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Colorado David

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Everything posted by Colorado David

  1. I finally sussed it outt. Detective Matt (Callie's cop friend) has reminded me of someone since he came on the show, and I could not pin it down. Today I had a memory flash - Matt totally reminds me of Pornstache from Orange is the New Black.
  2. Ok interesting episode. Spoiler tagging for the Sunday folks.
  3. Wow this episode riled me up. Why so much hate and disdain for community colleges? Hell I loved going to CC. My read on Darlene: my son gets the best or nothing. Wow, no middle ground to pursue? There are tons of good schools, why does it have to what 1-3 choices only? You could knock the basic classes out in CC and that would give Darlene time to save 2 years worth of tuition so Mark could transfer for the higher level classes. And suck it up, this sense of entitlement is so irritating - you may have to go to a school not as great as you'd like, but hey you can still get a degree, rather than nothing at all. It almost feels like the writers feel they have to dumb everything down for their audience - and MAN i resent that attitude. Ah Ben i feel ya - ulcers run in our family, we are a stressy family.
  4. Completely this. Padma mentioned the castle being a backdrop for the shots, but other than that, zero point in having to be there. I guess promoting London and England also for the tourism factor. I at least hope the chefs got a tour of the castle. Chef Tom to me came off as entitled for spending more for his ingredients. I have no problem if other chefs VOLUNTEER to give you some extra off their budget, but its quite arrogant to just expect it - and especially when it fails. Amar, jolly as usual which I like. Ali with the good attitude as well. I have no issues with the show bringing up family things (babies, adopting, cooking for passed relatives.) It adds a human element which is kind of nice to hear nowadays. Judge Tom seems a little more snarky this season, or am I seeing that wrong? And we're getting a lot less Gail. Padma on form as usual. As an old man of 58, I can see preferring tables to the actual ground. My bad knees yell at me anytime I have to sit on the ground, and plus if you are dressed up it isn't the most convenient position to have to sit in. I do agree the checkered tablecloth is a nice aesthetic and more 'traditional', but the show is allowed to adapt. Interesting Padma mentioned cheese as a universal picnic component. I would agree and go with charcuterie with a nice mild wine, but then again other than slicing and choice of cheeses/meats, how would one elevate a typical charcuterie? Maybe a nice fancy bread, but other than that I am stumped for sides to add.
  5. Good episode, if not a bit sad. I like how the writers are giving us 'yay' moments, then yanking the rug out from under us (the moose). Poor Nat, so happy then deflated. Nice job on the fish, I did not see that one coming. Javi is way too clean, someone has been keeping him safe and warm in an underground bunker somewhere. The melted snow could be the spot where the hatch Javi used opened and shut (escaping warm air melted the snow, tho granted that is a fast melt.) And he may be doped up, which is why he seemed so oblivious to everyone. I feel bad for Lottie, this bloodletting thing is a real curse for her. I too liked the 'Lost' fakeout, havinng to go down into a hatch. I wondered why the salesperson scene tho, does that have any relevance? I wonder if we'll see her again (and man she was tiny!) The food fakeout was good tho, Lottie digging into the chinese take out box only to see there's nothing in it. I think we all called hallucination the second we saw the plane, if not seeing the teddy bear then. Misty and Walter, oh their bickering makes me so happy, they have a fun chemistry. I guess if I was Misty I would distrusting as well. And what's wrong with Walter liking showtunes? I've liked showtunes and soundtracks since high school. Lol to Misty referring to the cult as the Purple People, I like it. Dunno whats gonna happen with Ben, but these flashback memories have me worried he is getting seriously depressed. Did anyone catch the title of the black paperback he attempted to read? It looked like it had something nefarious on the cover, like a goathead. Awww a mouse, cute. You know someone is going to kill it and Akilah is going to go mental. Yay adult Van!!! I adore LA, so good in Servant and Six Feet Under.
