old that fingered him in the projects) but I don't believe he threw the body over the bridge that night - he had a police scanner he would know they would be there.
  16. It was worse than the first finale. It wasn't funny, it wasn't heartwarming, and it wasn't dramatic. It was very basic and incomplete. What a waste.
  17. I agree with everything you said especially the last line. I've already informed friends and such that my house remains on lockdown for the foreseeable future.
  18. I haven't been watching since Whoopi started moderating from home and I'm glad to say I don't miss it. I may never return.
  19. I'm sad. This was certainly my favorite show of the 2010s and I'll miss having new episodes to watch. I'm hoping for a Mitch and Cam spinoff - but at this point, I guess that show would look like Bless This Mess.
  20. Speaking of this - they should move the COVID show into the Views slot, let the View go on hiatus and air some classic episodes of 'All My Children' and 'One Life to Live' - I need me some 'Love in the Afternoon'.
  21. HA Whoopi is moderating from home. I'm glad she shut MM down because that kind of rhetoric (I won't be repeating it) is dangerous as hell. She has NO problem throwing an entire ethnicity under the bus.
  22. I hope to HELL this doesn't mean they are trying to woo her back. I remember her saying they tried before they hired MM. I swear, if she's back, I'M OUT!
  23. Voting blue and being excited about it are two different things. Whoopi, Joy, Sunny, (and a lot of other people) don't think Bernie can beat Trump, therefore are not happy about him being the presumptive nominee.
  24. Meghan you (fill in the blank insult) YOU WERE NEVER GONNA VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT PERIOD - so we don't need Pete, Bernie, Elizabeth, or Joe wasting time talking to you and your ilk because you and your kind will NEVER vote D. Not even for Uncle Joe. Ugh I can't stand her.
  25. Maybe Whoopi slapped her? 😂
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