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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. After this episode I'm wondering if Michael likes Julianna more to be a companion to Sarah than his kids. She needs tons of attention. Maybe Julianna is needed to be a friend to Sarah, and also maybe Michael wants someone to report back on her comings and goings without outright asking.

    I'm pretty sure Michael and Sarah are doing it on the regular. She's trying to be the cool chick and not seem like it bothers her, but it does. 

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  2. I really like Bill. I think he's very sweet, calm, and supportive of Jen. He seems to get a kick out of her and they get along really well. Little Juicy is Melissa's fourth child. It was nice of him to come fix the pipes though.

    Big Juicy really seems to be losing his mind in ICE, and it seems to really be making Gia angry and hateful as well. I think she's kind of standing by him, filling a wife type role, since her mom has checked out and she feels bad for him and no one else is taking care of him.

    Jennifer's dad supported a theory of mine that Jewish men love track suits. I don't know why, but so many Jewish men default to track suits for comfy clothes. Maybe they think it's stylish? Jackie was dressed really sexy for a visit to her dad. If I wore that outfit around my dad, he'd ask me to put clothes on, and my mom would go downstairs and find me a shirt to wear.

    I thought it was great of Dolores to be honest why her daughter was in vet school so far away. She didn't have to say that she didn't get in to vet schools she applied for in the states, but she wasn't hiding it. Her daughter seems really nice.

    Little Puffy Franky is great looking. This group of Italians on this show have some of the prettiest eyes. 





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  3. I sponsored my husband when I was in grad school and beyond poor. If I remember correctly, I only needed to make 25,000 a year or something (which I was only a tad over). It's really not hard to make the income requirement.

  4. Grandpa Gorga cooking his octopus was awesome, and very grandpa Italianesque. I think it was octopus, or maybe squid-- tripe has that netting and looks like a sponge, and this creature was shiny smooth.

    Jackie just always comes off haughty. When Melissa randomly started going off on how Jackie was winning, Jackie sat back grinning ear to ear. She thinks that's going to impress Dolores and Jenn? Gloating because Melissa has stupidly and obviously set you up to be targeted by the mean girls?

    Jackie should stop talking. She just always has to explain why her way is better, smarter, faster, and makes more sense. I got what Jenn was saying when she told Jackie she should enjoy her life more. Now, to Jenn that means spending money-- I don't think Jackie would be happy spending money necessarily, but she always seems so unhappy and negative about everything. That said, I thought that the bday party was pretty lame, and purposely done absentmindedly to show Jenn (and the audience) that she was too smart and too important to be bothered by planning out a party, and no one cares anyway about a kids bday party. She tried too hard to seem like she didn't care-- I personally didn't buy it. But she doesn't really do much extra stuff for her kids, so I don't think the party would be that much different if the cameras weren't there. Except she probably wouldn't have looked like she had a stylist to style her and a hair and makeup team to get her ready. She looked like she was trying out for Top Model or something.

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  5. 3 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

    There is no way to "look" Brazilian. Brazil is a huge, extremely ethnically diverse country like the US, with every phenotype the US has and more. That's like saying someone doesn't look American.

    My hubby and I got into it about Asians in Brazil and Peru last night. Apparently, it has to do with WWII and allies and where people went to escape the war. But yeah, people of any race can be of any nationality. She could be indigenous, would also explain why her family is so poor.

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  6. I hate to say this, BUT, Sarah is white, a US citizen, and has spousal/child support. I'm not convinced that Julianna is anything more than an au pair. Yes, Michael didn't do a prenup. Doesn't mean he can't transfer the funds to Sarah at any point in time if he needs too. I feel like they are both sort of on to the scam. Also, Julianna looks asian. Asian folks in Brazil are usually very very poor. She's still Brazilian, but I think an ancestor moved there for work. My husband's grandma is from China and her family moved to Peru for work back in the 1900's.



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  7. 3 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

    Some places still require a voided cheque or payment by cheque. My cheques are pretty old. I might rip one from my stash and carry it in my handbag but the bag is heavy enough without a chequebook in it.

    Granny Porn Star would need to probably get a certified cheque for the $15,000 - unless she called the bank to inform them that she was writing a cheque in such a large amount or it is coming from a business account. I know that I couldn't write a cheque to cover my payment for my car - the dealership required a certified one.