  6. i'd be so happy trying any of these chefs' dishes. seriously, i do not care if the judges say garbage, i would have faith in the chef they have a taste they are going for and i would sample that. i like tom tho he does seem to be on a high horse at times - you are a good chef yes, but pay attention to what the chefs tell you. ditto for buddha. big yes on tipping, wait staff is paid CRAP and they put up with any attitude their patrons have (unllike other jobs where you can hang up or walk away) so please tip at least 15%. a lot of these people are raising families.
  7. Ok up front have to confess I'm a sucker for the holiday meal episodes, they get to me. Even tho they were all busy and jostling for cooking space, THAT felt like a happy kitchen (minus a little bickering by Begona regarding the cooking oil she was supposed to share. I have to agree it would suck royally if you get edged out on time because you were nice enough to let the other person go first.) I am going to keep my eyes open and watch for Victoire's cookbook, I'd love to tackle some of those recipes. Nicole is nice in the face interviews, but man i got the feeling she can be a little bossy-boots in the actual kitchen. I'm not sure taste-wise, but I thought Buddha could've edited that salmon more. It had a lot of stuff going on, and I could see it being muddled. Or maybe the salmon on one side, and all the salady ingredients on the other? Its just my opinion but when I do fish i keep it very simple, a few herbs or maybe a simple sauce. And man yes he was all butthurt during the judging.
  8. i am sorry why is the shrike suddenly vulnerable to 3-4 photon torpedoes? it has been badass up to now.
  9. ok question for hunters or med students....is flesh edible after two months??? i am doubting jackie was frozen as shauna kept her in that shed and you saw no breath vapor? which mean it is above freezing. i am thinking everyone cept coach is gonna get severe food poisoning. eta: ok i will let it go for the show's sake. i let a LOT go for Lost, so this old meat is a minor nitpick. I can do without more cannibalism, tho i know there's at least one more victim. did we decide who that girl is?
  10. ok fair enuff, if you want to flaunt the guidelines of the task. BUT you better damn well make something killer to warrant that flaunt, other wise yeah you are getting scolded for being uppity. how can you have your pudding if you've not had your meat????
  11. ok question for hunters or med students....is flesh edible after two months??? i am doubting jackie was frozen as shauna kept her in that shed and you saw no breath vapor? which mean it is above freezing. i am thinking everyone cept coach is gonna get severe food poisoning.
  12. Cant be Callie, she exists in the later time line. Unless you are posing they return to the island, which doesn't seem likely in my opinion. That would be a weird twist tho.
  13. Lol omg so much fire on terminology, cookies vs biscuits. I feel we here in America differentiate our biscuits as typically not being sweet unless you put jam on them, and definitely not crunchy like a cookie. More a scone as Buddha said - which is fine, scones probably came before southern style biscuits. I feel for Victoroire - i am deathly allergic to pecans (they make my throat swell shut), but she should have been up front with the team mates on that allergy, honestly. Any food allergies, to be sure. Thank goodness the medical staff had epipens at the ready. (Fun fact, I grew up in Dallas TX. What's a hugely popular dessert in Dallas TX? Pecan pie. And MY GOSH Texans love putting pecans in brownies. I can't tell you how many dessert nightmares I had growing up way back when.) Peas are so innocuous, I can't see them as a main without adding a protein of some sort. Potatoes yes I can see, but peas are so charming and simple a veg. I am loving these contestants - there's no bad apples that I can see, everyone seems really supportive even in competition. Oh and Ali, nice save on those biscuits - i saw that heading right for the kitchen floor when the oven door flipped them, and you totally got there and saved em. Much faster hands than I would have.
  14. Intense episode. And I feel a bit disturbed, seeing people go feral is so strange. On a side note, if I'm cremating someone, I'm doing it at least 100 yards from the cabin. One, for the smell, and two, it could bring wild animals. OMG I hate crash scenes, so jarring. Mind you having been run over by an El Camino back in high school doesn't help me with things. Seeing your broken leg bending the absolutely wrong way is something you don't forget. eta: for more fun...i broke my left leg at the tibia, my left arm by the shoulder, and i got a nice severe concussion at the same time. it was not a pleasant summer, but i did survive so i see that in a positive. i hold no ill feelings for the girl who hit me, as it was a situation of she couldn't see me her in the crosswalk, and i couldn't see her car. just a dumb stupid g-d accident in the situation. in the further...i don't have the best thoughts nowadays....i am not best in dealing with things. i so wish i was.
