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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. In preparation for tonight's new episode, forced to watch the previous episode. My husband's comments:

    1) Kelly squeezes Brawnyn's nipple, "You are lactating!"

    Husband to me, "How can see be lactating? She's almost 70?" confused honest question. I told him she just looks old, but she had a baby recently.

    2) Brawnyns' mom is on camera.

    Husband, "Is she from Peru?" I told him that I didn't think so.

    Also, watching the old shows that BRAVO was playing earlier today. Man, Gretchen, Alexis, Lydia, Brianna, and her horrible husband were the worst. This cast is definitely way better. Tamara and Vicki and Heather tried hard to be tolerant, but the stupidity and infantile comments were crazy. I'm happy for the current cast, they are way better than Grethen and Alexis. Though Lydia's mom was legit cool as hell.

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  2. 7 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    Yup, Jill didn't drink.  Also Kandi from Atlanta doesn't drink at all.  Lea from Miami was a teetotaler.  Margaret Josephs from NJ--same.  Yolanda from BH drank very little IIRC.  

    It's kinda sad we can name all the non-drinkers across the franchise and across time on one hand.

    And none of them are from the OC!

    OC started it all, and from the gate they were all partiers that drank a lot. Vicki, Lauri, Jo, Jeana, Kimberly (that's it)? I remember the first episode back in 2006 or so and it really could have been called "mom's who got boob jobs, and party." They all had the boob shirts and drank a lot, went out to bars, etc.

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  3. I didn't like that Gina told Tamara and Shannon that Emily brought up Vegas, when it was Gina that brought it up and said that was why she was pissed off at Emily. Tamara goes, "oh, the ole' switcharoo!" when that was completely not what happened. So she is trying to get on Shannon and Tamra's good side by dissing Emily, since neither of them like Emily. That and she probably doesn't have anything else to talk about. NOt that that is a good excuse.

    I have also thought Emily sounds very judgemental and scoldy around Gina. She told Gina she was disappointed in her for getting a DUI, and then telling her she was being irresponsible by drinking with Shannon in the bus, was taking it to a protective mother level that isn't her place. IMO. Gina's comeback about it being creepy that Shane's dad watched her strip dance thing was a nice snap.

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, oceanview said:

    Beautifully said.   You cannot ever figure out why people are actually  attracted to each other, but Tamra does not have a clue how lucky she is that he has not gone bye bye

    Eddie isn't wealthy, which means he would be of no interest to any of the real housewives. He's the trophy husband, and he's acting appropriately for a trophy husband, IMO. 

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  5. Wow! Lots of viewers of this thread, but not a lot of posts, Interesting, usually a  lot more input. 

    I'm pretty sure Shane hates Emily. He sees her, glares, gives her a one arm hug and doesn't bother to take the other out of his pocket, and then jabs at her for not making him dinner.

    He's seriously acting like a spoiled brat. Is he really pissed that she didn't make him dinner? What an asshole.

    Emily is so sweet, she just keeps trying with him, and he's just relishing in his opportunity to be a bigger dick.

    Shane didn't miss Emily, and he's like trying to be a cool guy like he didn't miss her. I don't get that. What's wrong with him? Emily needs to have more expectations from him, but I think he has no attachment to her, at least, he's trying super hard to project that on camera.

    Brawnyn's mom is guarded and defensive. To scoff that her daughter had kids in order to have friends made me feel sad for Brawnyn. That type of mom is the type associated with borderline personality-- always invalidating their children.

    I sense no chemistry either way with Dr. Brian and Kelly. They both seem skeeved out by the other and faking their smiles and interactions.

    Shannon's good at hip hop.

    • Love 9
  6. I lost brain cells listening to Clay and Angela's "argument." Angela-- "I encouraged you to be you, I told you to go to the gym." Clay-- "Yes, and I wanted you to come with me." Angela, aghast, sneering, "You were there four hours!"

    So, they broke up because Clay spent too much time at the gym? LOLOLOL! No wonder he is digging Nicole. She is thrilled to watch him work out. She jumps on his back when he does his sit ups and has the best time ever. They are a match made in heaven.  Nicole will never create that huge riff in a relationship that occurs when the woman wants the man to spend some time furniture shopping and creating baby-name lists, and the man wants to go to the gym instead. What a toxic relationship!

