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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. I think Anna's love for Mursel stems from the fact he checks off her boxes:

    White- check

    Not balding/ has hair -- check

    Taller than her -- check

    Has penis -- check

    I don't think Anna is much different than Danielle, in that she's trying to keep a man that is more attractive than what she could get domestically. I know people aren't finding Mursel model material, but I'm sure in her area, men that are her age and would date her, Mursel is like a dream boat. I used to live in Iowa, and I guarantee you, most men his age are bald, fat, and sloppy. Mursel DOES have the hick-farmer speak down. The way he talks is very similar to some of the  super rural farmer guys I was raised around. Very little speech, never initiates conversation, only motivated to eat and fuck. Silent and doesn't engage with anyone unless he needs to eat or sleep.  Not a lot of consideration into the quality of either. I sense that Mursel is from a small rural town and is a farmer. So Nebraska IS a fit in that sense. 


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  2. When I met my husband he was undocumented. There are SO MANY people that married a friend to get the green card. I know at least two people who paid someone to marry them, and they only saw them two or three times in their lives. It's crazy to me that it's that difficult for Angela and Michael. I think what Michael said is that in the interview he talked about also bringing his mother over to "see the wedding." IMO that's what did it. They know she will stay and never go back. Then when Michael gets his citizenship, he can sponsor her. It's crazy to me how difficult it is to bring someone over, but there are literally millions of people already here that are undocumented, that can get married and be green like that. Yet people who do it the right way, and follow all the rules and pay all the money can't get in? It's such a broken dumb system.

    For some reason I never understood what was wrong with Jasmin, but when the mom called her a diva, I finally got it. She's intentionally putting up these boundaries and being a bitch on purpose. The thing is, if she's so much better than everyone, she wouldn't be there. Poor Blake is her best option. What is she going to do when her fillers need redone? Go back to Finland?


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  3. So I've been super sleuthing on the internet (really a 10 minute search), and it appears Angela is nurse assistant at a hospice in a neighboring town. It looks like Angela bought her house in 2015 for 16,000. That's the price for tiny old houses in her town. So it's super doubtful she has section 8, and the kids' mom is probably the one that has custody of the kids and gets the welfare. Now, the kids with the mom in jail, Angela may be fostering those kids until the mom gets out, in which case, she would receive a small stipend. Nothing crazy. 

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  4. Angela and Mike are just two people in the world, who work, and are trying to be happy. How can you not have empathy given the dice they were rolled? Michael in a poor country with no opportunity, and Angela in US poverty, which is nearly impossible to escape. She's trying to give her grandkids a safe environment where they aren't abused. 

  5. Aw, man! I feel for Angela. Getting out of poverty is very difficult, and the stigma associated with those in poverty is very real. I think Angela is doing the best she can, PLUS I think she's funny!  She's not super sophisticated and her thoughts and ideas are simple, but she's not a scholar. I think making fun of Angela because she's in poverty is cruel. She works as a nurse aide overnights and is really trying to get Michael to the US. I actually think she deserves that, and I am rooting for her. She's got common sense, IMO, and great sense of humor, and I think she is very pretty. She gets nasty when she feels insecure, but I'm not holding that against her. It's a defense mechanism and it's not personal to anyone, IMO. 

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  6. Julianna and Michaeal's relationship is purely transactional. However, I'm not sure what either are getting. Maybe Michael is getting a  friend/nanny for his kids? Julianna clearly is trying to escape her country and get a green card.

    I have a friend from the Ukraine, and yes, they are direct, no nonsense, and the epitome of high strung, goal-oriented. Plus, I feel that Michael HAD to know that telling her he believed that the religious world is mistaking aliens for God, isn't going to go over well. Then again, maybe he was raised under a rock. Really though, I think Natalie is just a ton smarter than Mike. He is never going to be able to keep up with her mentally. He's always going to be confused. And apparently walking aimlessly

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  7. Syngin is the best person to ever be on this show. He's sweet, compassionate, loving, great looking, and seems to be completely committed to Tania. He expresses himself beautifully, and I think that Tania is actually a good match for him!

    I felt sad for Mursel. His family seems very conservative Islam and I sort of wonder if Mursel is fleeing from them. I bet his life back in Turkey was hell. I think he is really sad to have to leave, but it's hard to fight culture. Culture always wins.


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  8. Joe Gorga trying to be "dad" sort of makes me feel sorry for him. He just comes off as so dumb. He always has a surprised look on his face which I don't understand. It just makes him seem so dopey. Don't get me started on Melissa. Her feeble attempts to sympathize with her husband and care about Joe Gorga are also hard to watch. Teresa may not be the greatest in verbal expression, but her instincts regarding Melissa are spot on IMO.

