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Everything posted by DavidJSnyder

  1. Legends (and all the other CW superhero shows) renewed. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/cw-renews-flash-charmed-riverdale-supernatural-6-more-1181714
  2. "And Burnham, we're going to have some fun alone the way" I thought was kind of Michael Scott.
  3. I am now waiting for the inevitable announcement of a Jericho reboot.
  4. I'm confused. I read the plot description and thought the creepy Woody Allen in the Just Shoot Me is not the real one.
  5. They are developing another (kid oriented I think?) animated series, some animated Short Treks, and potentially a Starfleet Academy series from the OC/Runaways producers that I totally missed the initial rumors about from June. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/star-trek-second-animated-series-more-short-treks-coming-cbs-all-access-1174218
  6. I don't know if there's an issue with physically numbering the tables (besides the Judge potentially not liking the look of it), but my theory on why the tables got numbers like 105 was so there was no way you could possibly mix it up with any of the order numbers on the ticket.
  7. I don't know how much ratings matter for CW shows anymore, as I think the studios mainly depend on backend money from selling the shows to streaming and internationally. But no one can have an expectation that Grant Gustin is going to be willing to keep doing this show through 2024. They might use Nora's changes to the timeline as an excuse to move the events up rather than having some or all of the story set in in 2024.
  8. They should just have all the CW shows have red skies that week without explanation.
  9. The science is horrible enough without them even having to add the specific speed. Mach 7 is about a mile and half per second. The globe shows Kara and Barry whipping around the Earth much, much faster than that. Am I supposed to recognize Lois' hammer from somewhere?
  10. If Batman has been gone for three years, is Batwoman the old foe in Gotham who sent Talia to prison?
  11. Isn't that correct? Despite how the alien's name would be correctly transcribed, the Doctor and company call him Tim Shaw.
  12. Time Lords didn't get named until The War Games (1969). Gallifrey wasn't named until The Time Warriors in 1973, 10 years after the show premiered, and wasn't referred to by name until The Runaway Bride in the new series. None of that is fundamental.
  13. Is there a citation where Chibnall is sourced as saying he's out of Christmas ideas? Because the one reference I found that claimed Chibnall said it cited the Daily Mirror article here https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/doctor-who-christmas-special-scrapped-13520717 where it's actually Moffat who said they've overminded the holiday.
  14. So, I don't think the writer's want me to think Lena just murdered a guy who let her because he was depressed, but Lena totally just murdered a guy who let her because he was depressed. Also, I don't know if it was the actor or the material, but that guy's delivery was horrible. That stuff was all supposed to be emotional, and it's all overwrought and fake. It was so fake I was hoping he was going to end up to be a secret Son of Liberty trying to trick Lena into giving him superpowers just to make me feel like the fakeness was intentional. Mehcad Brooks though I thought did a good job with what he had to work with, though I don't see how you jump from people are more important than my reputation to I should forgive Lena for lying to me. I can accept power dampeners on the Flash because their powers generally come from a common dark matter source, but alien "powers" should generally just be the result of their different biology and not something you can switch off generically. I like Manchester Black's magic breast plate though.
  15. They submitted it as period clothing because it was too complicated to explain to the government that it was actually for whatever raw material Gideon uses for fabricating that had been used up and needed replenishing over the course of the last three years? That's how I'm going to fanwank it.
  16. Near absolute zero which causes everyone to lie on the floor but then be absolutely OK afterwards made me nostalgic for frozen lasers. At least that was funny.
  17. That either doesn't work anymore or never really did. We've seen weapons fired on numerous occasions and the Doctor calls it a lie in Let's Kill Hitler.
  18. Yeah, Grandma Umbreen mentions being grateful for Yaz, her mom, and her sister, but nobody else.
  19. For almost an entire story (except for Yaz's apartment/TARDIS bits), maybe? Planet of Fire is partly on one of the Canary Islands but mostly not Earth based and The Enemy of the World starts in Australia but they end up in Hungary.
  20. The whole recalling Iris memories makes much sense for Joe and was probably rewritten to Cecile because of Jesse L Martin's back issues. I don;t understand how they jumped from badges for Hudson University (do people at University's really wear badges now?) to it being Professor Stein's office. Then I don't understand why Professor Stein's office was just sitting there I guess unoccupied after all this time.
  21. Did they say something about Yaz's mom birth that dated it to 50s that I don't remember? (Also did they say what birthday it was for the grandmother?) Yaz and Ryan are the same age and Ryan is supposed to be 19, so they where born 1999ish (Both significantly younger than the actors.) Shobna Gulati who plays Yaz's mom was born in 1966. If you assume the character is about the same age, that would make her 33ish when she had Yaz. If Yaz's grandmother is 18 is 1947, that would make her 37ish when she had her Mom.
  22. Sarah used to have a public access show?
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