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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. I would love for LuAnn to hire Adam back on in some way, pay him a bunch of money and promise him beautiful women so he couldn't refuse, and then take him to the bathroom. That would be awesome. I'm immature, I know, but Carole deserves it since she doesn't seem to understand how hooking up with her friend's ex is wrong (or a friend's family member/ friend ex). In any case, LuAnn seems to be very close with her family and so if her niece was hurt, I can see why she would be protective and mad at the people that hurt her. Part of being friends with someone, is not hurting them and their family even if you are "right." It makes me upset how uncaring Carole is about it. Maybe she has never loved someone and thinks that if someone wants to move on, the other person should not be affected because it doesn't bother her when an ex moves on because she didn't love him anyway. 

  2. Why does Carole eat like a turtle? Does her mouth not close? When she has food in her mouth it looks like she can't really chew it without keeping her mouth open and it seems like a struggle and she always has to take a drink of water afterwards. No wonder she is so thin. 


    That said, I don't think Carole really cares about the kid thing. She doesn't have kids but she doesn't really want any or wish she had any. LuAnn's comment was rude, but it wasn't like she said this to someone that had been trying to have kids for years. That would be cruel. I think given the context and the fact she made the snide remark to Carole, childless by choice and fine with it, is just snarky, not inexcusable. 

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  3. Did anyone notice that Tamra said, "I have to talk to the pasture" instead of "pastor?" when she was talking to Heather about the Bible. I thought that was funny, but also weird that she is so into church and everything and she doesn't even know the word pastor. These people. 

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  4. I can't understand how or why Shannon would want to try to salvage what little is left of this "marriage." She probably thinks if they get divorced, he'll run off with the mistress and she'll have "won." So she's resisting hard because she doesn't want to admit defeat. Except she'll only end up as the loser if she keeps hanging on to him.



    Exactly, that's way Shannon needs to personally tell the woman that she MUST take David, and hand him over to her. That way, she wins. 

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  5. Shannon's admission that the woman that was sleeping with her husband became her friend too, AT THE SAME TIME is scary. Terrifying.  I have always felt that women that try to be friends with you who know your husband/bf, were/are/ have slept with him, and are trying to be on some power trip where they know a secret and you don't. To hear this actually happened to Shannon supports my worst fears. I actually appreciate when my husband's female coworkers stay away from me. I think that shows some sense of boundaries. Good. Stay away. Don't come up to me and tell me how much my husband talks about me and how happy he is. I don't know you. Not your business or place.


    Okay, rant over. But that woman who cheated with David is such a super bitch it's not even funny. Mental even. How people can be so cruel. If you must sleep with someone's husband, have the decency to stay away from his family. Yuck all around.


    Shannon should not forgive David. She should call the woman he cheated on her with and tell her she is bringing David over to her for good. Let the other woman deal with his cheating ways.


    Meghan I'm forgetting exists. Her whole situation is misery and depressing.


    Previews for next week. My thought is that if I had cancer or was sick, and someone told me I didn't look sick, and given I'm  telling the truth, I'd take it as a compliment. Who wants to look sick? For some reason, doubting that Brooks has cancer (if he does have cancer) would seem like a good thing, it means he looks well (from Brooks perspective). But to get angry when someone doubts you are sick does not make a lot of sense. Who gets mad about being carded except those that aren't old enough to drink? Anyway, Brooks has a problem.





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  6. This is my take on Meghan and the kids. She knows that Jimmy isn't spending time with her and doesn't really want to. In order to combat feeling insecure about being a token wife, which Meghan obviously does not want to admit she is and wants to be (though in my opinion, she is happy being a trophy) she is putting all her energy into the kids to have a place and role in Jimmy's life. I think it is her way of connecting with him, because he isn't easy to be close to and she feels that void. When she said, "I wish they were my kids!" In her way, she was trying to be the opposite of the evil step mother and show everyone how loving she is and how much she cares, and how she is NOT just a trophy wife. Unfortunately, it backfired. I do think she is really just a trophy wife. If she really wanted her own kids she would married someone not fixed. Jimmy basically married a groupie. But you can tell she absolutely LOVES having any type of control over the kids that she can. Taking care of Hailey seems to be the amazing parent power trip for her. I think her brain does not work because of god knows how many years of starvation. To work out as hard as she does and starve yourself is destroying the brain. It's too bad, but that lady is a mess.


    I've always thought that Shannon might be a lesbian. It would explain her being seemingly uninterested in having sex with her husband. Watching her happily play with Tamra's boobs, I think I may be on to something. 

    • Love 1
  7. omg. John was worried about Dorinda and wanted to check on her. He loves her and was worried. He's a macho guy that feels very protective of women that he loves and responsible for their well being. It's maybe macho, but Dorinda likes it, and Dorinda is a little fragile. My husband is always worried about me when he is at work, especially if I've had a bad day. I think John is fine. Why do people not like him? 


