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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. In my life of watching reality TV, I have yet to encounter anyone as terrible as Pedro's sister. She is so jealous of Chantel that she's literally consumed with getting Pedro away from her. I think Pedro's sister thinks that if he spends time with his friends and has fun he will leave Chantel, and she and her mom and putting major pressure on him to dump her. Seriously, if Chantel's family and Pedro's family left them alone, they would probably break up. The only thing keeping them together is the excitement and attention they get from their family in this drama of forbidden love. 

    I don't see any love between them. 

    Andrei and the wife are pretty much exactly the same. They are both spoiled. They are both irritable. Neither seem very friendly or happy. They both yell at each other and have grumpy unhappy personalities. Either of them is always complaining or unhappy about something. The way Andrei treats her is exactly  how she talks to her family. They are a match!

    I think they are a good couple actually. I've never seen two people who were so equal in sour pussnes get together.

    I like that Andrei wants to get away from the dad. But the daughter is so dependent on her family, I don't see that happening. Andrei will end up being in the family business, hating it, complaining, and they will bitch about it for their entire lives. but they will bitch about anything and everything their entire lives so it doesn't really matter.

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  2. Teddi telling Ericka how "she would feel" if Rinna impersonated her and used it as an excuse to be insulting her BFF's sister, and then being "so confused" that Ericka didn't feel the same way was pretty eye roll worthy. What is it with Teddi and Kyle trying to make these major dramas happen? I think they were able to pull  it off with Lisa V and Dorit and the dog. But I don't think Ericka and Dorit will gang up on Rinna, at least not for that.

    I have no idea if it's acting. Maybe a little, but I really do think that Kyle wants to punish Rinna for yelling at her sister. And I think Teddi is along for the ride because it gives her something to react to and she likes picking sides and wants others to as well. 

    I'm sure these ladies all have insurance on their homes. It's very sad, but it's not Katrina-- they aren't homeless now, and they will be getting a nice insurance check to rebuild. And Rinna was right-- they are okay, and that's all that really matters in the long run.

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  3. 8 hours ago, RedHawk said:

    Perpetually pretty, priviledged Cameran has never cut Kathryn much slack. Yes, Kathryn has made huge mistakes and behaved with the usual selfishness of an immature person with mental health and addiction issues. She appears to have listened to her doctors/therapists and is trying to set herself straight. Cameran has everything to make her life easy while Kathryn, 10 years younger, faced and continues to face huge struggles. Cameran could be a bit more compassionate. 

    Cameron, IMO, does not really like Kathryn that much at all. She was completely on board with being a mean girl with Landon, and IMO, she wouldn't be around Kathryn if Landon was still a cast member. I  remember when Kathryn asked Cameron out for lunch and Cameron said no. Cameron and Landon also made fun of Kathryn through an entire reunion. That disgust doesn't just go away, and I don't think it was an act. Cameron said long ago, maybe even season 1, that if Kathryn had Thomas's kids, she'd never have to work a day again. She's always been skeptical of Kathryn. Also, Kathryn doesn't kiss Cameron's ass like Shep, Whitney, and Craig. Maybe that's why she visits them more...

    Cameron, in this season, is not connecting with me. I'm not sure why she "brags' about not caring about motherhood. I don't get why she gives a shit what Shep and Craig are up too. I think she might have some arrested development. Plus, she's a real estate agent, which basically is a job anyone can do that isn't smart enough for college. 

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  4. Someone said that we should all be jealous of Tinsley. She has no pressure to work, she maintains an uber posh lifestyle, and she spends her days shopping and pampering.

    This is true! But, the fact that people are able to feel for Tinsley, to see her heart and her good side, IMO just shows how good manners she has. She has pretty impeccable manners. She doesn't brag about her money or lifestyle ever. Of all the ladies, she's the only one (besides Bethanny) that didn't need to marry to get money, though Bethanny does say that she needed to marry to have the TV show (and her husband REALLY wanted to be famous), to have the money, so I don't know if that counts. 

    Tinsely was the southern girl brought up with money, and she obviously has some pretty good upbringing. Maybe Tinsley's mom is like Sonya-- she needs her daughter to pay for stuff since she isn't part of the trust?

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  5. This season has a different flavor, not sure if it's cuz of Thomas being absent or lack of things happening in people's lives, but it's kind of gloomy. We have Cameron, who for whatever reason wants it known she's not that into being a mom. Depressing. Then we have Kathryn who appears to be on coke again, dating a guy with a worse rep than Thomas, whose uncaring aloof ready to defend attitude from her drug days has come back. Depressing. Clearly Shep, Austin, and Craig are depressing. There big thing is now gossiping and trying to put dents in their "friends" relationships. Depressing. 

