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Everything posted by Cattitude

  1. 2Old2BAFangirl I agree with most of what you said except I still enjoy Delena. They were horribly written this season, but there were beats that I still liked. After seeing the finale I think what happened is they broke them up too soon and then kept showing the same fight to keep stringing them along until they got back together. They would have been better served to just have them apart for a while rather than the recycled fighting. Delena was never the problem it was the horrible stories that were ill conceived and weak, plus the triangle. When Stefan was in the safe I liked Delena better, but after the writers tried to drag out the whole doppelganger's spelled to each other mess, it just really drug all three of them down. Paul as Silas was just awful but it must be hard trying to play different people in the same body. I like ripperStefan and doppelTom but Silas just missed the mark.The writing was subpar this season, but it wasn't due to Delena that the show wasn't as good. Plus I never have understood how they ARE toxic for eachother. Just b/c the writers kept saying it didn't make it true for me. They didn't do anything different than they ever did. I always laugh when I hear that John Legend song "All of Me" it is supposed to be a great romantic song, but it just reminds me of Delena and if they are toxic what is that song saying to people? Ian is a very nice person and after he got killed off of LOST due to his own dang fault he now makes a great effort to be very social and professional. He is much more outgoing than most of the other cast so both Plec and Dries realize what he brings to fan draws. I don't think he dictates anything in regards to story. I think the Enzo comment was a joke. Just like the rest of the cast he is enjoying his good fortune having a popular show and acting out what they write for Damon. I just can't imagine enjoying S6 if Damon is only in flashbacks or cameos. I so want a Damon, Alaric, Enzo snarkfest friendship. I could watch a whole episode of just them. Damon did still get a lot of snarky lines this season. He still seems himself to me minus the repetitive fights. I didn't mind him regressing at times, b/c that is what real growth is two steps forward one step back, he managed to recover himself much quicker and I think he is learning and growing, Damon of season 1 would NEVER have sacrificed himself to save them all. Plec BETTER bring Damon back if everyone else gets a do over.
  2. Siblings don't work that way. Of course she will always "big sister" him just like he bitches at her from time to time about her choices. I see nothing wrong in that she loves him and cares about him but she ISN'T his mother.
  3. Personally I don't think anyone needs to take care of Jeremy he is really a grownass man in my book. Who took care of Elena when she was 17? I don't understand why Elena has to take care of Jeremy. She needs to love him which she does but compared to the depressed stoner he was in season 1 Jeremy has turned out pretty well. Poor Mattie blue eyes never in his whole life had anyone to take care of him, and I don't hear everyone up in arms over his poor life. Elena is trying to raise herself and Jeremy is trying to raise himself. I don't fault anyone for them having to do that, just like Matt and Tyler and Bonnie it is what it is. Truely Caroline is the only one with family at this point anyway. Why is it on Elena to raise Jeremy? This is exactly what I'm trying to say about Damon. He DID do a good thing, but somehow he gets no credit for it. Who had to be the bad guy and push Bonnie and Enzo to find a way. Damon. The whole plan was b/c of Damon. Bonnie sacrified herself b/c she chose to and gets credit for it, but Damon did too. He chose to be the one to die not knowing if he'd get back and he didn't get back. He and Bonnie BOTH accepted they might not make it. Why was he late anyway, oh yah HELPING Caroline's mom. So I stand by my statement. Bonnie and Damon BOTH sacrificed themselves for everyone else to live.
  4. Ian is a sweetheart and god forbid he would condone ANYTHING a fictional vampire would do in real life. That really can't be used as an arguement. He has a resonsiblity to his teenage audience to not condone that shit. I feel even high school aged girls of which I was once one many many years ago are quite capable of distinguishing fictional romantized situations over real life. I truely don't think they take actual relationship advice from a tv show. Elena's relationship with both brothers was not healthy. Stefan manipulated her into loving him by letting her only see one side of him. When the other side came popping out b/c he IS a vampire and has a bad side too, she really wasn't equiped to deal with it. I mean the guy was over 100 years old and going to high school? He is the same guy now why doesn't he go back again and take care of Jeremy? For all the bad stuff Damon had done to Jeremy he has also begrudgingly looked out for him and cared about him too. That is Damon good and bad.
