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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. 1 minute ago, RealHousewife said:

    Exactly. Imagine instantly losing all your old family photos and videos, all the stuff that's not on the cloud or anything. And yes, Camille has been through a ton. Fan of hers or not, you have to feel for her imo. At least I do. I really hope she gets some peace and happiness for awhile!

    Camille is fine. She was a beautiful dancer, she lost her looks, has no personality to speak of, and got very very bitter. All she has now are her children and once they are past 18 she might be in the same boat as Sonja. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    Brandi scene coming up. Changing the channel for awhile. Can’t stand her. 

    Brandi seems like someone that smells bad. Her face is the worst ever, and she seems to be very mean and very into the party scene. At her age, this means the drug scene. 

    I do not doubt for one second that Denise and Brandi escort here and there. When Charlie has extra money, they are probably the first ladies he calls. 

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  3. 7 minutes ago, endure said:

    Rinna talking about her daughter and her problems with anorexia came across so insincere, I thought she looked like she might doze off at one point.  The whole family appeared pretty dysfunctional but doubt they really eat together very often, if you can call it that lol.

    I totally agree with this. I don't think they ever eat together. God only knows who Harry cooks for, cuz it's not his "family."

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  4. 2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    As much as I'm not a fan of Beth's any more, she's often onscreen w/o much makeup on.  I also thought the hotel provided that glam squad for them.  I don't think Beth is that big of a primper.  She often looks fantastic, but she shows us the not so pretty.  We have never seen Tinsley without tons of makeup on have we?  

    Tinsley is the class old money super rich person that never goes anywhere without professional hair and make-up done. There was an interesting article about how Anna Delvey's hair gave away the fact she wasn't a rich heiress living off a trust fund.


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  5. Thoughts on this episode...

    Luanne is right that Dorinda could use a sense of humor

    Dorinda can not sue Luanne for bringing up the Jovanni story in her show

    Sonja was acting "manic" before and everyone blamed her drinking. I'm not sure if it was Heather or the tall blond lady, but they were saying they had to carry her home and put her to bed. She was being crazy, she was out of control, she had all this anxiety about her divorce and bankruptcy. So she quit drinking. This season, she's clearly back to drinking. I think she just wants to have fun. Until Bethanny tells her she needs to stop drinking, she will continue as is.

    I think Sonja saw that her "manic" behavior gets attention, so she is continuing with it. She's been bringing it up quite a lot. She is also being extremely annoying.

    Sonja's nonchalant deadpan comment about being allergic to Harry's sperm made me laugh.

    I completely don't understand the obsession with bedrooms. Is it just a competitive thing? A way to show dominance? I don't get it.

    Luanne's body is killer. I think she's just gorgeous. She doesn't need a large vocab.

    Bethanny loves going after people till they cry. She usually doesn't stop until someone is crying (or bangs their head on a table). I think once she realized that Luanne didn't give a shit what she had to say,  Bethanny left. I loved Luanne for that. She doesn't let shit get to her. And not allowing Bethanny to bully her, even though it meant possible ostracization, was awesome.

    Tej was adorable. I would have loved on him too.

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  6. I've never seen Bethanny have an intelligent argument. I've only seen her hold her mouth wide open in aghast, roll her eyes,  stand up and scream insults at someone. Or is intelligently arguing the same thing as mocking? I don't think she's particularly witty, she'll just say things that are super unfiltered, and it's ALWAYS to make someone look bad and make herself seem brighter, wittier and faster. Don't really consider that intelligence.  IMO.

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  7. Dorinda can be meaner than a wet hen. And she's usually upset about something she perceives as a slight, which IMO, sends her into a rage that's not proportionate to the slight.

    I'm not all that surprised that Ramona, even though she's odd, didn't want half-baked Sonja and volatile Dorinda at her party. I think that in general, Luann and Tinsely are good at keeping their cool. In general. I'd be most comfortable around either of them. The other ladies can be super emotional and make things awkward.

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  8. 44 minutes ago, AnnA said:

    Not everyone!   I've been Team Bethenny since day one.

    My mother taught me not to hate.  She said hatred erodes the vessel carrying it (aka hatred makes you ugly). 

    I think there is a substantial amount of people worship Bethany like she's a god. Maybe not on this thread, but in general, she's got a HUGE following. Gigantic. They just eat up the rags to riches story that she plays with perfection. I also think women tend to like other women who are sort of homely and trying really hard to be pretty and look good. I think other women identify with her because they have the same insecurities of not being good enough.

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  9. Bethanny and Rinna are very similar to me. They are both way below normal weight for height age. They are full of energy, super hyper, and impulsive. They bpth say things that are inappropriate/offensive, because they don't think before they speak. And they are both the first people to arrive at events, and the first to leave events. They always have some elaborate excuse why they have to leave. They are also both sick a lot.

