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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. Ramona kind of came off as sociopathic-ish on the show. I don't think Ramona is a terrible person, and she certainly isn't going to hurt anyone, but she has this high-school mentality that she only wants to be around/ talk to popular people. I think because her friends don't take her that seriously, and she's kind of dorky and fun, her more egregious acts get forgiven.

    I love sauces too. Need some flavor and moisture on food.

    I don't think Dorinda really understood anything Hannah was saying. I think Dorinda was drunk which amps the need for moist food. Alcohol make the mouth very very dry.

    Dorinda has a better personality than Hannah. And Dorinda is cuter.

    Leah's daughter about why Leah didn't go to college, "Did you not get IN?" in disdain. That was the best thing I've seen on this show. Leah was defensive immediately. Leah's baby daddy doesn't seem to really like Leah that much, or show her much respect. The dad and daughter shared a lot of knowing looks after taking digs at Leah.

    If you watched the Matchmaker Millionaire with Leah, she was EXACTLY the same. She was bratty, caused chaos, and very into partying.

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  2. 4 hours ago, AryasMum said:

      I also do not drool over men in porn. 🤷‍♀️.  

    You got me. 😉

    PS: I tried to find an embarrassed face in the emoji selection. I did not find such a face. Instead I found a winking face. I hope it fits. I think it's actually better, because when I was looking for an embarrassed face, I was thinking, "why I am indicating that I'm ashamed that I like big dicks? Is this oppressive? What message am I sending?" Well, anyway, the problem was solved for me with no face except a flushing face, which I thought was insensitive to people with derm issues, so I went with the wink. 

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  3. 18 minutes ago, Mar said:

    I am copying and pasting someone’s posting from the Reality TV message board about this episode. I loved it so much that I have to share it. I hope that’s OK that I’m doing it.


    Teddy also needs to go. What a boring sad sack of moldy potatoes. The fact that she can’t see how Denise being unaware that a child is standing behind her while she’s in the middle of an adult discussion is not the same as a group of women shouting out about sexual exploits in front of young girls shows her moral compass points one way and that up Kyles ass.

    And earth to Erika your ice lady stare downs don’t scare anyone

    Teddi gets it. She's just competitive and looking for something to call out. And she's a bitch and dumb. So she just see's something and quickly calls it out, thinking she's some hero first responder. Teddi and Kyle get along because they are both uneducated and have something to prove and insecure. The things Kyle says, that Teddi laughs at, she would use to shame someone else.

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  4. 3 hours ago, snarts said:

    Why then did Erika start arguing with him while Denise was in the restroom?  Why did Teddi feel the need to chime in?  If they weren't trying to argue with Aaron, wait for Denise to return and ask to talk to her privately. And again, what are they looking for Denise to say?  It's like others have mentioned, the women have absolutely nothing to talk about aside from Denise, and she's just over it. 

    I also don't think she brought Aaron as a "weapon".  I think Denise works a lot and when she decides to go out socially, she wants to be with her husband.  She views the housewives events as obligations and plans to make an appearance and then enjoy the rest of her evening elsewhere. 

    Yes, I think so too. I think if Denise asked Aaron to stay with the kids, he would have. It seems like they legit are trying to spend time together and they are newlyweds. The other ladies have been married for a long time and are more settled in their relationships. Denise and Aaron are a relatively new couple and want to have fun and go out. Aaron was a bit of dick to the ladies, but I LOVED seeing a guy who was hot be an asshole to them. He's basically saying that he doesn't want to fuck any of them, he's not impressed, and his wife is better. I do love that. I think that Ericka, and really all of them, are just shocked that a man isn't kissing their ass. Having said that, I will say that is how I would feel if Aaron talked to me that way, given he's extremely attractive and I know his dick is big. Denise got her own porn star.

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  5. Was anyone as excited as me when Asuelo boarded the bus? He politely gave up his microphone and the bus dramatically sped away. I kept waiting for Kalani to come out and get him, or for him to turn around, but nope, he actually left.

    I sighed a collective sigh of relief for all of Kalani's family, all the viewers, and myself when he actually left. I was wondering if TLC was going to tease us with the promise of him leaving, but no, and thank goodness for that.

    This was the song in my head! 


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  6. 1 hour ago, RealReality said:

    I think Debbie likes Vanessa because Vanessa "sides" with her.  


