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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. I liked this episode because Sonja was barely in  it. The one time she did her little dance to John, I think that is just her burlesque thing-- remember how she does the tease shows every so often. It just reminded me of her little performance, not really desperate. She's dating a 22 year old model, so she isn't desperate. Let's be real. 


    In Heather's blog she said she was sensitive to food alergies because of her son. Yeah, that's your son. You should care when you are the mom. Bethenny doesn't even like you. I think Heather would have better luck helping out Bethenny when she really needed some help. I don't think either is jealous of one another though-- I think the issues are personality related mostly. Both are in totally different industries and do different things. If Heather was skinnier than Bethenny, well, then there would be some jealousy. But I don't get that Bethenny is at all jealous of her, but I could be projecting.


    Bethenny's blog comment that , "The show is good. Ratings are up" was really transparent. I think she's trying to hide how emotional this show is for her by making it "business." Don't buy that for a second.  

    • Love 5
  2. Here is the thing. no matter what he said, he does not HAVE to do anything. What he should do and what he HAS to do are different. I'm not saying that Thomas shouldn't help kathryn out, but he does not have to follow through on any of his promises. The only thing he HAS to do would be something court ordered. That is just the real world. He is a politician, and he not going to do anything that he doesn't have to do. He has to pay 2500 a month, and that is all he paying.  Women need to be smart and make sure men put things in writing and they are legally protected. That is the fact, otherwise, you are going to spend your life resentful and angry because you believed someone and didn't make them forcibly accountable. If he did promise her things, then Kathryn needs to take him to court and get it settled. 

  3. I wonder if Thomas feels differently towards Kathryn when Whitney is not around. He seems to influence Thomas more. At least it seemed like that at the reunion.

    It seems that way. That is where Thomas actually seems like a high school kid. You want to be cool around your friends and hide that you are hanging out with a girl that is "uncool."  I think Thomas is easily influenced by many people, not just Whitney. When Whitney is around Thomas definitely treats Kathryn differently, it's like a bad back-to-school special. 

    Kathryn should not have had a baby without getting married to Thomas. He has no financial obligation to her whatsoever legally. If they would have been married, she would be entitled to so so so much more. Men say all sorts of things when they want sex and are drinking and just want to win something. Unless there is a financial obligation in writing and legal, Thomas does not have to do shit and can say whatever he wants. 


    It's a cruel world out there. 

    • Love 4
  4. I feel that Thomas is over Kathryn. He flat out said that he thought they should be "friends." In my experience, when a man tells you that, he's over you. He may hook up with you and still want to go out and have fun, but he isn't interested in committing. I've scared away plenty of men in my day, I know the signs when you have blown it. I don't think Thomas is being a pervy old man, I think he is acting like a horny college student that has a psycho ex that he hangs out with but hides from his friends. 


    Kathryn really has fallen. She started living on the plantation, with Thomas, her baby, and she had a nanny. That was the on-screen scene. 

    Then she wanted to live in town which lasted it seems like a day. Thomas wasn't there, she didn't have a nanny, and the baby ended up at the parents house and she was out with friends. The next on-screen scene.


    Now, she is living with her parents and Thomas does not want to live with her. At all. I see drugs and escorting in her future.

    • Love 2
  5. Lauren Conrad just banned the word "Skinny" from her website (which is apparently very popular) because she said it was body shaming. I actually find the Skinny Girl brand name very offensive and embarrassing. I hope Bethenny changes the name to something that doesn't sound like it's targeted towards eating disordered women. Is this something we really want to support?




    She's getting to close to being this lady:


    • Love 5
  6. Interesting that after chowing down on those pups Beth suddenly had to leave.


    I know, I thought this same thing. There is a whole camp that believe Bethenny is bulimic, and I never really saw signs until she was furiously eating before heading out the door. Very bulimic-ish. The fact that Bethenny wasn't staying long and that she ate more than I've ever seen her eat ever, makes me think she was wanting to leave quickly to go puke somewhere and have time to do so before getting the kid. 


    Though it's totally up to her, I think Bethenny should come clean about her eating disorder. I think she would feel a lot better and her emotions wouldn't be so all over the place if she had healthy eating habits, puking completely throws your whole body off. That and she is the textbook neurotic Jewish woman, she really needs to take better care of herself. 