    Melissa and Jackie, IMO get along because they think they are better than everyone, and have in-tact families.

    Teresa and her kids together are wonderful. She's got some very sweet, loving kids. Gia is a real care taker.

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  9. My last husband was an attorney who went to a very good law school. I also have a good friend who went to Columbia (and was classmates with Caroline Kennedy!) and both say  law school rankings are SUPER important. That said, a lot of attorneys don't need to really do/know a whole lot.  Like real estate attorneys in laws where an attorney needs to issue the title. That's just paperwork. A lot of lawyers do mostly underwriting type stuff because the law in that state says a lawyer must do it. But it's really just an admin job. My husband went to a good law school (top 10) and he is very intelligent, but he does consumer bankruptcy which is really low-paying and very admin/paperwork heavy. OF course the Columbia grad works at a fancy law firm in DC and works with large corporations who are sued by other large corps. For the most part, if you are a lawyer and working on behalf of an individual, that is mostly low paying and doesn't take much skill (i.e., DWIs, property titles, underwriting individual policies, anything consumer).

    That said, the fact that Emily and Shane even care about higher education and being attorneys says a lot about them.

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  10. I think it would be good for Tamra to be off this show. She really has no identity without it, and I feel like she might just need some rest and time to spend with her family. Then again, she needs the money, given Eddie doesn't make anything and she's got a zillion kids. No wonder she hates her life so much. She was in a foul mood at Vicki's. I was really excited when she was yelling at Gina and appeared at first to be running away, but really just went a few yards and stood behind a bush. And then came back.



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    Yes, Emily's mom is gorgeous. She also has a happy personality, which Sasha seems to also enjoy. LOL WInk Wink.

    Emily may have a personality but it's not evident yet. I'm not sure exactly what she cares about, besides showing the world that Sasha will take care of a baby. I think the poster who commented on Emily thinking she was special and the other women were mistakes was right on. Emily may realize that Sasha just treats everyone like shit, and she's gonna to definitely have a problem with it. Especially that it's being filmed, I'm sure she's humiliated. She got Sasha to be there for the delivery, more than the other women  did (but as Sasha explained, culturally, it would be weird for the man to be there, so not really too surprising). I think Emily is going to be in for a rude awakening when she realizes the power and stamina of Sasha's ego. It's ginormous. I'm even going to venture to say that Sasha may have a bigger ego than Jesse, which almost seems impossible. Any type of direction or pressure from a women send them into a manic meltdown. They MUST have the final say. They are right.

    Again, baby David needs a check-up. Let's get to that first.

    Annie and Mursel. Oh my. Two people who are naturally shy and quiet. I think Annie's frustration is that she herself isn't able to explain how she feels and she's overwhelmed with emotions. She wants Mursel to help her, but he's quiet in his own language, so get him to come out of his shell speaking English is an impossible task. I actually don't think the problem is that hard. From the previews, it looks like Mursel is from a small-town and has closed-minded parents. He obviously wants more than that, cuz he's in the US, happily fucking without being married and living with another man's sperm creations. 

    All said, Annie seems fun. I'd go drink with her any day!

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  12. Not that it matters, but Stephen Hawking, the genius physicist, was asked about God. He has faith in God, and he said that aliens are impossible. He said if there was intelligent life out there, they would have destroyed us all by now.

    Belief in God and belief in aliens are two different things. It's not one or the other, IMO. I know religious people who believe in aliens and religious people who don't. Mike is taking it step further when he says that he thinks people throughout time explained alien behavior for God. 

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  13. Why are they talking about cereal? Why aren't they worried about baby David's ginormous head and the fact he weighs more than a 1st grader. I'd be hurrying back to America and heading to a pediatrician ASAP to get that kid checked out.

    I wonder if Sasha will pull a Fernanda once he realizes how banal Indiana is, and that the work he wants to do is all on the West Coast. He's probably going to want Emily to move to LA, or he will move there saying he'll send for her once he's settled, and well, never talk to her again. Unlike all the other couples, I don't see any sort of connection between Emily and Sasha. He's distant, and she's whiney. I've never seen them have any type of conversation, and he isn't warm or comforting. When she was giving birth, he looked annoyed and bored. Anyway, if Emily thinks anyone is going to want Sasha, with three kids by three different women, and three marriages, she's bonkers. She's a special type of desperate.

