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Colorado David

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Everything posted by Colorado David

  1. so can one use superglue for quick closing wounds? and is it sanitary or could one get a nice infection?
  2. Entertaining if not a bit light, I was expecting something darker. Not getting the Columbo vibe, as he seemed more light and comical than Charlie. I did like the pulp fiction cameo. I will give it more episodes to see where it goes.
  3. I miss Munch's humor, he and Fin were always so funny with the jabs back and forth.
  4. or reason to watch. the dumping competition is ridiculous, who is entertained by this beyond 10 year olds??? lord if you are an adult and find this entertaining, please mature up some. offer some off kilter ingredients, make them make something, and judge. genuine CHEF stuff. enuff of the silly tv sh*t.
  5. agreed. i deal with this with my parent, they resent totally when pointed out they forgot or misremember. it is tough to deal with. i do hope jackie and dan get back to the warmth as well, they don't have anyone else their age to turn to.
  6. Any bot that can operate equally upside down to me is in a great position. No matter how you are flipped or thrown, you can still come back and attack. I agree on flamers, it's dramatic but it seems the bots aren't under the flame long enough for anything inside to warm up significantly, it's more like a flash of heat. Considering their armor, I doubt the heat even gets inside most of the time. I wonder is there a rule regarding crushers and their size? I ask because they always have these thin piercing blades (like teeth). What about a 3 inch wide blade? That'd do significant interior damage, like being bitten by a hippopotamus.
  7. This new season does seem more dumbed down than previous ones. I wonder if Reid, Hotch, and Gideon leaving have anything to do with the dumber plotlines.
  8. well said. any yeah they do seem to be family fixated more this season so far, don't they. i like the non-family problem ones.
  9. Not to mention theft of $40, one call to the cops and he's jailed.
  10. Louise going all Sons of Anarchy with the bat. LOVED that. Couch-gate, everything everyone else said earlier. Quilts and throws are an easy solution, and they don't look bad on a couch either. I can't go for plastic slipcovers though, it's uncomfortable and defeats the purpose of the couch.
  11. i'd do this if i won the lottery, just for kicks. well step one i'd donate a huge chunk to the charities i value, THEN turn into a vigilante crime fighter.
  12. We will get the same fantastic insight that a lot of NBA players give...nothing technical, much self hype, maybe a bit of shade on the opposing teams.
  13. it is so interesting, GoT had what 2 characters we hated, while HotD has several. intentional you think?
  14. passive casualties in this show seems to be a non-issue. while this bothers me greatly in a current mindset, maybe in this world the mindset is eh if you live to be an adult lucky you, and live each day on guard for whatever weird sh*t might come your way to snatch life from you. you coulda been a child warrior in the ring, or sold into slavery, or prostituted early on. it's a different world for them.
  15. 2 things: the scene with one of the brothers and Aemond running down the stairs outside. There is something Benny-Hillish when two dudes fighting have to hit every single little step rather than hopping 2-3 at a time. Second - Aemond reminds me of the Hitcher.
  16. Bravo Matt Smith improvising that crown replacing. It could have ended up a blooper, but he crafted it instantly into a very touching scene. MS is aces in my book.
  17. Enjoyable. Whomever wrote the dinner table scene, well well done. I was riveted.
  18. i feel like the Harfoots story and the elves/dwarves/mordor story should be two separate shows, they kind of feel slammed together IMO. like a writers room discussion - "we need a nice light hearted side to counterbalance the bleak of this darker story". it works in tolkien's books, not sure why it's not working for me here.
  19. I could not agree more. Of all those, Sakari or Alejandro I think has the best chance of winning. Billy is way too volatile. I can't stand Alyssa, i get zero positive vibes from her at all - not a team player and I'm betting an unhappy person generally in life. (yeah I'm judgmental, you may sue me. its a character flaw of mine.)
  20. A lot of the chefs smoke, so I think that ages them faster. boxed pasta and tinned tomatoes, that is galling that she thinks thats acceptable. i have never seen orange soda in a meat dish, thats so far outta left field - like combining chocolate and shrimp. blech. Jay and christina, hurrah!! i like both of them immensely. vlad - you talk a big game sir, lets see if you have the skills to back it up.
  21. I'm not liking these singing challenges....some people abs cannot sing, and adding its a foreign language and the moves required is asking a lot of non-professional performers. I'm liking the cheerleader team, good energy and good attitude and I don't get the feeling they will backstab or sabotage anyone.
  22. I am thinking the stranger is Gandalf as well, but I could see writers hoodwinking us with that misdirection too. Aren't there like 7 wizards according to canon? I dont' mind snippets of songs, but I don't need to hear entire songs. Dwarf rock song, fine. Harfoot 4 minute travelling ballad, no thank you. Just a pet peeve of mine unless I'm watching something calling itself a musical. Man, mithril apparently is a lot more powerful than I figured it to be. If I interpret it correctly, it's basically the heart and soul of the elves? Or did I get that wrong. Some really nice backdrops and costuming on this show - I imagine costuming alone must cost a fortune with all the extras. And starting to get some depth on the characters, I'm liking it.
  23. I don't think it wasn't gay friendly back then (well this is fiction, but back in history seems gays weren't frowned upon.) I think Ser Criston just didn't care for the idea of being under constant threat of being ratted out by Joffrey. Plus he is already hating himself for sacrificing his oath to Rhaenyra's wiles. BUT he should have picked a better time to whoop up - the middle of a wedding welcome party is absolutely the worst spot to go into hulk mode. I hope he doesn't follow thru on his hari-kari.
  24. ok that palantiri scene with Galadriel actually gave me goosebumps. been a loooooooooooooooong time since anything gave me goosebumps. well done.
  25. yay for Dara. Christian, dont beat yourself up dude, second is very honorable too and an achievement.
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