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violet and green

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Everything posted by violet and green

  1. Former winner Adam Klein has a casting coach service where he coaches would-be applicants on how to present themselves in their applications. https://adamklein.com/casting
  2. Brandon was one of the ones who was coached by Adam. Who must at some point surely have said you need to prepare? Or do they imagine they will get by on their winsome charms?!
  3. That's Sminty's friend, DeDeLicious. No, it isn't! It is Tomara Thomas.
  4. In her bio: 3 Words to Describe You: Direct, genuine, aggressive. I have never heard anyone outside of the sporting world use the term "aggressive" about themselves as a positive!
  5. You don't know how badly I disliked her! This is where I'm at. Obviously, I'll have my reactions as the season and edit goes along, but I'd like to be a little bit more balanced with them until a few more things are clarified. I don't doubt Emily is abrasive or that Bruce is rather annoying, though.
  6. So good to have the full opening theme back on, and the previously on segment as well.
  7. Now I feel quite bad for disliking Emily so much after episode one. I was holding my breath by the end of tribal hoping to god they would vote Brandon out, and keep Emily. I really thought that the Lemons had a chance with that challenge; just painful to watch Brandon bungle yet another thing. I feel bad for him, that this is is legacy as a Survivor player and that he didn't get the chance to somehow turn it around and leave on a higher note, but it was a mercy kill to vote him out. Oddly enough, especially in episode one, she looked almost identical to a high school friend of mine. Bad memories! Likewise, I still feel queer in my chest. Poor Kendra. That was absolutely awful. Fingers crossed the Lemons don't go to tribal again next week and we can get a closer look at the other two tribes.
  8. I liked it. Good number of seasoned queens. A lot of really good entrance looks. A few heartwarming backstories. The appearance and comments of the visiting international queens as runway judges. Quite a diverse main runway. Kristen McMenamy having a hoot as a panel judge. A nice little surprise with the placements. Sminty's little buddy getting a shock. I wasn't keen on Cara Melle, but she does live in the UK now, and I enjoyed her dance moves. Banksie is interesting, but I really like Kate Butch, Vicky, Ginger, and Alexis.
  9. His clothes were wet the second time, and he'd just paddled the boat back after swimming out to flop awkwardly into it. Maybe he's quite a good swimmer, normally, but he has no upper body strength and no ability to command his limbs work or to use his energy wisely. Judging by the number of times he fell (horribly) in the immunity challenge (and then just lay there), he is not a man used to moving his body.
  10. I quite like him. He's cheerful and has a warm friendly energy. He doesn't say stuff like "Excuse me for being honest." And if he ever did, he would say it with a big smile and a cheeky wink, followed by a quick spin and a martial arts move.
  11. Even though it was a deflating way to end the episode, I am now appreciating how much better it is that "Excuse me for being honest" Emily consequently remains in the game. I like the idea of her surviving various tribe swaps, aggravating all and sundry, and making it deep in the game purely on the basis of her unlikeability being unlikely to win her the prize, and then getting cut. Before jury, before final tribal, whatever would be most upsetting! Maybe she'll show other aspects of her character as time goes on, but that was a dreadful first showing for her. She really has a nerve to complain about Gabler's win, after that.
  12. It is kind of weird that as a therapist she seemed unable to recognise that she was psychologically unfit to be a contestant on Survivor, given she was unable to withstand a day or so of hunger and some uncomfortable sleeping arrangements, which is all an obvious part of being on Survivor. Also, that she shows little accountability for her unpreparedness here.
  13. That would be great. And end the show standing on a leaning palm tree, like Ozzy.
  14. That was not good, but oddly I feel like I've got a fairly good handle on all the contestants and who's in which tribe. I thought Jeff was going to pass out from shock when he was staring in disbelief at Hannah quitting at tribal. His face looked really white. Brandon, that was not a panic attack! I thought, when he lumbered clumsily head first into the little boat, woah, did that guy just break his neck? Then when he was hanging a bit later by his weak arms, unable to drag his lardy arse out of the water or lift a leg, I thought, I bet he has a really comfortable giant gaming chair... Emily is vile, but I am glad that she ended up sticking around for another episode to give more of her signature style. I like the Reba McEntire tribe. I like the blue tribe, but Bruce is annoying, after all that. I hope the good ones on Lulu can survive the hopelessness of Brandon (are they not allowed to take reflux meds on the show? he is a one-man barely-walking disaster example of bad diet, sloth, etc, but likeable in other ways) through another challenge or two, as their dynamic is quite interesting. It's good it's 90 minutes now, too.
  15. Ru never seemed to warm to Hollywould. Asked for vulnerability and didn't get it, although as a viewer I felt Holly did start to show that in the last couple of eps. Then I'm not sure Hollywould knew the lyrics, and her performance moves were repetitive, while Gabriella was punching out every word and emoting and every time the camera was on the judging panel members their eyes were drawn in a split second from Hollywould back to Gabriella, it was uncanny.
  16. Woah! I did not expect that. I wish every episode could have dogs in sparkly capes.
  17. I'm so sad for Sara Forever. I really thought she had it in the bag, until the start of the final lip sync which seemed off. A very sparkly finale, otherwise.
  18. And particularly characters that have been introduced artificially, as a sort of rebuttal to criticisms of the original show, which was a show of its time. It would be like having every single ep in a SATC series incorporating Bitsy von Mufling, which I would very much have preferred over the new cast that AJLT has showhorned in, forcing little story lines and vignettes and reducing the main cast to similar little story lines and vignettes. There is no through line in either season of AJLT, other than Carrie is grieving, and then Carrie is dating again; Miranda has been taken over by an alien, oh, no she's sort of back to herself again.
  19. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/features/and-just-like-that-samantha-finale-review-b2398599.html "Unexpectedly, considering so much of the series seemed to get wrapped up in the finale, a third season of And Just Like That... has been confirmed, but I’m not sure that I see hope for it creatively. Not when the only thrilling moment of the season involved an actor who hates the show sitting in the back of a car being sassy on her iPhone."
  20. Even before the mouse, I found it really hard to concentrate on this ep. It was so bitty, like confetti. Little scene, little scene, little scene. Big dinner scene, full of bitty side bits.
  21. I think she said "You're in the apartment, you said you'd never set foot in the apartment." Oh, did she?! Thanks. I must admit, I was a bit distracted as a small smoky mouse ran through my living room looking lost while I was watching the episode!
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