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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. 24 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

    I might agree with Kim except that Big Kathy bought the house in 1998. Kim hadn't worked in almost a decade at that point.

    I doubt Kim paid anything on that house. Kathy made her last husband sell his house and put the money toward The House.

    She also gave him one year to vacate after her death so that the girls could have it.

    Hummm. So what did Kim mean when she called it, "my house?"

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  2. 18 hours ago, Blondie said:

    And back to the show, if Lisa is such a horrible person, why did she give Kyle a new designer bag after she found out they had been stolen?  More manipulation?  If so it was an awfully expensive reward for someone who screws over their friendship at the drop of a hat. 


    Lisa probably gave her a bag that was left in lost and found at her restaurant. LOL! Seriously, I'm sure Lisa did not spend a dime on this bag. It was gifted somehow. (or left in lost and found)

    I only say this cuz my hubby works at a restaurant that serves high end folk. The lost and found is first picked over by the owner, then the GM, then managers, then it's a free for all.

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  3. I think, and I honestly don't know for sure, but I think Kim was eluding to the fact that her income as a child movie star provided the income to buy the house in the first place. I think she feels that she's entitled to it because her income gave her mom the income to buy it. At least, that was my take. They might have "bought her out" but I think Kim is upset because she thought the house should just be hers. On principal, probably yes. That's a moral issue. Only cuz it's family. It would be like me telling my boss that I own her home because the work I did gave her the income to buy her house. My boss isn't my mom though. But that's in the normal world. Legally though, no. Kyle bought "her share" gave her the cash she needed, she spent it, and now she's pissed cuz the house her income originally bought is no longer hers.

    Showbiz is a shady business folks. They say people in LA won't piss on you if your on fire. Actually, business in general is shady. My father, from a very young age, always told me to never do business with family. It fucks things up.

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  4. Who sold the story to Radar Online? Lisa? Not Lisa! Then who? Tedi! Tedi sold the story to Radar Online! Teddi? Yes Teddi! Couldn't be! Then WHO?

    Sorry, my mind goes straight to this kid chant every time those damn ladies mention Radar Online. 

    Let's get CSI on the case. 

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  5. 16 hours ago, halkatla said:

    Absolutely, it seems so obvious that Lisa isn´t behind this. Not saying she´s unable to do something underhanded, but she would be smoother about it and look out for her own interests.

    I remember when the show started, I felt so sorry for Kim because Kyle was not nice to her, talked down to her in a very mean way, considering that Kim was older and had accomplished more in many ways. She always acted like Kim was such a stupid little thing that had to be taken care of. Kim proved later that she had deserved it but... I am now doubting some of it, since Kyle is a pure bitch with no loyalties. I never saw it coming that she would mess up so badly with LVP though.

    I truly hope that none of these disgusting creatures (Rinna, Erika, Kyle, Teddy) can come back from this. Dorit isn´t even worthy of being mentioned, she´s so everything bad and stupid, so only her supporters really deserve to suffer. For me they are the real monsters (even though she is obviously a monster for the way she has lied and what she did to little Lucy).

    Kyle treated Kim like shit. She was such a bitch to her. I don't believe Kim deserved it. She had an addiction problem, was broke, and had no life skills (except making juice and chicken salad). Plus she has a kid with schizophrenia which requires full-time maintenance and care, and she doesn't have a lot of skills in general. To pick on her is unfair because she's already struggling, and she really can't fight back. Kyle just picked on her so much and I seriously think Kim will be better off without Kyle in her life. 

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  6. So, I'm still just incredibly impressed with Lisa V for getting her cause heard in Congress. There are SO MANY issues that advocates would kill to have heard in Congress. Because it's such a difficult process, most causes don't get there. But Lisa V got it there. That's just so amazing. I'll say it a million times over. It's not easy work no matter who you are or what you do--- there are rich people all over trying to be advocates. Lisa did it. I feel like she's just so passionate about the treatment of animals that she took it to the highest level and figured it out. So she's no dumb lady. That political shit is HARD to navigate.

    From this, I sort of feel that Lisa V should just be done with the show. She's shown herself to be very intelligent and focused, and I just don't understand how she will really get in with this group of ladies who are not really motivated by anything except getting camera time. Lisa V can be vapid as well-- she lives in Beverly Hills and makes money from her ability to hire and retain beautiful people, but there is obviously something deeper there. I hope she pursues that aspect of herself instead of chasing beauty and acceptance through beautiful people.