  5. I don't feel any of the actors have gotten worse this year, but the writing was often subpar so many of them didn't come across at their best from time to time this season b/c the stories made no sense often. All of the main cast are fairly decent actors as a group they are cohesive and one is not really a stand out over another. Damon is good and Damon is bad. I don't feel Damon treats Elena's family and friends terrible. He has a volatile personality but for every terrible thing he has done he has also done many good things. People talk a lot about how he treated Caroline in season one, but seem to forget that he also saved her from being part of the Klaus hybrid spell and took a werewolf bite from Tyler keeping her safe. That is just one example. The main reason the whole gang can't make it without Damon is b/c he is ALWAYS in charge of everything. He has to make the plans and be the leader, b/c being the leader of supernateral shenanigans means you have to do bad things and he is willing to do that and take the heat. I mean the one time Stefan was in charge of something was when he stole Klaus' caskets and he at that time didn't care that Jeremy almost died and he tried to drive Elena off the Wickery bridge. I don't think with Damon gone any of them will be willing to be the "bad" guy to save them all. Plus Damon just sacrificed himself along with Bonnie to save them all. Very rarely does someone stay with their highschool sweatheart, b/c that shit isn't real it is unicorns and rainbows. That is what Stefan and Elena finally admitted. The Sefan Elena fell in love with was only "good" Stefan. He kind of tricked her(and himself) by keeping his "bad" Stefan a secret and ultimately that is what ruined them. Elena sees the good and bad in Damon and realizes she also has that in her. You can't help who you love and real love is messy. I do think it was a little heavy handed that the writes had Elena not want to be a vampire to be with Stefan forever, but chose to die with Damon rather than be without him, but as a Delena fan I'll take it. It's fiction and in the fictional world I like messy bad boy romances better.
  6. My big thing for poor Stefan is why Caroline? I'd much rather see him with Liv or some other new character. I mean If Damon is a manwhore then Caroline is big ol "relationship" whore. She has been "maddly" in love with every man in MF besides Elena's brother. First her "epic" love was Matt, then no it was Tyler wait no it is Klaus no wait NOW it is Stefan. GMAB! Just like death on this show Caroline's current "epic" love is really hard to believe at this point. I think Enzo will be more a foil than Elena anyway b/c Caroline is fickle like that. When Stefan loves someone he is nothing if not "all in" so I doubt Elena will be the issue. Plus personally I thought she had the best chemistry with Klaus so I'd much rather see her on TO and get rid of Cami.
  7. I fully expect the opening scene next season to be a variation of Elena and Jeremy in a bed littered with ice cream cartons and snack wrappers moping and lamenting that AT LEAST Bonnie and Damon were together at the end holding hands. While Alaric is wearing an apron somewhere baking them cookies.( JK well only just a little.) I think the Tyler question will be a toss up. If he died when Klaus broke his neck and he reverted to that when Markos killed him then he should still be an activated werewolf, but Markos said something to the affect that now he is just a dead kid with a werewolf gene to Liz so the writers could make him human or werewolf I think. I really feel Tyler being de-hybrided is for something on TO anyway b/c now it makes Klaus and Hayley the only hybrids. Since Damon and Elena burned while she was still "alive" she wasn't just human she was still a vampire so that is why she went to the otherside, though as the doppelganger she was supernatural anyway. But she died before she reverted back to being drown so she is still a vampire. I really thought this episode could have been better done with a two part final. They should have cut that stupid cabin the woods episode and made a double final instead. I think Damon's grief over Stefan could have been better shown with more time. That said compared to everyone else I bought it. IS did a great job with the look on his face when he saw Stefan's body. You could see the struggle to not go all "out of control" Damon. Then he also got the great scene with Bonnie where he distroyed the dorm room and wanted to stab her then calmed down. We got really little reaction from everyone else in comparison. I'm way outside TVD demographic as well and I have enjoyed most of it except part of season 4 and most of season 5. I did like most of these last few episodes except the cabin in the woods and all things traveler. Now that Tomorrow People is canceled maybe Plec can devote more time to TVD. I have hope for a better season 6. I was kind of starting to think maybe Luke was brought on as Stefan's new love interest. I mean other than Katherine and Elena who he was doppelspelled to be drawn to Stefan even through history hasn't been very interested in women, except Rebekah a little. I mean Lexie is beauiful and he never seemed interested in her and the same with Caroline. When Lexie was pushing her he kind of cut her off and never commented. As soon as Markos broke the doppelspell the same thing happened with Elena, it was like they were best girlfriends or something. I would be totally pissed if I was a Stelena fan b/c the writers really did seem to show as soon as they weren't "spelled" to eachother Elena and Stefan didn't have any love feelings left at all other than friends, and it makes Delena seem all the more "fated" b/c she loved him so much she chose him even despite being "spelled" to Stefan.