    In any case, I don't like being away from my husband, and I don't go out or drink that often. If I were away and my husband hadn't heard from me and he couldn't get through, he would be freaking out. However, my husband is super social and likes to drink and party, so if he were gone for the weekend and I didn't hear from him, I'd know it was because he was having fun. Let's trust that John knows Dorinda well enough to know if something is normal or not, and he wants to make sure she is okay.

    • Love 11
  8. I don't really understand why Bethenny was so mad at Ramona. Maybe built up emotions? Also, why did Heather tell Bethenny that Ramona was spreading gossip about her? She knows that is going to start something. Heather REALLY doesn't like Ramona. At all.


    For some reason, I don't really see the evil monster in Ramona. When I first started watching the show, I thought she was really mean. She now seems like the average New Yorker. Very tough, very fast, and very good at business. I think it's funny how competitive she is, and how that dominates all her interactions. It's like she just can't stop trying to TAKE everything and having her way. I think it's just sort of an OCD thing, she can't stop it. 


    Ramona was right about the bartender. He was like a child next to her. Bethenny walked into that one. Ramona is the opposite of Carole. Ramona wants an older man with money. Like we all do. Can't blame her for that! 


    This is super snarky, but I always thought that maybe Carole was interested in Aviva's dad. She seemed very close to him and interested in him when they were together. Then he got engaged to a gorgeous 25 year old. I think Carole, given how ugly she is, is best off with the chef guy. He's a gold digger looking for someone to open a restaurant with him (finance a restaurant). I bet that will be Carole's next project.



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  9. Question for those of you who think Vicki and Brooks are in on a fake cancer scam. I can see Brooks having a reason, but what do you think Vicki's motivation is? The only thing I can think of is storyline, but being the OG I don't think she'd risk being on the show by telling such a huge lie. I think she tells small to medium lies all the time

    I don't think she's doing it for storyline. I think brooks moved in with her and so she said he had cancer to get people to back off and feel bad for him. I don't think he ever had cancer. Ever. no one has ever believed the story. I think vicki did not want the cancer part of the storyline, but bravo insisted it be discussed. She and brooks are both in this and I think she rsLizes it's a huge mess.

    • Love 6
  10. Shane is a little autistic. On the spectrum. He gets obsessed. That was the rumor back when he was on, but he definitely is not "developmentally" normal. I can see him being a bit autistic. With his emotional outbursts and lack of maturity. And the fact that his mom is so protective of him. She knows something is wrong, just hiding it. But looking over his twitter, he is hard core obsessed with the gf. 


    (Who looks a lot like Jo, his first crush).....

  11. Tamra got divorced on the show and she is now married. I'd say Eddie is a good guy.

    Laurie was divorced but got married since the show began. I don't know if he is a good guy, but she is still married.

    I would say that Luann almost had a good guy with Jacque. But sadly, that relationship is no more. But it was pretty solid when it lasted.


    From what I understand, Jeana is still emotionally attached to her ex and he still lives with her. So she isn't moving on any time soon.

  12. My thoughts so far. Carole's blue gloves I thought were "plastic gloves" or disposable gloves. I've seen those bright blue things on cleaning people and nurses and stuff. Especially the ones that draw blood, they always wear the blue gloves. I finally realized they were actual gloves. I actually thought she wore plastic gloves since was going through ashes somewhere.


    Funny-- when Dorinda invited her friends in London for a "proper" cocktail party (which I assume means one drink and lots of pills or coke or something) and all these homely ladies came being vapid. Carole said, "I invited my friends" in her voiceover and I thought, "wow! Carole has girlfriends in London? She doesn't seem like a friend person." and then all these young white guys showed up. The young men were her friends! hahahaha. Oh gosh, she's basically Ramona, only more stealth about her horniness.. 


    Ramona is a hoot. I just love her. She makes me laugh because she is so goofy and weird. I just think she is fun. 

    • Love 1
  13. Vicki is jealous of anyone woman who has a rich husband. She doesn't harp on her own daughter to keep working, and is perfectly happy to watch her raise two little boys. Yet Meghan, who doesn't need the money, should work just because? Vicki is super jealous of anyone who has a luxurious lifestyle. She doesn't care about Brianna not working because her life sucks. (and if anyone should keep a savings, it's Brianna)

    • Love 5
  14. As someone who has had sex with a few relatively famous chefs (I went through a chef groupie thing), I can tell you that chefs SUCK in bed. Absolutely terrible. Too drunk, stoned, and/ or drugged out to do anything.  I haven't been with a rockstar though, but I think that it has to be amazing. I've seen Tommy Lees sex tap! And a few more that were pretty hot.


    Gene Simmons? EWWWW. Who cares about him. 