    I think Dean is dreamy. He is way way way sexier and cool than Clay or whoever that is, that is just a really tall doofus toddler. He seems super dumb. I'm team Dean.

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  7. 16 hours ago, mertensia said:

    It's another spiritual ceremony co-opted by Americans from Native Americans. I'm not sure your average whitebread American should be doing it at all.

    JPJ is trying way too hard in every scene. I'm not surprised he went off of crazy Tajz fast as she could out "look at me! I'm so quirky!" him without even trying. And seriously, dude. Weddings are just not the place to get into any sort of argument with another guest.

    Conner and his vocal fry from Hell need to stay off my TV screen.

    I liked the smudging. Krystal is from Montana, which has a large Native American population (compared to other places), so smudging may be something that she grew up with.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    JPJ seems more like a thespian than a financial analyst. 

    I can so live without the weddings on this show. The last one I even wanted to watch was Trista and Ryan. 

    OMG. I  hated the wedding. Mostly because I just got rid of my DVR so I couldn't fast forward!  Although I loved Krystal's veil, which was beautiful. I didn't get the guests, I hated the production feel to it, and I especially hated Chris marrying them because he's has a sycophant vibe, 

    • Love 3
  9. 2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

    Lol! A date who looked like Frankenstein. 

    Thats all I got, really. Dating really sucks. If these gorgeous girls are having problems finding a decent, attractive guy, all I can hope for is a date who looks like Frankenstein.

    Yeah, the best looking guys stay single. Like Dean, who I find amazingly gorgeous. I actually woke up last night to look at pictures of him. They are looking for a hot rich celebrity, like a Hadid, actress, or model. In fact, many of the best looking guys on this show that have got married married someone that had a lot more going for them than being hot (i.e., rich and hot).

    Some exceptions: Kevin Wendt (I think he's a hottie), 

    I can't think of anyone else. Most of the hottest are still single. 

    28 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    Compare a South Park character with Onyeka (sp?). I always thought she was the one who looked like Cartman but I can’t post the photos. Same smile. It has to be the open-mouthed smile though. 

    You know, I'm always finding commonalities between people and people (or people and things, but usually people). Anyway, most of time no one but me sees it.

    I don't see it, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. LOL!

    • Love 1
  10. I stopped liking Cameron a long time ago when she refused to meet Kathryn for coffee. Kathryn was  on the outs with Landon, Whitney, and Thomas, and she very heartless to just tell her no when Kathryn asked for an hour of her time. Shep has become more stuck up I feel. 

    • Love 11
  11. Kathryn is a hot mess. She seemed out of it to me on the reunion and mentally very slow. She looked pretty, but something was wrong with her, which is normal. I see why Thomas doesn't want the kids around her.

    I can't stand Chelsea and am thrilled she's going to be gone. She is the biggest loser ever. She's always cackling at all of Shep's stupid comments, and acting like he's so hysterical. She's just dumb as fucking rocks. Later bitch!

    • Love 2
  12. 9 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    What doesn't make sense to me, is how Tamra & Eddie can afford ANY giant size home in south Orange County.

    Tamara has always lived beyond her means. My guess is she still is, but is probably making good money doing appearances and being on the show for so long. However, the house could be a rental, but my guess is she'd be called out on it-- it's too easy to look up real estate transactions and home ownership. She's killing it though, IMO. She's competitive and a go getter and she's making things work for her.

    • Love 3
  13. Thoughts on this episode:

    The new lady and her family are a little interesting. She acts and looks like an aging porn star, and it looks like her husband takes care of everyone. They do have a nice family though the breakfast scene made me think that the mom didn't birth all the kids herself, and also that she doesn't spend a ton of time taking care of them.

    Yes, the husband is probably gay which is why she keeps trying to have kids and make herself as sexually available as possible to keep him interested. He's the gravy train.

