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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. One day, you should look at her with a shell-shocked face, then say "No...after!" Then fall over!
  2. Eh, whatever. They fit her so they're her size. Don't mind me--this office has become such a shit-show that the only* redeeming part of coming to work is that I have a reason to put on the shit in my overstuffed closet. Dumb, dumb, dumb people here. * Well, the paycheck too. Need that.
  3. Erika's age and wearing a babydoll-syle dress (covered with a big old cardigan, as it's a balmy 12 degrees in this shit-show) now at work! Love them. You like it, you wear it.
  4. Maybe that was just step one in the organizing process, and they'll get good bins and shit later. I feel like that's how I might do it--get all "like with like" first to determine what you need from the Container Store or wherever the hell, and then get down to some serious orderly business! Yeah! Ooh, why do I care so much? I love a mass organization plan, man! Gets me all charged up!
  5. I managed to find a couple, maybe three, with minimal horrors within!
  6. Don't view it as a lack of courage on your part; see it as not needing such images in order to be convinced. If you were out making speeches on the topic, maybe it would help your cause to be familiar with actual documentation but as a caring civilian, it's perfectly fair to not want these things burned into your brain and heart and soul, man. I won't watch a few of the more graphic vegan docs for that reason; I'm already there and don't feel like I need to know anymore if it's gonna cause me to be a basket case.
  7. I feel like Carnie's personality is, at a glance, one I should like (and I know people with a similar one)--she seems like a down-to-earth, humorous, and self-deprecating person. But there's something that puts me off a little after that first glance--like she's trying too hard to be those things, maybe? I don't know. But she did make some good points, IMO, particularly about never being "normal."
  8. Passion for one issue does not indicate a lack of concern for others (and Lisa is an advocate for other causes). Everyone can't do everything at once -- and I say that as a person who has given it a good try (and also ultimately made animal welfare a top priority among the rest). Ken's crying made me cry even though I hid my eyes from whatever images they were showing, however unclear they may have been in screen-on-screen format. Ugh, I just can't even. While I thought that, all things considered, it was a fairly impressive move for Rinna to admit her shit, when she then said that a sober person doesn't act like that, I wished Kim had said, "Does a sober person bust up a wine glass on a restaurant table over some vague-ass husband nonsense?" It really doesn't.
  9. Probably just some little style references to the movie, I assume--sort of like how Norma favors a retro aesthetic in her clothes and listens to music that might be before her time.
  10. Was it supposed to be a big reveal that "David Davidson" was Sam Loomis? It seemed so clear from minute one that I actually feel like they came right out and said so last week. I am so, so happy that there's still so much Norma. When last season ended, I worried that we wouldn't see her very much. Oh, that actress is too fabulous! Caleb's face keeps reminding me of Todd Chrisley.
  11. I liked the episode well enough but what I am confused by is why Negan would believe that Sherry would refer to the doctor as "honey" (or why Dwight believes that Negan believes that). I'm liking the ambiguity about what Eugene is up to--I feel like there were enough hints going in both directions that it could go either way.
  12. I just know mine was meant for me somehow, partially because a big handful of my once-catless friends and relatives were "inspired" to adopt a cat after knowing him. I've loved every pet I've had since (probably a crazy degree in some people's eyes), but that cat--my Tim--was the cat.
  13. Personally, I don't care what color lips someone wants to have (and it's not like all of the more typical colors are any more realistic anyway). But I felt uncomfortable just looking at the dried-paint consistency of it! Ugh, I'm a lip-product junkie and have a balm within reach at all times, so I'm a bit kooky about it, but that was so, so chalky-looking that it made me nuts!
  14. That's how I got my "soulmate" cat years ago! He clawed at my coat and that was that. He now lives on as a tattoo on my arm.
  15. Oh my goodness, it makes me uncomfortable to watch! It's a hug but there is something so weirdly controlling about it.
  16. It is MY TRUTH and I OWN IT! All bad shit is forgivable if you OWN IT. Now excuse me; I'm gonna rob a bank, cuss out my neighbor, and get publicly drunk and disorderly...while owning it so I do not get in trouble!
  17. Yeah! And anyone who likes chopped walnuts IS NUTS, and that is just a cold hard fact!
  18. Long ago, I had a boss at a dry cleaner who was pretty notorious for yelling at him* customers if they pissed him off. Once he was on the phone and yelled, "F you, motherfucker!" I wondered why the second instance of "fuck" was OK to him to say, but the first (and less "bad" as far as implications go) was abbreviated. I feel like those bathing suits were a wedgie waiting to happen! I did have one-- a yellow and black one piece with a zipper up the front--that I loved because I thought it looked like a wetsuit. Maybe I wanted people to think I was a super-cool surfer chick with my rad Sun-In hair (which was not only not cute but also completely unnecessary because I'm blond anyway--or was at the time). On WWHL, Andy showed a nude Tweet from Rinna (parts and pieces blurred, of course). Not that I could see it that clearly but I paused tried to get a good unbiased gander, and I really don't think she looked "bad skinny" (I just don't know what to call it anymore). She looked good. Of course, maybe she used a filter that made everything all smooth and shit? Also, who does that?! * Yes, I see my typo up there but it made me laugh so loud! (Why, yes, me am a editor as me real job--why does you asks?)
  19. Me too a little--not when I thought it, but when I saw it typed it out. Good morning, everyone; here's a little random profanity! I swear, I didn't even feel that annoyed when I typed it. I must just cuss a lot. Whatever, thighs, shmighs--they look fine to me.
  20. Oh my god, who gives a shit? No one here is any authority on the "right" kind of thighs and, as I'm sure you know, "amazing" is a matter of opinion. Jesus fucking Christ.
  21. It's definitely tricky. But, yeah--sort of along the lines of, say, not giving the homeless guy 10 bucks in cash but instead grabbing a second order when you pick up lunch (I am not assuming all homeless are addicts, it was just the quickest example I could think of), or even sneakily checking to see if he needs a blanket. It's a sliding scale kind of thing; maybe it's all enabling but caring for your sister's kids becomes a higher priority than not being labeled an enabler. Plus, I would think that some types of helping are part of being an addict's support system (ideally during the time that the addict is actively seeking help or taking steps). No worries; we're good.
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