    Vanessa sides with Debbie because she has no interest whatsoever in Colt. Colt said he slept with Vanessa, so yes, he probably has given her money. He seems to only be interested in transactional relationships. I think he liked having that leverage over people.

    The previews of Colt's mom in Brazil make her appear just as bratty and attention seeking as Larissa! They are like the same person.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    They put up with it and him because he's half of the couple!  Without him no more TLC paychecks!  They are on two right now and the cash is rolling in!  If they give him the heave ho!  No shows with producers, fancy cars and weekend bedbnb!  Plus expense account meals!

    They'll put up with him.  The money's too good to turn down.

    I HOPE the family is putting up with him for business reasons, and that's why they are catering to him. I hope once the show is over they don't put up with that shit, but I'm worried that they are just going to keep it up-- this show isn't great at bringing in people to follow through on stories.

  8. 14 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Wow imagine if someone said something like that about women.

    The male ego can be very dangerous. It's a real thing, it's been really studied and is a social and cultural phenomena.  What we call the male ego is based on long-held assumptions and stereotypes about masculinity and maleness that have social meaning and have been, for the most part, unconsciously internalized by most men. It's not a slam, it's something women need to seriously be careful of, especially given that some cultures prize machismo and reward and reinforce the behavior and it's embedded all throughout social life. It may make men uncomfortable to look at themselves and/or talk about it-- the male ego is exactly why women avoid confronting the male ego and just let men have their way because it's easier and safer. I'm a cultural anthropologist and work in violence prevention so I study and talk about this stuff all day long. 




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  9. If I were Kalani, I'd insist Asuelo go to Samoa to visit his family by himself, and then really hope he didn't come back. She doesn't want to go there, and there is no way you should mess around with measles.

    Asuelo is dim, but I think he plays dumb to be passive aggressive. Kalani is also dim, and falls right into it. Asuelo's "question" about the doctor being a doctor or nurse, was his way to get back at the doctor for not telling him what he wanted to hear. Kalani then admonishes him, which now Asuelo has successfully riled up and upset his wife and insulted the doctor, and is now even.

    Do not underestimate the depths of pettiness and meanness that can come from the male ego. People like Asuelo who put themselves and their pride first, before other people, are beyond toxic. I'm really trying to see some good in him, but I think he'd be much happier in his country, doing his dance, and acting like a normal 24 year old with no responsibility and hooking up for love. 

    If I were driving with Asuelo in the car when he just complained and took digs at American women, pouted, and called me a bitch, I would have pulled over, thrown his out, and advised him to call and uber and go home. By carting Asuelo around everywhere and trying to "teach"  him how to be a husband and father with constant mini lectures, is doing no good. Ansuelo doesn't want to be around them because he's going to get a lecture. But he goes and sticks around because he wants the perks of a vacation and free home and all the other perks that come from being supported and everything taken care of for you. IMO, Kalani and her family are just making the problem worse by putting up with his behavior and allowing him to act the way he does and say what he does. 

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  10. On ‎7‎/‎1‎/‎2020 at 11:39 AM, Neurochick said:

    Larissa WAS pretty, before she did all that shit to her face.

    Tania is just disgusting.  I had surgery on my foot in 2015,  I could not stand on my foot for one month, I had a cast from my foot to my knee.  I had a knee walker, sort of like a scooter.  I had a shower chair.  I live alone and I was able to show all by myself, to cook all by myself.  

    Tania is just lazy. 

    Tania is getting as much mileage from Syngin as she can. Syngin does seem like a natural caregiver. Maybe he could be a nurse or something similar?

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  11. 13 hours ago, charmed1 said:

    When folks like Karinne and Akinyi say their expectations of the United States are based on movies, I’m always curious what movies they’ve watched. I don’t watch many movies anymore other than documentaries so I’m actually genuinely curious what they’re watching and how the U.S. is represented.

    It's probably touted like LA, where the Hollywood movies are made. Gorgeous people, amazing settings, etc. Then you come here, and for many of these people they are in the poverty areas that aren't tons better than where they are from. Recall Paul trying to advertise the tap water! Many places in the US look just like those in 3rd world countries, because of all the inequities. I don't  think people's visions of the US are about tap water. Paul really thinks that getting water from a tap is going to solve homesickness. Or hopes it will. That and his broken shitty car. He and his family are truly disgusting. And he's the one worried about germs! Get over yourself, you live in a petri dish. Like Brazil is so much dirtier than your standards. Paul seemed perfectly comfortable there.

