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Everything posted by Cattitude

  1. I think the speculation is he will protest it in some way for "ruining the enviornment". I just hope he chains himself to a wreakingball and they use it anyway.
  2. If by entertained you mean envisioning him boiling in a volcano or thrown in a wood chipper then no you aren't alone. I will say he is doing a fantastic job of making me loathe him.
  3. CPP83, on 24 Jun 2014 - 3:38 PM, said: Sonny is just a neanderthal. Yes he treats women badly, but he isn't bright enough to do real damage. If they just put on their big girl panties they can throw him over without blinking. The Dunklemonkey OTOH is devious and systematic. He seems to be much more evil than first glimpse. I do agree he is much more abusive than Sonny simply b/c he can do real damage while Sonny is mostly just a joke. The things Levi is doing are classic domestic violence ploys to isolate the victim then the abuse really begins. Are there any good trash compactors in PC?
  4. TY MSquared did SBu always play adult Jason or have there been others? Your description would almost make me feel bad for Jason, except picturing SBu in the part ruins any sympathy I'd have for him. Now AJ I have even more sympathy for poor guy. Plus I love SK.
  5. I need someone to explain the Jasons to me. Based on some spoiler/rumors I think I need to understand him better. He was the same person but had two different personalities and names? He was Jason Q first then became Jason Morgan.
  6. They don't even have to do that with her, I'm sure they'll blame it all on the coma.
  7. I never knew Carly really has 5 children! Michael, Morgan, Joss, Franco AND Sonny. That phonecall at the end was so mother/child. What a bunch of whiners she has to deal with. She should have had the bottle of wine instead of Samtrick. I don't care much for Sam but she is 1000X better with Patrick, though they finished a bottle of wine and Patrick was going to DRIVE her home? After what happened to his baby I'd think they wouldn't have written the dialogue like that. I really liked Mac today, he and Nathan make a good team, so good I was having a great time thinking of ways they could get away with offing the Dunklemonkey. I despise him with the heat of 10,000 suns! Ava and Sonny scenes were a total waste, all that alcohol back and forth and she CHUGS a giant glass of milk at the end. Who did she call to town?(ETA:oops I didn't read back far enough, got it now)
  8. Okay loved my Det Special Kitty and The Dunklemokey scenes(why was he so orange-I think he must be an orangutan) Nathan is smart, strong, sexy and NOT afraid of The Dunklemonkey. WIN! Nina was totally BSC but MSt sold it like ice tea in hell. I think Rosalie is us soap viewers just chillin' in the scene. All she needed was some popcorn. I think that is why she is relatable she was like us getting to participate. I suspect when this is all over her coma will somehow be used to justify her BSC and she'll be toned down to a real functional person in PC. Now on to SiAmbien, OMG they have no chemistry and it was glaring that Silas kissed Sam right below her nose and not on the lips. They looked totally ridiculous in that park scene b/c Sam was dressed WAY too young and both are too old for that park scene to be even remotely romantic, it came across as trying to hard. The whole thing is them trying to hard with all the ILY no ILY MORE. It is terrible to wast a good BSC Nina on these two sleeping aids! I want to see Carly and Nina tag team Ava. I can't stand her, but at least Ava will give Nina SOMETHING to fight with.
  9. To say nothing of her falling for Duke's latest line. Duke has always had a lousy poker face. Great Nickname for Julian..he! Because Duke wishes he were a Jack or a King, but alas he is just the Joker.
  10. Specifically when Damon and Stefan talked about getting the cure for Elena, Damon made it clear whether she was a vampire or not he'd love her either way and Stefan said she is not supposed to be this person, which then lead to the scene where Elena got pissed Stefan forced Jeremy to kill vampires b/c he was so fixated on getting the cure for her. She said you don't have to love me this way. Both scenes were getting at the fact b/c she was different as a vampire Stefan couldn't love her as much. B/c he didn't like the choices she was making it deminished his love for her. Klaus talked about how Stefan has been on and off the wagon for years. Lexi talked about whole TOWNS of people he killed. Elena saw his guilt wall of names in Chicago. All that together has made it pretty clear Stefan has killed more people than any of the MF gang including Damon. Now I'm sure due to age Klaus and probably Rebekah and Elijah have killed more than him, but I'm unsure even of that. Just when they first turned alone Stefan went wild killing the whole town and at that time Damon as a new vampire was horrified and had to leave him b/c of it. Where even historically though Damon would kill it was usually only single people I think the most was the 12 he killed in NOLA to try and break Charlottes sire bond. Typically Damon is more likely to feed and erase than kill.