    Noamie has always been a little depressing to me. She never seems very happy and she's always bitching at someone. She went from putting down Craig to putting down Kathryn. Her comment about Kathryn's spending was completely out of line. Even if Naomi was "right" or had a point, her chronic "I know what's best" and "you are messing up, fix yourself!" and "I work my ass off all the time, I know the meaning of hard work" just makes her seem close-minded and stuck in her ways. She's too young to be that fixed on how things should be and how people should act. She is hardly perfect-- if someone started picking on her flaws she'd lose it.

    Then there is Chelsea and Danni who are kind of trying to get a voice on this show. As of now, I only know Chelsea likes to talk about country stuff and talk in her southern accent, and show up at all the events. Then there is Danni who is being WAY too controlling with Kathryn, and other than that has nothing else to do but gossip with Noamie and be superior. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, film noire said:

    "Glass houses comes to mind" is not a neutral observation.

    I think Ramona is gold to reality tv editors (even if the gold is often covered in a ball of dung ; )

    Put her in any scene, and she'll do SOMETHING camera-worthy.  Even last week (during the Sonja meltdown at the table) there she was  - mostly in the background, not talking much - but she seemed to be plowing through her food like a 1900s farm labourer before heading out to the back forty.  In a cocktail gown. WTF? Who knows. It's Crazy Eyes world, and nobody else lives in it but her, her evil twin, the talking pool noodles and lipstick-kissed photos of Mario.

    Ramona  is a dork. Her awkwardness is relateable (not a word I guess) at least to me. I however am aware I'm a dork and socially awkward and sometimes try to hard. Ramona and her Darwin approved ultra powered ego would never entertain such a thought. 

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  7. 35 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

    If these broads are all just playing a character, then put AMC and OLTL back on the air.  FFS.  Erica Kane > Frankel any day of the week.   

    Either way, I’m dead embarrass to be Sonja’s daughter.  Same with little Brynnie Girl.   They can’t fake or act the drunk.  Or the screaming.  

    I think Sonia's daughter is fine. She doesn't seem to be a part of Sonia's life, and it seems that her ex husband, the daughter's dad, is very much in control of her education and experiences. I think Sonia allows this because she knows how good it is, and that she can't provide that type of support. The father, Mr. Morgan, is an incredibly old-school old-money intelligent and sage who will no undoubtedly (IMO) mentor Sydney and ensure she reaches her full potential professionally, personally, emotionally, etc. 

    Bethanny's daughter on the other hand is a wild card. Maybe Bethanny will be okay, but seeing your mom yell, scream, cry, have tantrums, on camera will mess her up later. But Bethanny thinks its all good cuz she has some money in the bank (some). Skinny Girl is going nowhere fast and she's most likely losing money on that. unless she comes up with something else soon, she'll just be living off modest royalties and more modest interest. She throws around money left and right, and does not appear to have a great deal of financial intelligence. IMO. She seems to throw money at her daughter, buy her stuff, and my thoughts are, like her parents, they will later expect her to appreciate all the shit they bought her. If Brynn tells her that her fighting with Jason made her childhood traumatic, I see Bethanny screaming, "I bought you a Nutcracker! I gave you everything! I left parties to watch you sleep!!!" 

    When Bethanny said that she had a daughter and Tinsley didn't, I also thought, "Well, Tinsley wants to make sure her child has a real family." Bethanny's daughter has Jason's family and then a super unstable neuritic mom. Yea. Way to think of your daughter as a commodity. 

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  8. 8 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

    I like Tinsley, I like Tinsley for the show but I think there are times she portrays herself to be something she's not.

    I don't think she has money. While I don't think she is as destitute as Sonja, I think she relied heavily on Scott to fund her lifestyle while she pretended they were in a serious monogamous relationship.

    If Tinsley had money or was wealthy - her family would have had property already in NY. I think the original suite Tinsley moved into - she only stayed there during filming.

    Tinsley is most definitely rich. She's one of the richest housewives having a net worth more than Bethanny. She inherited money so she doesn't have to work. Google it, you'll see she definitely rich. Super rich. She has a much higher net worth than Scott.

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  9. Bethanny's comment was mean, but when I heard it, it didn't surprise me. Luanne didn't get a free gift. Bethanny started high with purchasing something stupid for a ridiculous amount. I guess the guy decided to throw in some freebies since he just made 10 grand like that. My thought was that Bethanny was embarrassed that she spent money on something and everyone else got the same junk for free. It's like going to a bar with a girlfriend and buying a guy a drink (I'd never do this, totally an analogy of sorts), who then goes on to buy your girlfriends drinks and not yours. She was pretty pissed-- when they were  walking, she was like, "I just spent 10 grand and you got 5 grand?" and Luanne said, "It's was a present." That's when Bethanny made her comment that DEFINITELY seemed edited ii some way. Also, on rewatch, it didn't seem like Luanne or Bethanny had that exchange at that time or even in response to one another. It seemed edited in from a different time. Who knows though. 