    I wrote a 10K check for my dad, to cash, and move to a different account. The bank wanted to charge 5% to cash it! And it was MY BANK! It would be free to deposit it into his account (a different bank) but it could take a week to clear. Given Anny doesn't have a bank account to deposit a check that large into, I don't think a bank would give her that money. Porn gran would have to withdraw the money and then hand it to her.

    Porn granny, meth meepaw, and banks all suck. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    Maybe that explains her odd way of talking and tilting her head so much I expect green pea soup to come out of her mouth. 



    4 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    Did anyone else notice that Emily’s wedding gown was NOT the one she “said yes” to at Scary Greta’s Bridal Salon? 

    I liked the one she actually wore a ton better.

    Angela and Michael, though she's a lot older, don't really look that mismatched together. I'm a sucker for dimples, so I find Michael just adorable. I love his mom too. HIs clock gift was the best. Angela's sex toys were a riot.


    I went years and years without writing a check. Direct deposit, auto-pay, e-checks, online purchases all the way. Now, I write a check for a lot of recurring expenses, because it forces me to look at the statement and often they are wrong. I also like having the paper trail, and the info that's on the checks when they are deposited. Some stuff, like credit cards, I keep on auto-pay because there is a penalty if the due date is missed, and that can happen when you write checks.

    Anny would have never been able to cash that check though. For 15K? With her DM passport as an ID? The bank would never cash it. She was smart to reject the offer. They need to bring cash if they are serious. 

    Anny needs to stop bitching about Robert to his friends and family if she wants them to take her serious. She's sweet, but then when she goes trying to get allies she digs the hole.


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  9. I drool over Anny's hair. It's so thick and shiny.

    I think the shoe place was like a Famous Footware-- I saw boxes on the shelves but also saw name brands like Nike, Asics, and Clarks. Or a DSW, but probably a Famous Footware. They give out a lot of coupons (which I'm sure Robert would have). It looks like they were at an outlet mall. In any case, Anny was happy and it was a step up from the thrift store.

    I like how Blake answered Jasmin's questions like she answers questions --- "I don't know, not much," scoff.

    Jasmine and the drinking thing. Girl, his friends drink. Good luck trying to get him to not hang out with them anymore.

    I'm glad Jasmine apologized for walking out on him. I think that really hurt him a lot.

    Betsy definitely TO ME comes across as super jealous. Her sister has a husband and a kid, and women do get jealous over that type of thing. Cuz it's attention that they don't get. That said, if my fiancé talked to me the way Sasha talked to Betsy, I'd be on a campaign to send him back. But I don't put up with rude men. AND Betsy was really rude to him, too. So maybe it's justified. I don't know. Her wedding with Sasha was really nice. Also, the baby looks way more normal now that he's older.




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  10. On 1/24/2020 at 8:36 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:


    Funniest scene: Realizing Bojangles was a person, not a dog, and Bojangles needing subtitles even though English is his first language.  

    He's missing his front teeth, which is why we can't understand him. 😞 He doesn't seem like he's in the best of shape. Like they were knocked out or something. 

    It does remind me of that song from school, "All Iz I wnt fo' ismish is my two ont eeth..."

    But I don't think it's because he can't speak English, but who knows. Is Bojangles a relative?

    Least attractive man/woman (personality counts!).

    No one is totally hideous to me (Colt was, but different season). I guess Wine Mike. He has heavy bags under his hooded eyes and he's pasty and has a bulgy face. He always looks hungover and coked out to me.

    Couple most likely to break up first. Total toss up. 

    Best supporting character. I have to say, Natalie's friend really sped up the demise. She brought up the ex-husband (a doctor), religion, and kids. She clearly didn't think much of Mike and brought all the big issues to the table in like one dinner talk. Well done friend. 

    Children most likely to need counseling. Anna's kids have to be very messed up from seeing their mom so desperate to get laid. They are gonna hate women. 😞

    Couple that you would like to know in real life. I think Anny and Robert, cuz they keep it real. Plus, I like dive bars and happy hours, and I feel that Robert probably does too. LOL!

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  11. Jackie doesn't come off that great to me. She doesn't seem to have the greatest personality, and she mostly just talks when she has something bad to say about someone. She seems very judgmental, not that smart, and super insecure. Jackie loves talking about how wrong and bad everyone else is and she compares people to each other, which is not productive or healthy. I feel like Jackie is probably the fakest one, trying to seem like her life is so great and she is so superior when she never seems happy

    I like Jennifer, because she has some personality. She's funny. She puts herself out there. She's secure and doesn't care if she's offensive. Jackie tries to do it under the covers, but she's just as vile and jealous as Jennifer is. She may be one of the smartest ladies IN THIS GROUP, but that isn't saying very much. 

