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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. 5 hours ago, lasu said:

    So I went to AA.  I stayed in for over a year, and I got a lot out of it. You're supposed to go to 90 meetings your first 90 days.  I went to 156.  I had a sponsor. I later had a sponsee.  I worked a good and honest program and it was beneficial to me.  But it was also hard, because I didn't fit that "one drink, now the barrel" definition.  I'm also an atheist and so the god/higher power part could be problematic for me (and one of the reasons I have a problem with it being court mandated.)

    I don't think you have to attend AA necessarily. But you do need to attend some type of therapy each week. AA is usually the best choice because they are all over the place and reliable. But you don't have to do AA-- you can do a similar program or therapy. Maybe there is a cost-- AA is free...

    3 minutes ago, kicksave said:

    Yikes! you can really see how much cosmetic work she's had in this shot...

    Yeah, she looks gross. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

    Regarding Lu and whether she will drink when she is done with her sentence and whether she is an alcoholic. I am not an alcoholic by any stretch of the imagination. I like good wine (and admittedly sometimes shitty wine). But 6 months ago I got a DWI. And now I can’t have any alcohol for 3 years while on probation. I don’t clamor for it. I don’t jones for it. I don’t cheat because I will never go to jail to have a glass of wine. But you can bet that the minute I am done I will have a nice glass of Rose. And I mean the minute I am done. So I for one don’t judge her for that. 

    Good for you! You should still enjoy a glass of wine. Just don't drive anywhere!

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  3. Andy to Ramona- "You said shit about Dennis."

    Ramona to everyone-- "I did, I feel terrible. It was awful. I'm so sorry."

    Andy to Bethanny-- "What do you think about this?"

    At this point, I'm completely waiting for Bethanny to say how hurtful that was to Dennis, that he was kind a considerate, generous man. How painful that was to his daughters.. etc."

    What Bethanny says: "Ramona has a problem with me."

    Because everything is  about Bethanny. Which I suppose isn't too surprising since she can only stand to be around people who give her full attention, hence her newfound love for Dorinda.

    • Love 22
  4. My personal feeling is LVP does not owe anyone on the show or associated with it anything. If she wants to quit, she can quit. She doesn't need a reason. It's a free country. 

    The show maybe made her famous and opened doors. But it certainly wasn't a charitable act.

    I've never been a huge LVP fan so I'm actually glad she is gone. I was thinking she might quit when she was getting all the heat from Brandi, but then Brandi left. Now I think she left because I believe she is truly repulsed by Dorit for taking Lucy to a shelter. I think she is beyond furious. When the other ladies took Dorit's side, LVP was out. The way she went about it was sleazy and slightly diabolical. She failed by trying to get Teddi to hurt Dorit for her instead of just telling Dorit she was a piece of shit and could go to hell. 

    Oh well. She's gone now. Goodbye LVP. 

    I'll miss Ken I have to say. An old rich chubby guy with a pink shirt, white pants, and rainbow belt, holding several small lap dogs at all times is just not something you see everyday. Not in real life or on TV. Ken Jr. (John Sensa) has some big shoes to fill.

    Camille's new husband is very good looking. I think Aaron is incredibly good looking as well. 

    Denise is very strong for going through all she has and remaining in the game. I liked her the most on this reunion as I have all season. 

    • Love 3
  5. I always got Denise Richards and Rebecca Greyhart mixed up in the 90s. Denise Richards was VERY famous from her movie "Wild Things." It was the rage of anyone sexually active in the 90s. 

    Lisa Rinna. Not sure about the look. I think she looks way cuter with her iconic shag hair. I also didn't like how her lips were lined. She had a thick beige/pink line on her top lip, which I didn't really get. Ericka also had nude lipstick, but hers looked really good. 

    Camille is on a huge high horse, and in season 1 she presented herself as someone better than everyone. At the time I thought it was because she was married to Grammar who is highly regarded as talented as an actor. But she is still the same way, long after Grammar basically said she was hell to live with, and it's almost worse. That said, it was kind of shitty Andy pitting Camille (who tried to get everything possible) and Denise (who was super kind) against each other and their divorces. I think Camille is a keen and sharp business lady. I think Denise is happy with some sunshine and a big dick and weed. Charlie and Grammar are so different. Charlie is all about being sleazy, where Grammar is all about being the intellect. So they married people that supported their images. 

    I don't think Camille is intelligent. I do think she is more aware  of her image and values looking intelligent. I don't think Denise really thinks about whether she looks intelligent. She does want people to know she is getting laid, however, and her kids have a dad. I don't think Denise is any more intelligent than Camille, she just has a different lifestyle. 

