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Everything posted by ahrtee

  1. One thing nobody mentioned that SB does and HL doesn't is *think.* Not about consequences or reactions, but at least if someone tells him something won't work or there's a better way, he listens, considers, and (usually) goes along with it. When Butcher and Hughie pointed out that he needed help with modern technology, he listened. When Butcher came up with plans (good or bad), you could see SB considering options. The same way he decided whether or not to join HL. Maybe that's JA adding more to the character with his expressions (we could have just had him as a stupid asshole who went along with anyone who pointed out things he hadn't thought of, or a deliberately idiotic one who decided that he knew best and he could always punch his way out of anything) but Ackles showed him understanding and choosing which way to go.
  2. Of course, if getting his powers back is as simple as taking another hit of Compound V, then what's the point? HL has access to the motherlode of V any time he wants it. There would have to be another twist somewhere, like if SB actually *had* blown up the building and the lab.
  3. But a few seconds later in the teaser, SB has a cut on his face. So, hmmm....?
  4. All I can think of with that is "Kneel before Todd!" (Sorry...my SPN is showing.)😀
  5. Oh, I'm sure they could come up with an "explainer" if needed. (Anyone remember Spock's third eyelid that was only mentioned once to save him and then never mentioned again?) Maybe A Train can't heal, but can't be killed, either, and so he'd spend the rest of his life (eternity?) as a shell. IIRC, there were a few Greek myths about people who were granted eternal life but not youth and so kept on aging till they disappeared but were still "alive". I didn't watch most of season 2, so I missed a lot, but it seems to me that most of the Supes who actually died were torn (or blown) to pieces/lost their heads, so there was nothing left to resurrect. Maybe that's the key to killing Supes--cut off their heads? (If you can find something strong enough to do it...)
  6. Why "obviously"? Do they already have the one that goes around to various cons for photo ops? The website says this: FAMOUS HORROR CARS The most recognizable vehicles from horror films and shows will include: The Munsters’ Koach and Dragula, The Ghostbusters, Supernatural Baby Impala and the 1958 Plymouth Fury from Christine.
  7. I don't think they're going to want to go public with SB now--it'll raise too many questions: Why isn't he dead? Where has he been since 198-whatever? (Is he connected with the massive explosion in NY that HL kept saying was nothing and has been taken care of?) And mostly, how are they going to explain when he disappears at the end of the next episode (which I'm assuming he will, even if he's not dead.) I'm assuming the boys will learn it the way they learn everything. I can see SB giving up on HL and wanting to take Ryan to raise him the "right way." That might be the cliffhanger for the season--SB and Ryan disappearing and then Butcher (and HL) can spend next season trying to find them. Personally, I think MM should raise Ryan. 😊
  8. Of course, it *is* consensual, so maybe it's not too bad?
  9. Is it considered bestiality if it's with a mollusk?😕
  10. That was sort of my point. He was the leader (or frontman) of the Payback team, but was also supposed to follow (Vought's) orders, and when he began believing his own hype, took over what the team did and didn't follow orders any more, he had to go. (And, unlike HL, someone did find a weapon to use against him.)
  11. I didn't read the comics, so I don't know the "real" story. But it seems to me that the rest of Payback were pretty useless. So maybe after the success of SB, they decided to try V on ordinary people. Of course, that meant SB was the official leader, and (whether he was that way originally or the V made him that way) he certainly believed the hype that he was wonderful and the others nothing, so he treated them horribly and they resented it. I'm going to assume that he was heading off the rails (in a HL kind of way) and so Vought decided to kill/deep six him, and his team was happy to go along, because they thought that meant they could take over the spotlight he was hogging. Unfortunately for them, they really were useless as superheroes and were nothing without SB (which I assume would make them hate him more.) If Compound V supposedly makes you "more" of what you were to begin with, then I'd guess that pre-V SB was just a very good, very well-trained soldier but not really a leader. Vought was probably counting on that so that they could control him, but it didn't work as well as they planned. I'd say that the next gen of supes were chosen/created specifically to be what Vought wanted, but they still went off the rails to a greater or lesser extent.
