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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. In my junior high cooking class, my friend and I were kind of bad at everything and thus always left to partner up with each other for assignments (fine with us). For the last-day-of-class lunch, everyone had to make a dish and somehow the rest of 'em made sure that our assignment was salad. So, even though we knew we sucked at making food, we were all pissy about our classmates' lack of confidence in us. In a passive-aggressive frenzy, we furiously blended up a salad dressing out of everything edible in the refrigerator and cabinets. A pet-related pet peeve: I need a stainless steel slow-feeder dish for my cat (it's a ring-shaped bowl with a raised middle, sort of like a bundt cake pan, so the pet is slowed down by having to eat around the "moat") but all I can find are dog-sized ones, and even the smallest of those is about 7 inches in diameter, and not likely to make much of a difference to a cat that currently eats from a little bowl with a diameter not much wider than the slow-feeder's "moat." COME ON, MAN!
  2. I like Erika's too--has a bit of a '70s vibe to it. But I also wear Converse so what do I know?
  3. But that's all on P.K. and not Erika, regardless of how someone feels about the word "cunt."
  4. Hahahahaa! Yes (though I didn't go to work either). I don't even care too much about that kind of name-calling, at least when people have that type of relationship or whatever (I mean, it's not ideal, of course, but that's their thing), but good lord, if it bugs you (you = my BF), scold them not me!
  5. He claimed I asked a question ("Are you feeling better?") "like an accusation"! What? Meanwhile, he was texting his boss, who called him a "pussy" for not braving the snow to head to work. Methinks his ire was a wee bit misguided! Must pawn him!
  6. In her case, it's no big deal, IMO. Clearly they're not showing us Eileen's actual session. It's all of two minutes, if that, with nothing deeply personal or serious being discussed or delved into. If she's OK with that, I feel no reason not to be.
  7. Funny I should read this right now, as he just acted like such an ass this morning that I'd like to offload that so-called gem to the nearest pawn shop.
  8. At least since the early '20s, haha! (Sorry, former lit major.)
  9. Haha, I would love to go back there (La Piedad), but my friend isn't there anymore. And I think the BF or my other friends would be all, "Here?! This is a vacation to you?!" I mean, I'll take any one of the HWs' vacation venues any day of the week, and the all-inclusive resort packages are great in their own way (especially when you don't have HW dough but do have too poor a sense of direction to be navigating through unknown lands!). But I'm also the one in the vacation group that insists on stepping outside the resort walls for real food and stuff.
  10. And it's the best! I've been to resorts and all that but the best food was when I took a trip to a non-touristy inland area of Mexico to visit a friend (as in had to take a 3-hour bus trip from Guadalajara airport through the desert in the middle of the night!). Same with Buenos Aires; I was much happier with the "regular" food from normal reastaurants and vendors at the flea market than I was with the high-end places. Even at home, gimme a dive bar and hole-in-the-wall Thai, Middle Eastern, or Mexican place over our other options.
  11. Oh, thanks for the info, but I'm mostly OK--home from work but OK relatively. I'm an old pro at sinus infections and I think this is just a cold (with some minor sinus aches along for the ride). But, ugh, if those things aren't two of the most annoying symptoms in one. They don't even make sense together!
  12. My peeve: a nose that is so clogged you can't get the neti pot water through it...yet it's also running! Come on, man.
  13. OK, I guess--but those things have less to do with being American than they do with being whiny. If she "knows better" yet still wants a burrito, who cares? Some people dig the basics. And a Mexican street-vendor burrito is, in the best way possible, nothing like one that you can get in a "crap Mexican restaurant in America."
  14. Ugh, yikes--I meant to type "intense" in that post. Sorry! Autocorrect and sudden illness don't mix, I guess.
  15. You remind me of the night I dropped an ice cube on the floor while struggling like a dope to twist it out of the tray. My BF picked it up just as I unleashed an entire avalanche made up of the rest of them. He looked at me and said, "You should be in black and white right now." Also, re. infomercials and Billy Mays: if you haven't, look up Jaboody Dubs on YouTube. The parodies of those are so funny. I particularly love the ones for the Gopher stick and Orange Glo. The Slap Chop one is good too. Haha, it also made viewers' Google Homes go crazy and start turning off lights and stuff!
  16. And who was it that asked Kyle whether she believed Eden was "coming from a good place" (or whatever) or being annoying? If I were Kyle, I'd say both. I think one's intentions can be good, but that doesn't mean they're not also inappropriately expressed, haha! I just keep picturing Eden's intent stare when she's observing/waiting to talk. It's so funny!
  17. Yeah, regardless of Lisa saying moronic things about stuff of which she has no real knowledge, the fact remains that Eden is pushing her big old earnest and overly concerned face into the business of people (we're supposed to believe) she barely knows. Even if it were about less serious matters, the forced familiarity would be a little weird. Wanting a burrito and a margarita is an "ugly American routine"? Why? Also, Eden was walking so weirdly when going into Lisa V's house.
  18. Diagnosing or even assuming anything based on one's clothes is kind of...ugh. I mean, unless you're surmising that someone is, say, a mailman or a clown or a Civil War reenactor upon seeing the person's outfit.
  19. I think you can be both--maybe the confident part comes from acknowledging that you're insecure sometimes but then letting that take a backseat to going ahead and doing what you'd like regardless.
  20. I think that sometimes the asking part is all a host really wants anyway. If I ask in advance and get told no, I just send a text right before I leave for the party, asking if the hosts needs me to make a stop for anything they need. The answer to that is almost always yes, and they are always super relieved. Mostly though, my friends don't even care one way or the other what anyone in the core group does. We had an Xmas "terrible gift" exchange that I completely forgot about like a dope and I was still commanded to participate in even though I didn't contribute*. It's fun to have that kind of friends.
  21. I'm kind of surprised that Stassi and Ariana don't like each other. For all of their faults described here, I feel like they're the two of the group who are actually kind of clever in their snarkishness, and neither seems to suffer fools as gladly as the rest do.
  22. I have to bring food to parties all the time just to make sure I have something I can eat with my booze. I try to bring the vegan versions of only the typical stuff people like at parties -- spinach dip, various spreads for crackers, these muffin-tin mac & "cheeses," etc. Usually it's fine, but once in a while it causes like a damn inquisition as to what's in it (perfectly reasonable question), followed by why, how, where, who, sometimes expressed with complete incredulousness (or even mild revulsion), like I'm trying to play a trick on them or something and make them eat gross things. And sometimes, ironically, I'll even get "But what DO you eeeeeeeeeat then?" Uhhh, well, this stuff that you just saw me carry in, for example?
  23. I agree, and think this applies to a lot of the HWs (especially NJ--we're not all like that, I swear! In fact, I'd say they are in the minority, at least from what I see out and about). I kind of like the overdone on Erika though. Maybe they're extreme couponers and have a whole setup out there!
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