    • Love 10
  6. Pao and Russ-- Pao likes that she married a successful white man in the USA who can support her. Russ is superficial and likes having a sexy wife that turn people's heads. They don't get along, they are both spoiled brats, and they both seem to be very competitive with one another. That said, it may just be they both have arrested development and are best suited for one another. I find pouty faced defensive Russ intolerable. Pao is constantly getting a rise out of him by challenging his control issues with her own control tactics. 

    Ultimately Russ will do what Pao wants, but she has to fight for it. Russ always seems miserable and pissed. The few times he appears happy, Pao swoops in to make him do something.  They seem to have a very codependent relationship where they both need to keep constant tabs and have constant control over the other. 

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  7. Andy seemed a little checked out this reunion. He might just be getting  old, who knows. He did seem genuinely interested in Tinsley and Scott. 

    Ramona was SUCH A BITCH to say that she thought Luanne was drinking  on the side. How completely fucked up is that? Ramona has the classic toxic Catholic blame personality. Just ridicule and humiliate people so they will shape up. 

    I thought Sonia looked beautiful at the reunion. Dorinda's dress was super duper pretty. I didn't like Luanne's outfit with all the prom-ish crap. I'm sure it's expensive, but it looks too much. 

    I love Bethanny's fake "congratulations" on Tinsley's lashes. Probably because she made fun of Carole and Tinsley last season for caring about lashes. 

    Bethanny was IN HER ELEMENT at the reunion. She also seemed to know what Andy was going to ask. She waited for him to finish his questions and she seemed very very practiced. She knows that the ladies will let her talk so just interrupts and interjects constantly. I absolutely hate it. It's soooo toxic, completely NOT inclusive, and Bethanny would be fired in 2 minutes if she ever tried to work somewhere for violating diversity and inclusion policies.

    I don't love to hate Bethanny. I hope to never see her again and I wish God erases her from my mind. She has said funny things before, but so has JEFFREY DAHMER!

    I love (NOT) that Bethanny had to put down and reject Luanne's comment about not liking photographers but massive name dropping and saying how all the famous people that she lives right next to don't complain. And then she continued to name drop, a mile a minute to get  it all out there. 

    Bethanny is SUCH A FUCKING SNOB BITCH. She is the worst social climber EVER. She only cares about names and being seen. She's just the worst. 

    Dorinda is pissed that Luanne didn't even her to the clam bake. But Bethanny is the one that orchestrated that but Dorinda is clearly ignoring that fact.

    This show is so stupid at times. I think it would be better off to have the thing cancelled altogether. 

    • Love 7
  8. Bethanny made her money by selling to Beam Global for 100 million. IMO her current stuff is just side money. She isn't going to get rich selling SkinnyGirl clothes, that's for sure. The whole show took me less than 10 minutes to watch since I fast forwarded anything Bethanny. 


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  9. 14 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

    Who cares if Naomi goes to Colorado?  Seriously, she joined the show as Craig’s girlfriend and is now on the show as his ex.  Colorado is not a make it or break it trip.  Also if Metal doesn’t want her on a filmed trip with 8 friends and an ex there are issues in that relationship.

    I don't think he cares to be honest. I think Naomi is just trying to be as perfect as possible to keep him around. He doesn't seem that into her-- he's not even pretending to look into the possibility of going to CO, and he never shows up anywhere. But he seems to have plenty of time to do stuff by himself. Hummmm. 

    3 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

    This pairing makes so much sense to me. Perhaps they bonded over being 2 of the most disliked cast members.

    I think they like the same drugs. Just my opinion though. 

    • Love 6
  10. 41 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

    Dang, Chelsea’s body is sick!  I declare, as I sit on my couch eating chips.

    I think Chelsea looks frail. She's super pale and seems very low energy. Maybe having an UNavailable boyfriend is messing with her self esteem. 

    • Love 5
  11. The show is clearly dry that they brought Ashley back. I think everyone looked at her like, "shit, we are really failing if they have her here!" and even then, Ashley had more to say than any of them altogether. 

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  12. It's cute that Naomi likes her boyfriend so much. But the truth is he is never going to put up with her IMO. That relationship will not last. To be married to a doctor you must be submissive and a stay at home type taking direction. Unless you marry another doctor, and have a competitive relationship, but I think Naomi will be hard to match. She's doing her best to be sweet and coy, but that shit won't last too long. And doctors can have anyone they want so they don't put up with stuff.

    Also, Naomi is homely and has a shitty personality. So I don't see it going to far. Cameron married a doctor (anesthesia, the most high paying kind!) and she's super beautiful and completely submissive AND funny! And high rolls with Charleston's best. I'm sure Jason is super pleased with his pick.  