    • Love 10
  7. 19 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

    Opted not to go to law school. Ok Kyle. Actually going to college might have been a good start. Though Kyle happens to be in one of the few states that doesn't require a law school education to take the bar. They actually only require a couple years of college and a legal apprenticeship. A number of states still have legislative exemptions on the books; if you're an elected state official, you can take the bar exam without meeting any of the other requirements.

    You still need to work in a law office for 4-years and have a documented mentor. They exchange law school out with law office experience. So Kyle would have to work, which I don't see possible for her. And I definitely don't see her studying. I think she might have a learning disorder or something, because I have a sense reading is difficult for her.

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  8. 10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    I don't think that dog's feet have ever touched the ground. There's nothing wrong with being cuddled but I think it's weird that the dog is either tucked up under an arm like it's a football or laying on a piece of furniture looking like it's dead. Rich people are weird, yo. 

    Anyway, the whole post was in jest. I wasn't really criticizing so much as trying to be funny.  

    I think they have to keep Giggy medicated because of his condition. That's why he gets carted everywhere. Also, they want to make sure he doesn't scratch himself. He's not a healthy dog and has had lots of health issues that are chronic. He's basically got round the clock care. Most people would have put him down, but Lisa refused to do that.

    • Love 20
  9. On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 4:53 PM, HaaCHOO said:

    Even Kelly Bensimon?

    Kelly Bensimon had the super redeeming quality of loving gummy bears.

    LuAnn is on probation and is not allowed to drink. She has to attend classes. It's not on her own recognize of a problem. Once her probation is over, she'll go back to drinking and partying like she always has. I think she's playing lip service to the system on camera, because she's trying to stay out of trouble and she's in deep shit if she messes up on the terms of her probation-- that said, I think she truly thinks the whole  thing of having is a drinking problem, classes, community service, etc. is ridiculous.

    Don't threaten to kill cops folks.

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  10. 1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    I think all Housewives are redeemable.  Every single one.  There has not yet been a "never again" moment from me, even when I thought there was.  

    So true. So true. We all have our good sides and bad sides. It's always healthy to consider the good over the bad in people. The bad just sometimes is so salient it lingers longer.

    • Love 4
  11. 1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    Even if Luann had agreed to mention Jovani at the show, maybe she just hadn't mentioned it yet.  It's possible she was fixing to mention it when Dorinda started yelling, and Dorinda actually screwed it up herself.

    Most likely not though. It's a nice thought, but judging by LuAnn's reaction, she wasn't planning on saying anything. And if she had been, she would have thrown that on Dorinda immediately-- "If you waited 2 seconds, I was about to give Jovanni a shout out."

    What's the deal with the shoutout anyway? There are hundreds of people that helped support a production. It would take the whole show to everyone props.

    • Love 4
  12. I think Dorinda got gangster and punk mixed up. Or maybe she watched a Jaden Smith video and thought that was gangster. Or maybe she was being 'hood gangster and Barbara was being mafia gangster. Who knows. They were all over the place. 

    I would kill for Luanne's bone structure. I've always thought she was the most naturally beautiful housewife. She has fantastic genes. 

    Bethanny's interactions around Tinsley seem strained. She's trying hard to not say catty things to Tinsley, which is admirable, given she spent all last season  insinuating she was dumb and just cared about eyelashes and selfies through insults to Carole.

    Tinsley, who gets her hair and make-up done professionally every morning is definitely fucking rich. She lives in a hotel penthouse. But given how much a full family would cost (i.e. Tori Spelling), she's probably spending less than allotted. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, chewycandy said:

    “Looks like Bethenny crying!”




    The best part of the whole show! Ramona give me my one laugh all episode. And it actually did look like Bethanny too! 

    Also, why did LuAnn not invite John? I remember thinking that was mean, but I'm forgetting what her reason was. 

    • Love 9
  14. So excited for this episode.

    TInsley's mom looks like Marilyn Manson.

    I loved Dorinda's interview blouse with the half turtle neck and flowers.

    Ramona's date-- uhg. Dated many guys almost exactly like that when I was single and living in DC. 

    I want to see the Countess and Friends show. Maybe I'll see her when she's in Chicago. 