    This is Tinsley's face when she realizes she is getting that can thing:


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  10. 19 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

    Do some of you really think the women are jealous of LuAnn? I mean.... ???

    Cabaret is kind of random. & These women are all kind of successful in their own rite except Sonja, really. Dorinda isn't successful in business but she's well off with assets. 

    Yes, I do. She's beautiful, on tour that allows her travel the country and make money,  and maintaining her calm coolness. 

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  11. 25 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    I got the feeling that Bethenny was just repeating what she may have done at times with her mother.  

    I'm not always a huge fan of Bethenny's, but in that moment, I really liked and respected her and the way she handled Sonja.  She knew just what to do, and did not seem frazzled or pissed off at all.  

    SHE CAUSED HER TO FALL! It's Bethanny's fault. She was standing over her commanding that she go to bed. Not only that, but she was saying she would hit her or something like that. Egging on some type of physical fight. When she tried to get up, Sonja fell. Of COURSE Bethanny was there for Sonja. She was probably scared shitless that she would be in trouble.  My guess is she will lay off Sonja for a LONGGGG time. 

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  12. Thoughts on this episode...

    I was very happy for this episode. I also started the episode understanding all the "staff" were paid "production assistants" which was helpful, because it made me not feel bad for them (they can start their IMG profile!) and the more outlandish behavior they encountered, the more likely they would be on TV, which would be a win for them.

    Bethanny was good to admit she was wrong yelling at Sonja. It was funny in her interview she made it seem like she insisted the paramedics come (Barbara was the one that insisted on calling the paramedics). 

    Because the paramedics were blurred, I believe they were real paramedics. Everyone else (including servers, boutique staff, people at hotels) must be Bravo employees. 

    Why is it so hard for Tinsley to meet someone? I don't get it. She only met Scott because Carole hooked her up, and he was a Carole groupie. Maybe she needs to meet more women with groupies that they want off their plates? (Scott had reached out to Carole begging to be friends as he is obsessed and has huge Kennedy collection).

    People were really shitty to Luanne. Maybe she's wrong on why, but they still were super heavy on the criticisms. I don't think Luanne is wrong that the ladies don't want to see her do well. However, Luanne is setting herself up if she thinks this group of drunkies are going to help her stay sober. However, I do think she might have been disappointed that her once champion Barbara is no longer around. It's kind of wierd how Barabara started as a super vocal, ready to fight Luanne advocate, and now doesn't care at all. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    If Aaron is truly adopting Eloise, I’m going to give him a pass for life.

    My cynical self says that guarantees him child support when they divorce. Brandi's back because the show needs some tension and the beef with Camille is just not going to cut it. 

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  14. I'm not 100% that Lisa V isn't a sociopath. I don't know that I've seen her express any genuine concern about anyone, and she doesn't really seem to care too much about her daughters. She acts like Harry is just a visitor in the home. Polite but distant. I hope I'm wrong, but the girls have had mental problems their entire lives and Lisa R doesn't really seem to care too much, after getting attention from it. 

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  15. 8 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

    LVP said that BRAVO has refused to include her for the rest of the season.  She has confirmed she won't be attending the reunion this week.  It's all over the media that she has quit (likely pushed out).

    It's fine. They are bringing Kim back in who will fill the drama void.

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  16. 6 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

    I’ve been back watching a few months.  Lisa does not eat, or she’ll take one bite and that’s it.  She’s not skinny for no reason.

    Lisa R puts the skinny girls that claim to eat all the time to bed. To be that skinny, you just can't eat. I would say, given Lisa's weight, she does not eat any carbs at all,  and only takes in a small amount of vegetables and protein here and there in very tiny amounts. 

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  17. 35 minutes ago, nexxie said:

    I wonder if Lisa and Harry have an arrangement more than a marriage - she saved his ass from assault charges and kept a roof over his head during the lean times, and he provided Hollywood clout and eye-candy. That was then, but now ain’t working.

    I think the whole truth is probably very complicated. But I think this might be in the right lane. Lisa R is very old school, and she seems to still be relishing in marrying a guy that that was named as People's hottest (even though that was in the 80s). She also seems like she's supporting the family, and Harry came off as a bit of spoiled brat, demanding Lisa fix the kids. He's not even supporting them! WTF! Get with the program Harry-- you are a white male, but you can't make demands without money. Try harder.

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