    Mike seems nice enough, but the alien thing is just too much. I understand what Natalie is talking about when she says people who don't have faith are scary. They are, IMO. Is not about believing in certain stories, but more about believing that there is something out there that is more powerful than you and that you're not the center of the universe, that you are accountable for your actions and that your actions matter. That's my opinion though, and I also can't imagine ever dating a guy that believed that aliens were real, let alone that people mistook aliens for Jesus.

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  14. Great comments! I can't quote everything, but I agree with so much on here.

    1. Jennifer is insecure about her relationship. Is her husband playing around on the side? Probably. Does Jennifer know/suspect? Definitely. 

    2. I don't think Joe wanted to be in ICE anymore. He was complaining all the time about it, and Teresa and the girls were hoping to keep him in the country to appeal, but he couldn't stand it another moment from what I understood. He wanted out of ICE.

    3. Why don't Dolores and Frank just get back together? What's keeping David from committing, IMO, is Frank.

    4. I don't understand the hatred that Margaret has for Danielle. She needs to get over it. Her reaction to Marty and Danielle having sex was, IMO inappropriate.

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  15. This whole 1-hour "preview" is annoying. IMO. FYI.

    Thoughts on the "preview" which is really just half the show. 

    1. I love that Sasha is standing up to Emily's dumb sister. That said, why is she making breakfast? That seemed producer driven to me, BUT let's say it wasn't. Giving a guy you know is a fitness freak overly processed sugar-laden food is pretty dumb. So either the producers set that up, or she is just an idiot. Also, wouldn't Emily tell her sister ahead of time what kind of food to have on hand? Or are these people just that ill prepared/ dumb. In that case, they need Sasha who seems to be the smartest of the bunch, so far.

    2. Michael's comment about being seen as a rich and sleazy guy. No, you are just seen as sleazy. You live in a 80's house, desperate for rehabbing. I don't believe that at an home wedding with 40 guests is gonna be 40k to 100k. That would be 4000 a guest, which is nuts for the most elaborate location. Very staged. No way. That man is spending probably 5K at most for his "at home" wedding. He's either playing Julianna or just trying to play us that he that rich. Don't buy it for a second.

    3. The post-nup for Julianna. I think Michael is starting to understand that he is getting played. Julianna is starting to understand that Michael is on to her. It's interesting. He's weird and she's taken a few sexy pics. They are both fakers.

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  16. On 12/4/2019 at 8:23 PM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

    The problem though is that Kelly never had an issue with Vicki being a "conwoman" before, so which is it? Does Kelly really care about the morality here or is she simply looking for ways to defame Vicki? Either Kelly was originally willing to overlook Vicki being in on a cancer scam in order to have a friend on the show or else she is now lying about thinking VIcki is a conwoman in order to make her look bad. Either way, Kelly doesn't have a moral leg to stand on - there's dishonesty on her part in either scenario. Which makes her not much better than Vicki.

    Kelly never had an issue with Vicki when Vicki needed a friend and relied on Kelly. But then the other ladies took her back and she didn't care about Kelly anymore. Vicki did the exact same thing to Alexis-- befriended her when she didn't have anyone else to film with, and then dump her as soon as Tamra and her were friends again. Kelly is definitely hurt, and she should be, IMO. Vicki totally fucked her over when she tried to get in with Kelly's ex to have a couple to hang with with her and Steve. 

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  17. I always thought that Vicki and Brooks were both on the cancer scam, since they were trying to peddle some natural product. I don't think they thought that it was going to be challenged, and that messed everything up. Vicki flat out lied saying she had this binder of his medical history and that she went with him to visits. Everyone knows she was lying and was part of the scam. Brooks is a serial scammer, and Vicki likes money, so I think they tried to partner, but since they are both dumb as rocks it didn't work out. 

    I think Vicki is fun to hang out with, but if you try to get close to her, there are lots of secrets and denials. Best to keep it light. 

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  18. Emily is a big lady. I don't think it's a big deal, except that she is always making contradictory statements. She makes off handed comments that imply she's insecure about her weight, but then she also says she embraces her body. My personal thought is that she's a binge eater.  I had a friend that was really big (bigger than she was comfortable being) and she had these dietary restrictions about gluten, and she would always pack a healthy lunch, and she ate healthy. But she admitted that she binge eats at times. Like an entire bag of Doritos and an entire cake and ice cream. She'd "diet" until she felt hungry again, which could be days or weeks, and then do it all over. I'm not saying that Emily has BED, but she's taking in a bunch of calories somewhere. 

    Tamra seems to be fine with eating for the most part, so is Vicki, Gina, and Kelly. THis is just me, but as someone with a lot of eating problems and history of eating disorder, I HATE to see it on this show. I hate the ladies with obvious eating disorders, because it just reminds me of how hard it is to be normal, and how obvious it is when you aren't. Brownyn, Lisa Rinna, and Jackie from NJ are currently the folks I fast forward because of how they always have to make a big deal about food and eating. 

