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  1. Malcovich sounds more Israeli than Russian to me. It's so bad that it's distracting. "Assassinate that motherfucker" - I love this Wendy.
  2. I lasted maybe 10 minutes.
  3. LOL. We were fascinated by him in my household.
  4. It's on the ever-irritating and obnoxious truTV channel. Although, they've taken a step in the right direction with this show. It's very very funny.
  5. I thought this episode was a finale. It felt like it. Hoping this parlays into Harlee being able to manipulate Stahl on a string for the next season. That could be fun to watch.
  6. Just when I thought we might go a whole episode without having to see Woz effing cry...BOOM.
  7. I don't think he's been on here before, but I agree that he looks great. I even commented on how handsome he looked when we were watching this.
  8. The only character that interests me at all is Margot. Pretty much hate-watching at this point.
  9. I was miserable watching them all sweat so much, even the judges. I'm pulling for Shirley. Brooke is the better TV personality, but I would choose Shirley to cook for me over Sheldon & Brooke. That's how I measure them.
  10. Deadline reported that Connie Britton is available for pilots. If she leaves, do think this will be the end of Nashville? I do.
  11. Olivia's wig looked like shit in this episode.
  12. I think my problem with Minnick is the casting. She seems a little too young to be the doctor-fixer and have all these proven methods. Don't care about Hunt & Amelia. He knew she was a flake from day one. Steph must literally live beside the hospital to get to her apt & back so fast. Wish Jo would step in front of a bus a la George.
  13. Jo used to be my favorite part of the show, but now she is just a drag. What has happened to her appearance this season? Lost too much weight? Keep her sweet daughter somehow and dump Jo & Frump. Barbara is entirely too smart and grounded to hang with these vapid women.
  14. Yes, and when he talks about the backward split around the pole, I cried laughing.
  15. So pissed that they didn't give me a liberal media freakout + Hillary freakout watching the results skit. The cold opening was a cop out. So was the skit about watching the results. If Clinton had won, I think the mix would have been better, meaner, and HOPEFULLY funnier.
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