  11. FGS this is a soap, none of the mothers are going to be mother of the year. If it wasn't a soap Maxie wouldn't have done 1/2 the things she did. Fact is for a soap character Maxie doesn't deserve to NOT see her child at all. In my opinion I don't even see why she doesn't see her anyway. I didn't get the feeling Spin wouldn't let her see Georgie if she asked. That judge got on my last nerve anyway, it was like he was trying to play Shakespeare on a soap, he was OTT in his annunciation(kind of the opposite of Sonny) and dramatics. I just felt bad for Maxie and Nathan having to deal with the terrible judge and The Dunklemonkey at the same time. Ridiculous that Maxie can't even see her child. Custody is one thing she should at least have supervised visitation if nothing else for Georgie's sake, she should have contact with her mother.
  12. What I get from that is SBu is pretty bitter about GH. I gotta say it doesn't make me unhappy. Y&R can keep that block of wood, GH still has ME to be a block of wood walking. Trust me when I say JFP didn't do Y&R any favors hiring him.
  13. The whole issue with Stefan being so judgemental in general is Stefan is using HIS ruler of how things should be. Stefan doesn't just judge Damon, he judges Caroline, Elena, Enzo really just about any VAMPIRE except maybe Lexi and finds them lacking IF they don't try to act just like him. Stefan if anything is a vampire anomaly and for him to expect other vampires to act like him just chaps me to no end. One of the main reasons Elena turned to Damon was b/c she couldn't take Stefans's judgieness about her vampire nature. The other issue I have is it has been stated multiple times STEFAN has done worse than any of the other vampires and killed more people, as his small ripper binge with Klaus gave a sample of, but since that all happened off screen somehow Damon's few people he's killed on screen make him worse? Damon is comfortable in his vampire skin. Stefan can't STAND that. Damon is selfish and he doesn't love someone LESS if they do something bad as a vampire b/c THEY ARE vampires. It is one thing to tell someone you don't like their actions and don't want to be around them when they are like that(as Elena has told Damon in the past), it is quite another to NOT be able to love someone as much IF they are like that as Stefan uses over and over, see specifically Elena being a vampire. Judging someone and trying to make them fit YOUR mold is controlling. You can't love them as much if they don't meet your expectations. Letting someone live their life good and bad and loving them anyway is unconditional love. Doesn't mean you can't tell them when their actions are reckless or bad, but even if they chose to do those actions you don't think less of them you still love them. That to me is the difference in how Elena feels about Damon and how Stefan feels about Damon and just about everyone else. Stefan showed it also when he told Caroline why he didn't tell her about killing Enzo. He was afraid she would think less of him. She wouldn't have, but he projected how HE would feel onto her.
  14. I hope The Dunkelmonkey chains himself to a wreakingball and they ignore him and use it anyway. Bonus points if it picks up KaKa on its journey!
  15. Well I'm glad you were able to make sense of it, I take it you're drunk tonight?>wink<
  16. Molly annoyed me to NO END today and the worst part is that she is right, but she really doesn't KNOW she is. ugh I hate how Ric is not bad and Julian is. Molly is just going on childish "gut" feeling and she could just as easy be totally wrong and Alexis be right. I hate the way it is written that the bratty teenager acting a fool is actually NOT the fool the level headed adults are. Her meandering story to Sam was total childish BS that the audiance happens to know is true but in reality even if it was totally false she'd still believe it. I could not believe she is so supportive of her dad(as a girl SHOULD be) that she'd expect her sister to totally go along with her against HER OWN dad. It gives me blackout rages just trying to put this shit together. Right up there with Sonny's incesteous circus of a family. Molly isn't right b/c she "knows" her father, she is just LUCKY to be right. Fact is she really doesn't KNOW anything and would act the same even if she was wrong, which in the real world would be what happens. She is the young girl who wants to think the best of her screwed up dad, normally she'd be totally wrong, but to screw my Julian Ron is making her right and Alexis wrong. OMG only two months in and I'm already hating Ron, I don't know how you lifers have been able to stand it.