    Gina is TOTALLY a hot mess. She looks awful and seems miserable. Great TV though! And Emily with her whiny crybaby husband--> I think Emily and Gina are going to bring the drama just with their messed up lives and trying to play it off like everything is fine. Gina tried to do that last season and it blew up in her face. 

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  14. 7 hours ago, StrongbyDefault said:

    I was PISSED that they kowtowed to his histrionics.   

    I was also disappointed that Colt got his way. But I think the producers wanted more Larissa and Colt interactions since they know those two are live wires and Eric brought more than what they anticipated for drama. We need Colt. He's reality gold. Larissa was also born for reality TV.

    • Love 3
  15. 3 hours ago, Kid said:

    I am watching part two now. I am not a fan of Nicole. However, I thought she showed some real compassion for Ashley when Pao was delivering her snide comments about Ashley and Jay’s marriage.  I thought the way Nicole reacted to that was admirable.

    Nicole is sweet and nice. However, she reminds me of several women I have known throughout my life who were very overweight and accepted less than what other women would expect because they wanted a good looking guy and they found a good looking guy that paid attention to them and told them what they wanted to hear, and that was more than they could ever expect/ want, etc. Azan is the typical player of insecure women who look for people who are easy to charm, expect next to nothing, and will worship them. I think he's motivated by money, and he could be married with three kids, and Nicole would still have hope they would be together and take his calls.  Nicole is obese, a single mom, uneducated, unemployed, and below poverty level. Her family and government assistance is probably her main source of income and always will be (besides this reality show biz, which I'm assuming all her money she's making from it is going to Azan which is the ONLY reason he is still around).

    It's really a reality check in the sad state of our society.

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  16. I'm disappointed Coltee couldn't see through the Eric and Larissa act. Larissa was laughing in glee because she couldn't even believe how amazingly perfect her plan to make Coltee jealous went.

    My mind is blown, that Coltee, knowing how cheap he and his mom both are, thought he would be able to scold Larissa into financial submission. But he bit his own ass wanting a wife that was sexy, but then was unwilling to pay for the maintenance.

    I think he's fine with Debbie and porn. I think that's all he's willing to afford. I also think that Coltee, like he himself said, have a good thing going and anything that jeopardizes that isn't going to work.

    • Love 13
  17. First season Camille was very sexual, always showing off her body and being demur around the men. First season Kyle, IMO, didn't like Camille because her body was rocking and she got all the male attention (even Tayler's husband who didn't dance at their wedding, would dance around Camille). 

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  18. My feeling about Colt, is he was interested in having the cheapest hottest wife possible. His father clearly did not take care of his wife (Debbie), given she appears to be in poor health and in need of her son to support her. She watched Larissa's spending like a hawk. She didn't want Larissa to have anything. 

    • Love 7
  19. Marrying a mamma's boy can be a nightmare. Because they think they can pout and stomp and get their way. As adults, that only works for the mom, since she is the only one that still looks at him like a cute little boy. For everyone else, it looks immature and annoying. 

    My husband does like to pout, and he love to look cute to get his way. He's also from Latin America, where his female relatives lavish him with love and attention. However, his mom thinks I spoil him! That gives me hope. LOL! 

    • Love 6
  20. 4 minutes ago, renatae said:

    Pedro has definitely been long-suffering here and put up with a lot, there is no denying that. But he has a double standard about the families. He expects not to have to even lay eyes on her family, who have never said they don't want contact with him. Fair enough. I get it. On the other hand, even though his own despicable family doesn't want to see Chantel nor put her up in the house HE is paying for, he expects Chantel to grovel at their feet and try to make nice. He needs to drop the double standard and forgive her for her "rudeness."

    That's for sure! He got into trouble when he walked off, so he buried his head in his hands or looked up at the ceiling to not have to look at them. It actually made me laugh. 

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  21. Larissa's new "boy friend" relationship is completely fake. Beyond fake. Faker than fake. But kudos for her for trying her best to look like she's doing okay and make Colt jealous, which I'm sure it did.

    Oh Pedro. His dramatics. I saw a lot his sister in him, who is my least favorite person on TV. Not good. He's a bratty little child. Jay at least doesn't act like he's being constantly ordered to nap.


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