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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. 12 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    And problematic as fuck. 

    Kathryn's family lives far out from Charleston I thought. Maybe all the plantation folks live far away, but want to live in the city and buy something. I'm not sure why Patricia decided to buy a place in Charleston. Maybe she felt that was the best place to invest and affordable-- don't know at all--- Whitney doesn't live there, just her. Isn't she married now? 

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  2. Eliza, I THINK, has the potential to bring the historical context to the show. The only person with historical roots to the area is Kathryn, and they are dated. Eliza currently has a functioning family estate, so she might have been brought in to compensate for Thomas. Kathryn does have a good name, but I think the money is mostly gone there.

    I feel like Patricia and Whitney, as an ex producer, want to showcase the founders of the city and the historical underpinnings, so perhaps Eliza is their best bet. Thomas has completely fucked up and can't represent no more. Patricia and Whitney are NOT from the area, so they are sort of in a way, faking it to make it. It's interesting. Patricia has only lived there since 2008. 

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  3. I'm very thankful, after Libby and Andrei drama, that my husband does not share details with his family. And I don't share details with my family. We have plenty of ugly moments, but around our family, we always want to portray a loving front because we are not trying to stress out our families, and we aren't drama people. I love my mom and dad and I want them to feel secure that I'm okay. That's extremely important to me. That my husband and I fought over whether or not to spend money  on a grill is not something I'm going to concern them with, even though my dad would buy me a grill if I asked. I like to think I have sense and some ethical principals. 

    If you recount everything that upsets  you to the family (or friends) they will hate the other. So I do see Andrei's point. Libby needs to just keep her marriage to herself and not share every detail unless she wants to be passive aggressive. My husband and I, over the 10 years we have been together, have shared some harsh words. I think people need to take control  over their narrative and be considerate. No one wants to hear about your fucked up relationship (except for Libby's sisters who apparently can't get enough)! In any case, I sort of side with Andrei on this, even though he is a true brute. Libby married him, so she needs to step up and grow up- her family isn't going to make him change. She'll realize soon enough. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Red Bridey said:

    A green card is not citizenship, it is lawful permanent residence.  Every ten years you need to renew your LPR status until you decide to apply for naturalization (THAT is citizenship).  I believe that different categories of LPRs have different waiting periods before you can apply for naturalization (for instance, family-based preferences have shorter waiting periods than employment-based preferences), but I could be mistaken.

    And there's a lot of disagreement over how much law enforcement officers are allowed to enforce federal immigration law, mostly depending on who is going to pay for the person in custody.  If the LEO will accept an immigration detainer, the LEO holds the subject for immigration to come and pick up him or her up for removal.  ICE generally will reserve its removal money for bad people, meaning felons, not 20-year old players.

    My husband and I were married when he was undocumented but arrived legally. He got his temp green card right away. About 3 years later he got his permanent green card, and he is able to apply for citizenship now. 

    Pedro could leave Chantel if he wanted, become a citizen, and bring his sister and mom over. Maybe they want Chantel gone so bad, because they know she is going to be a barrier in getting Pedro to bring them over now that he can. 

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  5. 7 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

    Then, why accept an engagement ring?

    In the car ride with her santa driver, she talks about how Dennis pulling her or whatever, and how she isn't going with him. She's living her life on earth. (okay, whatever, eyes role).

    She then in her talking head says that Dennis always told her that she would find someone that makes her very happy and that she deserved to be with a man that treated her well, etc.

    Kinda strange thing for your finance to tell you!

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  6. It is absolutely crazy they are going to spend three episodes talking about the last 9 episodes. OMG. Three hours of Bethanny telling everyone what happened and why and how and what people feel and how they should have acted, for three hours. Three hours of Bethanny interrupting everyone trying to talk to speak for them since they can't explain or know as good as her.

    My personal feeling is the show would be better without Bethanny. No one has had a chance to step up, but I bet if the producers sat with the ladies they could come up with some really great story lines that don't revolve around what Bethanny thinks.

    • Love 18
  7. 11 minutes ago, tranquilidade said:

    I’m calling BS on Bethenny’s “near-death” experience. Do I think she had an allergic reaction to fish? Maybe, possibly. But do I think even more that she ginned up the story for storyline purposes with the added bonus of using her “illness” to get out of going to Luann and Ramona’s events? 100% yes.

    For several years now she’s used various crises to get out of mandatory ho-wife events and I think this was more of the same. All the wives do it at some time or another. Heck look how many times Ramona hit an event only to scurry out minutes later because she had a “date”. 

    Ramona, literally from day one (WATCH SEASON 1) leaves events to go do other things. In the very first season, Bethanny is doing her exact same shocked/flummoxed look (cut to TH bitching about it) when Ramona decides to take off unexpectedly. She even sent her daughter, who was 12 at the time and PETRIFIED home alone in a cab because she got an offer to go to a more fabulous party. Ramona just can not take advantage of what she thinks is an opportunity. She's an social adrenaline junkie. 