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  19. 6 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

     What the hell does Shannon have in common with Tamra?  Those two do not belong together at all.  They are night and day.  If anything, I think Shannon and Emily would be a better fit.

    Tamra drinks. Emily doesn't. If Shannon quit drinking, she wouldn't have anything in common with Tamara. Right now, they both like to get sloppy drunk and take unlimited shots. It's got to get hard to find drinking buddies and party friends in your 50's. 

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  20. How does anyone keep track of when 90 Day Finance is on? Is it Sunday? I'm so confused. When did this air. What's happening? The schedule is terrible. 

    The honey party favors were adorable. Mursel's alter of honeycomb was everything. They are like human versions of bees. Anna is sweet, she's just quiet and has a hard time verbalizing, but her face says everything. To be honest, I really had no idea what Anna was trying to say to Mursel at the honeycomb. 

    Anny and Robert are, as Pao said it best on Pillow Talk, BOTH divas. It will be interesting to see how this all works out. It was nice how Robert took Anny to the gym but totally made it seem that it was to "blow off steam." No, Robert, you want girl to lose weight, nicely played on that one.

    The sectional couch was awesome. But yeah, in 5-years it will be dated. Too expensive for something trendy for, IMO, anyone. He is being super nice to her. She bought a car for her time in Brazil, that now her sister is using to make money? She's definitely playing the little girl thing to her fullest advantage. I'm sure she can get a different rich guy, and he knows it. He's torn.

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  21. 3 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

    I don't think it is terrible to want even your parents to give you a heads up before coming by.  It is not a fault, it is a preference.  I'm the same way.  I would like to make sure everybody is fully dressed (ex. Not have mr.walsh laying in his boxers and a tshirt watching football) and the house at least moderately presentable.  Some people are not naturally neat and so that means - and yes, even with your own parents- that you want a bit of leeway before anybody comes into your home, rather an an always open door.  To me that's just an issue of respect of ones home life, not a lack of closeness of family.  Dolores was incredibly bitchy this episode and her trying to flip it to something wrong or different about Jackie wasn't cutting it.  She should have just owned her shit.  

    My mom wants me to give her a heads up that I'm coming by. She would get upset if I just showed up and yell at me for not calling first. I also don't get along with my mom and I'm always upset by how cold and uncaring she is. 

    Anyhoo, I sort of am feeling that Jackie's MO this season is to show her superiority by countering everything the women do. Doroles has an open house that everyone is welcome to come by-- she will greet with open arms. Jackie has to say the opposite. Jennifer gets lipo to lose weight. Jackie has to show her that she loses weight by controlling her food and not eating. Jennifer has a lavish home and buys tons of shit for her kids. Jackie has to write an article mocking her a bit and labeling her kids as spoiled. Jackie also has to show as little interest in parties as possible, and prove that as long as the kids are having fun presentation doesn't matter. Her throwing the party favors on the sidewalk and then insisting that that kids only care with the favor is, is well, wrong. The kids are smart enough to know they are picking someone out of a box and it's not that exciting. They put the Happy Meal toy in a gifty/ kid friendly bag for a reason.

    She's purposely being difficult. I think if Dolores said that she was making her parents call before coming now, Jackie would say, "Oh, well, I just started asking my parents to surprise us, and we love it!"

    I am beyond thrilled she is not my mom. I'd definitely have issues with someone that I have to constantly compete with. 

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  22. My thought was Jackie purposely made the party underwhelming to make a point to the plastic surgery lady that she didn't care about parties and to sort of stand her ground and well, be stubborn. She seems petty and dog headed about making her point that she isn't impressed by Jennifer's showy wealth. She's also probably pretty intimidated by Jennifer who has more money than her. Jackie seems like someone that always wants to be the queen bee in her friend circle and have the best life in comparison to others. She also thinks she is smarter than everyone, and to be honest, I don't think she's really demonstrated that. 

    She doesn't seem very nice and really really into herself. 

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  23. Yeah, seeing Joe's sperm made me insecure about my intelligence. Thanks for fucking with me head Bravo. Don't do that again. No one likes Joe. He's a total douche. He's short and dumb. Keep him off of the screen. Thanks.

    Jackie is such a bitch. She thinks she is so much better than everyone, and she doesn't come off as smart as she thinks she does. Marge is the same way, she's a total snob and is putting up with the likes of Teresa to keep her job, but she can only hold it in so long. Marge is broke as well. SO much.

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