    It's interesting that the poor men in the US think that potable tap water is a lure for rural ladies in poor countries. Larissa would be on to that shit in a split second. Paul offers motel tap water. Coltee offers Larissa... well, nothing. That's probably why she left. Coltee may be a nice guy, but I think he might be a porn addict and trying to live out some fantasy. He's delusional. Unless he gets into porn, he ain't going to live the porn lifestyle. Jess should be as still as possible, IMO. Anything else is just giving the poor guy false hopes. But Jess said she needs a Visa. So she is putting it out there that she is using him. Coltee probably thinks his sex (or eyes) are just that great. He has some confidence that I don't get. Is his dick huge? If so, I'd think he'd be way more masculine. He's so feminine and insecure, I wonder if his penis is super tiny.

    Ansuelu took Kalani's virginity, so she's not going anywhere. Like people said, she's obese and her body issues alone probably keep her with Ansuelu who needs her family to support him. I see her using Ansuelu for kids and then divorcing him later.  Personally, I think she just wanted children. I also think she wants a husband, but I don't see her being able to Ansuelu, who is a handful. She tries to reason with him, but really, he needs to be taken into a room and scolded and told what to do. He needs discipline. Maybe that's why her dad is stepping up.



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  12. I can sympathize with Libby. She loves Andrei and he wants his baby baptized, and he wants the same respect Libby's brother-in-laws got. They got their dream wedding, so he wants his.

    Is Andrei entitled? I'd call him more a hustler. He wants a nice wedding to show his family and friends in Maldova a good time and he's relentless. I think it's very common for people who grew up poor to come off as very greedy. I have a friend exactly like that. She didn't grow up with anything and small things that are normal to most people mean a ton to her, because it makes her feel normal, and she will stop at nothing to achieve it. She insisted on marriage, kids, a house, she's got a good job, she's hustled and fought for all of it. I feel like Andrei is the same way-- he can see someone has the means and he narrows in and pitches hard core until he gets his way.

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  13. 13 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

    Coltee is deluded. A few reps with arm weights doesn't make your body speedo worthy. 

    But his mom had to use both arms to lift one! Clearly he's super strong and fit.

    In all seriousness, the fact he needed to prove that he could lift more weights than an older woman on disability to show some type of athleticism or fitness is laughable, but Colt does live in 1960. The point being that women of that generation would be polite and laugh at how strong the man was and how not strong they were.

    If Colt truly wants to look better, he needs to do some cardio and burn that fat. I don't see Colt working up a sweat however-- unless it's to save money (i.e, no A/C).

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  14. Personally, I think Answelo needs Kalani's father to mentor him, otherwise, he'd be totally lost. I get that Kalani wants her dad there to be a role model for Answelo. Answelo is 24 years old. He's from a poor country, and he has two children, a wife, and tons of expectations placed on him. I think he's doing okay. Once his frontal lobes close he'll catch on.

    I should also say that I think Kalani's dad is beyond hot. He's the most gorgeous man I've ever seen on this show. I love  his beard braid. I love him. 

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  15. I really liked this episode! It was interesting and engaging, really good storylines going IMO.

    I actually really like Andrei, only because I find him super hot and I love watching him engage with Eleanor. I didn't realize the Libby had 10 siblings-- it makes sense why she likes to have all the drama and chose a guy that is controversial. She gets way more attention that way. All the others just fade into the back.

    I find Colt and Larissa both very desperate to prove the other wrong. Now Colt is with some weird Brazilian cosplay vamp lady who, seems sweet, but also like a better match for Ericka than a man, especially dolty Colty. Larissa is calling back to Brazil for money to remain in the US. I think her dad is helping her because he wants his grandkids to be in the US. At least Larissa has one man in her life that is taking care of her.



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  16. 2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    There was a reunion where Carole and Bethenny were fighting.  Bethenny kept saying "I know that you've become close with Tinsley now, and I get that".  Whereas Carole kept saying "Tinsley and I are NOT CLOSE.  Why do you keep saying that?"  And then Tinsley would respond "It hurts my feelings when you say that, Carole."

    I think Tinsley really thought that they were close but either Carole didn't or refused to ever say so on the show.  It was sad, honestly.

    For sure. Carole's relationship with Adam caused a wedge between her and Bethanny. When Bethanny wanted Adam to come to Puerto Rico and he asked for money, Bethanny called him out, which caused the divided between them. Maybe Bethanny thought Carole would pay for his travel and expenses? I'm not sure, but Adam can't afford to not work, and Carole was (rightly) annoyed that Bethanny brought that up and made a point of it. Total bitch move on Bethanny's part.