    • Love 6
  15. I remember when Carole was "more cool" when she was dating the Aerosmith guy. I remember he visited her on a vacation with everyone, Sonja claimed he hit on her, and Carole was really embarrassed and apologized to him about the ladies. She definitely acted like, "We are way too cool for these people." She also talked about how they had an open relationship. During that season and when she was dating the musician is when I really thought she was trying super hard to be cool. She seems more down to earth now and not as snotty as before. And she is dating a guy (Adam) that she is comfortable introducing to her friends, which is very nice to see. 


    I would argue that going from a major rockstar who is incredibly successful and SUPER cool (Aerosmith, hello!) rich as hell, and connected to everyone, plus made marks in history when they merged their rock with Hip Hop (Walk this Way) with Run DMC (this was MAJOR) to a young random guy who is struggling to make it as a chef by cooking for rich women (LuAnn) is a move down. Front row seats and VIP access for Aeorsmith concerts vs. food. Sex with a rockstar has to be amazing. Especially considering that Carole does not appear to eat more than 2 times  week, I think the food thing is lost on her. So she might be a little embarrassed to be dating someone who is a nobody vs. a famous influential man like she has in the past. 


    Also, a google image search came up with some old pics of Carole during her marriage, also some pics of her with JFK Jr. (nothing with the wife). She was anything but cool in old pictures. Very very very plain and conservative looking. No make-up, simple hair. She has definitely reinvented herself, and she actually looks a ton better now after all her surgery. 

    • Love 2
  16. I thought Brianna grew up to be a very miserable woman and I've never liked how she treated her mom since the very beginning. I pretend she doesn't exist. I'm really excited though to hear how this Brooks and cancer story develops. I hear it gets even more strange and more questionable. Even Tamra asked Vicki if she goes with Brooks to the doctor and Vicki said she has gone before to the chemo but that's all she said. Considering Vicki had no problem talking about how she lifted her dead mother out of her coffin and basically made out with her I don't believe that a chemo visit with Brooks would be that difficult to discuss in terms of emotionally difficult. Why she won't elaborate on his doctor visits and chemo but will laugh about coffee enemas makes no sense to me. Why is that funny if he really has cancer? 

    • Love 6
  17. The way I saw the Dorinda apology was that Dorinda sat down with Heather and went into this personal story about what she has been through and had obviously thought about the apology and it was heartfelt, and Heather just said, "No worries." Sort of like, "I forgive you, shut up." It was sort of rude I thought. Heather wasn't really trying to connect with Dorinda and Dorinda was trying to connect with Heather. Plus, Dorinda said that apologies are kind of hard for her and she felt Heather didn't really appreciate that. Women!

    • Love 1
  18. I kind of liked this episode. Although it seemed like all of the ladies were wearing a ton of make-up in this episode. Haley doesn't really bother me, she seems like a normal 17 year old to me. She's not an academic, where I do think Meghan did really well in school and was a high achiever. Haley just isn't geared that way, and that's fine. Not everyone is made for college.


    Tamra and Eddie's scene was pretty planned out. Tamra's scenes with Eddie usually are usually "storyline." I think their relationship is fine. He's growing on me, I like him because he's very hard working and seems stable mentally. Tamra herself has become so much more chill and relaxed. 


    Loved that dragon bracelet. That was gorgeous. 

    • Love 3
  19. LuLu was nicer than I would have been because I would have cussed Heather all of the way out.  In fact, the other HWs should have had a meeting and told Heather and Carole that they didn't feel safe with them in the house because they can't respect anybody's privacy and asked them to leave


    This is a fabulous point. I would feel much safer around any man, naked or clothed, than around Heather. She would pick me apart in seconds if I don't meet her standards. Does she talk to her husband like that? I remember a long time ago seeing a scene with her and her family at at restaurant, and it seemed like she had no control over her kids and did not seem to enjoy one second of the dinner. She was beyond frustrated. It seemed as though she spent very little time with them, probably because she can't stand not having people do what she wants immediately. Maybe she will be a better mom when the kids are older. 

    • Love 4
  20. I don't think Heather was threatened. I think she was pissed because she didn't think the guy should be there. How threatening is the sleeping man to her? Does she think he is going to hear her in the room, rise from slumber, and nakedly attack her? He isn't a zombie.


    I think it's cool that LuAnn is comfortable with herself and her sexuality to enjoy the company of men. Heather was not in danger, nothing happened to her, nothing was stolen, and the naked guy was fast asleep. If anyone was going to be robbed and raped it would have happened already. It's not like the guy is going to party, fuck Ramona (or LuAnn) go to sleep, then wake up and fighting a nasty hangover look for some strange woman to rape. Let's be real about this. In the morning after everything is over, nothing is going to happen. Heather is upset because of something that DIDN'T happen, and because something happened that she was not in control of. 


    I love LuAnn. If she wants to fuck some hot guys and have fun, I say go for it. Enjoy your life. 

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