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Everything posted by Cattitude

  1. First off what is up with Julia's hair? Is it blond is it red? It looked like snakes most of the show. Julia has always bugged me partly my love of Joel and her poor treatment of Joel, so I hold a grudge. I was totally skeeved out during her conversation with Kristina about sex with not your husband. Um Julia her husband is your brother. eeekkk! Julia you have a perfectly good sister who HAS been married and divorced to ask those kinds of questions to, not your brother's wife. Moving along to poor awkward Ed, thank Gawd she got the heck out of that uncomfortable situation, just to land smack dab with Mr. Knight.....or should I say Evan. Is it just me or is Evan like a slight variation of Joel? Julia and Evan have trainwreak written all over them. yikes! How does Hank afford daily sessions with Dr Pelican when Kristina practically had to BEG to get Max in back in the day b/c he was so booked? Maybe word got out about what a total horrible person Max is and Dr. Pelican lost his prestige. Could Max have been any more rude to "Evan" and Kristina just laughed it off. There called manners Kristina, though I realize from your own behavior you don't have a clue what they are so I shouldn't be surprised. ****News Flash**** Hattie got a shout out from her father! Oh wait it wasn't really about her, just how SHE is draining the Braverman slushfund. Never mind short sighted Mayorial runs or charter school start-ups. The invisable Braverman is draining all the funds. Wow who knew the way to get Drew back to school was a 2 second visit by mamma and dragging out by the scruff. WTH was that whole thing? Not to be a total buzz kill. Camille and Zeke were all kinds of cute. I loved that Zeke found them a house she loved. Sorry but mold house has just moved way past it's usefulness, just geterdone and move on. I hope for Crosby to never utter the word mold again.
  2. Great fun! Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds) Dexter Morgan (Dexter) Damon Salvatore (TVD)- this is purely for my personal pleasure, but a killer vampire is always useful Gregory House (House) Alice (The Brady Bunch)
  3. Nothing was wrong with it I just didn't think he had much of one, but as an educated man it wasn't unexpected, but I did think he and Lauren Cohen's accents at least seemed similar. It makes Emily Kinney's accent more glaring b/c they seem much more genteel. ETA: Got a big chuckle out of your "egg" avatar. And on further reflection maybe I don't think he has one b/c it is so good it seems normal to me and not an accent.
  4. Funny thing I was filling out a tv veiwing survey and said I watch mostly Drama, Crime Drama and Dramedy(who knew that was a word) just to find I actually watch a lot of Sci-Fi. Who knew Revolution, the Following and TWD were Sci-Fi. I always think of alien and outerspace shows as Sci-fi I would never lump myself into liking Sci-Fi so I guess I'm one of those "diverse" viewers. I started watching real time season 3 after catching up on Netflix. Hubby's friends told us about it and he watched a couple shows out of order so we dove in.
  5. I think in the words of Beth "we all have our jobs to do" and Gareth is the leader of the guard. He seemed to be in charge of the troops, but maybe NOT in change of the whole enchilda. And I agree after all these months of sweaty unwashed prison dwellers making me glad for no smell-o-vision these Termites seem a hygenic lot. Maybe the key to keeping walkers away is Dial and Tide......screw you Eugene!
  6. Thank the good Lawd for this thread. I'm a native of Arkansas and by far for me Emily Kinney to just gawdawful. Lauren Cohen used to bug but not as bad now. She sounds like a mouth full of marbles. Andrew Lincoln doesn't bother me at all so I kind of think maybe he has a fake Arkansas accent b/c Caahwarl isn't that far off what I've heard before and I have family who make shine. Norman Redus is definately the best. I finally figured out why Emily Kinney bothers me the most when Beth was alone with Daryl. BTW I love how Rick says Darrryl. Beth was raise more high class southern with the big farm and the veterinarian father, plus Hershel was very well read(though his accent wasn't great) Maggie has a more high brow accent. Daryl is just poor white trash so it was nails on a chalk board grating to here Beth saying ain't this and ain't that while Daryl "appeared" the more literate of the two...come again? Emily Kinney is just terrible.
  7. I agree BLT you have fruitcake listed in the wrong thread(wink) I like MaryJanes, all the people who hate children can give their candy to ME! My answer is SPAM that is NOT a food, I'd rather eat a human, less mystery.
