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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I don't get it. On the judges' close looks, everyone said Mrs. Woodchuck was awful (she was) and said that the first fairy was beautiful, yet in announcing the winner Glenn said the Ethereal whatever's creations were "great" and both fairies had problems. WTF? The other team should have won based on the fairy godfather alone. I thought Mr. Woodchuck looked as if he stepped out of the Country Bear Jamboree. He was just goofy.
  2. If Maya and Nicole were played by good actresses the writers could have run with a storyline in which Nicole didn't sign the papers and all hell broke loose. Instead we got an anticlimax full of crying and hugging. Yawn.
  3. Good grief! Nicole, Zende, Rick and Maya all live in the same house (not belonging to any of them!). No one is moving, are they? BTW, why couldn't Rick and Maya have adopted? The first words out of my mouth when Katie mentioned women in bikinis and men in suits was "Sexist!" Glad they acknowledged that.
  4. What bothered me was Conrad demanding that the cops check his hands for GSR right there at the scene. Who does that? Maybe he wore gloves when he shot her then got rid of them before the cops showed up.
  5. I'm glad Trace is gone. Every time I looked at him, I thought of David Spade with a weird southern accent.
  6. Is creepy Kyra about to do a science experiment on that poor mouse? I can't stand they whey-faced brat. I was so hoping Art would shoot his odious partner or bash her head in with that shovel.
  7. That priest acted more like an evangelical with all the yelling at that baptism. He also didn't apply the chrism.
  8. Isn't Mark Consuelos married to Kelly Ripa? Poor guy. I figure Raphael Sbarge will be back if the hospital gets a contract with the VA. I guess I'm not as hard on this show as others are. To me, it is the TV version of a "popcorn movie."
  9. The "Cat from Heaven" was so sweet being Mom to those babies! That big hamster wheel for cats was cool.
  10. Geeze, I was finally starting to like the Judge, and he gets killed! Poor Abe.
  11. I haven't found him smug either. I love when the bakers ask him a question, and he just smiles and gives them that look. ::fans self:: OMG, what a hottie! I think Andrew and Tom are adorable. I bet that tent smelled heavenly with all that bread baking.
  12. I didn't like the conclusion. I was hoping at least for Ray Wise to come in and escort Varga to hell. Didn't like Emmitt getting killed either. He wasn't evil. I knew Nikki wasn't already dead as many people had claimed. Her murder of the innocent trooper shook me. Glad he managed to kill her. Ewan was great as usual.
  13. I'm tired of the hiking. I think that was a bad idea on the producers part. I was right about the dad having travelled only .3 of a mile. Bet he'll never let his son forget the tapping out. Brooke's fireplace was awesome. That lady has chops! What happened to the guy at the end? Did he fall or collapse?
  14. He got the Presidential Tan package. Well, Maya and Rick have nobody but themselves to blame for this by using Maya's young, virgin sister as surrogate. Seriously, those two self-absorbed people thought there would be no repercussions?
  15. I hope they'll do some beauty makeup soon. I'm sick of the ugly masks. Remember Stargate: Atlantis (Jason Mamoa!)? The Wraith had insect-characteristics, but their queen was beautiful.
  16. I still think Eva's choice of costumes questionable for her age. ::sigh:: I must be getting old....Anyway, so glad that the married couple won their duel. I love the stories in their dances.
  17. I liked when Howard told Chucky that he was sick of being caught in the middle of Chucky's vendetta (with Jimmy).
  18. Wow, I expected Chuck to get electrocuted not that! His whole descent into complete madness in this episode was chilling. Yay, Hector finally stroked out. Ironic that Gus did CPR on him. Watch Monty Python, guys!
  19. Not unpopular with me. I can't stand her either. Doesn't help that the kid is not a good actress.
  20. I thought Giada's dress made her look like one of Capt. Kirk's alien conquests of the week.
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