  8. I really like the episode overall. I think what Grams said to Bonnie is going to be loophole next season. I think Grams will do something that saves Bonnie and b/c she and Damon are holding hands it will save them both. Now where they are may be another story. I suspect the first of next season may be dealing with that. I will miss the MF sets mostly the Salvatore home since I guess they can't go back to town still. I love Damon but don't mind how this all turned out, but I may be in denial so it will be hard to keep watching if he really is gone or only makes cameos. I will say I truely thought it was low to have Lexi actually not cross back so she could leave a place for Damon, really writers? Damon Killed her. As a Delena fan I thought all the Delena stuff was well done. I was happy. I thought Elena acted properly in the tomb when Damon said goodbye. She seemed in shock like somehow he'd just come back, whereas with Jeremy she knew she'd NEVER see him again. Tyler isn't a hybrid anymore, wonder where they are going with that. eekk it means he has to turn every full moon again. I love Alaric, but really I love DAMON and Alaric, so I'm not as stoked as I'd hope to be at him being back, b/c now Damon is gone. boo! Plus Alaric is a vampire now, not so sure I like that either. I think Lexi found her peace and crossed over, that whole business of why she was still there b/c she still had a job to do, I think kicking Markos to nothingness was that something. So let's see mopy depressed Elena/Jermey and Stefan dating Caroline....ummm next season doesn't look too appealing.
  9. Mac: Bitch killed my puppet Kevin: Bitch killed my marriage Mac: you win
  10. It was established mid season that the baby's blood would act as Elena's blood did before she became a vampire. That was when Klaus and Elijah had their big fight b/c Elijah assumed Klaus would use the baby to make "a new family" instead of just loving her as his child. That was when Klaus bit Elijah and left him in the shack to suffer with Hayley. So like before when a werewolf dies with vampire blood in her system she becomes a vampire but unless she drinks the blood of the doppelganger(previously) now Hope within the day she would go crazy, bleed out and die. I just don't understand how the baby's blood would be both vampire and replace the doppelganger. It would have been more realistic if Hayley had been hurt earlier that day and healed by say Marcel so Klaus and Elijah wouldn't have known. I also didn't understand how Mikael killed all the vampires by feeding on them. Even though he is a vampire slayer, he was always shown to have to kill them by regular methods of stake or heart ripping. Maybe draining their blood weakened them enough the werewolf venom worked faster? I'm not sure who the guy with Esther was. It was clear Esther took over the last sacrficed girl's body, but she was a witch. Finn was a vampire like Mikael, so I don't see how he could come back in someone else's body. If Esther had him hitch a ride when Mikael was reborn then I would think he'd be in his own body like Mikael was. I'll be interested to see if Esther had some witch child she never told Mikael about either. Also if we are to believe Esther came back because the other three died who is the third person since the three died not just two. Of course knowing Esther she took the power of two witches for herself. It's no wonder the Mikaelsons are so screwed up with parents like theirs. sheesh.
  11. I am always awestruck that Klaus can be written as the most giant dick in the world one episode and the next seem totally adorable. Well played Plec. I spent the first 15 mins pissed for Elijah to lose AGAIN, then worried at the end that he was going to leave town with Hope, while Hayley and Klaus stayed. Much as I loathe the thought of Mikael at least he has a leash. Well played Davena. I'm happy that Hayley is a hybrid now, maybe it will keep Jackson of the banjo clan away from her. Elijah managed to look sexy even in his bloodied suit. Love that Rebekah gets to keep the baby safe. Anyone else wish she'd take her to MF and live with Matt? I can't imagine they will leave her off both shows all next season. That was well done. I didn't have to sit through much of Cami or Francesca and Monique DIED! wooh!
  12. Oh I know what you are saying. I don't mean to say he was correct in any way. I just liked his character and the way he played it. Even in the end doing what he was "supposed to" for business didn't really change how he felt. I liked that in the end he got the last laugh with Alicia for her "racism". I know I'm probably not explaining well but saying the "right" thing doesn't mean you really believe it. I just prefer honesty even when totally offensive to lip service to "the right thing". If someone wouldn't buy his product b/c of his views then the apology shouldn't change their minds, as it was clearly lip service and not how he really felt.
