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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. 1 hour ago, iwasish said:

    What if he was also waiting for Lana?  Imagine if she showed and both guys jumped up  “Lana!!!Baby!!”

    I wonder if Lana works for a big company that employs many “Lanas”, all stringing along horny foreign guys? Do they have incentive bonus programs? Has Lana gotten recognized for her ability to stand up her marks MULTIPLE times and still keep them on the string? 



    I read on a couple of gossip sites that "lana" has profiles on at least 5 different sites. Same pics, same bio, but I think her job is different on each one. Personally, I think "Lana" is a fictional character, and these chat sites/ companies purchase the photos and bio from somewhere.

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  2. Ash is really trying hard to play Avery, and Avery is really trying hard to catch him at it. It's a total cat and mouse game. He has a lot to lose if he says he's in a relationship. He'll be less interesting to the female clients, who pay his salary, and it will probably put a wrench in his player game with other women. In the first episodes he bragged, delightedly, about how good he was with women. The flower guy even said that Ash was there all the time buying flowers for women. I can't believe I'm saying this about a single mom who makes her living cooking pot, but I think she's too good for him.

    Can Stephanie and Ericka just break up already? They have nothing in common and seem to hate each other. Ericka was over her as soon as she ran to sanitize her hands after petting the kangaroo. Ericka's friends seem fun (and a lot more interesting and fun than Ericka).

    Vayra's mom looks just like her and is adorable. But I'm ready for this fake relationship to be over. I don't believe that Vayra or Geoffrey are a real couple. As aspiring actors, they maybe were hooked up by their agents or something, but their relationship just doesn't seem remotely authentic. My guess is they will "break up" and never go through the VISA process. I don't get why Vayra is always pursing her lips into a half smile or grimace. She does it constantly. Does she think it makes her look cute? It doesn't.

    Usman's mom is adorable and I love her. I like how she just broke it down without a beat. Lisa's too old. She knows Lisa won't be able to birth a baby, and she wants Usman to have a family. I'm actually wondering if Usman would become a servant in the US. I feel like Lisa would definitely put him to work doing something.



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  3. This looks like a GREAT season! I LOVE Garcelle. She's so fun and lighthearted, and she seems like she is really having fun with being on the show, but also takes it serious. The other ladies seem to really like her, too, so that's awesome. I kind of see Lisa Rinna having a problem with her, because she seems like the biggest snob but who knows. Not saying she's openly racist, but a lot of people swear they love all people, but they are uncomfortable around people that don't look and talk like them.

    I also was not surprised at Lisa Rinna, prefacing that the only reason she was hanging out with Sutton was because she was SO RICH. She pretty much said, "This lady is really weird but she's so rich, that I don't care!" but Lisa Rinna is insecure about hanging out with Sutton-- otherwise, why say a million times that she's so rich. It's like when I dated this really rich guy, I was super impressed with how rich he was, and I was bragging about how rich he was to my sister, and she's like, "So, do you like him at all? The only thing you seem to care about is that he's rich." I think she was jealous, but I did get her point that talking about his money made me look stupid and vapid.

    Regarding Denise, I think it was REALLY shitty of the ladies to talk about her messing around with Brandi. First of all, who cares. Second, this show does not mean that people HAVE to talk about all aspects of their life. There are things that are off limits. Kyle doesn't talk about the rumors of her husband cheating and having affairs (he clearly does), Dorit does nothing but evade anything true about her, Ericka won't talk about her son or ex, and Lisa Rinna won't talk about her real relationship with Harry-- why he is never with her and why he never is home. Lisa Rinna basically has created a character for this show, just like Ericka. Teddi is more real, and I think Kyle is pretty honest too. Lisa V. left the show rather than admit she tried to set up Dorit. Adrienne left because she didn't want to confront the rumors about her surrogate. Denise should have just laughed off the rumors or had a hissy fit (like Rinna when her husband was mentioned) and let it blow over. But she got revengeful and angry and it overcame her. You got to have a fast recovery on this show, or be willing to own your mistakes.

    I'm fine to see Denise go. I think she's gross and her face literally looks like it's melting. She doesn't understand she isn't hot anymore. Or young. She's an old lady with a lot of plastic surgery, no real talent, and IMO, a drug problem.

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  4. Quote


    This episode was so funny. I love the NY ladies, they all make me laugh. Tinsely and her Chinese speaking dogs, that she got off a meat truck, but are vegan. Ramona screaming at  her dog to get a treat, and then very gently feeding her when she turned around. 

