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Colorado David

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Everything posted by Colorado David

  1. ok totally silly episode with the crossover, but i enjoyed it immensely. as long as its considered a one-off and not canon, i'm fine with these fun episodes occasionally.
  2. I thought the team 'Maybe Cheese Born with it' was obnoxious. MAN they have nothing on team Khana, I am so seriously disliking their attitude and the venom they spew.
  3. meh ok episode, not great, not horrible either. i am getting tired of time travelling stories. why did the time cop who gave her the time device not just use one of their own people, rather than relying on basically a stranger? surely if they are from the future they should be smarter than a security officer from the past. i am a bit confused, how does alternakirk dying change the fact that sam died? wouldn't that timeline stay intact even if alternakirk died?? that is the richest group of park chess players i have ever seen, unless he spent hours there playing hundreds of people. i too miss pike, lets bring him back writers.
  4. i'd have not not no shenanigans ths time but ballpark does favor against vegans..... so parity? i do not wish to go down sponsorship but feel i need to. i do love the stadium mindset but am i wrong here??
  5. man that christmas episode was insane!!! i loved it. JLC is crazy good as that character. the whole family gets crazy at times!! except uncle jimmy he always seems level headed.
  6. i need to go bac to watch kitchen nightmares, becuase gordon's eyes seem unnaturally blue on this show. like they have been digitally enhanced?? i get it is tv, it just seems so phony for a legit chef. eta: I thought Luther got sent home, not Queen? am i behind in watching?
  7. agreed, fish tacos while very nice never seem to win. maybe becuase they are such a cali staple it is hard to elevate them? and yes poor aaron, dude that stuff on a plate while nice is NOT a meal, those are all garnishes. you needed some central protein maybe to tie it all together? if not a protein, something substantial to place there for those to be around. it was like calling fritos a meal.
  8. yeah agree with the other posters, i am not digging the personali,ties for these teams. i do like the different varieties of the foods, so it will be interesting to see how this pans out. what do we have - pakistani, jamaica, italian hawaiin, creole, southhern chicken (well that was quick), vegan, kind of surprised we have no asian tho.
  9. I don't blame Ben per se, I just don't think your average uncrazy person could so callously kill that many people. Except of course in self defense, but maybe that was where his mindset is. I'd have a hard time killing an animal much less fellow humans that were my former friends. Oh ya thats right, he was lighting the fire with the matches in the cave. I still am wondering if that's a misdirect and Travis in his grief didn't set the cabin on fire. Tho he did take a chunk of his heart. Too many questions still.
  10. well stated @benteen. rather than blaming their inner demons/problems for their actions, they objectified it to the wilderness. that is one way to cope with having to take such drastic actions to survive and not give up on life. it'd be weird if it turned out Travis started the cabin fire in retaliation for Javi, and Ben has been innocent all this time. Did we see him take anything besides rope??? After all he would need that to get up and down from the underground cave.
  11. well that was an episode. cant say i enjoyed it - things happened i do not like. and walter can create fake bank statements now? that is not as easy as people would think, as banks are heavily regulated now and do a ton of reporting. he manipulated the two detectives way too easily IMO. hey misty, you know you could just go the heavy sedative route sometimes rather than straight to the lethal dosages. just a thought. i know u want a fast takedown, but you are building your felony list really quickly. wow echo and the bunnymen, havent heard them since Donnie Darko. nice memory. i wonder if the smoke from the burning cabin leads to their rescue? if it got big enough the authorities would come investigate. i didnt think Ben would have it in him to kill everyone in the cabin, that is pretty darn cold hearted.
  12. i'm assuming the show made them do santa land, i cant imagine they would actualy want to see it.
  13. i think that was van's stash from her truck? or am i wrong and lottie is just a closet lush....
  14. ok props to sam hanratty saying butt meat with a straight face, and following up with that tearful delivery. man that is serious chops.
  15. good point. tho creative means to off someone doesn't equate to casual for me. i guess in my head casual means you don't know the person and are just offing them for the thrill, rather than having a reason. in this case the gal was digging in places she should not dig, therefore misty saw the threat and eliminated it. it wasnt arbitrary. or maybe i am off in my thinking?
  16. mmkay we need to define casually here...tai's operative was on a job to scoop details, so in my head that is not casual. if someone is stalking me i am hella ya gonna mess them up, maybe not fetanyl'm them out BUT drawing a line definitely, re some kinda pain.
  17. how friggin weird is it that i youtube'd 'wig in a box' before this episode??? i lost it when i saw JCM in this epi. and please watch hedwig if you havent seen it, great stuff. and fun tunes. omg ok i do not see a beatdown like that ever again, friggin martyrs territory here. and i am sorry what warranted that???
  18. well damn, now i get to be sad all weekend. show you stop jerking my emotions around, i cant take it.
  19. or the belly shirt!!! hubba. i would not rush lamb, it doesnt forgive. better to go with the fish.
  20. you clever writers you, giving just a little to peak our interest but not giving anything away. ok so we know javi is connected to this mysterious 'she'. that rules out travis or coach. i think we all assume the corpse in the attic is male due to the porn mags, but what if the corpse is a female?? my god my head hasn't hurt this much since trying to decipher Lost's plotlines.
  21. All of this plane talk begging the question now - how in the heck did they finally get located??
  22. thank you mods, i just wasnt sure so error on me.
  23. ok fair enough did not know. another reason i like this show, opens me up to new cultures and expectations.
  24. exactly this, do you see any high end restaurants serving food sans utensils? it is so gimmicky at its best, like that eating in the dark competition. just enjoy the food, and stop the silly semantics.
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