  12. It does make sense that if someone wanted to create an American hero during a war, it would be a supersoldier to help America win. And the best way to get a supersoldier is to find someone who is already a very good soldier, with good skills (and good looks!) and supercharge him. Then they build a legend around him that makes him front and center in all the major wins for his side (whether or not he was actually there.) Or maybe he actually *was* at Normandy, but as a regular human, pre-V; and Vought chose him from there to give him his powers. That would explain why he's so positive he was there, and why "Soldier Boy" didn't appear there till later.
  13. Maybe they knew/trusted that Jensen could make lemonade out of anything, but Jared had to be hand-fed?
  14. Well, I wouldn't have watched the next 10 years....😀 Even then, I thought Sam came across as kind of callous and condescending, and I wouldn't have wanted to watch him as the hero of the show and Dean as comic.
  15. Well, my friend had been raving about Dean Winchester so I decided to watch the next episode (I trusted her judgment in characters). The first scenes I remember seeing were the ones in the factory, with Dean first being afraid of holding the gun, and then screaming at the cat. I remember thinking "interesting choice for a character in a horror show--one who's afraid of everything--but it might work for comic relief." I think I turned it off after the cat.
  16. Well, this was back in prehistoric times and I was watching live. No streaming or any way to get back episodes without renting a DVD (and the library always had a wait list). 😊
  17. The first ep I watched was Yellow Fever, and it almost put me off the show entirely. But the friend who recommended it kept pushing, and so I went online and read the background summary of the show so at least I knew who was who and what was going on. Then I rented season 1 from the library (it was so long ago!) and started watching but wasn't really paying too much attention till Faith. That's the one that hooked me for good.
  18. You could be right. There are a lot of Sam/Jared stories that I wiped out of my mind. 😀
  19. IIRC, the reason it was shortened was not because it wasn't a good storyline, but that too many Sam fans were complaining how bad it made Sam look. I think Jared liked it because it gave him a chance to play against his usual Sam-type, but the fans didn't want that.
  20. Then why beat someone to death (apparently) with his shield? Wouldn't it be easier just to blast them?
  21. So SB can get angry without going nuclear?
  22. Personally, I think my final straw was Fallen Idols. I really, *really* wanted Dean to punch Sam out and then stalk off, saying, "I'm out of here. Time for you to grow up."
  23. I think it's fine if anyone wants to say that they don't like Jensen's portrayal of SB (all 6 or so scenes of him we've seen so far....) But those of us who *have* seen him in other things know what he's capable of and so may express their appreciation...enthusiastically at times. IA that there isn't much to SB at the moment, and I'm hoping that will change in the next two eps. But all I can say is that, if you haven't seen Jensen in any other role, don't demean his acting abilities in general. Dislike this character and his portrayal, fine. Don't say an actor has no range until you've actually seen what he can do in a different setting or character. Personally, I think Jensen's portrayal of Dean Winchester brought an enormous range of emotions and hidden depths to what could have been a very annoying/obnoxious character; but you have to pay attention to the little details like expressions and body movements to see some of it, instead of just listening to the words and voice. And, of course, YMMV.
  24. I think he was pretty appalled by the way his whole team turned out--CC and the twins certainly weren't anything to be proud of.
  25. If Sam really wanted to die, all he had to do was say no, I've made up my mind. He certainly had no trouble doing what he wanted to do, no matter what Dean asked (or begged) before; in fact, that was one of the things that annoyed me the most about Sam--when he felt that he was right, he wouldn't listen to anyone else's opinions or pleas or suggestions, but went ahead his own way either directly or sneaking around to do it. So the fact that he *did* agree that he wanted to live shows that he wasn't so damn sure about dying. Also, nobody seems to point out that, by saying yes, he was also agreeing to *not* close the gates of hell (which, BTW, it turned out would have been a pretty Bad Thing to Do, judging by what happened when the gates of heaven were closed.) But that decision was all on Sam.
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