    Now, Tinsely and Carole. I think Tinsely is a little self absorbed, and friendly to everyone, so didn't notice or question Carole's friendship.

    I wonder if Scott, upon hearing how Dorinda was treating Tinsely, ramped it up and asked Tinsely to come to Chicago.

    Leah is a contributor to Penthouse, which may explain why she is so explicit. I've seen some offensive pictures of her, one in which she is simulated sex with a man in a gorilla suit. So she's not as woke as she plays on TV

    I'd be for Bethanny coming back, if Leah was on too. It would be interesting to see how they would mix.


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  17. I think I might understand David a little more after this. During the season, the way David sounded was like he had this girlfriend that loved him and he loved her in the Ukraine. Because she was so shy and helpless, she relied on an internet site to connect her with people to talk to. 

    But after the tell all, David is much more in the know than he let on before. That's probably why he wouldn't listen to anyone-- he wasn't telling them the whole story. After the tell all, David pretty much said that Lana is on these sites and talks to so many men it's hard for her to know who is legit and who isn't. He knows she is getting paid, and that she is looking for a man with money,  and he's very aware that is her on all the sites. He was trying to save face a bit and not admit she was mail order.

    I noticed David's slam to Ed, who mocked the money he's spent. David said, "It's not a poor man's game" to Ed, which did shut him up.

    Ed's house is the smallest house I've ever seen. Is that a tiny house? Leave it to Ed to try to be a cheap as possible.

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  18. Talking about gaslighting! There is a lot of gaslighting on this show. We saw it when Lisa Rinna asked Teddi "What would you have done?" When Kyle stormed off. Teddi told her, and then Dorit says, "The world according to Teddi!" and then Lisa Rinna glared at Teddi. LISA RINNA ASKED HER THE QUESTION. They made it seem that Teddi was being an ass for giving her opinion when Lisa Rinna directly asked for it.

    That's IMO gaslighting. Making someone feel like the did something wrong when they did exactly what was asked. Or supporting someone's ideas and beliefs, and then, later, admonishing that person for them. That's gaslighting.

    I don't think any of these ladies are purposely doing it. They are just screeching here and there for camera time.

    I don't think Bravo is gaslighting Aaron, because gaslighting involves direct communication. Bravo may be guilty of making Aaron look stupid via editing.

    Kyle MIGHT have been gaslighting Aaron when she said, "OH! Your job is SOO interesting! Tell us about it!" for the sole purpose of rolling the eyes and gossiping about how wacky he was. But that's really more setting someone up-- being a bully, being mean. Kyle purposely asked Aaron to talk about his job, after which most of the table talked about how wonky he was. That was a calculated move via Kyle. But, not sure if it's gaslighting.


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  19. 8 hours ago, ChitChat said:

    Did anybody figure out why LuAnn lit the corn husk on fire?  She didn't seem drunk at the time.  That was such an odd scene to keep in for just 2 seconds.  

    I was shocked that Dorinda managed to find her way out of the restaurant and then to a waiting car(?) to go back home.  I didn't think she had enough reasoning capability at that point to get from point A to point B safely.   

    It's a Native American thing called smudging. They do it to clear out the energy. The corn husk wasn't sage, but I get what Luann was doing. Luanne is Native American. If it was Dorinda, I'd say it was attempted arson.


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  20. Unlike Dorinda and everyone else, I could care less if Tinsley is dating Scott. She met Scott through Carole, who wants to play down their friendship, but at one point Carole was hopeful Adam and her would work, and she would do whatever he wanted to seem cool to him. Scott is an obsessed Kennedy collector/ historian, so he would have done anything to hang out with Carole. I think once Carole and Adam broke up, Carole lost interest in Tinsley, and then Scott lost interest in Tinsley.

    I actually wouldn't be surprised if Scott broke up with Tinsely to date Carole, and when that didn't work out, went back to Tinsley. All conjecture though.

    The guy at the bar was getting irritated by the second. I think it was just a matter of time before he left. He was fine having someone flirt with him, because he didn't have to do anything. But when Leah showed up expecting him to exert energy to flirt with her, he was out.

    This is incredibly typical for DC men. They have trophy wives and use hookers so they aren't used to direct questions.

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