    Dorinda used the same tanner that her old friend/realtor used last season. Oh my. Some splotchy self tanner in the talking head.

    And Ramona's way to keep track of Leah and Luanne-- They both went to prison and the both don't drink. HAHA

    I felt for Dorinda and her nightmare house problems. When I bought my current place, I thought all was good, and I ended up having to wait almost 4-months to move in because it ended up needing SO MUCH WORK. The contractors were calling me all day everyday with new problems, and more estimates and more money, and needing more money and needing more supplies. I was on the phone all day, I had to take a few weeks off work even because it was such a disaster. And the money is painful. I thought I was going to get sued a few times for telling off insurance adjusters and threatening to  have them fired and investigated. It was bad. I cried a lot. 

    Touche means, "I couldn't have said it better myself." Or something like that. Ramona used it right.

    Dorinda is kind of becoming the old cranky lady. Her "audiotorally" and Sonya's look was awesome. 

    Dorinda has no intention on being nice to someone with tattoos. It's a line she isn't going to cross.








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  5. 2 hours ago, Heathrowe said:


    LeeAnn & Malarkey-thanks for the poster who mentioned that she threw him under the bus first for seasoning her dish. She just seems like weak sauce to me! But then he did panic and behave unbecomingly in the stew room.



    It was a tough situation. She asked Marlarky to put on the oil and salt, and that is exactly what she got dinged for. It's a competition so I think she was smart to defend herself, otherwise, she could be going home for not knowing how to do the basics. It's more likely a chef goes home for basics like seasoning, rather than not making sure a dish was expoed right.

    That said, Marlarky panicked and then he piped up that it was him (shouldn't have) and then did throw Leanne under the bus by saying, "I'm hearing that the hummus was also underseasoned, am I right?" I rewatched that a dozen times (because I'm a sad person with no life) and the judges did not say anything negative about the hummus. They said that in addition to the hummus, some salt and oil would have been nice. He should have just said, "I dressed the salad, so sorry Leanne" and left the hummus part out, as he wasn't at risk for being sent home because of Leanne's dish in anyway. He could have spit on each salad and he would be safe since it would be Leanne's dish. 

    Also remembering that he really liked to talk about the chunky crunchy salt he put on top. He said that like 5 times "I put that crunchy chunky salt on top." Maybe as someone mentioned, he's used to being an executive chef, so he was rusty at expoing. 

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  6. 13 hours ago, spiderpig said:


    None of the dishes in this ep would compel me to leave the house and drop cash in a restaurant.  (If we ever have actual restaurants again.)

    I love vegetables, and they make up most of my diet. But after dish after dish and description after description of vegetables and more vegetables my stomach started churning. My tummy used to vegetables but I think the judges probably were in pain the next day. Yuck.

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  7. I watched this again tonight without my distracting husband. I thought Kevin's comment was good natured, but Brian's laugh was douchey. I don't know if Kevin is a douche or not, but Brian seems  either punch drunk or douche. Maybe both. Nini is clearly adorable so I think the guys are paying attention to her because she's so cute. It seems in good fun, and it seems that they like her. Or maybe I just think she's cute and like her. She seems fun to interact with.

    On that note, I think that Karen, Nini and Stephanie have bonded organically. They are also the younger ladies ( remember doing the Charlie's Angel's thing with girlfriends in my late 20's) and may just get along well. Jenn Carrol and Leanne are probably a bit stuck up. Not sure about Melissa, she seems sweet, but she also doesn't really talk to anyone. Maybe she's just more introverted.

    In terms of the guys, I really like Kevin, Erik, and Greg. I think they are super sweet and fun. I thought Lisa was okay and I felt bad for her since she didn't seem to have an identity-- or too many. Portuguese, Jewish, female, lesbian, and on top of that she was kind of a jerk and egotistical. it was a lot. 



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  8. Lisa's dish sounded so gross. Greasy Brussels sprouts that were raw in the middle? I'm gagging just thinking about it. She seemed to genuinely think that they were rustic and be confused. Rustic does not equal disgusting. 