  13. DigitalCount Sorry I can't buy that. Jeremy was changed after Bonnie got the ancestors to bring him back from the dead, he could speak to and interact with ghosts. He is kept alive by magic just like vampires. Drinking blood doesn't keep vampires alive it just feeds their power. They don't die if they don't drink blood they just get very weak. Jeremy's life was alterned from the witches bringing him back from the gunshot. Just like vampires being brought back by a witches spell. When the Gilbert ring brings you back you are you again, to me that is the big difference. If you aren't altered then it is more a pull the trigger thing.
  14. Gotta love a good Eli episode. I always feel bad when he has to run all around like a chicken putting out fires. He is the absolute best at his job and both Peter and Alicia know it. I really liked Mr Paisley(Tom Skerritt). I know he is politically incorrect, but I have never understood people wanting everyone to have a voice yet silence a voice that isn't always polite. Freedom of speech should be for everyone even people who don't always say the right things. Silencing certain viewpoints doesn't mean they aren't there. I especially liked him shining a light on Alicia's denial of who she is. That is one thing that grates on me about her. Just like her going into the jury duty acting like a regular joe so she'd actually get MORE attention when her name is called than if she OWNED it from the word go. And I have to say I cheered the Kings for being bold enough to show the news media for the bias shit stirrers they really are. Those interviewers purposely making something look like something it wasn't is COMMON in the real world news. Sad thing is so many people get sucked in. I loved Canning against FA in the jury seating. That is just why I think he has a place on the show, but he doesn't need to be on this much every week or it would be too much. I like Peter. I feel bad for him b/c I do believe he loves Alicia. I think she hurt him and he is tempted to hurt her back. I also think she made him feel she stole some of his power as a man. The temptation of the affair is a power play too. I hope he is smart enough to listen to Eli's bang on advice. I think he will as he usually does. I just can't believe he'd actually fall for that so obvious intern unless he means to play her. I love to hate Jackie so I'm excited to see the mother's drunk throwdown next week.
  15. Aww I think the little kids were adorable. Of course it was campy but my gosh I can take campy kids, it is the campy adults that are eye roll inducing. Right now Spencer and Nik are my favorites, but of course having not much to go on I actually feel bad for poor Sonny, and I know that is totally misplaced but he seems to be trying with Olivia. I'm sure given time I'll hate him as much as everyone else seems to. How many days is this nurses ball going to last anyway. It wasn't bad at first but after four days come on now.
  16. Well that doesn't sound as bad. At least they're not really related, b/c so far I kind of like Nik. What kind of bad things has he done? I also want to know more about Nathan(I think that's his name) He is the son of that awful campy character Dr. O. He sure is Hott. MEOW! Maxie needs her head examed being with that awful Levi instead of sexy hunk of man.
  17. The real reason it makes no sense that Jeremy could be safe from the traveler's unravel is Jeremy died TWICE and was brought back clearly by witch magic. It could be argued the second time Bonnie sacrificed her life for his so undoing that magic would kill Jeremy but bring Bonnie back, but the first time was clearly total witch magic. Liz shot Jeremy human to human and he was dead. Bonnie and Alaric took him to the haunted house and the witch ancestors brought him back. So if witch magic was undone then Jeremy should be dead by gun shot just like Stefan and Damon. I can buy Matt being safe b/c he never died except by supernatural while wearing the Gilbert ring, but Jeremy died a human death when Liz shot him and was brought back by total witch magic then.
  18. Thanks to everyone for all the help I'm very needy as I really like to semi understand stuff. One other thing. They said something about Silas having a twin who is a vampire. what? Was that a joke?
  19. What happened to Laura and Scorpio? I didn't quite understand the deal with Britt. Do Dante and Lulu have her child or is Spencer her child? When the press tried to ask about Rocco she got upset, but she also was worried about seeing Nik. Nik and Liz seem to have a crush on each other, yet their children are cousins? I'm confused? I suspect this going to be more incestuous stuff so I'm not sure I WANT to know.
