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Everything posted by Jel

  1. Rachel thinks she’s answering pageant questions in her one on one with andy. POISE! POISE! Above all else, poise! The girl ain’t right.
  2. That is interesting. Reading between the lines it seems Caroline doesn’t really approve of it (I could not do that); and she knows who did because “she was there”. Is that physically there, when the phone call was made?
  3. I wonder what could be so potentially devastating/line-drawing that the producers are advising them to not sign a contract until they are made aware of it. What could be so life altering that even a famewhore would have to say, “nope, I’m out!” Thoughts everyone? Is this meant to be advice for the entire cast, or is it tact? Like really just directed at Ariana because more Tom scandal is incoming?
  4. Louis's emotional coping strategy appears to be some variant of Frank Costanza's "SERENITY NOW!".
  5. I don't think people are Team Ariana because they think it's the cool thing to be. I think they are on her side because they empathize with her and the awful betrayal she has suffered. Some people see this situation as garden variety cheating, and so in some ways it's a turnabout is fair play, nothing much to see here kind of situation. But many people see it as much more than that: a cheating situation complicated by multiple layers of betrayal. Your partner does you wrong, that's bad. Your close friend does you wrong, that's bad. But when they do you wrong together, in cahoots, that's exponentially bad. Lala and James, I think, fall into this category. They see a big difference between partner cheating with a rando (bad) vs. partner cheating with a close friend (much worse). It's a degrees of awfulness thing. Stealing ten dollars (bad) stealing title to house (much worse).
  6. Well, I have finally seen the show. Why "finally"? because about 20 minutes in THE CABLE WENT OUT! And so did the internet. And so did our phone service. Couldn't even make a 911 call! And I know this because I tried to call 911 several times to report the crime of interrupting the VPR reunion! (kidding). Just watching Rachel and her reactions...no. You don't get to smirk, bish. She needs to go back to the Stepford factory and have her emotions chip fixed. When push comes to shove, Lala lets Scheana know that, really, the only reason they are friends is because of their children. Nice. Look out Scheana, Lala will do it to you again just as soon as she finds the right toddler playgroup. Also, that preview -- whose mom was talking about James's penis?! Rachel's?! So, so creepy.
  7. 12 year old Audriana looked 20 to me. I could not believe how much makeup she was wearing. Reminded me of the time I was 14 and my friend put green eyeshadow on me and my dad grounded me for life. Technically, I am still grounded.
  8. And on top of all of that, he yells at someone at least once an episode. It’s time for the forty year old man child to learn some self control. Regulate your emotions, like a big boy.
  9. And don’t forget she never once followed him when he said he was going to Schwartz’s. The nerve of Ariana trusting her partner of nine years!
  10. Some (maybe Freud ;) would say he wanted to get caught. He already told us that *ordinarily* he would remove something like that from his phone, but this time, when he was having an affair and already wanted to break up with Ariana, he was “too busy”. He really couldn’t afford the three seconds it would take to delete it?
  11. Oh I forgot about that! And James was kind of hurt by it iirc.
  12. Well not literally roasted ;) Tom and Rachel, by their chosen actions, have earned the disdain of many people. Live a public life, get a public response. Sometimes the response is good and sometimes it's not good. As Rachel's kitchen sink sign says, "C'est la vie". I just rewatched that scene and I thought Kristen was such a sweetheart to Ariana.
  13. I rewatched the Sandy and Rachel at Rachel's apartment scene. My take: Tom feels bad, Rachel doesn't. She definitely doesn't like the negative consequences, the stain on her "brand", the loss of popularity, but as far as betraying her friend, nope, not much, if any, problem with it at all. No guilt. No shame. She was kind of, oh well, stuff happens about it. Very unlikely she'll be sewing her own big, red A on any of her sweaters. I see why he likes her -- she enables and excuses his bad behavior. She also said she wanted to know what it was like to have sex with someone she loves. *record scratch* What's that Rachel? What were you doing with James for five years?
  14. So hard to believe that the paper towels and toilet paper weren’t enough.
  15. Well I've read this entire thread and my goodness, you all are being so hard on Sandoval! Facts in evidence: Yes, he was cheating, but did Ariana employ even one crazy girlfriend tactic to catch him? Phone tracker? No. Hiring a PI? No. I mean she didn't even get in her car and follow him when he was secretly on his way to have sex with Rachel. How is this Tom's fault? He wasn't the one who refused to hire a private investigator! Ariana had an old dog. Old dogs die. Did she even think about what an inconvenience that could be for Tom? Like he has to leave a party early, when he's in the middle of romancing his seven month affair, with the very woman who Ariana refused to suspect? I'm not seeing how this is Tom's fault. Ordinarily, he'd remove any cheating evidence from his phone, but he was very busy! With his band, with his restaurant, with his affair. Can we not just let the missed affair evidence removal slide just this one time? I mean he did remove it all the other times he cheated on Ariana. Be reasonable, people! Tells Scheana she's not his friend, never has been his friend, doesn't give AF about her, yes, but then he realized he was rapidly losing friends and might need her right now, so went over to her house to do damage control. And when even Scheana didn't fall for it, he almost immediately slinked out, sheepishly but with dignity. Paper towel supply? ALWAYS. ON. POINT. Circa 2017 white polish manicure? Not chipped! He's got a restaurant and a band and an affair to manage but still finds the time to get a fresh mani. And does Ariana even appreciate it? Not seeing it.
  16. No kidding, I mean all she had to do was to follow him around like a crazy psycho girlfriend, and she would have caught him. Is that too much to ask?!
  17. Tonight’s drinking game: take a sip every time Tom makes an excuse or blames Ariana. Better make them small sips so we don’t pass out before the show is over.
  18. I don’t know about organic, but definitely manure-y, amirite?!
  19. Remember when Lala was all, "Don't you dare even compare your lousy man to my amazingly fantastic, noble man!" to Scheana, about Brock. Good times. Shows you how FOS Lala is, now that she's saying every moment in their house was a living hell with Randall.
  20. I can never forget the story that her sister thought she should be on the show so she took her to some event with the express purpose of meeting James. I don’t know if that’s true, but it stuck with me.
  21. Californians, do you have the two types of real estate ownership (like we do in my province): Joint Tenant and Tenant-In-Common? I do know that here, while most couples would have a legal joint tenancy, you can opt for tenant in common, which, iirc, allows one tenant to sell his or her half of the property independent of the other tenant. I think. Pretty sure.
  22. I think old lemon pits will definitely be back. 95% that Sandoval will be back, but Rachel? I give 50-50 on that.
  23. I don’t know about the rest of you ladies, but for me, number one thing I look for in a dude is how is his tp and paper towel providing? It really shows he cares, and that he’s thinking about me.
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