    Bethanny has complained constantly about Luanne's cabaret and how she absolutely does not want to go to cabaret. It's like parents and piano lessons, or parents and church. You find every excuse in the world to not go. Why? Probably because you 1) don't like it, and 2) want to show your independence. Bethanny will not be controlled by Luanne. Bethanny WILL throw her own parties and be super happy because it's her party. She will boss her staff around and tell them to make things happen. She will sit back and smile, with what seems to be an honest to god happy face, that people are having a good time. However, if it's someone else's event, it's just not good enough for her. She needs bells and whistles, and at cabaret Luanne isn't there to make sure she is taken care of and the bar isn't stocked with Skinneygirl booze-like products. IMO. When Bethanny and Carole were friends, Carole ALWAYS had Skinneygirl at events she hosted. She even wore the shirts and stuff and would bring up SkinnyGirl in conversation like these products were a part of her life. Luanne would just never ever do that. I think the only one that would do that, MAYBE is Dorinda. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, tranquilidade said:

    In the reunion clip it looked like all the filler dissolved.

    Yes, when she cackles during the reunion her face looks way more normal. 

    48 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

    I could be clouded by the fact that I like John. He seems like a decent enough guy. The type that you meet once and if he runs into you in a restaurant, he still remembers your name and buys you a drink.

    Remember the rumor Bethanny started at one reunion about how John and Dorinda do coke? Maybe they are party friends. He does seem to show up at big events. And is never chilling at her house...

    • Love 6
  9. 2 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

    I tell ya what, that Rinna is gonna get her diamond.  Come hell or high water, she is going to stir the shitpot every chance she gets...and nobody is even looking at her...yet.  I have to give it to her, she is flying under the radar spectacularly.  In past seasons, I always rather liked Rinna, but, dayum, this season all I see is her stirring the shitpot.  She's even doing it in plain view, maybe that's the best way though.

    I didn't get any joy out of watching Camille draw Dorit's blood.  Camille is no fucking saint.  Please.  I have a feeling, whatever Kelsey paid her was worth it to get her off his barnacled back.  There are two sides to every story.  She milked and played that divorce for all she was worth, but I'm glad for her that she got what she got monetarily.  It's not about the money to me, it's about the fact that Camille is a grade A BITCH. 

    Rinna is where LVP was before. Her time will eventually come. LOL!

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  10. I'm rewatching, and it seems that Camille has some major dirt on PK. Camille is a little TOO gleeful to know shit about Dorit's husband that she doesn't, which is a bit suspicous. Camille also hinted that Mauricio was cheating on Kyle (season 1), by pretty much saying that she knows he slept with other people and laughing about it. 

    Now I'm rethinking. Maybe Camille just flat out makes up shit. Who knows. 

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  11. 4 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

    I completely disagree with this assessment of Camille. Kelsey had drank and snorted away most of his money. Camille helped him get clean and was the one who convinced him to invest in real estate. She was also the one who found all of the properties they ended up investing in.

    This helped preserve what money Kelsey had left and allowed him to rebuil. Then Camille convinced him and helped him build a production company that ended up producing highly lucrative syndicated shows like Girlfriends and Medium as well as a few others. Say what you want about Camille as a Real Housewife, but she saved Kelsey's life and helped him build a fortune. She earned every cent she got from him in that divorce, IMO. 

    Camille clearly has great business sense and a natural infinity for investing, which she is clearly very aware and proud of. Her social skills however, are severely lacking and she is always misreading situations as being vile attacks on her character (although SHE'S the one making attacks on character!). 

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  12. 5 hours ago, langford peel said:

    Why is it ok to talk about where Tinsley in NY gets her money and if she is living off Scott but we can’t question Dorit’s thousand dollar tops? 

    No one has questioned Tinsley's money but Dorinda, and it wasn't because she thinks Tinsley is fake rich, but because Dorinda thinks she's still seeing Scott and apparently doesn't realize that Tinsley has always shopped a ton and spent tons  of money on clothes. When Tinsley lived with Sonja, Sonja was so upset that Tinsley would come home with bags and bags of new clothes and was always at the salon and getting her hair did. 

    I'm sure if people found out that Tinsley owed someone 2 million dollars they would never let that go by the radar. But I don't even think Tinsley knows how much money she has. She just spends until the trustee calls and tells her she's at her limit for the month or whatever. Then she has her mom or sister or whoever else buy what she wants till the next deposit is made. 

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  13. I was so happy to see how Ericka quickly forgave Kyle and Teddi. That was nice, and the right thing to do. People in general would not easily forgive that type of bashing. I was also happy to see Teddi and Kyle legit apologize and feel bad. 

    Camille is the worst. I'm so happy she was able to find a beautiful and glorious hotel to live in while complaining about how much she lost and having to buy a used coat.

    Sometimes Denise looks absolutely gorgeous. But when she smiles she looks like her face is about to fall off. That said, Ericka looks more expensive, but Denise is always going to be tough to beat regarding beauty. She's just stunning-- I hope the fillers or whatever go away soon so she can make normal expressions and not transform into a plastic surgery victim.