  20. Well I finished my first week and I thought the nurses ball idea was good. I liked the whole red carpet and people watching from home. But I just couldn't be bothered to sit through all the acts I mostly FF them. It did waste a lot of the show. I don't know who that chief of staff woman is but OMG whose bright idea was it to bring Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle to life. Campy with a capital C. Same goes for the dude known as Levi. OMG it is like a young Richard Simmons in a bad wig. That CAN'T be his real hair surely. Right? Though evil I thought the little boys were darling. It was great to see a little story involving just them. It was a little weird seeing Anna, Scottie, Lucy, Bobbie and Luke 30 yrs later, but nice some familar faces are still used on the show.
  21. Okay I know the whole traveler plot has more holes than swiss cheese but: When the lady who Julian said has his wife passengered in her was travelerknapped, even in this week's previously it showed a MAN being her passanger. So how could they not even get that right. I doubt a man would be named Maria so why couldn't they have shown a woman doing the whole grab her head chanting thing? And Maria's body wasn't burned so when she died wouldn't she have crossed through Bonnie as herself, not the townsfolk body? The other glaring biggie for me. Markos himself. I mean travelers have a normal life span. Where did Markos come from? I assume the long past, so if all witch magic was broken wouldn't he die too? His life was over years ago. And one more. If Stefan and Elena are only alive due to witch magic and if they would not have out run it wouldn't the spell have stopped once the magic killed them? Which leads me to my confusion from last week. How are they usable doppelgangers anyway. Aren't they already dead? Klaus can't use Elena's blood how can Markos. ugh! I just have to stop before I give myself an aneurysm. I just don't see how these writers can think such a crappy story would be entertaining.
  22. Damon: opps sorry about that can't have you mumbling any of those annoying traveler diddys, it's a sure migraine. Liv: I ordered us waffles. I figured our last meal wouldn't be complete until we poured liquid sugar all over it. Luke: ummm my ray of sunshine sister. Luke: These people are so nice. Damon: I'd invite you to stay for dinner but I'm not very familar with traveler cuisine. Although I'm sure it involves a lot of trail mix and gruel.
  23. I really didn't care for that, so I just don't feel like commenting on it much. I dislike Francesca greatly and the way she speaks plus one front tooth is longer than the other just distracts me. I also dislike all witches and their dickish attitudes. I can't stand Cami. I think the werewolves are a bunch of inbreds. Klaus is a giant dick. Marcel is an idiot as are his "boys". ugh Basically I only like Elijah. Elijah is awesome. I want Elijah to win. So I do also like Hayley b/c Elijah cares about her and I think they do have chemistry. How did this show devolve so fast into annoyance for me? Thank goodness there is Elijah. swoon. Oh I forgot, Davina's dress I really liked her dress too.
  24. I also thought this. I was actually quite shocked when he didn't kill himself and then Tylian just ripped his heart out. I will admit I did have a reaction to Stefan dying which surprised me since he isn't one of my favorites. I was also quite disappointed in both Caroline and Bonnie's reaction. I thought they under reacted. Caroline did make up for it AFTER he was gone but she just let him stand there and die by himself which I thought kind of sucked. If he really does stay dead I hate that after ALL these years of him being such a martyr for both Elena and Damon he doesn't even get to have either with him when he dies. Plus Caroline who supposedly loves him so much just stood there. SMH If I put my brain on the table I did halfway enjoy the show, but once I start thinking nothing made any sense. This whole traveler story sucks and makes no sense. It was poorly written and is a terrible way to end the season. I did enjoy Stefan and Elena's talk about her and Damon b/c it was basically how I felt about them. He basically said ya'll ARE Vampires so quit feeling bad about it. And my inmature fangirl heart liked Damon and Elena's scene when they drove off in the sunset together, b/c what can I say I LIKE them together. But that said I know it was all kind of sucky that THEY got a little happy time there and NO ONE else in the whole place did. That was a little fan base heavy handed by the writers. Maybe Stefan really will stay dead, but somehow there will be another doppleStefan(I know it would make no sense but these writers are all about the nonsense) Paul Wesley can play as a human and Caroline can be his vampire love. Maybe a season 1 Stefan and Elena do over with Caroline and doppleStefan.
  25. Okay maybe I don't want to know too much. B/c now I know Morgan was married to the daughter and now is dating the mother, plus he kept Kiki from his brother yet now the brothers seem to get along fine. This all might be a little too incestuous for me plus I really don't like the name Kiki so it kind of grates when I have to hear it. Maybe I'll try something easier. Is AJ really dead this time? and how is Tracy Q related to the original Quartermains?
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