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  9. Darcy and her men are a mystery to me. I don't know how she manages to get involved in such dysfunctional relationships. There were no issues with her Jesse-- he picked on her about dumb shit and Tom does the same thing. Jesse lost his mind because Darcy told him how to cook a steak. Tom is pissed that Darcy doesn't only talk about him on calls. These should not be major issues! I can't imagine talking to a guy who vents about his ex girlfriend, and then deciding to ruin his life for not daring making the conversation all about me. 


    Darcy is in a bad place with men. Maybe because she's really insecure and not allowing herself time to think and heal from her divorce. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

    Ah, ok.  Still, no one looks like they have much money there - and it looks like there are a lot of shops.

    My husband is from a poor country, and when he was growing up, a lot of people sold stuff out of their homes for money. His mom,  who is very traditional and strongly tied to her country, still sells her homemade goods out of her home to people from her country even though she is in the US and could work at a mall or in retail. People from their country like to buy their goods from other people from their country. It's the way they do things.

    The folks in the poor areas don't have transportation and the little shops provide a service to those in the area. Just like in the US there are millions of tiny shops in strip malls that provide a service to the population in the area. For example, next door to me is a tiny Cuban lunch place, that is probably mostly frequented by the Cubans in the area. They aren't making a shit ton of money, but enough to pay the bills and give the Cubans in the area a place to go. 

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  11. 55 minutes ago, RealReality said:

    Has she managed to say one nice thing about anything since she has been in Nigeria?  She has to be exhausting.


    She said that the goat she ended up buying was spunky. I was surprised to hear her say something nice-- granted, it was about a goat, but it was nice! And she even named him, 

    Erika seems like a bitch to me. She seems really fake, really into herself, and her constant eye rolling is pissing me off. It's so passive aggressive and immature. Can't stand it and I hate it when others do it-- it's always the skeevy girls too, that fake nice to someone's face and then turn around and roll their eyes to make sure everyone knows how they really feel. 


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  12. The goat shopping was hysterical, I have to say. Lisa was definitely a good sport about that. I like how Usman let her pick the goat, convinced her that it wasn't the white price, and then paid without any bitching from Lisa. Also, 115 for a goat seems like a steal. I had to laugh at the goat riding in the back of the car, too. Both the goat and Lisa were pretty agreeable about the situation.

    Though Ed is not my favorite, I think he's in general nice and harmless. Rose will have pajamas, plumbing, and Prince will have a home. In return, Rose just needs to shave her legs and be loyal to him. I think that's fair to be honest. He's really trying hard with Rose's family. He must really really like her a lot to stay in her "home" with no windows or door (no security), none of the simple comforts he is used to, especially being in poor health, and sleep on concrete WITH THE FATHER who is there to cock block. That's a lot. A lot. He was a good sport about it. 

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  13. I don't see Ash/Avery working out. They don't seem compatible and they both seem to have a lot of personal issues they are hiding.

    Ed is really hung up on Rose's sister asking for money, and whether Rose was "in on it." I don't understand why he can't just help them out and shut up up about it. 


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  14. 3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Big Ed really wants to have a relationship with RM why didn't he go on a date with her, you know, have a nice dinner, sit and talk, ask her about herself, take an interest in her homeland and culture, giver her flowers, tell her she is beautiful, get her her own hotel room and not expect to hit it for a while till they got to know each other in person.  What ever happened to wooing? 

    Because Big Ed is a dolt and egomaniac and refusing to spend any time with any woman showing any type of respect. Everything he has done with Rose has been things HE has wanted to do. He hasn't asked her what she wanted to do ever. She's like his living doll. 

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  15. 2 hours ago, RealReality said:

    I could see Lisa being talked into being an "equity investor" or paying for "producer credit" in exchange for theoretical revenue from the video.  

    I get that, but I think she's a paycheck to paycheck type person. I don't think she has any money for any of that. I think it's Usman is going to be in the same boat as Lisa soon-- he'll come to the US thinking she has all this money, and end up living in some tiny house and taking vacations at the Holiday Inn 5-miles down the road, and be like, "What? You are a white lady in US? You should have more money!"


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  16. 4 hours ago, Christina said:

    his behavior supports my belief that Ed is a eunuch, having had his penis removed by either his ex-wife or girlfriend when they found out about each other, and therefore, has to keep her at bay from wanting sex but needs it to be in a way he can continue to claim he is unlucky in love. 

    I don't know what an eunuch is but I'm certain Ed is one. He probably has the smallest penis ever in life, which is why he's grooming Rose to feel ultra insecure about her body and purity. 

