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  1. I hate to defend these writers even a little but a-fib can occur alongside other serious cardiac issues. (Did Sonny ever get a full workup?) If they wanted me to care about Sonny unconscious on the floor, they failed. I might have cared about SMike, though even that would have been iffy after Cates.
  2. Same. While there are a few stories I'm still interested in, I'm also pretty fatalistic about the upcoming Gio reveal. Though if it freed up Chase I might reconsider. That neither Anna or Brennan is aware of Sidwell buying Windermere is really disappointing. While I was originally okay with Sidwell popping in occasionally to create chaos, this isn't what I envisioned. (Or what @statsgirl said.)
  3. It was definitely both, as @methodwriter85 says above. (At one point he spent a lot of time boxing at his gym.)
  4. I might have found the Jason and Tracy scene moving if the build-up had been better. Mostly I was rolling my eyes at the WTF-ery of Jason ever choosing anyone over Michael and Carly. Maybe there was something we missed during the breaking news?
  5. Wouldn't that be something? But without Monica and with the Carlys in control, it would probably be a disaster.
  6. It's funny, I didn't even consider him because I always figured the Cassadine minions would be the ones harboring him. And it's unlikely that tptb would tie him to Michael's eventual return. Britt would make me happy. But the character got quite a send off, so it's just wishful thinking.
  7. Those miracle cure places all tend to blend together in my memory but I did wonder if there is anyone presumed dead they might discover there? Mildly intrigued by the possibility. Yesterday did bring back some unpleasant memories. I've been enjoying kinder, gentler Tracy so much. It was disappointing.
  8. That's the situation where I live. I can't see B&B helping much, if at all. The Bold & the Beautiful is both bad and boring. (They reuse the same scripts for weeks on end, while they shuffle partners around and around.) Soaps desperately need younger viewers. If Gates can do that, it might just save the genre. 🙂 No pressure, right?
  9. To Monica's credit, she never distinguished between her biological son and her adopted son. They were both her sons. But I have never forgiven the writers for the decades of indignities. For making her tolerate Sonny and Carly - from the early days of just wanting to know her grandson to the point of welcoming Carly into the family (blech) during Jason & Carly's mob-inspired wedding.
  10. Quoted to bring over from last year's topic.
  11. Discussion for The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC - 2025.
  12. By the time they kickstarted Lulu's recovery, I had come to believe that Cyrus had transferred a lot of his Laura obsession to Lulu. I would have believed a "if I can't have her, no one will" twist. I kinda thought that's where they were going with the move to SC. But with the "angel of death" aspect, they seem to have switched directions. 🤷‍♀️
  13. I give the writers half a point for Kai's dialog about what a huge decision going pro vs getting an education is for young athletes. If the character wasn't dull as dishwater I might have actually felt something about it. The actor is cute but he has no chemistry with TA. In fact, they have achieved new levels of anti-chemistry for ones so young and appealing on their own. Yes and yes. (Bolded part.) The doctors were kinda dumb about young, fit and healthy Dex going into cardiac arrest once they knew about Sam and the other victim. Dex was also dull as dishwater but I was used to him and he was a serviceable character. But yes, Michael's status as the Golden Child must be maintained. While I hope Tracy gets the house, I can't believe Monica would will it away from Michael as the last direct descendant of Alan and AJ.
  14. The Monica/Leslie rivalry was my 2nd favorite on daytime - right after Viki/Dorian on OLTL.
  15. CBS has smartly been promoting their new soap (slightly more than 6 weeks away) in primetime. I think ABC has tried in the past but it's almost always been tied to big disasters that they can't afford to do anymore. Which is a lose/lose for us. The current showrunners and writers are so bad at pacing that more ads would be money wasted. No sense in bringing new and lapsed viewers in just to lose them a few weeks later.
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