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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. People in ANY horrific situation may suffer PTSD. ( yes, i realize that we know this to be true.) From prolonged abuse of our precious children to long- in-pain adults, and to the sudden shocked horrors experienced by both. Bodies, spirits, and psyches are shredded. They are everywhere. One may see them caged in prisons, lost on the streets, and living as our neighbors. Most are ignored, dismissed, assailed, and forgotten. No support by family, employers, or society. PTSD IS real. But, then so is 'assholeness' and pettiness.
  2. Freckledbruh, Breezy424, zoeysmom, cherry slushie, hottesthw, and SOME or, rather, SEVERAL others, I agree with ALL that you have written pertaining to Ryan--with sidenotes directed to Brianna, Vicki, and Brooks. Ryan was loud, scarily belligerent, and threatening in word, tone, volume, and physical posturing. He initiated these actions with Lydia's mom inside VICKI'S home, and then continued the aggressive demeanor with Lydia's mom and Vicki outside. And, both Vicki AND Brianna knew it to be a volatile situation. Both, attempted to defuse Ryan's rage--Vicki immediately ceasing her comforting of Lydia's mom as demanded by Ryan, and Brianna, initially, ineffectually and nervously mumbling and fluttering. Ryan certainly was keenly aware of his hostile and threatening conduct enough to begin spewing a set of lies about HIS confrontation with the poor woman. No muddy cognition then. He knew. * Observing and commenting upon Ryan's extreme ire, senseless attack on VICKI'S mellow guest, nasty sharply demanding tone and comments in VICKI'S home does not imply consideration and excuses for any distasteful, character lacking machinations performed by Brooks. Discussing Brianna's and Ryan's illustrated poor, arrogant, and shady behavior( and, yes, they exist) does not negate Vicki's and Brooks distasteful, maybe contemptible character and acts. Conversely, discussing Vicki's and Brooks' 'malignancies' does not diminish Brianna's and Ryan's spitefulness and possible malice. Are any the FOUR malevolent? (shrug) Maybe. ~
  3. "... Listen, anybody does anything for money, so, if they feel they can make a couple bucks selling a story, they’re gonna make it. They’re gonna say whatever they wanna say.” {QUOTE by: 'Juicy' Joe Giudice--in reference to SOMEONE ELSE about whom Joe felt lightly 'set up' and used.} Amazing. Joe is promoting Theresa's faux innocence so that she will be more attractive for television production. It's ridiculous. Did not Theresa say on several occasions that she was a a smart businesswoman? So,... *
  4. That's why it's such a beautiful thing that we, all, may hold such differing perspectives and opinions. I certainly did not find the birthday party scenes boring. It was a Happy Holla Day! *
  5. Sorry about the ABOVE double posts. Gremlins. I think that Charles Dance would have smoothly performed that aloof disdain of which Sherlock oft speaks. However, in my opinion, John Noble possesses greater character range.
  6. Thanks, zoeysmom. With ONE of Nene's comments, therein lies the problem. I do NOT want a whole bunch of manufactured fights,... I guess that my interest is dwindling. The desire for more actresses makes it more likely that increased, well, ACTing will ensue. I'm just not interested in viewing Soap Operas. Twinkle 7, welcome to the fold and enjoy!! I just must say that I disagree with virtually all of your written sentiments! (lol!) Once again, enjoy! *
  7. If so, whatever. That reason would simply further illustrate and promote the musings and assertions that TPTB obsessively manipulate and manoeuvre the actual reality of the program. The posit remains firm--Heather's storyline existed, yet was cut out.