  15. Agree with the prior posters on the forced collaboration aspect - mostly because you've never cooked with your brand new partner before, and if you've got disparate views on the dish, that can completely disaster your dish. Were I judges I'd have done head to head, with 2 separate chefs making the same dish, then those winners being compared against the other dishes. I have to say half of my enjoyment this season is hearing all the different accents going on, I love stuff like that. And thank you for the occasional subtitles, they are helpful. Man I would never do the scotch egg over the fish and chips - far more difficult to get perfect, and I think you've a lot more options to do on the f & c. Going back one episode, is it fact that German cuisine doesn't use rice? That completely surprised me, but then I have not heard of a german dish that does have rice in it. Love Potato Girl, she could be a potato spokesperson for Poland.
  16. Great start to season 2, i am pleased. Adult Lottie so reminds me of Padma Lakshmi (Top Chef), it throws me everytime I see her. No idea on the moss, but guessing there's some significance there. OMG this cult/retreat is frightening. Oh no!!! I'm ff-ing thru any scenes with steve the dog. sorry i can't handle any potential animal cruelty. Does anyone remember Crystal from season 1? I sure do not. Did I just miss her?
  17. ok seemed like a rushed finale. not very satisfying. are we thinking rupert might get a spin off series? and so was leanne the cause of the freaky weather?
  18. She was fantastic in SOA, the role suited her so very well - plus being married to the show's creator, and he seems like he was a genuine biker only added to the suitability. Okay episode. I don't get all the moving around of the people - for god's sake work out what is best financially and stick with it. Harris' hand me down slam I actually liked as fairly genuine, as younger people now have such a sense of entitlement to many luxuries - all new stuff being one of those IMO. And what is with this family and tainted memories?? Ok maybe a house I could see as that is big and significant, but clothes?? Whatever - make new happy memories with them to replace the old ones. I have shopped many a thrift store and could give two s's what the history of the clothes are. Can someone please clarify, are we to believe Louise is making a decent income off of touring? I roadied for a small band for several years, and unless you're fairly famous you are barely making enough to cover expenses and save a little bit. She could do FAR better doing something else if income is her goal.
  19. This generation. Hell every generation past 2000. It's about MY feelings, not everybody else's, nor the unborns to come. NO thinking ahead, just tiktok NOWNOWNOW how do i feel and act. Sorry but thinking ahead has been gone and left behind with current society.
  20. Interesting episode for a change, which I like. I agree with the earlier poster - Harris is way too smart to have an accident of this sort. Was her reason (which I cant recall correctly) for going off the pill valid? Was it feeling queasy or something like that? and please remind me, the father....was this the twerp who tried to be a squatter in their house?
  21. I will likely get flamed for saying this, but I liked the more made up Darlene. If she could do that and keep the regular Darlene personality, that'd be the perfect combo for me. I guess I am far too used to women in makeup.
  22. not to mention i give monkeys credit that they are resourceful gatherers/foragers when they need to be. yeah graham and elaine (i dunno their character names) seemed totally non-plussed and fine living off grid. i luv that she made Joel and Ellie soup, that is so homey and not unusual - heck elaine maybe was enjoying their company. graham eh not so much!
  23. Heck yeah, Graham Greene (loved him in Green Mile among other things.) And yep recog'd Elaine off the bat - now if we can find a way to bring Rob Morrow in, I will be an incredibly happy camper. Woah....Joel is a goner unless they bring in someone to assist him. I hope so, we have all become so attached to him. Small quibble about where that commune is getting its supplies from, as it did look pretty darn remote. I can see some farming and stuff, but the booze and all the food for the horses?
  24. Sad to hear Richard Belzer, who played Det. Munch, has passed. I always loved his sarcastic wit and great delivery. https://kutv.com/news/entertainment/richard-belzer-stand-up-comic-and-tv-detective-dies-at-78-02-19-2023-231114314
  25. I'd be worried that I'd glue my fingers to my wound. that'd be my luck.
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