    Though I don't know if she really is bulimic, I'm starting to think she hasn't solved that problem yet and that's really the reason she is an emotional wreck. 

    • Love 7
  7. This is how I see Heather's convos. This did not actually happen for any dense folks out there. 


    Heather on camera, "Oh, how are you mama?? You look fantastic! I'm so happy to see you!"

    Mama, "I'm tired, I was up all night working on this and that so I wasn't able to get here on time."

    Heather on camera, "Ohhhh! That sounds so hard! It shouldn't be that way! It is so difficult for me to hear this because I know how hard you work and how you need some girl time!"


    Heather on TH: "OMG. What a bitch. She was working on her stupid project all night that she knows I could have helped her with. All she needed to do was ask me and I would have been there. Now she is making excuses for not being able to hang out with us girls because she was working. Doesn't she know I want to help her? Why didn't she just ask me? I just can't believe it."


    Heather-- this is why no one likes you and no one even bothers to talk to you. because you shady and fake. I think the reason why Bethenny didn't like Heather's questions is because she felt like it was just to catch her in a lie and insincere. Heather likes catching people being shady, because it takes emphasis off her own shadiness. I guarentee she could really give a shit about anything going on in Bethennys life. 


    Heather's nickname should be, "Prosecutor Mama." She makes me crazy with her insincerity and her quickness to call out everyone on what she sees as inconsistencies or lies. She should just chill and be nice to people without the ulterior motives, or take a class and learn something if she finds these people that boring. 

    • Love 6
  8. To be fair, Landon did get divorced and divorce sucks. Especially when your family doesn't support your decision. It's like you have to prove how unhappy you were to get the support you need. When I got divorced my parents actually took his side. It hurts. Starting over is a pain in the ass as well, and if you need to start over, but your mom is constantly reminding you you wouldn't have to start over if you didn't get divorced, it's like living in never never land. I think Landon's mom needs a wake up call in terms of reality. 


    Though I still think she is a whiny annoying person that drives me nuts, I do sympathize as I she seems really sad. There are always going to be people that have less than you, that understanding doesn't make emotional pain disappear. 

    • Love 6
  9. Regarding Cameron, my mom is a real estate agent, and in order to get an office in the firm you have to be a top seller because there are more agents than office spaces. So many agents work at home but the firm has conference rooms for signing papers and official stuff. 

    • Love 1
  10. Craig will come back to Charleston when the begin filming again. No sooner. 


    Shep and Craig have a very competitive relationship, but I think they like that. They like the motivation and the fact that each is trying to one up the other in a way shows approval "I want to be like you." I think Craig being a model though was not the type of game Shep wanted to play, and Craig said so much, "Shep does not have the confidence to be a pretty boy" so Shep went to the opposite end and dressed/ looked sloppy. Of course, Craig won with his polished "pretty boy" look at the auction, and Shep's strategy to be sloppy and still get higher bids failed. So he's being a bit of a sore loser. As much as Shep complains that Craig was gloating, Shep was moping. They were both being huge drama kings about it. Craig is rubbing it in Shep's face though that women like him more, so I think that Craig might have really severed the relationship by playing a game that Shep can't win. I think that is why Shep wants Craig to be a lawyer so bad== he can relate to that. 

    • Love 2
  11. Kathryn is totally failing at her gold-digging!!! Girl, you need to hide your crazy until Thomas marries you!!



    Amen to that! True for any woman anywhere that wants to get married to a difficult non committal man!!! Hate the game...

    • Love 2
  12. Wow, it finished so fast. I guess the only thing that changed is that Craig moved.


    What happened with the auction? Why did Craig not actually go on the date?


    What does Kathryn want? She seems so unhappy. Same with Landon, she's so sad. Cheer up!

  13. Whitney acts like he is better than everyone, but really, he wouldn't be hanging out with them if he was. He just likes to be around people that he feels superior too. But he isn't superior, he's right there with everyone talking about Kathryn every chance he can get. I think she is right that Whitney is sore that Kathryn didn't like him back when she was single. Plus, who is he to call anyone a gold digger considering who his mom is? He wouldn't have the life he does if it weren't for gold diggers. He's so unaware it's funny.