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  14. I think all of us are amazing to show such care and thought into people other than ourselves. It's very healthy and bonding. It's very sweet. I love it that people share their personal stories and how things in their lives have affected them, and how this show brought it up. I think it's a ) great thing. I don't know if that means it is, but I like it! :) No expert though!

    Someone on this board posted the absolute sweetest insight about Tinsley, which was so sweet. And over the seasons people have connected with other cast members, which is also very sweet.

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  15. 2 hours ago, snarts said:

    Been here since the beginning and do not know what you're talking about.  There was a ton of discussion around bush-gate and how no one could remember Luann ever being that drunk,  Aside from the oft-repeated story of her & the Count from 10+ years ago, I've never seen anything in the press or on these or TWOP forums about her drinking excessively.

    IMO, Luanne has no more a problem than anyone else, and as soon as this probation is over she will be drinking again. That said, alcoholism is progressive and does not happen over night but over years and years. So maybe this is Luanne's wake-up call that she's getting closer to the danger zone. She's in the problem drinking zone from what I can see, as are all the ladies. Not everyone becomes a full out alcoholic, but that doesn't mean they aren't problem drinkers.

    Luanne's problems stemmed from personal problems, too much drinking, and vastly lower social status where she didn't have people to monitor and mediate behaviors before they became problems. She was out in the wild on her own, and she clearly hasn't had to deal with the real world before. Hence, her arrest.

    From my season 1 viewings (SO HELPFUL!) she is VERY disparaging of people who work for a living, so I'm not at all surprised that she tried to put the low-class blue collar shift working police people in their place. Obviously, we know how that turned out.

    Bethanny as, and remains, a hopeless social climber. In her season 1 she used her dad's connections to impress people. Now she's "so rich" (whatever) and waxes poetic constantly about her business acumen and self-made money to get attention.

    Also, Ramona has been hawking random products since season 1. It's not to compete with SkinnyGirl. If anything, Bethanny learned from her to use to show to promote her products.

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  16. The end where they are talking before aerobics was hysterical to me. Dorinda comes  in hot about Bethanny getting what she thought was a make-up type gift which she didn't get, and feels injustice. Then Dorinda runs off, and Luanne, exasperatedly says, "Now where is she going?" It's like they are all children parenting each other, taking turns at being the parent/ the child. It seems they all know each other very well and are pretty comfortable around each other. They are like a dysfunctional family.

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  17. On 6/19/2019 at 6:28 PM, Angry Moldolvian said:

    Obed definitely has an agenda, did he date Nicole? He has a very gay vibe to him

    Obed is gay. He said that Nicole broke up him and his boyfriend, and it sounds like it happened after Chantel and Pedro were married. Now he's a man scorned and is ready to call out Pedro's wonky family.

    I was very impressed that Pao pulled off the natural birth. I was NOT impressed that she and Russ started immediately bickering as soon the baby was born. I don't think they will last-- my guess is Pao will stay with him for a couple more kids and then split, or anytime before that happens. They just do not get along and it's so annoying. 

    The next annoying constantly bickering couple, Libby and Andrei also don't seem to very stable as a couple. They fight  over everything and they never seem to be having any fun together, or even just chill together. They both annoy me, can't stand to listen to it.

    Ashley and Jay-- thank god it's over. Also, you don't have to be licensed to do tattoos in Maryland, so if Jay was just practicing like Ashley said to stay fresh on his art, there is nothing wrong with that. 

    Colt and Larissa. Clearly, that relationship is FINALLY over. FINALLY! They are the most toxic couple ever.

    I don't hold much hope for any of these couples on this show. 

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  18. 5 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    Bravo is playing (I think) Season 1 reunion.  I loved Beth so much back then!  Seeing how naturally funny and much more muted makes me sad.  Happy for her success at least monetarily in life, but wish she still was that more self-aware, naturally funny person.  Also sad that the relationship with Jill and Beth didn't work out because they were gold together.

    I never watched season 1 so I'm watching now. FF anything that is Jill or Alex.  First, Ramona is very pretty. She and Mario treated Avery very respectfully and lovingly. Luanne and her husband together was sweet as well. Luanne seemed to be very happy being married and really proud of her children and husband. She had the iconic haircut that Rinna still sports. I think she may have stayed at home when her husband was around and went out when he was gone. Which it seems was a lot. Her pretentiousness was more evident back then when she was with others who weren't rich, like Alex and Bethanny. She makes a lot of comments that are pretty rude.

    Bethanny was pretty much the same. Hanging and chasing rich people. Dropping that she went to boarding school, and bragging about having her room paid for by the owner of the hotel. Trying to get her boyfriend to have a baby with her. Talking about how important her career was. She talks about her dad a lot. She doesn't talk about him now. Something must have happened between Season 1 and his death.

    The most incredible difference was the production value. The first season seems like it was shot with a camcorder and definitely with a much much much smaller budget. It had a Real World vibe.

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