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  12. RE Robert and his brother seem to look for insecure women that they can control. How else can anyone have that many children without committing any type of responsibility? They seem experts at people women down in order to control them-- get them to have their kids and then not expect anything from them. Robert only has one of his kids, and he's looking for a cheap nanny because he just can't deal with any type of responsibility.

    In sum, Robert and the brother are losers. Plain and simple, huge ass losers.

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  13. So...season 7...

    Best looking guy?


    Best looking chic?

    Anny (she has a pretty face)

    Couple with the best chance?

    Michael and Juliana

    Most outrageous moment?

    Tania having the guy she was hitting on talk to Syngin via Facetime, while they were both trashed

    Funniest scene?

    Anything Angela makes me laugh. Her keeping her cellphone to her chest, strapped by the bra strap is pretty real. Also, Angela's recountment of the embassy visit was hysterical. She seemed legit floored that they didn't get she had an emergency. 

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  14. I think in Finland, alcohol is regarded as low-class. Similar to my friends from India who don't drink, because it's only the low class that drink. Being that Jasmin is so image conscious and wants to seem all put together. Maybe she and her sister are from some small town and are have a chip on their shoulder about being regarded as whatever...

  15. I can't help that I like Angela. She's got spunk and she's absolutely hilarious. She wants her drink and smoke and her man, and somehow found Michael in Nigeria. And she wants her daughter's egg so she can tote Michael's baby. You just can't make this shit up. 

    It was nice of her to get them a microwave. And to try to help making dinner. The brother putting pressure on her to control things that she has absolutely no control over was mean and manipulative. I wasn't a fan of that.

    Is Emily having trouble losing weight so she compromised in her head by making her hair platinum grey? She looks like Sara Jessica Parker in "Hocus Pocus."image.png.b84dc52f08dc7fb1034771a4475314c2.png

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  16. It's really hard to make a relationship work when one person is a partier, and the other isn't. Not only is Jasmin not a partier, but she doesn't even like Blake to have a drink. Not sure how that is going to work. It was pretty shitty of her to make him go to a different place for dinner, and then DITCH him altogether. I felt for Blake a bit in that moment, but ultimately, he shouldn't have let her go by herself, IMO. He could have compromised somehow, but he basically told her he was going to get wasted, which was a dumb move. They both ended up where they wanted to be though, I guess.

    I am completely floored how Micheal and Julianna's wedding cost what the wedding planners were quoting. 40K to 100K? That is just completely not possible. IMO.


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  17. Sniper School is for people in the Army. He probably just paid a lot of money for a "cool" sounding class where he could be sharpshooting and feel like a bad ass. Sniper school is not for civilians, and even if David was in the army, he's too old to be active in anything at this point. The age limit is 42 or something. So it's just Dolorles wanting to have a manly guy that can kill people, because she's gangster like that.

    I used to like Dorlores but I'm starting to think she's really dumb and a big time enabler of male machismo and violence, thinking it makes her seem old school Italian or something. She's a dodo.

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  18. Marty said that Margaret was jealous because she was ugly and Danielle was so hot. And Margaret likes him why? Didn't see also push him in the pool? And now she cares about his relationship with Danielle?

    Margaret is causing her own misery, IMO. She needs to stop trying so hard to be on this show-- she's more seeped in the storylines than the viewers!

    RE Joe calling Gia-- I think from prison or ICE or wherever, each caller needs to set up an account. So maybe he already called on Teresa's account, or maybe there isn't money in Teresa's account.. who knows. I think calls are like 50 cents a minute, and the money has to be preloaded into the account. Also, Gia might be logged on-- so when Joe can talk, he logs in to his account, and he can see who is available to talk. It's not like he is just making a random phone call, it's sort of like Skype. So Gia may be waiting for his call, and waiting for her dad to log on. Once he logs on, he sees she is logged in, and then he can reach out to her. 

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  19. Not too much excitement on this episode. Anna and Mursel both having tantrums because they didn't get what they wanted, and then trying to make the other feel guilty by more crying became ridiculous. Even though it hurts, Anna will be better off without Mursel in the long run. Given it's real that he left.

    Mike and Natalie. I hope it's over. They have nothing in common, she's controlling, and she would be miserable at his farm. My husband scoffed when she wanted him to apologize for making her throw the ring. I didn't even know he was paying attention, but he sure picked up on that. 