    My husband was pissed that he wanted to go back to the hotel room as soon as Rose was receptive at the coffee shop. My husband said, "He should take her out and walk around!" Although I think it might have been projection (AKA passive agressive) since I do tend to like to spend my time on vacation in the hotel room. 

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  17. 20 minutes ago, deirdra said:

    Some of her facial expressions are to mask and control her intermittent exotropia (lazy eye that drifts outward) and get both eyes pointing in the same direction. The shrugging, eyebrow raising, etc. seem to be mannerisms she has adopted to seem more like a cool American sitcom teen or Britney Spears in her Disney days.  My guess is that she has been talking to a lot of American men and absorbing American culture for a long time.

    She's definitely trying very hard to seem fun and fancy-free. I think 2000 era Britney Spears nails it.

    Why would David think that Lana was really going to meet him? I don't understand what made him think she would show up. She didn't share the travel details, she didn't even ask for his number. He thinks she's just going to travel all day and night and not get the number of the person she's meeting? The whole thing is a total scam, legal, (unethical), but a scam. It's sad he's so disconnected with people and the social world in general that he missed the most major red flags ever. 

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  18. Ericka is a dolt. I can't even with two grown women giggling about everything constantly. Ericka, I think, I thinks Stephanie is famous or something, like LIsa with Sojaboy. Sojaboy does not seem like a complete idiot. Ericka's two brain cells struggle to connect. She seem incapable of saying more than 4 words consecutively. Sentences don't come easily to her, but to be fair, Stephanie seems really dumb too

    MOre than one person have commented that David is stubborn and won't listen. I think he may have some autism or special needs. He doesn't seem to be able to connect or understand social behaviors at all, applies his own logic, and then is mystified when he is scammed (and doesn't even understand he was scammed!) He's the definition of closet case.

    Varyra is very odd. Her facial expressions are weird, her interest in Geoffrey seems odd. She's trying to get out of Russia, and she knows Geoff will take her there. She's not worried, playing it super cool, but man, she is very cold and vapid.


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  19. I liked this episode a lot. It was nice to see everyone being respectful to everyone, as I've heard that some people were jerks on their seasons. Here, all seem very friendly and supportive.

    Comment depth ranges:

    1) Eric has the most beautiful skin I've ever seen. Gorgeous man. I didn't understand the issue with the duck. He asked for duck breasts, they didn't have them, then the androgynous person asked for whole duck and got them, and Eric was mad. Don't get that. Was he mad that he didn't improvise and/or ask about more cuts of duck? That's his fault. 

    2) Angelo went from being a hottie on his season that I watched to elderly. What the heck? He talks, walks, and acts like he is 85 years old. Did he just take massive amounts  of cocaine? His mind seems gone.

    3) Stephanie's thing sounded good. The only Padma wanted was a small dab of something tart. The other judge was ready to advocate for Angelo's tuna, like he tortured it. That was the harshest comment I've ever heard on this show. It seemed clear he was gone. Padma knows Angela and has probably had sex with  him, so she was defending him. But I'm jaded cuz I know the Top Chef people all sleep with each other (I used to date one).

    4) Angelo and Joe were the right people to leave in the past. I think that some of the older people will be up next. Jen Carrol is still working as a chef, she has a chef job and still hustles (drug and alcohol problems, ahem...). Bryan V. I don't think is really ever cooking that much, he's just a business person now. 

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  20. Geoffrey and Ed are beyond insecure. I think if they could marry 15-year old virgins they would. That Geoffrey is the next day on the phone with his second runner-up shows that he has a back-ups too. If I were dating someone I'd expect them to have back-ups. I'd have back-ups. Hell, I've been married 7-years and I have back ups.

    Always keep the options open, cuz you never know what can happen. Preparing and doing are different.

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  21. Ed is DEFINITELY a germaphob. He's totally like Paul in that way. Really nervous about getting sick. 

    On the sneak peak (is this a spoiler? Not sure)

    Stephanie needed alcohol to start kissing, not a bath or love. LOL. Been there.

    David has a very "manager at Walmart or manager at Kroger" vibe with the baggy black pants and heavy soled black shoes.

    Souja Boy is desperate to get out of Nigeria. I think he's a cutie and very sweet. And I think he isn't a celebrity (at all) but maybe a local celebrity, and LOVES the attention and idolization from Lisa. She's like his first groupie (with American money) and he digs it. 






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