    Shep is a mammas boy. He will have a hard time meeting anyone and having a relationship because his mom does everything for him. The mom needs to let go and make him need someone so he can appreciate a woman his own age. As it stands, can you imagine him bringing a woman around his mom? You would be dating both Shep and his mom, and the mom would probably become super jealous if he paid more mind to the woman than her.


    Landon seems to have some mental problems, she seems really depressed. Her whiny voice, meekness, and girlish giggle about everything is immature for a woman her age. She also seems like she might be having a problem with alcohol or something--- she seems like she is in pretty bad shape. She moans about her divorce and how bad it was as much as Kathryn complains about Thomas. No wonder they don't get along. They both need tons of attention and sympathy, and really want to be taken care of. Daddy issues.


    I love Kathryn though. She is feisty. It disgusted me when Thomas called the stylist "trash." Very elite and rude. How would he feel about the population of SC? How is going to serve the population if he calls people that he doesn't think are sophisticated trash? He's a snob. When Kathryn was trying to please him he was rude to her and then did things to sabotage the relationship and sort of gloated about the dancing video knowing very well she would be upset. Then claims he getting upset is the reason that he doesn't want to marry her. He's playing this game with her and that's why she is getting so mean. When people are in bad relationships, they don't treat others well because they are so unhappy. Thomas had no intentions on marrying Kathryn. He just wants a nanny with benefits. 


    Shep and Craig seem like sweethearts. They are trying their best and aren't out hurting people (besides taking digs at each other). 

    • Love 4
  14. JFK Jr. liked cocaine a lot. I'm sure he and Sonja's paths have crossed at parties in the past. Plus, her ex husband had very extravagant parties for the richest and most famous often, so I'm sure she has met a lot of impressive people-- however, bringing it up now sort of shows how far she fallen since her marriage.

    Sonja sort of says the opposite of what is really happening. In psych, we call it reaction formation. Instead of admitting her house is falling apart, she says, "I can't let anyone in because of how precious and delicate the house is." 

    • Love 2
  15. The funniest part of the whole show was when Sonja started crying at dinner, and Bethenny kept trying to apologize, and Sonja kept crying. LuAnn tells Sonja to just stop crying, that it was Ramona's bday. Her tone and matter-of-fact assertive way of telling her to shut up was so funny to me. It was like she was talking to a toddler-- "Stop moving, we need to put this diaper on you so we can leave."

    • Love 10
  16. Heather has a right to be mad, but I don't think you can expect someone to just let you into their house if they aren't ready. My mom would be thrown into a tizzy if someone wanted to come in and the house wasn't tidy enough. Heather should maybe get over herself. Kirsten will go along with anything Heather says-- Dorinda and Ramona obviously didn't care.


    Heather should just accept the fact that Sonja doesn't like her and move on. Yelling at someone constantly and insisting they treat you a certain way is not going to make them like you more. Heather actually seems to have more entitlement issues than anyone there. Imagine if she went to Penn State what kind of monster she would be. hee hee. Sorry mod. 

    • Love 7
  17. Let's be real about why the ladies weren't invited in to Sonja's house that morning. Sonja's house was probably a total disgusting disaster, she doesn't have help that cleans and it gets filthy. She has got crap for her messy/ dirty house in past seasons (I remember Kelly saying that the toilet bowl was gross). The place is probably gross, dirty, and falling apart, and Sonja doesn't want the ladies to see that. She would rather them be pissed at her for being inconsiderate than giving her crap about her being unable to keep up her house. That's really the only plausible reason for Sonja to not want them to come in. I've had people wait for me outside when my place has been a disaster too and they were early. But anyway.


    Carole has had some good work done. She looks better this season. But plastic surgery doesn't make ugly people pretty or old people young. It usually just makes people look BETTER. And Carole, though still unique looking, looks better. She also has never had kids so her body is going to be more youthful looking (though she has probably had about 50 abortions, snark). Women that don't have children have different bodies than those with kids imo.


    Maybe I'm crazy but Sonja doesn't seem to be doing anything too far out--> yes she is lying constantly to save face, but I think she knows very well she is lying, she's not delusional. She's just standing on her own now, and she doesn't have the lavish background anymore to make the crap she says sound believable. 

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