    Jasmin and Blake. Neither seem to be big talkers. They are both really into image and looks, so maybe it will work out. Jasmin's botox/fillers must be wearing out because she is starting to smile a little bit. I think she almost laughed once, too. Her face even moved a little. But there are lots of articles about how people in Finland don't do small talk and only speak to close friends, and even then minimally, so maybe it's normal. I don't know.

    Julianna saying how she felt free with her bike, was a set up. I was excited to see her go interact with people and do something on her own, but nope. She just rode her bike over to the ex-wives house with the daughters cheer clothes. Her Mike looks just like Charlie from Charlie and Chocolate Factory, the original one. Sarah's comment about getting married in Toledo (Ohio) makes me think she's hiding jealousy. Mike and Sarah are treating her more like an au pair than a stepmom.

    I did miss Anny who never fails to say something completely off the wall. I also missed Sasha whose snide comments about American food (to a chubby American) would never be said aloud by anyone else. And that gigantic kid is always a sight to behold.

    Methinks the only way Angela and Michael will be together is if she moves to Nigeria.

    Syngin. Oh dear. You don't want a job and will pout about it? That Tania is the responsible one in that relationship spells doom. I know there are people that live off the grid and live as simply as possible, but I didn't peg Syngin as one of them. Good luck with that Syngin.


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  20. 2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    Have we EVER seen her cook or show any interest in culinary arts over the years??? 

    I might watch a NoNo cooking show. But Danielle? Pass.


    That was amazing. I never want sprinkle cookie-gate to die. I LIVE for references to sprinkle cookies. It's just the most petty, insane argument ever and I.AM.HERE.FOR.IT!

    Okay, so I'm a big reality TV watcher, and there was a realty show on, a long time ago, where she competed for and won a restaurant. It was called "Famous Food" and was 2011. She was actually very normal on the show. No drama at all.

    That said, given she doesn't eat anything, what's her show going to be about? How to peel and orange, slice it and arrange it on a plate? How to season cauliflower? The lady doesn't eat anything.

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  21. I'm having an issue with my house and insurance. I'm convinced now that the most criminals are PAID to be dishonest, lie, argumentative, and assholes, to save money on claims. There are SO MANY shitty people out there who are "legally" working because of law loopholes. It's gross. Joe and Theresa did their time. They have been under the radar now for over 5 years, so their period of excess is way way over. Joe is now in Italy. Teresa is hustling to keep her house and lifestyle. 

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  22. Melissa annoys me to the nth degree. For someone that has such poor judgement about people, Theresa has nailed it with Melissa. She's living a teen fantasy where she's super young, super cute, and super spoiled. The realty is she's married, with children, and has little to no redeeming qualities, no talent, and is obsessed with what people think of her and being cool. I actually think the secret to Theresa's success is that she ISN'T calculating. She's just herself, and she's unique, and maybe not the brightest, but tries really hard, and I think a lot of people can identify with that. Melissa just tries to hard to seem sexy, cool, good mom, business, etc. Really, she's a stay-at-home mom. She isn't even pretty, and she's had gobs of surgery. Man, she just tries too hard to be relevant and stay on this show. I feel like Joe Gorga is in constant fear of Melissa.

    When Teresa talks, I feel like it is what she is really saying. With Melissa, she censors everything for the cameras. I think Teresa's just very real. Like or hate it.

    Joe Gorga hitting on his niece. GROSS. Typical though and not surprised. The only women that will pay attention are relatives. He's SO NASTY.

    Margaret and Jackie. Both introverts. Awkward with one another. Cringy.

    Melissa seems grossed out by Joe Gorga. All the time. 

    It's interesting how hard Margaret wants Theresa to like her. Why?

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  23. RE Syngin. Now, having a break is amazing. Because I have a job, house, and husband, oh- and some money. I return to that after my break and do stuff on my break using money.  Syngin has nothing, and he should NOT take a break IMO. He needs to move and figure things out. Both he and Tania have a lot of work to do, and a lot of money they need to make, before they can comfortably take a month long break. For the average grown up, a month long break, where you do nothing and spend no money, is simply impossible unless you are homeless and have nothing to manage or maintain. 


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  24. 4 hours ago, RealReality said:

    I don't know, you really think that in all of the United States of America Anna couldn't find a better match? 


    If Anna could have found a better match domestically, she wouldn't have been looking internationally. It seems pretty clear to me. 

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