  8. There very well may be the tainted miasma of a demonic presence, if Tamra has recently 'walked through'.
  9. ...And, if Ryan Vieth can be dissected and discussed--a child reared to realize that his poor pitiful and sad cry for mommy was both pointless and meaningless, then, surely, with her stabler and rather doting family, Brianna's actions should be just as closely scrutinized. Ryan AND Brianna are BOTH adults. In addition, they are BOTH adults with health afflictions. (Yes, I know that Ryan bears the onus of inflicting his.) On this forum, Ryan has been held accountable for many many a misdeed and deplorable acts. So, as both are adults, if Ryan can be held responsible for the near entirety of his actions, then so can Brianna. *
  10. Being a nurse does not preclude shallowness nor a sense of entitlement. That is based on character regardless of upbringing or job/career choice. ANY job/career contains such individuals. It is wonderful that Brianna completed University. It is wonderful that Brianna works in Hospital. Brianna is no monster. Brianna is spoiled. Brianna is pampered. Brianna is arrogant. She virtually always had access to a certain escalated level of living. Presently, THAT LEVEL IS BOLSTERED BY VICKI in varying ways. Not that there is anything wrong with a parent proffering help, especially, if said child shows initiative in general drive and acts, academics, jobs,...which Brianna has shown. It's very easy to claim that you don't particularly care for the extra extraS, tangible and intangible, when you actually have it. However, all of those little taken for granted 'don't needs-don't wants' are viewed differently when absent. Furthermore, Brianna, an adult, has CHOSEN to participate on this program. A program within an umbrella franchise that has birthed massive cottage industry media. The existence of which relies on extreme commentary, ruthless snark, thorough privacy invasion, and, at times, outright lies. She has to deal just as everyone else does. Brianna has not simply delved into her mom's semi- 'personal' business, she has dived and immersed herself into it, PUBLICLY. She has exhibited a fervent and very vocal willingness to air personal' business just as Vicki and many others have done. That does not mean that she is a vicious virago or a maniacal maven. But, it does mean that she is a Fame'ho'--in the making. *
  11. Brandi is misunderstood?! What!! Brandi is not misunderstood. She simply wishes to do as she pleases at ALL times, yet never experience any repercussions from her many and varied hurtful, selfish actions. However, others may NEVER treat her in kind because, well, she's just a Po' Single Mama jus' tryin' to make it in the harsh jungles of some of the most expensive zip codes in the country. I'm sorry, but being a Scorpio has not a thing to do with Brandi's vulgarity, immaturity( My Gosh! She will be 50 in 6 years!), harsh unrelenting jealously--yes, absolute jealously( re: Joyce and Kyle), and vicious vindictive character and behaviors. Why should Li'l ole Brandi get passes. Maybe, the other cast members are misunderstood, also. I don't think that one zodiac sign has a claim on that.
  12. Pattycake2 Yest. 11:25 pm I also had, as Hayley Mills said in The Trouble with Angels, a scathingly brilliant idea. Send Brandi over to visit the OC. She'd be on Eddie like white on rice. God, I'd love to see Tamra deal with THAT! * *THAT. would. be. EPIC!!
  13. Yes. One does need to recall that it was NOT only Ryan's combustible temper( for whatever reason(s)) that was disturbing. But also, equally, and, maybe more so disturbing was the obvious and continuous LYING about Each and EVERY aspect of his confrontation with Lydia's mom. Even if PTSD was the root of Ryan Rage, he was clear thinking, composed, and had wits about himself enough to construct lie after lie about Lydia's mom. THAT was not passionate enraged behavior--be it long slow simmer, rolling boil, or flash of heat. It was a cool, quick, and deliberate ploy. Ryan may or may not turn out to be a good husband to Brianna, BUT as character of The Real Housewives' players is judged based upon past behaviors/actions on this show and other media, it does not bode well. *
  14. Yes, Kara was particular about her academics with little interest or help expressed by Jeanna, The Jock Junkie. And, Kara was ONE of the school's valedictorians.
  15. *I must say, THIS is on point for me. I would expand upon my statement, but I am just so very tired of 'The Brooks Sanction', 'Operation' Brooks, or Brooks: A Story of 'CON(a)firmations'. *
  16. *Heather and Terry are repulsive if they behaved with such calculated, cool, and supercilious precision toward a woman that they knew was being humiliated. Heather, especially, behaved in a strangely jealous and vindictive manner to someone who had done exactly what(?) to her. *
  17. THIS is a very good job of asserting a counter perspective.
  18. Yes, it's fine if one wishes to dye, paint, polish, lube, renovate, and restructure. BUT, then don't make deliberate and public statements that you( Yolanda) will, henceforth, refrain from such refurbishments and maintenance. Doing so makes one(Yolanda) a flagrant liar. I do find it a bit amusing and more than a bit hypocritical that Yolanda is 'claiming' no more use of dreaded contaminating enhancements, YET bulldozed her daughters into an industry that encompasses ALL that she, supposedly, now, eschews. She is such a pretentious hypocrite.
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