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  10. 2 hours ago, laprin said:

    Finding a baby-sitter to stay until midnight is not easy.  If I was already staying late, I would be ticked about staying even 30 minutes longer.  Think about it, if your boss asked you to work a later shift than normal and you agreed, would you not be irritated to have to work even later than expected? 

    Would Lu have even noticed that Bethenny left if she was not told? The other ladies stayed and she did not even acknowledge them, which is rude. 

    Why is Bethenny being held to a higher standard than Ramona? Ramona did not show at all because of a date. Wanting to be with your child is less noble than skipping the entire event for a date? 

    Finally, how do we know that the show was not late due to actions on LuAnn's part? Being the diva that she is, maybe she insisted on extra rehearsal time. Even if it was out of her control, would it have been unreasonable for her to go downstairs and greet her waiting friends or is she too much of a "star" for that? 

    There is what should be and what is. Luann didn't really care about Ramona. She wanted Bethanny to be there.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

    I would be holding a grudge about the charity. Ramona invited Dorinda, saw people with a higher status, glommed onto them, ditched Dorinda and then gaslighted her about what happened. This time it was about something.

    I think Ramona is great at changing stories in her mind. I really think she believes her story about being assigned to a different table than she was. She's very good at preserving her ego. 

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  12. So... I'm not really seeing how Luann is acting that unreasonable. It makes sense that she was hurt that Bethanny didn't stay and watch her perform. I think it would be A LOT easier for Bethanny to find a baby-sitter than for Luann to change the cabaret schedule-- something that I don't think she has any control  over. But for some reason, everyone thinks Bethanny is perfectly reasonable to leave and that Luann is being a diva. I don't get that. 

    No one is being that supportive of Luann's cabaret thing. I think that's what makes her feel insecure, and the need to pump it up more-- and then that makes others disengage even faster. Everyone is sort of out for themselves on this show-- some are better at hiding it than others.

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  13. Oh yea! Let's start the show with Lisa V and Dr. John who is trying way to hard to encapsulate both male and female traits. He makes sure his package is known. But he has collagen lips and fake eyelashes. What bothers me isn't his ambiguous androgyny. It's how completely unnatural he looks, and the effort he puts in to look so strange. The lie detector thing was pretty dumb. Lisa V may be smart, but she sure isn't mature.

    Kyle has really aged this season. I think Kyle is beautiful but she's starting to act grandma-ish.

    I like how they showed the ladies getting ready for the wedding by themselves. No need for a glam squad if Ericka isn't around!

    I don't know that anyone really wanted to go to Camille's wedding, to be honest. I think once everyone saw her place they were ready to go home.

    When they showed the food at Camille's dinner, and Lisa Rinna ate the food, I got flashbacks to when Lisa R was at Bethanny's and she got violently ill and had to leave. This time around, I thought, "Oh wow, Lisa R is eating! She is obviously not thrilled about it, but she's doing her best to have the cheesy pasta. She isn't saying she is sick and having to leave!"

    Next scene she is sick and lost her voice. I call bullshit. I think she's going to do some weird anorexia ritual shit all day. She probably took about 100 laxatives.

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  14. On 5/12/2019 at 9:01 PM, biakbiak said:

    There are many many women who want children but don’t want to be single parents, it’s really not that unusual.

    It pissed me off to no end that Bethanny was scolding Tinsley and trying to bully her into being a single mom. Talk about no awareness whatsoever and proof that no one should ever take ANY advice from Bethanny. Ever.  And Bethanny's face when Tinsley said she would be a good mom because of how she takes care of her Pomeranian-- that was priceless. She recovered knowing full well the camera was on her. My thought is that Carole had a great laugh at that one as well. Bethanny spent all last season making not so subtle comments/ insinuations that Tinsley was a dumb ass-- now she's eating it. 

    I actually 

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  15. On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 5:19 PM, AnnA said:

    I'm not sure that Tinsley is as wealthy as people think she is.   Didn't Tinsley's father squander his fortune?   She may be comfortable but I doubt she is super rich.  

    I also doubt her ability to regain her socialite status.   I don't think the "high society" social scene in NYC or anywhere else would associate with Bravo's HWs.   

    She seems like she has an awesome trust fund-- maybe her dad spent his.

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  16. 31 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    I think Ramona always has a backup plan. Didn't she leave Jill's dinner early (the one Simon came along to) early because she ostensibly had other plans? Even if they're not real plans, I think she has to have an "out" in case she needs it. 

    I think Ramona also gets bored very easily and is naturally most comfortable hustling. She's like Bethanny, only Bethanny will stick around and make mean comments and take over conversations to be about her to keep herself interested and entertained.

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