  8. I must start by saying I've always adored Bobby, and I get the occasional scheme ie being involved in framing Cliff for killing JR, but it seems Bobby suddenly does all these unethical things all the time and why? I'm sorry but I don't think he is doing it for a "good" reason, that is what chaps me the the most. His family are wealthy FROM oil and you don't think they've done enviornmental damage all over the dang place getting wealthy from it...just NOT on southfork. To me his reasoning is horrible he'd rather lose his company than let them get oil off of southfork WTH? that makes no sense. It is like he is foiling John Ross b/c he is John Ross, I have to say I agree with John Ross Bobby would cut off his nose to spite his face on this one. I just don't see why they can't get the oil off their own property when it is there and their wealth is FROM oil. Totally stupid.
  9. I love RR and like Hank in small doses but he is eating way too much show right now. Sarah's bipolar love life is just grating after this many seasons. It makes me start thinking Seth got the raw end of the deal getting total blame for their bad marriage. If Sarah is all that why does she have such a dysfunctional love life ALL THE TIME! I don't think Mark would have contacted Sarah to tell IF he hadn't run into Amber and NOT told her. I think he then realized he would look like a jerk if he didn't tell her in person and she later found out or ran into him and his wife, but I agree a whole dinner was way overkill and awkward they should have just gotten coffee. You know Adam and Kristina should buy a clue that it is more Max's poor manners than his disability that keep him from fitting in when his exfriend in the wheelchair is accepted and even HE won't hang with Max anymore. I just wish a parent of an atypical kid would complain about MAX disrupting normal school every damn day and force Adam and Kristina to have to admit Max is a problem sometime. I'd love a great strong set of parents push back at them, they say you just don't understand HOW special Max is only to find they have a second child with Down's Syndrome. THAT would be epic!
  10. Heh! It was to illustrate what a special snowflake Kalinda is she always trumps everyone ever and always. (sorry just not a Kalinda fan)
  11. I know right! That is my peeve too and I do know a lot about special needs children. Adam and Kristina put Max in mainstream to teach the OTHER kids how to treat Max like a special snowflake like they do, not for Max to learn how to be a productive member of society. Don't you know the whole world MUST conform to their ideals/ideas. RME
  12. Okay so now even Elena knows John Ross is cheating on Pamela with Emma and still Pamela doesn't know....ugh I hate this show! Christopher and farmhand Jane are just so boring and extranious. What 3 y/o kid just spends the day with some strange man like it was nothing...sorry not buying it. Bobby being unethical and such a hypocrite...Boo this isn NOT my Bobby, John Ross was spot on calling him out at the first of the show. Only great thing about this eppy was Sue Ellen and John Ross, those scenes were awesome. Real great emotion from both.
  13. I liked it too, but I just kept thinking that man is WAY too calm. I mean from what I understand Judges are very attached to their court rooms, I'd think he'd be at least mad or something that it turned into a crime scene. The bailiff was clearly incompetent, I just would have expected him to be more upset, that plus the witness Jeffery killed was right by the judge and Jeffery obviously wasn't familiar with guns so I just thought he was way too calm.
  14. I'm not always good in the episode only threads b/c I tend to discuss overarching issues there. So I thought we should have a thread just to discuss the series in general and thoughts on how things might go or could/should go. No actual spoilers though please just speculation What have they done to Pamela this season? She was by far my favorite and she should have more teeth than this. I still say having her marry John Ross instead of being the other woman is ruining her. Emma is a little girl trying to play at being bad, she shouldn't be the winner of anything. John Ross is letting little JR cloud his thinking too much. I'm truely disappointed in Christorpher's role too. His story doesn't seem to mesh with everyone elses well anymore. I want to like him but his is too stupid for words. In the beginning he was supposed to be the brains and now what happened to them?