    Bethanny's constant facial expressions during Dorinda and LuAnn's incredibly awkward lunch was pissing me off. I wish nothing but happiness and success for her, but man, do I hope she'll wake up one day and decide she's done with reality TV. I would be fine never seeing her and her toxic everything again

    The real estate agent could use some good blending. I'm being very nice.

    • Love 10
  15. As far as PK saying nip is a British word, I felt like he said that to just agree with Dorit. She was going on and on about how awful it was, and PK didn't really seem that upset, just sort of agreeing with her to keep it moving and move on. I thought he just kind of made that up to be like, "yeah, nip. British word, must be LV. Your right," but didn't really care that much. 

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  16. 9 minutes ago, langford peel said:

    Denise and her girls were standing at the beginning of the line to walk down the aisle. The camera focused on them as they stood there. I was looking at Eloise. Now imagine how confusing this day was for that little girl. I am sure she likes her routine and doesn't care for upheaval and confusion and new people. She must have been very confused and just a little scared. When she was she reached out her tiny hand to Aaron. For reassurance. To feel safe. To feel loved. He took it and told her that they were going to do this united as a family. Children know. They know a bad person when they are around one. 

    With Denise now working on a show full-time, Aaraon is perfect stay at home dad. I'm sure he is going to be taking care of the kids. I think he'll be great at it. 

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  17. 4 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

    Tuddy and Kyle developed an odd super close friendship rather quickly. I think it’s strange because last year, once Kyle moved into her house, she hired Teddy’s husband to do the security for it. Where soon after, she was promptly robbed of all of her very expensive and very sentimental possessions. Something like that would be very hard to recover from so quickly, especially if the new friends’ husband was hired specifically so that something like that wouldn't happen!! Wonder why teddy not only was forgiven almost immediately, but now is also inner circle. And now kyle’s decades-old friendship with Vanderpump is in ruins. Strange. 

    I sort of wondered if Tedi's new home that Edwin (Edward?) wanted came from money from Kyle's stuff.... Maybe an insurance scam? I would not be remotely surprised since Tedi and Edward can not make enough on their own to have their lifestyle. There is money coming in from somewhere.

    • Love 2
  18. 8 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

    Am I the only one that thinks PK and boy George have a sex relationship going on? It’s so weird to me that this grown man would live with them, especially because I’m assuming he still has money from “do you really want to hurt me” and would be able to at least afford a decent apartment in WeHo. PK screams gay under the radar to me, he and Dorit have ZERO chemistry and I feel like if you put even the sexiest/sexual woman in replace of her it would be the same. JMO

    I don't see gay in PK. The way he narrowed in on the split second flash of Ericka's vagina and gushed-- and how jealous Dorit got later.... PK just seems super straight to me. If he's fucking Boy George, it's just to keep him happy and around cuz he needs the money. But I don't think he is. Boy George is a legend. He can CERTAINLY find better tail that PK.

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  19. I LOVE Lisa V. Back when I was younger I loved clubbing, and I knew a lot of night club owners. Those guys are TOUGH. They are like military tough. You have to be very hard and also willing to fight to run a nightclub, cuz people who work for you will cross the line and need to be thrown out. It's a weird but insanely profitably business if managed right. But you are always always always firing and hiring people. Nightclub/restaurant/bar people can be extremely shady and dishonest--- I think it's due to being in such close contact to money, not needing an education, and the disposable attitude owners have of their employees.

    I also say this cuz Ken is a nightclub owner, and I definitely see that toughness/fight in him. He's no pushover and he's seen it all. I think Lisa's V's coldness is just a reflection of the business she is in. She also got really screwed over by that one dude that lived with her season 1- she opened up too much and he used it against her.

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  20. 6 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

    (1) We do? How?

    (2) You have to remember: Baywatch Nights. And she did have a speaking role on Silk Stalkings. But I still have no idea what this has to do with puppygate or Radar Online.

    I think the point is that she is an ACTRESS who didn't get jobs as an official actress. So she's getting her acting and need for camera time in different ways. Not saying that is what she is doing-- think that was Posters point. I actually think that might be very true with Kyle too. 

    • Love 6
  21. 9 minutes ago, swankie said:

    The people at that wedding looked so hot it was making me hot and its 45 degrees where I'm at.  And I just love Jerry O'Connell.  He cracked me up when he said people think he's Jason Bateman.  He just seems like a fun friend to have.  All in all it was a cute wedding.  Sad it couldn't have started on time though.

    My entire childhood and teen years was spent thinking Jerry and Jason were the same person.

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