  17. Well since Maxie has seen Nathan shirtless multiple times and is STILL with The Dunklemonkey it is very obvious she is mentally challenged and can't be responsible for a child. The hearing was pretty much a moot point.
  18. I hear ya. I never did understand how Bonnie dropping the vail and letting all the sups out, Q-Tessa coming back, changing anchors from Amara to Bonnie all didn't "break" TOS but Markos coming back did? Seemed totally confusing that suddenly after all TOS shenanigans it was NOW coming undone.
  19. I'm so glad someone confirmed it was Scott Wolf b/c I saw him in a preview last week got excited then realized my age and assumed it wasn't REALLY him b/c that guy was way too young. He hasn't aged much for sure. I love him I hope he takes over and DrSpecialistSnowflake fades away. Not enough Topher tonight but still good. ManpainAngryOnion trippin' on E was a little too OTT for me. It was funny but no way he'd work like that or they'd let him wander around his own hospital THAT unprofessional. Glad the campy comedy got dialed back. The Drew drama and Paul the intern getting schooled BOTH well done. The Paul situation is def realistic and getting called out but not in trouble plus and seasoned nursing knowing more than a cocky intern spot on. Overall much improved from previous weeks. Bring on Scott Wolf!
  20. oh I just want to eat up my Det. Special Kitty he is so darn cute! I noticed abc's gh website has a video tribute to shirtless Nathan. MEOW...mama likes![/shallow] Why does Olivia get a grown ass man for a son and that seabag Carly gets a small child?....well really 3 small children. I know Olivia was only 15 when she had Dante, but she looks like Lulu's sister and younger than Dante. No one should call her grandma! Nina/Silas/Sam is the most lame story. It makes no sense there is NO badguy. It is just awful. I feel bad for all three but especially MSt, b/c THIS is her introduction story. ugh! I spent most of my day trying to decide how to kill Franco and Levi in the most efficient way. I decided Levi doing yoga in the park while Franco "sketches" him and a giant meteor falls from the sky right on them. Bubye you to LOSERS!..ugh I dislike them so much.
  21. You forgot the part where Levi has to use his shirt to wrap the baby in. To make the scene more "epic" we have to suffer shirtless Levi.
  22. It bothered me so bad I actually tried to search for the dress. No luck. I've decided it is ultrasound pictures of the Corithos spawn.he
  23. They do have a good brotherly vibe...of 10 y/o boys playing at being adults. I can never take either of them seriously b/c they just look out of place as adults. Yesterday they were like two little boys "pretending" to be like their dads. Michael as AJ and Morgan as Sonny. They are kind of good at "pretending" though, I'll give them THAT.
  24. I couldn't decide if it had zebras or birds on it. Totally ugly.
  25. Okay first off I laughed my ass off at how well Nina schooled creepy dumbo Sam into that corner about feelings for dead/undead spouses. Serious genius move. Sam was totally awkward and Nina handled her well, also loved how unimpressed Silas was to find Sam running right over to grill Nina. The awkward rolled right off that scene as it should. Oh Morgan it sure does suck to be you. You have no job, live with your mom and in a WTD with your father and cougar ex-girlfriend. You can't stay with your brother b/c his girlfriend is your ex-wife! Oh and don't forget you drunkinly tried to grope/proposition your other brother's mom.Why not instead of whining all over the damn place just make some BETTER life decisions and maybe your life won't suck so much. Oh wait you're going to sponge off your brother, yah that'll work out great! Joss and Franco, total camp. That man is right up there with Levi in the too stupid to live category. Why can't one of these "notorious hitmen" bump those losers off!
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