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  13. Debbie is slamming doors because she knows it pisses off Larissa. Larissa knows ignoring Debbie and grooming pisses off Debbie, so she ignores Debbie and grooms. 

    Coltee should have better prepared his mom for a wife. It's like bringing home a new baby or a kitten if you have a dog. You need to spend some time preparing so it's not just major shock. 

    Larissa was a major shock to Debbie. I'm not sure who to blame, but I think that Coltee made poor decisions all around and tried to have his cake and eat it too. Now he's sitting in it. 

    • Love 12
  14. 1 minute ago, bobalina said:

    Piker. My mom was in labor 5 days. The one beforw I was born on morphine. Never believed the story until I asked the doctor and she said it was all true.

    Idated a guy like Colt. Only child, older single mom. Their relationship was the same, no sex. He dated but waited to marry until she was gone. Being good to her son was all it took to keep her happy. Larissa goes out of her way to push Debbie's buttons. In the car I would have pushed her out on the freeway.

    Larissa or Debbie? Inquiring minds and all...

  15. 18 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

    She is so miserable and her mom needs to stop with the whole "Pao is s here aloneee" poor victim Pao has been in the US for quite some time. She seems to have plenty of friends and has no problem using Juan to bully Russ.

    Pao's mom is milking camera time, IMO. She always has a problem with something. She was mad at Russ glaring at her, she's now mad at Russ's mom for whatever reason. Pao is such an attention seeker. She gets WAY more attention and reaction from people by not letting them hold the baby, than being a normal human being and letting her baby bond with others. She's being so selfish and immature. She's such a control and attention freak, it's lame.

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  16. Confession: I groomed my husband and he's older than me. I had to. He was a total idiot when I met him. I'm actually still grooming him, 10 years later.

    I can't help but like Andrei. I like Libby's father a lot as well. I like Libby. Her sister's seem like shit stirrers and greedy for camera time. I don't doubt they love Libby, but they are DEFINITELY eating up the camera time and going for the Grammy. Libby's dad seems genuine, but he's kind of a jerk to Andrei. Men don't really like other men encroaching on their territory.

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  17. Debbie is a mean old lady. I have to say. Larissa knows exactly how to push her buttons and goes for it 100%. It's funny, but painful as well. Coltee will probably never have a mate until after mom Coltee passes away or becomes infirm. Which hopefully never happens, as Coltee and his mom are best left for each other.

    Pao and Russ. Uhg. They are both so childish and maddening. Pao doesn't want Russ' mom to hold the baby because she doesn't like her, IMO. My cousin didn't let my aunt hold her baby either. Now she doesn't care, but when the baby was born she wouldn't put that baby down because she didn't want my aunt to try to hold her. But Russ and Pao bickering about whether Russ mom can hold the baby was torturous. I don't like any of them to be honest. I winced because I couldn't fast forward through them since I'm watching it on TV. UHG.

    I think Pedro is good looking. I think Chantel and her mother are terrible. I think that Pedro's mom and sister are beyond help. It's all just a train wreck. I have no idea why Chantel and Pedro love each other. I don't ever see them do anything but fight and seem miserable around each other.

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  18. On 7/2/2019 at 9:34 PM, Horrified said:

    Yeah and she'll ride that wave until her looks go in a few years. She doesn't have any redeeming personality qualities to save her when she's 30.

    my 12 year old self would like to point out that she walks like a camel and needs oil blotting papers.  And her mouth opens about 2 seconds before a sound comes out.  Brain battery needs to rev up I guess.

    Unfortunately, Chantel does seem very dim. Although I will give her credit for making sure Pedro drama never interrupts her beauty sleep, beauty routine, skin, etc. She never looks disheveled, even though her relationship is a mess and they are constantly fighting. I'd be up all night crying and looking like total shit not able to get out of bed if I had to deal with Pedro and his family.

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  19. Cameron has become a bit of snobby lady to me. Her adoration of Shep kind of makes me think she's just a social climber. She's said on seasons past that hanging out with Patricia was like her dream and means you have made it, or something. As far as I know, she's not educated, kind of dumb like Shep (who has a GRE vocabulary, but used the term "binary" wrong which outed him, to me, a fake smart guy) and kind of desperate for attention. I'm just not a fan of her complaining all the time about how being a mom is not compatible with her control issues. Who is easier to control than a baby anyway? Don't get it.

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  20. 25 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    I thought you were referring to Kathryn having a historical name (Calhoun) that makes her important that’s what I was referring to as being problematic given his name has been removed from several places and people have been trying to get rid of references to him in several more. 

    Well, they will all be scrubbed eventually. It's the south and I'm guessing most made their money from slaves. Thomas and Ezira live on plantations AND actually brag about them being plantations. No one is clean. 

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