  15. LG has always been presented as a highly sought after pyramid style intership. It is hard enough just to get a first year internship. I see nothing harsh in what happened I'm sure interns have been let go for much less. It has always been presented as a cut-throat business. In that world you either sink or swim, Diane has always been hard on other female lawyers she isn't there to be their mother, but prepare them for the "real world" of being a female in that world. That woman was clearly not the type for LG
  16. But you do have to expect some of the Termites will die as the one Rick killed and walker bites so they have to have some way to strengthen their own numbers. I do think the funeral home trap was also an elaborate trap with food and warmth right up Terminus's alley just like the train yard. They surely have one way to obtain new members that is different than the way they trap food. I won't be surpised if the Termites took Beth in as a new member and wanted to save Daryl for beefcakes... I mean steaks, b/c why did the kidnappers not kill Daryl especially when he chased them?
  17. Totally disagree This is spot on. Diane is not acting out some "pet peeve" she is helping this histrionic woman see she is not cut out for the likes of LG if she would act that way in the hall. It isn't a pet peeve with Diane it is part of her core personality to see herself as mentor to young female attorneys and frankly that woman wasn't worth Diane or LG wasting their professional time on if that was her personality. I think it is clear David Lee, Diane and a whole host of other were genuinely upset that Will was dead but weren't making a spectacle in the hall heck even the secretaries had more couth than that. End of the day if Diane had died and Will saw the same scene he would have done the same, not some pet peeve but professional decorum is always the rule of the day.
  18. Wow well done. I liked it better than I thought. I was very surprised we would get to see such a wide birth of reactions after last week I thought it would be much more Alicia centered. Loved Diane with the histrionic intern AND the client, both were totally deserved. Cary and David Lee BOTH really surprised me. David Lee crying was totally unexpected and totally loved Cary shoving it back on that arrogant prick in the depo. Kalinda really worried me, I truely thought she was going to kill the boy. Her part was the least believable to me, I don't care how close she was with the policewoman she just wouldn't get THAT much access to everything. I found Alicia very believable. She did try to beg off and be respectful of Finn, but he insisted. I also think her playing the message and imagined what he really was going to say was her dealing with her grief in stages, but I think she will always wonder what he really was going to say. I'm glad she got no answers it was more realistic. I loved the little scene at the hospital when she imagined Will touched her shoulder and said it was all a big mistake, so true to life and denial. I didn't like her talk with Grace, that was way too deep and detailed a talk to have with your daughter, ick. I did think it interesting that this case was supposed to be Alicia's if she wouldn't have left. How the outcome could have been much different if she was involved instead of Will, to me THAT should really haunt her.......
  19. I kind of think why he said gone just gone was b/c he knows in his gut whatever happened to her isn't good so the Beth they knew would be no more no matter WHAT happened to her. I took it as Beth was gone no matter if they encounter her again or not she'll never be the same now.
  20. Pamela was super awesome last season, I hope this lull for her is almost over and she will come back big guns when she learn what John Ross is doing with Emma. Grandma Ryland is a great villian. Love her. JL does a great fake accent.
  21. I was so afraid her confession was going to include coming upon a zombie Andre and having to kill him herself..yikes! I kind of got the idea that he was zombie chow and that is why she went all Monster on them. I got the feeling what we thought happened to Judith actually happened to Andre with the fence down and the camp overrun.
  22. That was really intense. I really wasn't expecting how it all went down with The band of Merls and Rick and Co. but well done. I didn't really "get" all the distracting flashback stuff though and it really kind of took me out of the moment b/c I miss Hershel and I don't want to keep being reminded of him. So Hipsters run the killin' camp? I want to know why everyone is so young and then a few grandmothers used as camouflage? I so think they kidnapped Beth to brainwash her into the fold, she'd make a good young hipster. I bet when Rick and Co get out of the train car they will run into her. Glad to see Carol and Tyresse weren't there with Judith, hate to think what the killin' camp would do about a baby.ugh
  23. Bobby is not meant to be in a "spy van" that was just wrong. Christopher is too stupid for words and I don't care about him and "farm hand Jane"(I don't know her real name) Please give Pamela some fangs back soon. John Ross should know not to mess with her. John Ross needs to start using his brain a little more to be like JR. JR didn't let little JR rule his head this much. John Ross is too cocky(pun intended) right now.
  24. Maybe I'm a little confused but I thought the preview was teasing that Julia would get it on with Mr Knight not Ed. I just RME b/c it seems a little reminisce of Max's behavioralist again. Adam and Christine just can't help Max b/c Adam's sibling always screw up their "perfect" life.(gag)
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